private void AutoSizeColumns(XLSheet sheet) { for (int c = 0; c < sheet.Columns.Count; c++) { int colWidth = -1; for (int r = 0; r < sheet.Rows.Count; r++) { object value = sheet[r, c].Value; if (value != null) { // get value (unformatted at this point) string text = value.ToString(); // format value if cell has a style with format set var s = sheet[r, c].Style; if (s != null && s.Format.Length > 0 && value is IFormattable) { string fmt = XLStyle.FormatXLToDotNet(s.Format); text = ((IFormattable)value).ToString(fmt, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } // get font (default or style) var font = this._book.DefaultFont; if (s != null && s.Font != null) { font = s.Font; } // measure string (add a little tolerance) _tblMeasure.FontFamily = new FontFamily(font.FontName); _tblMeasure.FontSize = 3 * font.FontSize / 2; _tblMeasure.FontWeight = font.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal; _tblMeasure.FontStyle = font.Italic ? FontStyles.Italic : FontStyles.Normal; _tblMeasure.Text = text; // keep widest so far int w = (int)(_tblMeasure.ActualWidth); if (w > colWidth) colWidth = w; } } // done measuring, set column width if (colWidth > -1) sheet.Columns[c].Width = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(colWidth); } }
/// <summary> /// Changes to using the passed in sheet. Note that changing to a new sheet automatically resets the /// internal row and column counter used by WriteRecords. /// </summary> /// <param name="sheet">Sheet to change to</param> public void ChangeSheet( int sheet) { // Peform any column resizing for the current sheet before we change it PerformColumnResize(); // Insert all the sheets up to the index we need if the count is less var sheets = _book.Sheets; if (sheet >= sheets.Count) { for (var i = sheets.Count; i <= sheet; i++) { sheets.Insert(i); } } _sheet = sheets[sheet]; _row = _col = 0; }
private void _btCreate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // create new workbook if (_book == null) { _book = new C1XLBook(); } // clear the book _book.Clear(); _book.Sheets.Clear(); // load from resources Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); foreach (string res in a.GetManifestResourceNames()) { if (!res.ToLower().EndsWith(".xlsx")) { continue; } using (var stream = a.GetManifestResourceStream(res)) { // load Excel file var book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(stream, FileFormat.OpenXml); // clone and rename first sheet (sheet names must be unique) var ss = res.Split('.'); Debug.Assert(ss.Length >= 3); XLSheet clone = book.Sheets[0].Clone(); clone.Name = ss[ss.Length - 2]; // add cloned sheet to main book _book.Sheets.Add(clone); } } // allow save the file _lblStatus.Text = "You can save workbook"; _btnSave.IsEnabled = true; }
// read print settings from form, apply to sheet private void ApplyPrintSettings() { XLSheet sheet = c1XLBook1.Sheets[0]; XLPrintSettings ps = sheet.PrintSettings; // paper size, orientation if (_cmbPaperSize.SelectedItem != null) { ps.PaperKind = (PaperKind)_cmbPaperSize.SelectedItem; } ps.Landscape = _rdLandscape.Checked; // scaling // ** note: // setting the FitPagesAcross, FitPagesDown, and ScalingFactor properties // changes the value of AutoScale, so set AutoScale last. ps.FitPagesAcross = decimal.ToInt32(_udAcross.Value); ps.FitPagesDown = decimal.ToInt32(_udDown.Value); ps.ScalingFactor = decimal.ToInt32(_udPercentSize.Value); ps.AutoScale = _rdFit.Checked; // start page try { ps.StartPage = int.Parse(_txtStartPage.Text); } catch { ps.StartPage = 1; } // margins ps.MarginLeft = decimal.ToDouble(_udLeft.Value); ps.MarginTop = decimal.ToDouble(_udTop.Value); ps.MarginRight = decimal.ToDouble(_udRight.Value); ps.MarginBottom = decimal.ToDouble(_udBottom.Value); ps.MarginHeader = decimal.ToDouble(_udHeader.Value); ps.MarginFooter = decimal.ToDouble(_udFooter.Value); // header/footer ps.Header = _txtHeader.Text; ps.Footer = _txtFooter.Text; }
private void _btCreate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // create new workbook if (_book == null) { _book = new C1XLBook(); } // clear the book _book.Clear(); // add some styles XLStyle s1 = new XLStyle(_book); XLStyle s2 = new XLStyle(_book); XLStyle s3 = new XLStyle(_book); s1.Format = "#,##0.00000"; s2.Format = "#,##0.00000"; s2.Font = new XLFont("Courier New", 14); s3.Format = "dd-MMM-yy"; // populate sheet with some random values XLSheet sheet = _book.Sheets[0]; Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { sheet[i, 0].Value = r.NextDouble() * 100000; sheet[i, 0].Style = (i % 13 == 0) ? s2 : s1; } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { sheet[i, 1].Value = new DateTime(2005, r.Next(1, 12), r.Next(1, 28)); sheet[i, 1].Style = s3; } // automatic sizing AutoSizeColumns(sheet); // allow save the file _lblStatus.Text = "You can save workbook"; _btnSave.IsEnabled = true; }
private void BtnExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); if (grfRptName.Row == 1 && grfRpt.Rows.Count > 0) { SaveFileDialog dlg = new SaveFileDialog(); dlg.DefaultExt = "xls"; dlg.Filter = "Excel |*.xls"; dlg.InitialDirectory = ic.iniC.pathSaveExcelAppointment; dlg.FileName = "*.xls"; if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } // clear book C1XLBook _book = new C1XLBook(); //_book.Clear(); //_book.Sheets.Clear(); // copy grids to book sheets //foreach (TabPage pg in _tab.TabPages) //{ // C1FlexGrid grid = pg.Controls[0] as C1FlexGrid; XLSheet sheet = _book.Sheets.Add("pharmacy"); ic.SaveSheet(grfRpt, sheet, _book, false); //} // save selected sheet index if (_book.Sheets.Count >= 1) { _book.Sheets.SelectedIndex = 1; } // save the book _book.Save(dlg.FileName); Application.DoEvents(); Process.Start("explorer.exe", dlg.FileName); } }
public void ExportBudgetForPrimavera_GetDrawingLogMainByProjList(string saveLoc, string xml, int sortCode, int drwgSpec) { SqlDataReader dr; C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; int indx; decimal tmpRate; // must be output with the following columns // code,blank,description,quantity,uom,hours,rate,cost // dr = CBBudgetLine.GetExportListByBudget(budgetID); dr = CBDrawingLog.GetExportListForDrawingLog_Proj(xml, sortCode, drwgSpec); indx = 0; tmpRate = 0; while (dr.Read()) { sheet[indx, 3].Value = dr["DrawingID"].ToString(); // code sheet[indx, 4].Value = ""; // blank sheet[indx, 5].Value = dr["Department"]; // description sheet[indx, 6].Value = dr["Project"].ToString(); // quantity sheet[indx, 7].Value = dr["ProjectNumber"]; // uom sheet[indx, 8].Value = dr["Title1"].ToString(); // hours sheet[indx, 9].Value = dr["RevisionNumber"].ToString(); sheet[indx, 10].Value = dr["IssueDate"].ToString(); // rate sheet[indx, 11].Value = dr["IssuedFor"].ToString(); // cost sheet[indx, 12].Value = dr["TransNo"].ToString(); indx++; } dr.Close(); book.Save(saveLoc); }
public static void ListsToExcelUsingC1 <T>(this IList <T> list, ref XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet, string SheetName) //vipin { try { // int row = 1; // Initialize Excel Row Start Position = 1 int row = 0; PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties(); List <PropertyInfo> propList = new List <PropertyInfo>(); propList.AddRange(props.ToList()); //Writing Columns Name in Excel Sheet for (int col = 1; col <= propList.Count; col++) { // ExcelWorkSheet[row, col].Value = propList[col - 1].Name; // ExcelWorkSheet[row, col-1].Value = propList[col - 1].Name; //vipin ExcelWorkSheet[row, col - 1].Value = ArtilceDetailsColumnColumnChange(propList[col - 1].Name.ToString().Trim(), SheetName); } row = row + 1; //Writing Rows into Excel Sheet foreach (var item in list) { // int colIdx = 1; int colIdx = 0; //vipin // Excel row and column start positions for writing Row=1 and Col=1 foreach (var prop in propList) { ExcelWorkSheet[row, colIdx].Value = prop.GetValue(item, null);// list[listRow][col - 1].ToString(); colIdx = colIdx + 1; } row = row + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } //ADDED BY VIPIN ON 30-03-2017
private void AutoSizeColumns(XLSheet sheet) { using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)) { for (int index1 = 0; index1 < sheet.Columns.Count; ++index1) { int num = -1; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < sheet.Rows.Count; ++index2) { object obj = sheet[index2, index1].Value; if (obj != null) { string str = obj.ToString(); XLStyle style = sheet[index2, index1].Style; if (style != null && style.Format.Length > 0 && obj is IFormattable) { string dotNet = XLStyle.FormatXLToDotNet(style.Format); str = ((IFormattable)obj).ToString(dotNet, (IFormatProvider)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); } Font font = this.oBook.DefaultFont; if (style != null && style.Font != null) { font = style.Font; } Size size = Size.Ceiling(graphics.MeasureString(str + "XX", font)); if (size.Width > num) { num = size.Width; } } } if (num > -1) { sheet.Columns[index1].Width = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips((double)num); } } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string path = Application.StartupPath; int pos = path.IndexOf(@"\bin"); path = path.Substring(0, pos); string tempdir = Application.ExecutablePath.Substring(0, Application.ExecutablePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); string xlsFileName = tempdir + @"combineSheets.xls"; if (File.Exists(xlsFileName)) { File.Delete(xlsFileName); } // clear the book c1XLBook1.Clear(); c1XLBook1.Sheets.Clear(); foreach (string fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.xls")) { // load Excel file C1XLBook book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(fileName); // clone and rename first sheet (sheet names must be unique) XLSheet clone = book.Sheets[0].Clone(); clone.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); // add cloned sheet to main book c1XLBook1.Sheets.Add(clone); } c1XLBook1.Save(xlsFileName); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(xlsFileName); }
// handle toolbar private void toolBar1_ButtonClick(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e) { // apply border to current selection if (e.Button == tbBorderOn) { // assign border style to selection CellRange rg = _flex.Selection; rg.Style = _flex.Styles["Border"]; } // remove border from current selection if (e.Button == tbBorderOff) { // remove border style from selection CellRange rg = _flex.Selection; rg.Style = null; } // change border color if (e.Button == tbBorderColor) { // show color picker dialog ColorDialog dlg = new ColorDialog(); dlg.Color = _bdrBrush.Color; // if the user clicked OK, set new border color if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { _bdrBrush.Color = dlg.Color; } } // thicker/thinner outer border if (e.Button == tbIncreaseOut) { if (_bdrOutside < 10) { _bdrOutside++; } } if (e.Button == tbDecreaseOut) { if (_bdrOutside > 0) { _bdrOutside--; } } // thicker/thinner inner border if (e.Button == tbIncreaseIn) { if (_bdrInside < 10) { _bdrInside++; } } if (e.Button == tbDecreaseIn) { if (_bdrInside > 0) { _bdrInside--; } } // save current sheet (with borders) into an Excel file if (e.Button == tbExcel) { _c1xl.Clear(); _c1xl.DefaultFont = _flex.Font; XLSheet sheet = _c1xl.Sheets[0]; for (int c = 0; c < _flex.Cols.Count; c++) { // save column width (twips) sheet.Columns[c].Width = (int)(_flex.Cols[c].WidthDisplay / 96f * 1440); // save cells on this column for (int r = 0; r < _flex.Rows.Count; r++) { // save cell value sheet[r, c].Value = _flex[r, c]; // we only want cells with style set to "Border" CellStyle s = _flex.GetCellStyle(r, c); if (s == null || s.Name != "Border") { continue; } // get custom border widths for this cell // (depends on neighbor cells) Margins m = GetBorderMargins(r, c); // create stytle for this cell XLStyle xs = new XLStyle(_c1xl); if (m.Top > 0) { xs.BorderTop = GetLineStyle(m.Top); xs.BorderColorTop = _bdrBrush.Color; } if (m.Left > 0) { xs.BorderLeft = GetLineStyle(m.Left); xs.BorderColorLeft = _bdrBrush.Color; } if (m.Right > 0) { xs.BorderRight = GetLineStyle(m.Right); xs.BorderColorRight = _bdrBrush.Color; } if (m.Bottom > 0) { xs.BorderBottom = GetLineStyle(m.Bottom); xs.BorderColorBottom = _bdrBrush.Color; } sheet[r, c].Style = xs; } } // save book string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\borders.xls"; _c1xl.Save(fileName); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName); } // repaint control to show changes _flex.Invalidate(); }
public void RPTta(C1XLBook book, string RPT_ID, string title, string wh) { //string ID="RPT1"; book = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; FormatExcel.Init_Excel(sheet); sheet.Name = "Sheet1"; XLStyle Title = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 16, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, false, ""); XLStyle Caption = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, true, ""); XLStyle StringN = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, false, ""); XLStyle String = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, ""); XLStyle INT = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###"); XLStyle GIO = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###"); XLStyle DOU = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,###.##"); string sql = ""; sql = "Select * from FILE07B where RPT_ID=N'" + RPT_ID + "' and SHO_BT=1 ORDER BY SEQ_NO"; Func.RecordSet rscon = new Func.RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); sql = GET_SQL(rscon, wh); Func.RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(sql, PublicFunction.C_con); try { if (rs.rows <= 0) { return; } } catch { return; } int r = 0, cols = 0; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); a.Add(0); sheet.Columns[0].Width = 680; for (int i = 0; i < rs.cols; i++) { cols++; a.Add(i); } // tieu de sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COM_N1", "FILA01A"), Title); r++; sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], title, Title); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 2], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 1) + ":" + PublicFunction.A_UserID, StringN); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 2], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 2) + ":" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), StringN); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], "STT", Caption); for (int i = 0; i < rscon.rows; i++) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i + 1], rscon.record(i, "COL_NM"), Caption); sheet.Columns[i + 1].Width = T_String.IsNullTo0(rscon.record(i, "WID_VL")) * 17; } r++; // for (int i = 0; i < rs.rows; i++) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], i + 1 + "", INT); for (int c = 0; c < rscon.rows; c++) { int c1 = c + 1; switch (rscon.record(c, "TYP_ID") + "") { case "1": // DateTime { try { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], DateTime.Parse(rs.record(i, c) + "").ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), String); } catch { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "", String); } break; } case "2": // boolean { if (rs.record(i, c) + "" != "True") { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "False", String); } else { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], "True", String); } break; } case "": { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], rs.record(i, c), String); break; } case "3": // 00:00 { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("##:##"), String); // if(rscon.record(c,"SUM_BT")+""=="True") // { // a[c1]= T_String.CongTG(T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1]+""),T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i,c))); // } break; } case "4": // double { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("#,###.##"), DOU); if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True") { a[c1] = T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)); } break; } case "5": // int { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)).ToString("#,###.##"), INT); if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True") { a[c1] = T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "") + T_String.IsNullTo00(rs.record(i, c)); } break; } } } r++; if (i + 1 == rs.rows) //dong cuoi { for (int c = 0; c < rscon.rows; c++) { int c1 = c + 1; if (rscon.record(c, "SUM_BT") + "" == "True") { switch (rscon.record(c, "TYP_ID") + "") { // case "3": // 00:00 // { // FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1]+"").ToString("##:##"),String); // break; // } case "4": // double { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "").ToString("#,###.##"), DOU); break; } case "5": // int { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, c1], T_String.IsNullTo00(a[c1] + "").ToString("#,###.##"), INT); break; } } } } } } // } try { string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\\Reports\\TAPO_" + RPT_ID + ".xls"; book.Save(fileName); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName); } catch { MessageBox.Show("You must close TAPO_" + RPT_ID + ".xls file first!!!!!"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// hàm thực iheenj viecj /// export to excel /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void cmdExportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { try { _dtData = SPs.ThuocSotonghopthuocHangngay(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value, Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboStock.SelectedValue, -1), Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoiTuong.SelectedValue, -1), Utility.Int16Dbnull(cbotinhtrang.SelectedValue, -1), "").GetDataSet(). Tables[0]; if (_dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdList, _dtData, true, true, "1=1", ""); const string reportcode = "thuoc_sotonghop_hangngay"; string duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); var book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; DataTable dt = _dtData; int idxRow = 6; int idxColSh = 0; string condition = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến {1} - Đối tượng : {2} - Tình trạng :{3}", dtFromDate.Text, dtToDate.Text, cboDoiTuong.SelectedIndex >= 0 ? Utility.sDbnull(cboDoiTuong.Text) : "Tất cả", cbotinhtrang.SelectedIndex > 0 ? Utility.sDbnull(cbotinhtrang.Text) : "Tất cả"); const int idxRowT = 5; const int idxColShT = 0; //sheet[5, 0].SetValue("STT", HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); //sheet[5, 1].SetValue("HỌ TÊN NGƯỜI BỆNH", HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { if (Utility.sDbnull(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName) == "ten_benhnhan") { sheet[idxRowT, idxColShT + i].SetValue(Utility.sDbnull("HỌ TÊN NGƯỜI BỆNH"), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_Bold(book)); } sheet[idxRowT, idxColShT + i].SetValue(Utility.sDbnull(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_Bold(book)); if (i >= 2) { sheet[idxRowT, idxColShT + i].SetValue(Utility.sDbnull(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_Rotate(book)); } } //sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(condition), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); for (int j = 2; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + j].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i][dt.Columns[j].ColumnName]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); } idxRow = idxRow + 1; } // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0 string getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); } else { Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message); } //Janus.Windows.GridEX.GridEXRow[] gridExRows = grdList.GetCheckedRows(); //if (grdList.RowCount <= 0) //{ // Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu", "Thông báo"); // grdList.Focus(); // return; //} //saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Excel File(*.xls)|*.xls"; //saveFileDialog1.FileName = string.Format("{0}.xls", baocaO_TIEUDE1.TIEUDE); ////saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); //if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) //{ // string sPath = saveFileDialog1.FileName; // FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Create); // fs.CanWrite.CompareTo(true); // fs.CanRead.CompareTo(true); // gridEXExporter1.Export(fs); // fs.Dispose(); //} //saveFileDialog1.Dispose(); //saveFileDialog1.Reset(); } catch (Exception exception) { } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the content of an XLSheet into a C1FlexGrid. /// </summary> public static void Load(XLSheet sheet, C1FlexGrid flex) { // clear style cache if this is a new book if (sheet.Book != _lastBook) { _cellStyles.Clear(); _excelStyles.Clear(); _lastBook = sheet.Book; } // set default parameters flex.FontFamily = new FontFamily(sheet.Book.DefaultFont.FontName); flex.FontSize = PointsToPixels(sheet.Book.DefaultFont.FontSize); flex.Rows.DefaultSize = TwipsToPixels(sheet.DefaultRowHeight); flex.Columns.DefaultSize = TwipsToPixels(sheet.DefaultColumnWidth); flex.IsReadOnly = sheet.Locked; flex.GridLinesVisibility = sheet.ShowGridLines ? GridLinesVisibility.All : GridLinesVisibility.None; //flex.GridLinesBrush = sheet.GridColor; flex.HeadersVisibility = sheet.ShowHeaders ? HeadersVisibility.All : HeadersVisibility.None; flex.GroupRowPosition = sheet.OutlinesBelow ? GroupRowPosition.BelowData : GroupRowPosition.AboveData; // add columns flex.Columns.Clear(); foreach (XLColumn c in sheet.Columns) { // create column, give it a unique name so undo/ColumnLayout work var col = new Column(); col.ColumnName = col.GetHashCode().ToString("x0"); // set size and visibility if (c.Width > -1) { col.Width = new GridLength(TwipsToPixels(c.Width)); } col.Visible = c.Visible; // set style if (c.Style != null) { col.CellStyle = GetCellStyle(c.Style); } // and add to the grid flex.Columns.Add(col); } // add rows flex.Rows.Clear(); foreach (XLRow r in sheet.Rows) { var row = new ExcelRow(); if (r.Height > -1) { row.Height = TwipsToPixels(r.Height); } if (r.Style != null) { row.CellStyle = GetCellStyle(r.Style); } row.Level = r.OutlineLevel; row.Visible = r.Visible; flex.Rows.Add(row); } // add cells for (int r = 0; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < flex.Columns.Count; c++) { var cell = sheet[r, c]; if (cell != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.Formula)) { // save formula var formula = cell.Formula.Trim(); if (!formula.StartsWith("=")) { formula = string.Format("={0}", formula); } flex[r, c] = formula; } else if (cell.Value != null) { // save value flex[r, c] = cell.Value; } if (cell.Style != null) { // save style var row = flex.Rows[r] as ExcelRow; var col = flex.Columns[c]; row.SetCellStyle(col, GetCellStyle(cell.Style)); } } } } // at least 20 columns, 50 rows while (flex.Columns.Count < 20) { flex.Columns.Add(new Column()); } while (flex.Rows.Count < 50) { flex.Rows.Add(new ExcelRow()); } // load merged cells var xmm = flex.MergeManager as ExcelMergeManager; if (xmm == null) { xmm = new ExcelMergeManager(); } xmm.GetMergedRanges(sheet); // freeze rows/columns flex.Rows.Frozen = sheet.Rows.Frozen; flex.Columns.Frozen = sheet.Columns.Frozen; // update selection if (sheet.SelectedCells != null && sheet.SelectedCells.Count > 0) { // review: using the last one seems to work, but why? var sel = sheet.SelectedCells[sheet.SelectedCells.Count - 1]; flex.Select(sel.RowFrom, sel.ColumnFrom, sel.RowTo, sel.ColumnTo, false); } else { flex.Select(0, 0); } }
private void cmdExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string reportcode = "BHYT_21A_EXCEL"; string duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); var book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; DataTable dt = m_dataTH; int idxRow = 6; int idxColSh = 0; string codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Tuyến {2}", dtpFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtpToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboTuyen.Text); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); int sttloaidichvu = 1; if (chktuyen.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1; idxRow = idxRow + 1; } else { if (dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString()) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; sttloaidichvu = 1; sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1; idxRow = idxRow + 1; } if (dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"].ToString() == dt.Rows[i - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString() && dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString()) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1; idxRow = idxRow + 1; } } sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_QD"]), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_chitiet_bhyt"]), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["SO_LUONG"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["soluong_nt"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["DON_GIA"]), HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["thanh_tien"]), HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1; idxRow = idxRow + 1; } else { if (dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString()) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1; idxRow = idxRow + 1; } } sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_QD"]), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ma_chitiet_bhyt"]), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["SO_LUONG"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["soluong_nt"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["DON_GIA"]), HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[i]["thanh_tien"]), HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } } sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("Sum(SO_LUONG)", "1=1")), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("Sum(soluong_nt)", "1=1")), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Compute("Sum(thanh_tien)", "1=1")), HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); string getdate = string.Format("Ngày {0} tháng {1} năm {2}", dtpNgayIn.Value.Day, dtpNgayIn.Value.Month, dtpNgayIn.Value.Year); sheet[idxRow + 2, 5].SetValue(getdate, HamDungChung.styleStringCenter_UnBorder(book)); sheet[idxRow + 3, 1].SetValue("NGƯỜI LẬP BẢNG", HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); sheet[idxRow + 3, 4].SetValue("PHÒNG TÀI CHÍNH KẾ TOÁN", HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); sheet[idxRow + 3, 5].SetValue("GIÁM ĐỐC BỆNH VIỆN", HamDungChung.styleDecimalBoldAllBorder_Money(book)); // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0 string getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message); } }
private void cmdExportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int trangthai = -1; if (radTatca.Checked) { trangthai = -1; } if (radDathuchien.Checked) { trangthai = 1; } if (radChuathuchien.Checked) { trangthai = 0; } DataTable dtDanhsach = SPs.BaocaoThongkedanhsachThuchienchucnang(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value, Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoituongKCB.SelectedValue, -1), Utility.sDbnull(cboKhoa.SelectedValue, "KKB"), Args, Utility.Int32Dbnull(txtdichvu.MyID, -1), trangthai).GetDataSet().Tables[0]; if (dtDanhsach.Rows.Count > 0) { Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdResult, dtDanhsach, false, true, "1=1", ""); string reportcode = ""; string duongdan = ""; string codintion = ""; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); int idxRow = 0; int idxColSh = 0; var book = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; string getTime = ""; string pathDirectory = ""; switch (Args.Substring(0, 2)) { case "SA": reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_sieuam"; duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); sheet = book.Sheets[0]; dt = dtDanhsach; idxRow = 7; idxColSh = 0; codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}", dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboDoituongKCB.Text); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_khoaphong"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ket_qua"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); break; case "XQ": reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_xquang"; duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); sheet = book.Sheets[0]; dt = dtDanhsach; idxRow = 7; idxColSh = 0; codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}", dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboDoituongKCB.Text); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_khoaphong"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ket_qua"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); break; break; case "DT": break; case "NS": reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_noisoi"; duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); dt = dtDanhsach; idxRow = 7; idxColSh = 0; codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}", dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboDoituongKCB.Text); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_khoaphong"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ket_qua"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); break; case "PT": reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_pttt"; duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); sheet = book.Sheets[0]; dt = dtDanhsach; idxRow = 7; idxColSh = 0; codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}", dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboDoituongKCB.Text); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["phuongphap_vocam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["loai_phauthuat"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["bacsy_gayme"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); break; case "TT": reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_tt"; duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); sheet = book.Sheets[0]; dt = dtDanhsach; idxRow = 7; idxColSh = 0; codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}", dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboDoituongKCB.Text); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["phuongphap_vocam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["loai_phauthuat"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["bacsy_gayme"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); break; default: reportcode = "baocao_thongkedanhsach_tt"; duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); sheet = book.Sheets[0]; dt = dtDanhsach; idxRow = 7; idxColSh = 0; codintion = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến ngày {1}. Đối tượng: {2}", dtFromDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), dtToDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), cboDoituongKCB.Text); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(codintion), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nam_sinh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["gioi_tinh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsBHYT"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_chitietdichvu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["phuongphap_vocam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["loai_phauthuat"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nguoi_thuchien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["bacsy_gayme"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ghi_chu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); break; } } else { Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!"); } // ExcelUtlity.ExportGridEx(grdResult); } catch (Exception exception) { Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi:" + exception.Message); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region "** object model" /// <summary> /// Saves the content of a C1FlexGrid into an XLSheet. /// </summary> public static void Save(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet) { // clear style cache if this is a new book if (!object.ReferenceEquals(sheet.Book, _lastBook)) { _cellStyles.Clear(); _excelStyles.Clear(); _lastBook = sheet.Book; } // save global parameters sheet.DefaultRowHeight = PixelsToTwips(flex.Rows.DefaultSize); sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = PixelsToTwips(flex.Columns.DefaultSize); sheet.ShowGridLines = flex.GridLinesVisibility != GridLinesVisibility.None; sheet.ShowHeaders = flex.HeadersVisibility != HeadersVisibility.None; sheet.OutlinesBelow = flex.GroupRowPosition == GroupRowPosition.BelowData; // save columns sheet.Columns.Clear(); foreach (Column col in flex.Columns) { dynamic c = sheet.Columns.Add(); if (!col.Width.IsAuto) { c.Width = PixelsToTwips(col.ActualWidth); } c.Visible = col.Visible; if (col.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { c.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)col.CellStyle); } } sheet.Rows.Clear(); //save column headers XLStyle headerStyle = default(XLStyle); headerStyle = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); headerStyle.Font = new XLFont("Microsoft YaHei", 10, true, false); headerStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; headerStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; headerStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; headerStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; //save column headers foreach (Row row in flex.ColumnHeaders.Rows) { dynamic r = sheet.Rows.Add(); if (row.Height > -1) { r.Height = PixelsToTwips(row.Height); } if (row.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { r.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)row.CellStyle); } if (row is ExcelRow) { r.OutlineLevel = ((ExcelRow)row).Level; } for (int c = 0; c <= flex.ColumnHeaders.Columns.Count - 1; c++) { // save cell value dynamic cell = sheet[row.Index, c]; string colHeader = flex.Columns[c].Header; cell.Value = colHeader; // make column headers bold cell.Style = headerStyle; } r.Visible = row.Visible; } // save rows foreach (Row row in flex.Rows) { dynamic r = sheet.Rows.Add(); if (row.Height > -1) { r.Height = PixelsToTwips(row.Height); } if (row.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { r.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)row.CellStyle); } if (row is ExcelRow) { r.OutlineLevel = ((ExcelRow)row).Level; } r.Visible = row.Visible; } XLStyle dateTimeStyle = default(XLStyle); dateTimeStyle = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); dateTimeStyle.Font = new XLFont("Microsoft YaHei", 10, false, false); dateTimeStyle.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd"; dateTimeStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; dateTimeStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; dateTimeStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; dateTimeStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; XLStyle normalStyle = default(XLStyle); normalStyle = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); normalStyle.Font = new XLFont("Microsoft YaHei", 10, false, false); normalStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; normalStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; normalStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; normalStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; // save cells for (int r = flex.ColumnHeaders.Rows.Count; r <= flex.Rows.Count; r++) { for (int c = 0; c <= flex.Columns.Count - 1; c++) { // save cell value dynamic cell = sheet[r, c]; dynamic obj = flex[r - 1, c]; if (obj is DateTime) { cell.Style = dateTimeStyle; } else { cell.Style = normalStyle; } cell.Value = obj is FrameworkElement ? 0 : obj; // save cell formula and style //dynamic row = flex.Rows[r - 1] as ExcelRow; //if(row != null) //{ // // save cell formula // dynamic col = flex.Columns[c]; // // save cell style // dynamic cs = row.GetCellStyle(col) as ExcelCellStyle; // if(cs != null) // { // cell.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, cs); // } //} } } // save selection dynamic sel = flex.Selection; if (sel.IsValid) { dynamic xlSel = new XLCellRange(sheet, sel.Row, sel.Row2, sel.Column, sel.Column2); sheet.SelectedCells.Clear(); sheet.SelectedCells.Add(xlSel); } }
//=========================================================================================== #region ** Save a C1FlexGrid into an XLSheet private void SaveSheet(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet, bool fixedCells) { // account for fixed cells int frows = flex.Rows.Fixed; int fcols = flex.Cols.Fixed; if (fixedCells) { frows = fcols = 0; } // copy dimensions int lastRow = flex.Rows.Count - frows - 1; int lastCol = flex.Cols.Count - fcols - 1; if (lastRow < 0 || lastCol < 0) { return; } XLCell cell = sheet[lastRow, lastCol]; // set default properties sheet.Book.DefaultFont = flex.Font; sheet.DefaultRowHeight = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(flex.Rows.DefaultSize); sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(flex.Cols.DefaultSize); // prepare to convert styles _styles = new Hashtable(); // set row/column properties for (int r = frows; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++) { // size/visibility Row fr = flex.Rows[r]; XLRow xr = sheet.Rows[r - frows]; if (fr.Height >= 0) { xr.Height = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(fr.Height); } xr.Visible = fr.Visible; // style XLStyle xs = StyleFromFlex(fr.Style); if (xs != null) { xr.Style = xs; } } for (int c = fcols; c < flex.Cols.Count; c++) { // size/visibility Column fc = flex.Cols[c]; XLColumn xc = sheet.Columns[c - fcols]; if (fc.Width >= 0) { xc.Width = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(fc.Width); } xc.Visible = fc.Visible; // style XLStyle xs = StyleFromFlex(fc.Style); if (xs != null) { xc.Style = xs; } } // load cells for (int r = frows; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++) { for (int c = fcols; c < flex.Cols.Count; c++) { // get cell cell = sheet[r - frows, c - fcols]; // apply content cell.Value = flex[r, c]; // apply style XLStyle xs = StyleFromFlex(flex.GetCellStyle(r, c)); if (xs != null) { cell.Style = xs; } } } }
public C1XLBook CreateSample() { // create C1XLBook C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook(); // three methods add images to Excel file XLPictureShape picture; // create images Metafile metafile = (Metafile)Metafile.FromStream(GetManifestResource("meta.emf")); Image spbImage = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("spb.jpg")); Image canadaImage = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("canada.bmp")); Image googleImage = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("google.bmp")); Image babyImage = Image.FromStream(GetManifestResource("baby.png")); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // List "Images" -- three methods add images ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XLSheet sheet = wb.Sheets[0]; sheet.Name = "Images"; sheet.PrintSettings.Header = "&LCanada:&G&D&CHeader Center&R&P"; sheet.PrintSettings.Footer = "&C&Z"; // first method picture = new XLPictureShape(googleImage, 0, 0, 2200, 5000); picture.DashedLineStyle = XLShapeDashedLineStyleEnum.Solid; picture.LineStyle = XLShapeLineStyleEnum.Simple; picture.LineColor = Color.BlueViolet; picture.Rotation = 90.0f; picture.LineWidth = 10; sheet[1, 7].Value = picture; sheet[1, 1].Value = metafile; // second method picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage, 100, 3000, 8000, 6000); //picture = new XLPictureShape(canadaImage); picture.Brightness = .55f; picture.Contrast = .5f; sheet.Shapes.Add(picture); picture = new XLPictureShape(canadaImage); picture.LineColor = Color.Aqua; picture.LineWidth = 100; sheet.PrintSettings.HeaderPictureLeft = picture; // third method picture = new XLPictureShape(babyImage); picture.Rotation = 30.0f; picture.LineColor = Color.Aqua; picture.LineWidth = 100; sheet[15, 2].Value = picture; // header or footer image //picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage); //picture.Rotation = 45.0f; // for header or footer ignored //picture.LineColor = Color.Blue; //picture.LineWidth = 50; //picture.Brightness = 0.4f; //sheet.PrintSettings.HeaderPictureCenter = picture; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // List "Types" -- support image types (bmp, png, jpg, emf) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sheet = wb.Sheets.Add("Types"); sheet[1, 0].Value = "Bmp:"; sheet[1, 1].Value = googleImage; sheet[8, 0].Value = "Png:"; sheet[8, 1].Value = babyImage; sheet[25, 0].Value = "Jpeg:"; sheet[25, 1].Value = spbImage; sheet[34, 0].Value = "Emf:"; sheet[34, 1].Value = metafile; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // List "Borders" -- various picture borders ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sheet = wb.Sheets.Add("Borders"); int row = 1, col = 0; foreach (XLShapeLineStyleEnum style in Enum.GetValues(typeof(XLShapeLineStyleEnum))) { col = 1; sheet.Rows[row].Height = 3700; foreach (XLShapeDashedLineStyleEnum dashedStyle in Enum.GetValues(typeof(XLShapeDashedLineStyleEnum))) { sheet.Columns[col].Width = 2300; picture = new XLPictureShape(babyImage); picture.LineWidth = 100; picture.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 200, Math.Min(col * 12, 255)); picture.DashedLineStyle = dashedStyle; picture.LineStyle = style; sheet[row, col].Value = picture; sheet[row + 1, col].Value = "style: " + style.ToString(); sheet[row + 2, col].Value = "dashed: " + dashedStyle.ToString(); col += 2; } row += 4; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // List "Alignment" -- position image using ContentAlignment ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sheet = wb.Sheets.Add("Alignment"); row = 1; sheet.Columns[1].Width = sheet.Columns[4].Width = 6000; sheet.Columns[7].Width = sheet.Columns[10].Width = 2000; foreach (ContentAlignment alignment in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ContentAlignment))) { sheet.Rows[row].Height = 2400; Size cellSize = new Size(sheet.Columns[1].Width, sheet.Rows[row].Height); picture = new XLPictureShape(googleImage, cellSize, alignment, ImageScaling.Clip); sheet[row, 1].Value = picture; sheet[row, 2].Value = "clip: " + alignment.ToString(); picture = new XLPictureShape(googleImage, cellSize, alignment, ImageScaling.Scale); sheet[row, 4].Value = picture; sheet[row, 5].Value = "scale: " + alignment.ToString(); row += 4; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // List "Properties" -- various picture properties ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sheet = wb.Sheets.Add("Properties"); // associating hyperlink with the shape sheet.Rows[1].Height = 2000; sheet.Columns[1].Width = 3600; picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage); picture.Hyperlink = ""; sheet[1, 1].Value = picture; sheet[2, 1].Value = "hyperlink (click on the picture)"; // others view type col = 1; sheet.Rows[4].Height = 2000; foreach (XLPictureViewType viewType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(XLPictureViewType))) { sheet.Columns[col].Width = 3600; picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage); picture.ViewType = viewType; sheet[4, col].Value = picture; sheet[5, col].Value = "view type: " + viewType.ToString();; col += 2; } // brightness & contrast col = 1; sheet.Rows[7].Height = sheet.Rows[10].Height = 2000; for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10) { sheet.Columns[col].Width = 3600; picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage); picture.Brightness = (float)i / 100; sheet[7, col].Value = picture; sheet[8, col].Value = string.Format("brightness: {0}", picture.Brightness); picture = new XLPictureShape(spbImage); picture.Contrast = (float)i / 100; sheet[10, col].Value = picture; sheet[11, col].Value = string.Format("contrast: {0}", picture.Contrast); col += 2; } // done return(wb); }
public C1XLBook CreateSample() { // create C1XLBook C1XLBook wb = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet ws = wb.Sheets[0]; // column width in twips ws.Columns[0].Width = 2000; ws.Columns[1].Width = 2200; // string formulas string s = "String:"; ws[0, 0].Value = s; ws[1, 0].Value = s; ws[2, 0].Value = s; ws[0, 1].Value = "apples"; ws[1, 1].Value = "and"; ws[2, 1].Value = "oranges"; s = "String formula:"; ws[4, 0].Value = s; ws[5, 0].Value = s; ws[4, 1].Value = "apples and oranges"; ws[5, 1].Value = "apples an"; ws[4, 1].Formula = "CONCATENATE(B1,\" \",B2, \" \",B3)"; ws[5, 1].Formula = "LEFT(B5,9)"; // simple formulas ws[7, 0].Value = "Formula: 5!"; ws[7, 1].Value = 120; ws[7, 1].Formula = "1*2*3*4*5"; ws[8, 0].Value = "Formula: 12/0"; ws[8, 1].Value = 0; ws[8, 1].Formula = "12/0"; ws[9, 0].Value = "Formula: 1 = 1"; ws[9, 1].Value = true; ws[9, 1].Formula = "1=1"; ws[10, 0].Value = "Formula: 1 = 2"; ws[10, 1].Value = false; ws[10, 1].Formula = "1 = 2"; // now function ws[12, 0].Value = "Formula: Now()"; ws[12, 1].Value = DateTime.Now; ws[12, 1].Formula = "Now()"; XLStyle style = new XLStyle(wb); DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat; style.Format = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL(dtfi.ShortDatePattern + " " + dtfi.ShortTimePattern); ws[12, 1].Style = style; // done return(wb); }
private void _btCreate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // create new workbook if (_book == null) { _book = new C1XLBook(); } // clear the book _book.Clear(); // first sheet XLSheet sheet = _book.Sheets[0]; // column width in twips sheet.Columns[0].Width = 2000; sheet.Columns[1].Width = 2200; // string formulas string s = "String:"; sheet[0, 0].Value = s; sheet[1, 0].Value = s; sheet[2, 0].Value = s; sheet[0, 1].Value = "apples"; sheet[1, 1].Value = "and"; sheet[2, 1].Value = "oranges"; s = "String formula:"; sheet[4, 0].Value = s; sheet[5, 0].Value = s; sheet[4, 1].Value = "apples and oranges"; sheet[5, 1].Value = "apples an"; sheet[4, 1].Formula = "CONCATENATE(B1,\" \",B2, \" \",B3)"; sheet[5, 1].Formula = "LEFT(B5,9)"; // simple formulas sheet[7, 0].Value = "Formula: 5!"; sheet[7, 1].Value = 120; sheet[7, 1].Formula = "1*2*3*4*5"; sheet[8, 0].Value = "Formula: 12/0"; sheet[8, 1].Value = 0; sheet[8, 1].Formula = "12/0"; sheet[9, 0].Value = "Formula: 1 = 1"; sheet[9, 1].Value = true; sheet[9, 1].Formula = "1=1"; sheet[10, 0].Value = "Formula: 1 = 2"; sheet[10, 1].Value = false; sheet[10, 1].Formula = "1 = 2"; // now function sheet[12, 0].Value = "Formula: Now()"; sheet[12, 1].Value = DateTime.Now; sheet[12, 1].Formula = "Now()"; XLStyle style = new XLStyle(_book); DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat; style.Format = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL(dtfi.ShortDatePattern + " " + dtfi.ShortTimePattern); sheet[12, 1].Style = style; // allow save the file _lblStatus.Text = "You can save workbook"; _btnSave.IsEnabled = true; }
private async void ExcelButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // 現在、FlexGrid に表示されている順のデータ var currentData = this.flexgrid1.Rows.Select(r => r.DataItem).Cast <Book>(); // Excel データの作成 // // 新しい Excel ワークブックを作成 var xlBook = new C1XLBook(); // デフォルトで作成されたシートを取得 XLSheet sheet = xlBook.Sheets[0]; // シートの中身を書き込みます int rowIndex = 0; // ヘッダー行 sheet[rowIndex, 0].Value = "書名"; sheet[rowIndex, 1].Value = "ISBN"; sheet[rowIndex, 2].Value = "バーコード"; sheet.Columns[2].Width = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(this.HiddenBarCode.ActualWidth); sheet[rowIndex, 3].Value = "価格"; // データ行 foreach (var book in currentData) { rowIndex++; // バーコードの画像を作る this.HiddenBarCode.Text = book.IsbnWithoutCheckDigit; C1Bitmap bitmap = new C1Bitmap(); using (var ms = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream().AsStream()) { await this.HiddenBarCode.SaveAsync(ms, ImageFormat.Png); bitmap.Load(ms); } // 行の高さをバーコードの画像に合わせる sheet.Rows[rowIndex].Height = C1XLBook.PixelsToTwips(this.HiddenBarCode.ActualHeight); // 1行分のデータとバーコード画像をセット sheet[rowIndex, 0].Value = book.Title; sheet[rowIndex, 1].Value = book.Isbn; sheet[rowIndex, 2].Value = bitmap; sheet[rowIndex, 3].Value = book.Price; } // Excel ファイルへの書き出し // var picker = new FileSavePicker() { SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary }; picker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Open XML Excel ファイル", new string[] { ".xlsx", }); picker.FileTypeChoices.Add("BIFF Excel ファイル", new string[] { ".xls", }); picker.SuggestedFileName = "BarCodeControlSample"; var file = await picker.PickSaveFileAsync(); if (file != null) { var fileFormat = Path.GetExtension(file.Path).Equals(".xls") ? FileFormat.OpenXmlTemplate : FileFormat.OpenXml; await xlBook.SaveAsync(file, fileFormat); } }
private void CreateSheet(DataRow dr) { //get current category name string catName = (string)dr["CategoryName"]; //add a new worksheet to the workbook //('/' is invalid in sheet names, so replace it with '+') string sheetName = catName.Replace("/", " + "); XLSheet sheet = _c1xl.Sheets.Add(sheetName); //add title to worksheet sheet[0, 0].Value = catName; sheet.Rows[0].Style = _styTitle; // set column widths (in twips) sheet.Columns[0].Width = 300; sheet.Columns[1].Width = 2200; sheet.Columns[2].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[3].Width = 1600; sheet.Columns[4].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[5].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[6].Width = 1000; //add column headers int row = 2; sheet.Rows[row].Style = _styHeader; sheet[row, 1].Value = "Product Name"; sheet[row, 2].Value = "Unit Price"; sheet[row, 3].Value = "Qty/Unit"; sheet[row, 4].Value = "Stock Units"; sheet[row, 5].Value = "Stock Value"; sheet[row, 6].Value = "Reorder"; //loop through products in this category DataRow[] products = dr.GetChildRows("Categories_Products"); foreach (DataRow product in products) { //move on to next row row++; //add row with some data sheet[row, 1].Value = product["ProductName"]; sheet[row, 2].Value = product["UnitPrice"]; sheet[row, 3].Value = product["QuantityPerUnit"]; sheet[row, 4].Value = product["UnitsInStock"]; //calculate value in stock double valueInStock = Convert.ToDouble(product["UnitPrice"]) * Convert.ToInt32(product["UnitsInStock"]); sheet[row, 5].Value = valueInStock; //check reorder level if (Convert.ToInt32(product["UnitsInStock"]) <= Convert.ToInt32(product["ReorderLevel"])) { sheet[row, 6].Value = "<<<"; sheet[row, 6].Style = _styOrder; } //format money cells sheet[row, 2].Style = _styMoney; sheet[row, 5].Style = _styMoney; } if (products.Length == 0) { row++; sheet[row, 1].Value = "No products in this category"; } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region "** object model" /// <summary> /// Saves the content of a C1FlexGrid into an XLSheet. /// </summary> public static void Save(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet) { // clear style cache if this is a new book if (!object.ReferenceEquals(sheet.Book, _lastBook)) { _cellStyles.Clear(); _excelStyles.Clear(); _lastBook = sheet.Book; } // save global parameters sheet.DefaultRowHeight = PixelsToTwips(flex.Rows.DefaultSize); sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = PixelsToTwips(flex.Columns.DefaultSize); sheet.Locked = flex.IsReadOnly; sheet.ShowGridLines = flex.GridLinesVisibility != GridLinesVisibility.None; sheet.ShowHeaders = flex.HeadersVisibility != HeadersVisibility.None; sheet.OutlinesBelow = flex.GroupRowPosition == GroupRowPosition.BelowData; // save columns sheet.Columns.Clear(); foreach (Column col in flex.Columns) { dynamic c = sheet.Columns.Add(); if (!col.Width.IsAuto) { c.Width = PixelsToTwips(col.ActualWidth); } c.Visible = col.Visible; if (col.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { c.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)col.CellStyle); } } sheet.Rows.Clear(); //save column headers XLStyle headerStyle = default(XLStyle); headerStyle = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); headerStyle.Font = new XLFont("Arial", 10, true, false); foreach (Row row in flex.ColumnHeaders.Rows) { dynamic r = sheet.Rows.Add(); if (row.Height > -1) { r.Height = PixelsToTwips(row.Height); } if (row.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { r.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)row.CellStyle); } if (row is ExcelRow) { r.OutlineLevel = ((ExcelRow)row).Level; } for (int c = 0; c <= flex.ColumnHeaders.Columns.Count - 1; c++) { // save cell value dynamic cell = sheet[row.Index, c]; string colHeader = flex.ColumnHeaders[row.Index, c] != null ? flex.ColumnHeaders[row.Index, c].ToString() : flex.Columns[c].ColumnName; cell.Value = colHeader; // make column headers bold cell.Style = headerStyle; } r.Visible = row.Visible; } // save rows foreach (Row row in flex.Rows) { dynamic r = sheet.Rows.Add(); if (row.Height > -1) { r.Height = PixelsToTwips(row.Height); } if (row.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { r.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)row.CellStyle); } if (row is ExcelRow) { r.OutlineLevel = ((ExcelRow)row).Level; } r.Visible = row.Visible; } int rowStart = flex.ColumnHeaders.Rows.Count; // save cells for (int r = 0; r <= flex.Rows.Count - 1; r++, rowStart++) { for (int c = 0; c <= flex.Columns.Count - 1; c++) { // save cell value dynamic cell = sheet[rowStart, c]; dynamic obj = flex[r, c]; cell.Value = obj is FrameworkElement ? 0 : obj; // save cell formula and style dynamic row = flex.Rows[r] as ExcelRow; if (row != null) { // save cell formula dynamic col = flex.Columns[c]; // save cell style dynamic cs = row.GetCellStyle(col) as ExcelCellStyle; if (cs != null) { cell.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, cs); } } } } // save selection dynamic sel = flex.Selection; if (sel.IsValid) { dynamic xlSel = new XLCellRange(sheet, sel.Row, sel.Row2, sel.Column, sel.Column2); sheet.SelectedCells.Clear(); sheet.SelectedCells.Add(xlSel); } }
// convert grid styles into excel styles private static XLStyle GetXLStyle(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet, ExcelCellStyle s) { // look it up in the cache XLStyle x = default(XLStyle); if (_excelStyles.TryGetValue(s, out x)) { return(x); } // not found, create style now x = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); // alignment if (s.HorizontalAlignment.HasValue) { switch (s.HorizontalAlignment.Value) { case HorizontalAlignment.Left: x.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Center: x.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Right: x.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; break; } } if (s.VerticalAlignment.HasValue) { switch (s.VerticalAlignment.Value) { case VerticalAlignment.Top: x.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top; break; case VerticalAlignment.Center: x.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; break; case VerticalAlignment.Bottom: x.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Bottom; break; } } if (s.TextWrapping.HasValue) { x.WordWrap = s.TextWrapping.Value; } // colors if (s.Background is SolidColorBrush) { x.BackColor = ((SolidColorBrush)s.Background).Color; x.BackPattern = XLPatternEnum.Solid; } if (s.Foreground is SolidColorBrush) { x.ForeColor = ((SolidColorBrush)s.Foreground).Color; } // font dynamic fontName = flex.FontFamily.Source; dynamic fontSize = flex.FontSize; dynamic bold = false; dynamic italic = false; bool underline = false; bool hasFont = false; if (s.FontFamily != null) { fontName = s.FontFamily.Source; hasFont = true; } if (s.FontSize.HasValue) { fontSize = s.FontSize.Value; hasFont = true; } if (s.FontWeight.HasValue) { bold = s.FontWeight.Value == FontWeights.Bold || s.FontWeight.Value == FontWeights.ExtraBold || s.FontWeight.Value == FontWeights.SemiBold; hasFont = true; } if (s.FontStyle.HasValue) { italic = s.FontStyle.Value == FontStyles.Italic; hasFont = true; } if (s.TextDecorations != null) { underline = true; hasFont = true; } if (hasFont) { fontSize = PixelsToPoints(fontSize); if (underline) { dynamic color = Colors.Black; if (flex.Foreground is SolidColorBrush) { color = ((SolidColorBrush)flex.Foreground).Color; } if (s.Foreground is SolidColorBrush) { color = ((SolidColorBrush)s.Foreground).Color; } x.Font = new XLFont(fontName, Convert.ToSingle(fontSize), bold, italic, false, XLFontScript.None, XLUnderlineStyle.Single, color); } else { x.Font = new XLFont(fontName, Convert.ToSingle(fontSize), bold, italic); } } // format if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Format)) { x.Format = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL(s.Format); } // borders if (s.CellBorderThickness.Left > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushLeft is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderLeft = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Left); x.BorderColorLeft = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushLeft).Color; } if (s.CellBorderThickness.Top > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushTop is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderTop = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Top); x.BorderColorTop = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushTop).Color; } if (s.CellBorderThickness.Right > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushRight is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderRight = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Right); x.BorderColorRight = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushRight).Color; } if (s.CellBorderThickness.Bottom > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushBottom is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderBottom = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Bottom); x.BorderColorBottom = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushBottom).Color; } // save in cache and return _excelStyles[s] = x; return(x); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region "** object model" /// <summary> /// Saves the content of a C1FlexGrid into an XLSheet. /// </summary> public static void Save(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet) { // clear style cache if this is a new book if(!object.ReferenceEquals(sheet.Book, _lastBook)) { _cellStyles.Clear(); _excelStyles.Clear(); _lastBook = sheet.Book; } // save global parameters sheet.DefaultRowHeight = PixelsToTwips(flex.Rows.DefaultSize); sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = PixelsToTwips(flex.Columns.DefaultSize); sheet.ShowGridLines = flex.GridLinesVisibility != GridLinesVisibility.None; sheet.ShowHeaders = flex.HeadersVisibility != HeadersVisibility.None; sheet.OutlinesBelow = flex.GroupRowPosition == GroupRowPosition.BelowData; // save columns sheet.Columns.Clear(); foreach(Column col in flex.Columns) { dynamic c = sheet.Columns.Add(); if(!col.Width.IsAuto) { c.Width = PixelsToTwips(col.ActualWidth); } c.Visible = col.Visible; if(col.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { c.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)col.CellStyle); } } sheet.Rows.Clear(); //save column headers XLStyle headerStyle = default(XLStyle); headerStyle = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); headerStyle.Font = new XLFont("Microsoft YaHei", 10, true, false); headerStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; headerStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; headerStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; headerStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; //save column headers foreach(Row row in flex.ColumnHeaders.Rows) { dynamic r = sheet.Rows.Add(); if(row.Height > -1) { r.Height = PixelsToTwips(row.Height); } if(row.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { r.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)row.CellStyle); } if(row is ExcelRow) { r.OutlineLevel = ((ExcelRow)row).Level; } for(int c = 0; c <= flex.ColumnHeaders.Columns.Count - 1; c++) { // save cell value dynamic cell = sheet[row.Index, c]; string colHeader = flex.Columns[c].Header; cell.Value = colHeader; // make column headers bold cell.Style = headerStyle; } r.Visible = row.Visible; } // save rows foreach(Row row in flex.Rows) { dynamic r = sheet.Rows.Add(); if(row.Height > -1) { r.Height = PixelsToTwips(row.Height); } if(row.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { r.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)row.CellStyle); } if(row is ExcelRow) { r.OutlineLevel = ((ExcelRow)row).Level; } r.Visible = row.Visible; } XLStyle dateTimeStyle = default(XLStyle); dateTimeStyle = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); dateTimeStyle.Font = new XLFont("Microsoft YaHei", 10, false, false); dateTimeStyle.Format = "yyyy/mm/dd"; dateTimeStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; dateTimeStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; dateTimeStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; dateTimeStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; XLStyle normalStyle = default(XLStyle); normalStyle = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); normalStyle.Font = new XLFont("Microsoft YaHei", 10, false, false); normalStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; normalStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; normalStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; normalStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; // save cells for(int r = flex.ColumnHeaders.Rows.Count; r <= flex.Rows.Count; r++) { for(int c = 0; c <= flex.Columns.Count - 1; c++) { // save cell value dynamic cell = sheet[r, c]; dynamic obj = flex[r - 1, c]; if(obj is DateTime) { cell.Style = dateTimeStyle; } else { cell.Style = normalStyle; } cell.Value = obj is FrameworkElement ? 0 : obj; // save cell formula and style //dynamic row = flex.Rows[r - 1] as ExcelRow; //if(row != null) //{ // // save cell formula // dynamic col = flex.Columns[c]; // // save cell style // dynamic cs = row.GetCellStyle(col) as ExcelCellStyle; // if(cs != null) // { // cell.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, cs); // } //} } } // save selection dynamic sel = flex.Selection; if(sel.IsValid) { dynamic xlSel = new XLCellRange(sheet, sel.Row, sel.Row2, sel.Column, sel.Column2); sheet.SelectedCells.Clear(); sheet.SelectedCells.Add(xlSel); } }
public static Worksheet ToWorksheet(this XLSheet sheet) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the content of a C1FlexGrid into an XLSheet. /// </summary> public static void Save(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet) { // clear style cache if this is a new book if (sheet.Book != _lastBook) { _cellStyles.Clear(); _excelStyles.Clear(); _lastBook = sheet.Book; } // save global parameters sheet.DefaultRowHeight = PixelsToTwips(flex.Rows.DefaultSize); sheet.DefaultColumnWidth = PixelsToTwips(flex.Columns.DefaultSize); sheet.Locked = flex.IsReadOnly; sheet.ShowGridLines = flex.GridLinesVisibility != GridLinesVisibility.None; sheet.ShowHeaders = flex.HeadersVisibility != HeadersVisibility.None; sheet.OutlinesBelow = flex.GroupRowPosition == GroupRowPosition.BelowData; // save columns sheet.Columns.Clear(); foreach (Column col in flex.Columns) { var c = sheet.Columns.Add(); if (!col.Width.IsAuto) { c.Width = PixelsToTwips(col.ActualWidth); } c.Visible = col.Visible; if (col.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { c.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)col.CellStyle); } } // save rows sheet.Rows.Clear(); foreach (Row row in flex.Rows) { var r = sheet.Rows.Add(); if (row.Height > -1) { r.Height = PixelsToTwips(row.Height); } if (row.CellStyle is ExcelCellStyle) { r.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, (ExcelCellStyle)row.CellStyle); } if (row is ExcelRow) { r.OutlineLevel = ((ExcelRow)row).Level; } r.Visible = row.Visible; } // save cells for (int r = 0; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < flex.Columns.Count; c++) { // save cell value var cell = sheet[r, c]; var obj = flex[r, c]; cell.Value = obj is FrameworkElement ? 0 : obj; // save cell formula and style var row = flex.Rows[r] as ExcelRow; if (row != null) { // save cell formula var col = flex.Columns[c]; var formula = row.GetDataEditor(col); if (formula.StartsWith("=")) { cell.Formula = formula; } // save cell style var cs = row.GetCellStyle(col) as ExcelCellStyle; if (cs != null) { cell.Style = GetXLStyle(flex, sheet, cs); } } } } // save selection var sel = flex.Selection; if (sel.IsValid) { var xlSel = new XLCellRange(sheet, sel.Row, sel.Row2, sel.Column, sel.Column2); sheet.SelectedCells.Clear(); sheet.SelectedCells.Add(xlSel); } // save merged cells var xmm = flex.MergeManager as ExcelMergeManager; if (xmm != null) { xmm.SetMergedRanges(sheet); } }
public static void Create_Sheet(ref XLSheet sheet, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView grid) { try { if (sheet == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sheet", "sheet is null."); } if (grid.RowCount == 0) { return; } sheet.Rows[6].Height = 600; sheet.Columns[0].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[1].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[2].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[3].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[4].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[5].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[6].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[7].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[8].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[9].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[10].Width = 1600; sheet.Columns[11].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[12].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[13].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[14].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[15].Width = 1600; sheet.Columns[16].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[17].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[18].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[19].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[20].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[21].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[22].Width = 1100; sheet.Columns[23].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[24].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[25].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[26].Width = 1200; #region Header MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 0, 0, "Export Country"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 1, 1, "SAP Style ID"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 2, 2, "Brand"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 3, 3, "Sub-brand"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 4, 4, "Production period yyyy/ww"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 5, 5, "Vendor ID"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 6, 6, "Factory ID"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 7, 7, "Collection"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 8, 8, "Product Type"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 9, 9, "Legacy Style ID"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 10, 10, "Style Description"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 11, 11, "P.O. No."); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 12, 12, "Commission No."); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 13, 13, "SAP Color"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 14, 14, "SAP Color Desc."); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 15, 15, "Marking"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 16, 16, "Garment size"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 17, 17, "Order Qty."); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 18, 18, "Packing Unit"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 19, 19, "Original ETD dd/mm/yyyy"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 20, 20, "Actual ETD dd/mm/yyyy"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 21, 21, "Shipment ETD dd/mm/yyyy"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 22, 22, "Responsible"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 23, 23, "Buyer Name"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 24, 24, "Advertised"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 25, 25, "Order Type"); MergeCells(ref sheet, ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book), 6, 6, 26, 26, "Shipment destination"); #endregion int rowSheet = 7; for (int row = 0; row <= grid.RowCount - 1; row++) { #region for sheet[rowSheet + row, 0].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Export_Country").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 1].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "SAP_Style_ID").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 2].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Brand").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 3].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Sub_brand").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 4].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Production_period").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 5].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Vendor_ID").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 6].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Factory_ID").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 7].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Collections").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 8].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Product_Type").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 9].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Legacy_Style").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 10].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Style_Description").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 11].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "PO_Number").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 12].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Commission_No").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 13].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "SAP_Color").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 14].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "SAP_Color_Desc").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 15].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "MARKING").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 16].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Garment_size").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 17].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Order_Qty"), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 18].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Packing_Unit").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 19].SetValue(string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "ORI_ETD")), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 20].SetValue(string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Actual_ETD")), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 21].SetValue(string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Shipment_ETD")), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 22].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Responsible").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 23].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Buyer_Name").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 24].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Advertised").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 25].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Order_Type").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); sheet[rowSheet + row, 26].SetValue(grid.GetRowCellValue(row, "Shipment_destination").ToString(), ReportNameStyle(sheet.Book)); #endregion } #region "Footer" #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
// convert grid styles into excel styles static XLStyle GetXLStyle(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet, ExcelCellStyle s) { // look it up in the cache XLStyle x; if (_excelStyles.TryGetValue(s, out x)) { return x; } // not found, create style now x = new XLStyle(sheet.Book); // alignment if (s.HorizontalAlignment.HasValue) { switch (s.HorizontalAlignment.Value) { case HorizontalAlignment.Left: x.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Center: x.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; break; case HorizontalAlignment.Right: x.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; break; } } if (s.VerticalAlignment.HasValue) { switch (s.VerticalAlignment.Value) { case VerticalAlignment.Top: x.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Top; break; case VerticalAlignment.Center: x.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; break; case VerticalAlignment.Bottom: x.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Bottom; break; } } if (s.TextWrapping.HasValue) { x.WordWrap = s.TextWrapping.Value; } // colors if (s.Background is SolidColorBrush) { x.BackColor = ((SolidColorBrush)s.Background).Color; x.BackPattern = XLPatternEnum.Solid; } if (s.Foreground is SolidColorBrush) { x.ForeColor = ((SolidColorBrush)s.Foreground).Color; } // font var fontName = flex.FontFamily.Source; var fontSize = flex.FontSize; var bold = false; var italic = false; bool underline = false; bool hasFont = false; if (s.FontFamily != null) { fontName = s.FontFamily.Source; hasFont = true; } if (s.FontSize.HasValue) { fontSize = s.FontSize.Value; hasFont = true; } if (s.FontWeight.HasValue) { bold = s.FontWeight.Value == FontWeights.Bold || s.FontWeight.Value == FontWeights.ExtraBold || s.FontWeight.Value == FontWeights.SemiBold; hasFont = true; } if (s.FontStyle.HasValue) { italic = s.FontStyle.Value == FontStyles.Italic; hasFont = true; } if (s.TextDecorations != null) { underline = true; hasFont = true; } if (hasFont) { fontSize = PixelsToPoints(fontSize); if (underline) { var color = Colors.Black; if (flex.Foreground is SolidColorBrush) { color = ((SolidColorBrush)flex.Foreground).Color; } if (s.Foreground is SolidColorBrush) { color = ((SolidColorBrush)s.Foreground).Color; } x.Font = new XLFont(fontName, (float)fontSize, bold, italic, false, XLFontScript.None, XLUnderlineStyle.Single, color); } else { x.Font = new XLFont(fontName, (float)fontSize, bold, italic); } } // format if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Format)) { x.Format = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL(s.Format); } // borders if (s.CellBorderThickness.Left > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushLeft is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderLeft = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Left); x.BorderColorLeft = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushLeft).Color; } if (s.CellBorderThickness.Top > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushTop is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderTop = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Top); x.BorderColorTop = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushTop).Color; } if (s.CellBorderThickness.Right > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushRight is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderRight = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Right); x.BorderColorRight = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushRight).Color; } if (s.CellBorderThickness.Bottom > 0 && s.CellBorderBrushBottom is SolidColorBrush) { x.BorderBottom = GetBorderLineStyle(s.CellBorderThickness.Bottom); x.BorderColorBottom = ((SolidColorBrush)s.CellBorderBrushBottom).Color; } // save in cache and return _excelStyles[s] = x; return x; }
private bool CheckDate(XLSheet sheet) { listBox1.Items.Clear(); bool HasNullRow = false; listBox1.Items.Add("�п�����ʱ����ע��Դ�����ļ��������Ƿ���ȷ��"); for (int i = 0; i < sheet.Rows.Count; i++) { listBox1.Items.Add(" �е�" + i + "�п��������£�"); for (int j = 0; j < sheet.Columns.Count; j++) { if (IsNull(sheet[i, j].Value)) { sheet[i, j].Value = string.Empty; listBox1.Items.Add(" ����" + i + "�У���" + j + "�У��ǿ����ݣ�"); HasNullRow = true; } } listBox1.Items.Add(" ����" + i + "�п����ݣ�"); listBox1.Items.Add(" "); // return false; } if (HasNullRow) { return false; } else { return true; } }
/* Sheet[i, 1] = "电路代号; Sheet[i, 1] = "故障处理人员; Sheet[i, 1] = "故障受理人员; Sheet[i, 1] = "关键字; Sheet[i, 1] = "恢复时间; Sheet[i, 1] = "客户等级; Sheet[i, 1] = "客户名称; Sheet[i, 1] = "联系电话; Sheet[i, 1] = "派障时间; Sheet[i, 1] = "是否处理成功; Sheet[i, 1] = "是否预约; Sheet[i, 1] = "受理时间; Sheet[i, 1] = "响应及时性; Sheet[i, 1] = "障碍现象; Sheet[i, 1] = "障碍详细地址; Sheet[i, 1] = "障碍原因及处理结果; Sheet[i, 1] = "中心编号; Sheet[i, 1] = "总历时; */ private bool WriteDataToSheet(XLSheet Sheet) { if (dic故障管理 != null && dic故障管理.Count > 0) { Sheet[0, 0].Value = "中心编号"; Sheet[0, 1].Value = "电路代号"; Sheet[0, 2].Value = "故障处理人员"; Sheet[0, 3].Value = "故障受理人员"; Sheet[0, 4].Value = "总历时"; Sheet[0, 5].Value = "恢复时间"; Sheet[0, 6].Value = "客户等级"; Sheet[0, 7].Value = "客户名称"; Sheet[0, 8].Value = "联系电话"; Sheet[0, 9].Value = "派障时间"; Sheet[0, 10].Value = "是否处理成功"; Sheet[0, 11].Value = "是否预约"; Sheet[0, 12].Value = "受理时间"; Sheet[0, 13].Value = "响应及时性"; Sheet[0, 14].Value = "障碍现象"; Sheet[0, 15].Value = "障碍详细地址"; Sheet[0, 16].Value = "障碍原因及处理结果"; XLStyle DateTime = new XLStyle(Sheet.Book); DateTime.Format = "YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS"; int Index = 1; foreach (int i in dic故障管理.Keys) { Sheet[Index, 0].Value = dic故障管理[i].BbasedateID; Sheet[Index, 1].Value = dic故障管理[i].B电路代号; Sheet[Index, 2].Value = dic故障管理[i].B故障处理人员; Sheet[Index, 3].Value = dic故障管理[i].B故障受理人员; Sheet[Index, 4].Value = dic故障管理[i].B总历时; Sheet[Index, 5].Value = dic故障管理[i].B恢复时间; Sheet[Index, 5].Style = DateTime; Sheet[Index, 6].Value = dic故障管理[i].B客户等级; Sheet[Index, 7].Value = dic故障管理[i].B客户名称; Sheet[Index, 8].Value = dic故障管理[i].B联系电话; Sheet[Index, 9].Value = dic故障管理[i].B派障时间; Sheet[Index, 9].Style = DateTime; Sheet[Index, 10].Value = dic故障管理[i].B是否处理成功; Sheet[Index, 11].Value = dic故障管理[i].B是否预约; Sheet[Index, 12].Value = dic故障管理[i].B受理时间; Sheet[Index, 12].Style = DateTime; Sheet[Index, 13].Value = dic故障管理[i].B响应及时性; Sheet[Index, 14].Value = dic故障管理[i].B障碍现象; Sheet[Index, 15].Value = dic故障管理[i].B障碍详细地址; Sheet[Index, 16].Value = dic故障管理[i].B障碍原因及处理结果; Index++; } } else { MessageBox.Show("请先查询故障后,再进行导出!", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// �������� /// </summary> /// <param name="sheet"></param> private void ImportDate(XLSheet sheet) { toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 0; int count = sheet.Rows.Count; int oneDate = count % toolStripProgressBar1.Maximum == 0 ? count / toolStripProgressBar1.Maximum : count / toolStripProgressBar1.Maximum + 1; //int ProBarValue = 0; //ds.Tables["E_Points"].Clear(); //Save(); try { for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { if (sheet[i, 5].Value == null) { continue; } DataRow dr = ds.Tables["E_Points"].NewRow(); //���� if (ds.Tables["E_Points"].Rows.Contains(sheet[i, 5].Value.ToString())) { dr = ds.Tables["E_Points"].Rows.Find(sheet[i, 5].Value.ToString()); dr["PointName"] = sheet[i, 7].Value.ToString(); dr["AreaCode"] = 0;//sheet[i, 3].Value.ToString();//AreaCode double temp = 0d; if (Double.TryParse(sheet[i, 12].Value.ToString(), out temp)) { dr["X"] = temp; } if (Double.TryParse(sheet[i, 13].Value.ToString(), out temp)) { dr["Y"] = temp; ; } dr["FromTo"] = 0; dr["Deleted"] = 0; } else //������ { dr["PointCode"] = sheet[i, 5].Value.ToString(); dr["PointName"] = sheet[i, 7].Value.ToString(); dr["AreaCode"] = 0; double temp = 0d; if (Double.TryParse(sheet[i, 12].Value.ToString(), out temp)) { dr["X"] = temp; } if (Double.TryParse(sheet[i, 13].Value.ToString(), out temp)) { dr["Y"] = temp; ; } dr["FromTo"] = 0; dr["Deleted"] = 0; ds.Tables["E_Points"].Rows.Add(dr); } //sheet[i, 0].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 1].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 2].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 3].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 4].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 5].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 6].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 7].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 8].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 9].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 10].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 11].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 12].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 13].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 14].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 15].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 16].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 17].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 18].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 19].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 20].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 21].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 22].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 23].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 24].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 25].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 26].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 27].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 28].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 29].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 30].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 31].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 32].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 33].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 34].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 35].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 36].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 37].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 38].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 39].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 40].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 41].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 42].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 43].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 44].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 45].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 46].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 47].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 48].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 49].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 50].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 51].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 52].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 53].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 54].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 55].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 56].Value.ToString(); //sheet[i, 57].Value.ToString(); /* * 0 ������ 1 ����� 2 ������ 3 �Ϲ��� 4 ���ÿ����� 5 ������������ 6 ���� */ //���������� if (count > toolStripProgressBar1.Maximum) { if (i % oneDate == 0) { toolStripProgressBar1.Value += 1; } } else { toolStripProgressBar1.Value += toolStripProgressBar1.Maximum / count; } if (i == count) { toolStripProgressBar1.Value = 100; } // this.Text = toolStripProgressBar1.Value.ToString(); } Save(); button2.Enabled = false; SQLExecute.Operate = "�û�" + DBUser.CURR_USERID + "�����վ���ݡ�"; SQLExecute.SaveOperate(); MessageBox.Show("�������", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } finally { Save(); } }
public void FullNewViewMultiBoth(string lsYearmonth) { string[] strTmpYearMonth = lsYearmonth.Split(','); string maxYearMonth = ""; for (int l = 0; l < strTmpYearMonth.Length; l++) { string tmp = strTmpYearMonth[l]; if (maxYearMonth == "") maxYearMonth = tmp; if (maxYearMonth.CompareTo(tmp) < 0) maxYearMonth = tmp; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lsYearmonth)) { mvMessage.AddError("Phải chọn ít nhất 1 tháng"); return; } int rBillNo = 0; int cBillNo = 1; int rBillDate = 0; int cBillDate = 10; int rBillMonth = 2; int cBillMonth = 0; int rContact = 5; int cContact = 3; int rCustomer = 5; int cCustomer = 7; int rContract = 7; int cContract = 1; //int rRate = 11; //int cRate = 9; //int rRateDate = 11; //int cRateDate = 12; int rRent = 15; int rManager = 23; int rParking = 31; int rExtra = 39; int rElec = 47; int rWater = 55; int rService = 63; int rPaid = 70; int rDept = 77; int rOffice = 88; int cOffice = 1; int rPhone = 89; int cPhone = 1; int rBank = 88; int cBank = 7; int rAccountName = 89; int cAccountName = 7; int rAccount = 90; int cAccount = 7; int rSum = 81; int cSum = 12; int rSumVND = 80; int cSumVND = 12; int rSumRead = 82; ArrayList removeRow = new ArrayList(); ArrayList hideRow = new ArrayList(); int check = DbHelper.GetCount("Select count(*) from PaymentBillInfo Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' and YearMonth = '" + drpYear.SelectedValue + drpMonth.SelectedValue + "'"); if (check == 0) { mvMessage.AddError("Xin vui lòng tạo hóa đơn trước khi xem"); return; } mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillDate, "Ngày xuất Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc"); mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtBillNo, "Số Hóa đơn là danh mục bắt buộc"); mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchange, "Tỉ giá USD-VN là danh mục bắt buộc"); mvMessage.CheckRequired(txtUsdExchangeDate, "Ngày tỉ giá là danh mục bắt buộc"); xlbBook = new C1XLBook(); string fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Template\NewBillTongQuat.xlsx"); if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]))); } XLStyle xlstStyleLeftCH = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleLeftCH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Left; xlstStyleLeftCH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleLeftCH.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleLeftCH.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleLeftCH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleLeftCH.WordWrap = false; XLStyle xlstStyleC = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleC.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleC.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleC.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleC.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyleC.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleC.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)"; XLStyle xlstStyleC2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleC2.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleC2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleC2.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleC2.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyleC2.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleC2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)"; XLStyle xlstStyleC1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleC1.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleC1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleC1.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleC1.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyleC1.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleC1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC1.Format = "#,##0.0_);(#,##0.0)"; XLStyle xlstStyleC0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleC0.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleC0.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleC0.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleC0.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyleC0.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleC0.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC0.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC0.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC0.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleC0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)"; XLStyle xlstStyleCH = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleCH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleCH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleCH.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleCH.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleCH.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCH.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCH.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCH.WordWrap = true; XLStyle xlstStyleCSum2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleCSum2.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleCSum2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleCSum2.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleCSum2.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleCSum2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum2.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleCSum2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)"; XLStyle xlstStyleCSum1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleCSum1.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleCSum1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleCSum1.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleCSum1.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleCSum1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum1.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleCSum1.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)"; XLStyle xlstStyleCSum0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleCSum0.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleCSum0.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleCSum0.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleCSum0.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleCSum0.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum0.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum0.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum0.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleCSum0.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleCSum0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)"; XLStyle xlstStyle = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyle.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyle.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyle.WordWrap = true; xlstStyle.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyle.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyle.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)"; XLStyle xlstStyle2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyle2.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; xlstStyle2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyle2.WordWrap = true; xlstStyle2.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyle2.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyle2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)"; XLStyle xlstStyle1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyle1.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; xlstStyle1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyle1.WordWrap = true; xlstStyle1.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyle1.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyle1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle1.Format = "#,##0.0_);(#,##0.0)"; XLStyle xlstStyle0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyle0.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; xlstStyle0.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyle0.WordWrap = true; xlstStyle0.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular); xlstStyle0.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyle0.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle0.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle0.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle0.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyle0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)"; XLStyle xlstStyleH = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleH.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Center; xlstStyleH.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleH.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleH.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleH.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleH.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleH.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleH.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleH.WordWrap = true; XLStyle xlstStyleSum2 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleSum2.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; xlstStyleSum2.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleSum2.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleSum2.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleSum2.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum2.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum2.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum2.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum2.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleSum2.Format = "#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)"; XLStyle xlstStyleSum1 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleSum1.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; xlstStyleSum1.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleSum1.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleSum1.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleSum1.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum1.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum1.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum1.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum1.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleSum1.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)"; XLStyle xlstStyleSum0 = new XLStyle(xlbBook); xlstStyleSum0.AlignHorz = XLAlignHorzEnum.Right; xlstStyleSum0.AlignVert = XLAlignVertEnum.Center; xlstStyleSum0.Font = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Bold); xlstStyleSum0.SetBorderColor(Color.Black); xlstStyleSum0.BorderBottom = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum0.BorderTop = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum0.BorderLeft = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum0.BorderRight = XLLineStyleEnum.Thin; xlstStyleSum0.WordWrap = true; xlstStyleSum0.Format = "#,##0_);(#,##0)"; if (!Directory.Exists(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\Bill")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\Bill")); } string strDT = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); string strFilePath = @"~\Report\Building\" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"\Bill\Bill_" + lblCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx"; string strFilePathExport = @"../../Report/Building/" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + @"/Bill/Bill_" + lblCustomerId.Text + "_" + strDT + ".xlsx"; string fileNameDes = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(strFilePath); File.Copy(fileName, fileNameDes); xlbBook.Load(fileNameDes); xlsSheet = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop"]; xlsSheetEn = xlbBook.Sheets["TongHop_En"]; //Bill No setValReplace(rBillNo, cBillNo, "{%BILL_NO%}", txtBillNo.Text); //Ngay Thang Nam DateTime dtime = DateTime.Today; setValReplace(rBillDate, cBillDate, "{%NGAY%}", dtime.ToString("dd")); setValReplace(rBillDate, cBillDate, "{%THANG%}", dtime.ToString("MM")); setValReplace(rBillDate, cBillDate, "{%NAM%}", dtime.ToString("yyyy")); //Nam setValReplace(rBillMonth, cBillMonth, "{%NAM_THANG%}", drpMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + drpYear.SelectedValue); using (SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase()) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string sql = string.Empty; sql = " SELECT Name, ContactName"; sql += " FROM Customer"; sql += " WHERE CustomerId = '" + lblCustomerId.Text + "' "; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); if (ds != null) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows) { string Name = rowType[0].ToString(); string ContactName = rowType[1].ToString(); //Customer setValReplace(rCustomer, cCustomer, "{%TEN_CONG_TY%}", Name); //Contact setValReplace(rContact, cContact, "{%NGUOI_DAI_DIEN%}", ContactName); } } } Hashtable contractIdLst = new Hashtable(); string contract = ""; ds = new DataSet(); sql = " SELECT Bank,Account,AccountName,Office,OfficeAddress,OfficePhone"; sql += " FROM Mst_Building"; sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' "; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); if (ds != null) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows) { string Bank = rowType["Bank"].ToString(); string Account = rowType["Account"].ToString(); string AccountName = rowType["AccountName"].ToString(); string Office = rowType["Office"].ToString(); string OfficeAddress = rowType["OfficeAddress"].ToString(); string OfficePhone = rowType["OfficePhone"].ToString(); setVal(rOffice, 2, Office); setVal(rPhone, 2, OfficePhone); setVal(rBank, 10, Bank); setVal(rAccountName, 10, AccountName); setVal(rAccount, 10, Account); } } } //setVal(rRate, cRate, xlsSheet[rRate, cRate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%TI_GIA%}", Func.FormatNumber_New(txtUsdExchange.Text))); //setVal(rRateDate, cRateDate, xlsSheet[rRateDate, cRateDate].Value.ToString().Replace("{%NGAY_AP_DUNG%}", txtUsdExchangeDate.Text)); //Thue phong ds = new DataSet(); sql = " Select A.*, B.ContractDate"; sql += " FROM PaymentRoom A, RentContract B"; sql += " WHERE A.ContractId = B.ContractId and A.BuildingId = B.BuildingId and A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")"; sql += " and A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")"; int sumRow = 0; int j = 0; decimal[] LastSumPriceVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; decimal[] LastSumPriceUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; decimal PaidPriceVND = 0; decimal PaidPriceUSD = 0; int viewNumber = 1; string strSum = ""; int line = 0; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); line = rRent - 3 + j; removeRow.Add(line + 2); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 3); mergeCell(line, line, 4, 5); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5); mergeCell(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5); mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7); mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9); mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11); mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13); if (ds != null) { int count = 0; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; int k = 0; if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 13; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1); } setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; } else { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; foreach (DataRow rowType in dt.Rows) { decimal tmp02 = Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]); string ContractId = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractId"]); string ContractNo = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractNo"]); string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(rowType["YearMonth"]); string Area = Func.ParseString(rowType["Area"]); string Name = Func.ParseString(rowType["Name"]); string Regional = Func.ParseString(rowType["Regional"]); string Floor = Func.ParseString(rowType["Floor"]); string BeginContract = Func.ParseString(rowType["ContractDate"]); if (!contractIdLst.ContainsKey(ContractId + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")")) { contractIdLst.Add(ContractId + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")", ContractNo + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")"); contract += ";" + ContractNo + "(" + Func.FormatDMY(BeginContract) + ")"; } if (tmp02 > 0) { if (count >= 1) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rRent + 1 + j); j++; } count++; int tmp = rRent + j; setVal(tmp, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4)); setVal(tmp, 4, rowType["Area"]); setVal(tmp, 6, rowType["MonthRentPriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 8, rowType["MonthRentSumVND"]); setVal(tmp, 10, rowType["VatRentPriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 12, rowType["LastRentSumVND"]); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5); for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle); } setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1); setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0); LastSumPriceVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(rowType["LastRentSumVND"]); } else { k++; } } mergeCell(rRent + 1 + j, rRent + 1 + j, 1, 11); setVal(rRent + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[0]); mergeCell(rRent + 1 + j, rRent + 1 + j, 12, 13); //Format setStyle(rRent + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum1); setStyle(rRent + 1 + j, 13, xlstStyleSum0); sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1 - k; //Phi quan ly line = rManager - 3 + j; setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; removeRow.Add(line + 2); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 3); mergeCell(line, line, 4, 5); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5); mergeCell(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5); mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7); mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9); mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11); mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13); ////En k = 0; count = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { decimal tmp02 = Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]); if (tmp02 > 0) { if (count >= 1) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rManager + 1 + j); j++; } count++; int tmp = rManager + j; string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(row["YearMonth"]); string Area = Func.ParseString(row["Area"]); string Name = Func.ParseString(row["Name"]); setVal(tmp, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4)); setVal(tmp, 4, row["Area"]); setVal(tmp, 6, row["MonthManagerPriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 8, row["MonthManagerSumVND"]); setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatManagerPriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastManagerSumVND"]); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5); for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle); } setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1); setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13); LastSumPriceVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastManagerSumVND"]); } else { k++; } } mergeCell(rManager + 1 + j, rManager + 1 + j, 1, 11); setVal(rManager + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[1]); mergeCell(rManager + 1 + j, rManager + 1 + j, 12, 13); setStyle(rManager + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0); sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1 - k; } } else { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int rRentLine = 0; rRentLine < 15; rRentLine++) { //setHideRow(rRentLine + rRent - 4 + line); } } } ds = new DataSet(); //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS Num, YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, SUM(VatVND) AS VatVND,SUM(VatUSD) AS VatUSD, SUM(SumVND) AS SumVND, SUM(SumUSD) AS SumUSD, SUM(LastPriceVND) AS LastPriceVND"; sql += " , SUM(LastPriceUSD) AS LastPriceUSD"; sql += " FROM dbo.PaymentParking"; sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")"; sql += " GROUP BY YearMonth, TariffsParkingName, PriceVND, PriceUSD, Vat, daysParking"; sql += " HAVING (SUM(LastPriceVND) >0 or SUM(LastPriceUSD) >0)"; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); line = rParking - 3 + j; removeRow.Add(line + 2); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 3); mergeCell(line, line, 4, 5); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 4, 5); mergeCell(line + 2, line + 2, 4, 5); mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7); mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9); mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11); mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13); if (ds != null) { int count = 0; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (count >= 1) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rParking + 1 + j); j++; } count++; int tmp = rParking + j; string Num = Func.ParseString(row["Num"]); string TariffsParkingName = Func.ParseString(row["TariffsParkingName"]); // Phi gui xe setVal(tmp, 1, TariffsParkingName); setVal(tmp, 4, Num); setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 8, row["SumVND"]); setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatVND"]); setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5); for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle); } setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1); setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC1); setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 4, 5); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13); LastSumPriceVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]); } setVal(rParking + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[2]); mergeCell(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11); mergeCell(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 12, 13); setStyle(rParking + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0); mergeCell(rParking + 1 + j, rParking + 1 + j, 1, 11); sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1; } else { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1); } } } } ds = new DataSet(); sql = "SELECT id"; sql += " ,YearMonth,BuildingId,CustomerId,RoomId,ExtraHour,VAT,OtherFee01,OtherFee02"; sql += " ,PriceUSD,PriceVND,VatUSD,VatVND,SumUSD,SumVND,IsNull(LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD ,IsNull(LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND "; sql += " ,RentArea,dbo.fnDateTime(FromWD) BeginDate,dbo.fnDateTime(EndWD) EndDate,ExtratimeType"; sql += " FROM PaymentExtraTimeMonth"; sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")"; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); line = rExtra - 3 + j; removeRow.Add(line + 2); //Phi ngoai gio mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 2); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 4, 4); mergeCell(line, line, 6, 7); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 6, 7); mergeCell(line, line, 8, 9); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 8, 9); mergeCell(line, line, 10, 11); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 10, 11); mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13); /////En if (ds != null) { int count = 0; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (count >= 1) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rExtra + 1 + j); j++; } count++; int tmp = rExtra + j; string ExtraHour = Func.ParseString(row["ExtraHour"]); string BeginDate = Func.ParseString(row["BeginDate"]); string EndDate = Func.ParseString(row["EndDate"]); string ExtratimeType = Func.ParseString(row["ExtratimeType"]); setVal(tmp, 1, BeginDate + "~" + EndDate); setVal(tmp, 3, row["RentArea"]); setVal(tmp, 5, ExtraHour); setVal(tmp, 4, "Diện tích"); if ("0".Equals(ExtratimeType)) { setVal(tmp, 4, "m2*h"); } setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 8, row["SumVND"]); setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatVND"]); setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]); LastSumPriceVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 2); for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle); } ///////////////////// setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC1); setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC1); setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 7, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 9, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 11, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 13, xlstStyle0); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 1, 3); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13); } } else { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1); } } mergeCell(rExtra + 1 + j, rExtra + 1 + j, 1, 11); setVal(rExtra + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[3]); mergeCell(rExtra + 1 + j, rExtra + 1 + j, 12, 13); setStyle(rExtra + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum1); setStyle(rExtra + 1 + j, 13, xlstStyleSum0); sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1; } } ds = new DataSet(); //Dien //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat,, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0) as Sum, (isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0))*isnull(A.Vat, 0)/100 as SumVAT ,B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, "; sql += " B.VatVND, B.VatUSD ,IsNull(B.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD ,IsNull(B.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND , B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent "; sql += " FROM PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN "; sql += " PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId"; sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId = 0 and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and B.DetailType = 1"; sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex"; bool rElecVat = true; bool rWaterVat = true; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); line = rElec - 3 + j; removeRow.Add(line + 2); //Phi dien mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 1); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 2, 2); mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13); /////En for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++) { setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH); } if (ds != null) { int count = 0; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (count >= 1) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rElec + 1 + j); j++; } count++; int tmp = rElec + j; string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]); string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]); string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]); string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]); string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]); string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]); string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]); string ElecPricePercent = Func.ParseString(row["ElecPricePercent"]); string vat = Func.ParseString(row["vat"]); if (rElecVat) { setValReplace(line, 9, "(%VAT)", "(" + vat.Replace(",00", "") + "%VAT)"); rElecVat = false; } setVal(tmp, 1, DateFrom); setVal(tmp, 2, DateTo); setVal(tmp, 3, FromIndex); setVal(tmp, 4, ToIndex); setVal(tmp, 5, row["OtherFee01"]); setVal(tmp, 6, Mount); setVal(tmp, 7, row["PriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 8, row["Sum"]); setVal(tmp, 9, row["SumVAT"]); setVal(tmp, 10, row["OtherFee02"]); setVal(tmp, 11, row["ElecPricePercent"]); setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13); for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle); } ///////////////// setStyle(tmp, 3, xlstStyleC2); setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC2); setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC0); setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle2); setStyle(tmp, 7, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 9, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 11, xlstStyle2); setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0); } DataSet dsSum = new DataSet(); //Dien //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang string sqlSum = " SELECT IsNull(A.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD ,IsNull(A.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND "; sqlSum += " FROM PaymentElecWater AS A "; sqlSum += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfElecId > 0 and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and A.DetailType = 1"; using (SqlCommand cmSum = db.CreateCommand(sqlSum)) { SqlDataAdapter daSum = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSum); daSum.Fill(dsSum); if (daSum != null) { DataTable dtSum = dsSum.Tables[0]; if (dtSum.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dtSum.Rows) { LastSumPriceUSD[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceUSD"]); LastSumPriceVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]); } } } } /////////////////////////// setVal(rElec + 1 + j, 12, Decimal.Round(LastSumPriceVND[4], 0)); mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11); mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13); //// setStyle(rElec + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0); mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 1, 11); mergeCell(rElec + 1 + j, rElec + 1 + j, 12, 13); sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1; } else { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1); } } } } ds = new DataSet(); //Phi Nuoc //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang sql = " SELECT dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateFrom) DateFrom, dbo.fnDateTime(A.DateTo) DateTo, A.Vat,, B.UsedElecWaterId, B.FromIndex, B.ToIndex, B.OtherFee01, B.OtherFee02, B.Mount, B.PriceVND, isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0) as Sum, (isnull(B.Mount,0) * isnull(B.PriceVND,0))*isnull(A.Vat, 0)/100 as SumVAT , B.PriceUSD, B.SumVND, B.SumUSD, "; sql += " B.VatVND, B.VatUSD,IsNull(B.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD,IsNull(B.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND, B.Name, B.WaterPricePercent,B.ElecPricePercent "; sql += " FROM PaymentElecWater AS A INNER JOIN "; sql += " PaymentElecWaterDetail AS B ON A.UsedElecWaterId = B.UsedElecWaterId"; sql += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfElecId = 0 and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and B.DetailType = 2"; sql += " Order by A.DateFrom, B.FromIndex"; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); line = rWater - 3 + j; removeRow.Add(line + 2); //Phi nuoc mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 1); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 2, 2); mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13); for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++) { setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH); } for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++) { setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH); } if (ds != null) { int count = 0; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (count >= 1) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rWater + 1 + j); j++; } count++; int tmp = rWater + j; string DateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["DateFrom"]); string DateTo = Func.ParseString(row["DateTo"]); string FromIndex = Func.ParseString(row["FromIndex"]); string ToIndex = Func.ParseString(row["ToIndex"]); string OtherFee01 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee01"]); string OtherFee02 = Func.ParseString(row["OtherFee02"]); string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]); string vat = Func.ParseString(row["vat"]); if (rWaterVat) { setValReplace(line, 9, "(%VAT)", "(" + vat.Replace(",00", "") + "%VAT)"); rWaterVat = false; } setVal(tmp, 1, DateFrom); setVal(tmp, 2, DateTo); setVal(tmp, 3, FromIndex); setVal(tmp, 4, ToIndex); setVal(tmp, 5, Mount); setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 8, row["OtherFee01"]); setVal(tmp, 7, row["Sum"]); setVal(tmp, 9, row["SumVAT"]); setVal(tmp, 10, row["OtherFee02"]); setVal(tmp, 11, row["WaterPricePercent"]); setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]); for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle); } setStyle(tmp, 3, xlstStyleC2); setStyle(tmp, 4, xlstStyleC2); setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC2); setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 7, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 9, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle2); setStyle(tmp, 11, xlstStyle2); setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13); } DataSet dsSum = new DataSet(); //Nuoc //Xuất ra toàn bộ nội dung theo Trang string sqlSum = " SELECT IsNull(A.LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD ,IsNull(A.LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND "; sqlSum += " FROM PaymentElecWater AS A "; sqlSum += " WHERE A.BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and A.CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and TarrifsOfWaterId > 0 and A.YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and A.DetailType = 2"; using (SqlCommand cmSum = db.CreateCommand(sqlSum)) { SqlDataAdapter daSum = new SqlDataAdapter(cmSum); daSum.Fill(dsSum); if (daSum != null) { DataTable dtSum = dsSum.Tables[0]; if (dtSum.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dtSum.Rows) { LastSumPriceVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]); } } } } setVal(rWater + 1 + j, 12, Decimal.Round(LastSumPriceVND[5], 0)); mergeCell(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 1, 11); mergeCell(rWater + 1 + j, rWater + 1 + j, 12, 13); setStyle(rWater + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0); sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1; } else { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1); } } } } //Service ds = new DataSet(); sql = string.Empty; sql = " SELECT Service,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateFrom) ServiceDateFrom,dbo.fnDateTime(ServiceDateTo) ServiceDateTo,PriceVND,PriceUSD,VatUSD,VatVND,Mount,Unit,SumVND,SumUSD,isnull(LastPriceVND,0) LastPriceVND,isnull(LastPriceUSD,0) LastPriceUSD"; sql += " FROM PaymentService"; sql += " WHERE BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ")"; sql += " Order By ServiceDate "; using (SqlCommand cm = db.CreateCommand(sql)) { SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); da.Fill(ds); line = rService - 3 + j; removeRow.Add(line + 2); //Phi khác mergeCell(line, line + 1, 1, 1); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 2, 2); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 3, 3); mergeCell(line, line + 1, 4, 4); for (int col = 1; col < 13; col++) { setStyle(line, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 1, col, xlstStyleH); setStyle(line + 2, col, xlstStyleH); } mergeCell(line, line, 12, 13); mergeCell(line + 1, line + 1, 12, 13); if (ds != null) { int count = 0; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { if (count >= 1) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rService + 1 + j); j++; } count++; int tmp = rService + j; string Service = Func.ParseString(row["Service"]); string ServiceDateFrom = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateFrom"]); string ServiceDateTo = Func.ParseString(row["ServiceDateTo"]); string Mount = Func.ParseString(row["Mount"]); setVal(tmp, 1, Service); setVal(tmp, 2, Func.ParseString(row["Unit"])); setVal(tmp, 3, ServiceDateFrom); setVal(tmp, 4, ServiceDateTo); setVal(tmp, 5, Mount); setVal(tmp, 6, row["PriceVND"]); setVal(tmp, 8, row["SumVND"]); setVal(tmp, 10, row["VatVND"]); setVal(tmp, 12, row["LastPriceVND"]); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 6, 7); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 8, 9); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 10, 11); mergeCell(tmp, tmp, 12, 13); for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(tmp, col, xlstStyle); } setStyle(tmp, 5, xlstStyleC2); setStyle(tmp, 6, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(tmp, 12, xlstStyle0); LastSumPriceVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(row["LastPriceVND"]); } setVal(rService + 1 + j, 12, LastSumPriceVND[6]); setStyle(rService + 1 + j, 12, xlstStyleSum0); mergeCell(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 1, 11); mergeCell(rService + 1 + j, rService + 1 + j, 12, 13); sumRow += dt.Rows.Count - 1; } else { setVal(line - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + line - 1); } } } } //Paid sql = "Select PaymentType,isnull(MoneyUSD,0) MoneyUSD,isnull(MoneyVND,0) MoneyVND,isnull(PaidUSD,0) PaidUSD,isnull(PaidVND,0) PaidVND,isnull(ExchangeType,0) ExchangeType,isnull(UsdExchange,0) UsdExchange,isnull(YearMonth,0) YearMonth"; sql += " From PaymentBillDetail"; sql += " Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and YearMonth <= " + maxYearMonth + ""; sql += " and isnull(PaidVND,0) > 0"; string strYearMonth = ""; int lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j; removeRow.Add(lineTmp + 1); /////En mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13); /////En Hashtable rowNo = new Hashtable(); decimal[] PaidSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; decimal[] PaidSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int iPaidNo = 0; DataTable dtPaid = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql); if (dtPaid.Rows.Count > 0) { setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); iPaidNo = viewNumber; viewNumber++; for (int i = 0; i < dtPaid.Rows.Count; i++) { string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]); string MoneyVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["MoneyVND"]); string PaidVND = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); string ExchangeType = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["ExchangeType"]); string UsdExchange = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["UsdExchange"]); string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtPaid.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]); if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth)) { if (rowNo.Count != 0) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rPaid + j + 1); j++; } rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j); } int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]); strYearMonth = YearMonth; decimal tmpVND = Convert.ToDecimal(MoneyVND) - Convert.ToDecimal(PaidVND); PaidPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); setVal(rPaid + m, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4)); switch (PaymentType) { case "1": //Rent setVal(rPaid + m, 2, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); PaidSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); break; case "2": //Manager setVal(rPaid + m, 4, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); PaidSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); break; case "3": //Parking setVal(rPaid + m, 6, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); PaidSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); break; case "4": //Extra setVal(rPaid + m, 8, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); PaidSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); break; case "5": setVal(rPaid + m, 10, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); PaidSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); break; case "6": setVal(rPaid + m, 11, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); PaidSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); break; case "7": setVal(rPaid + m, 12, dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); PaidSumVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtPaid.Rows[i]["PaidVND"]); break; default: break; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(rPaid + m, col, xlstStyle); } //Rent setStyle(rPaid + m, 2, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 3, xlstStyle0); //Manager setStyle(rPaid + m, 4, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 5, xlstStyle0); //Parking setStyle(rPaid + m, 6, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 7, xlstStyle0); //Extra setStyle(rPaid + m, 8, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 9, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 11, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 12, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rPaid + m, 13, xlstStyle0); mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 2, 3); mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 4, 5); mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 6, 7); mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 8, 9); mergeCell(rPaid + m, rPaid + m, 12, 13); } } else { setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); iPaidNo = viewNumber; viewNumber++; for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 6; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + lineTmp - 1); } } lineTmp = rPaid - 2 + j; setVal(lineTmp + 3, 2, PaidSumVND[0]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 4, PaidSumVND[1]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 6, PaidSumVND[2]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 8, PaidSumVND[3]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 10, PaidSumVND[4]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 11, PaidSumVND[5]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 12, PaidSumVND[6]); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 2, 3); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 4, 5); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 6, 7); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 8, 9); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 12, 13); /////////////// setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 2, xlstStyleSum1); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 3, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 4, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 5, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 6, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 7, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 8, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 9, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 10, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 11, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 12, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 13, xlstStyleSum0); ///////////////DEPT sql = " Select *"; sql += " From v_DeptBill"; sql += " Where BuildingId = '" + Func.ParseString(Session["__BUILDINGID__"]) + "' and CustomerId = '" + hidId.Value + "' and YearMonth not in (" + lsYearmonth + ") and YearMonth < " + maxYearMonth + ""; sql += " And (DeptUsd <> 0 or DeptVnd <> 0)"; strYearMonth = ""; lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j; removeRow.Add(lineTmp + 1); //////En mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp + 1, 1, 1); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 2, 3); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 4, 5); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 6, 7); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 8, 9); mergeCell(lineTmp, lineTmp, 12, 13); //////En rowNo = new Hashtable(); decimal DeptPriceVND = 0; decimal DeptPriceUSD = 0; decimal[] DeptSumVND = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; decimal[] DeptSumUSD = new decimal[7] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; DataTable dtDept = DbHelper.GetDataTable(sql); if (dtDept.Rows.Count > 0) { setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int i = 0; i < dtDept.Rows.Count; i++) { string PaymentType = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["PaymentType"]); string DeptVND = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); string YearMonth = Func.ParseString(dtDept.Rows[i]["YearMonth"]); if (!rowNo.Contains(YearMonth)) { if (rowNo.Count != 0) { xlsSheet.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1); xlsSheetEn.Rows.Insert(rDept + j + 1); j++; } rowNo.Add(YearMonth, j); } int m = Func.ParseInt(rowNo[YearMonth]); strYearMonth = YearMonth; DeptPriceVND += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); setVal(rDept + m, 1, YearMonth.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + YearMonth.Substring(0, 4)); switch (PaymentType) { case "1": //Rent setVal(rDept + m, 3, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); DeptSumVND[0] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); break; case "2": //Manager setVal(rDept + m, 5, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); DeptSumVND[1] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); break; case "3": //Parking setVal(rDept + m, 7, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); DeptSumVND[2] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); break; case "4": //Extra setVal(rDept + m, 9, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); DeptSumVND[3] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); break; case "5": setVal(rDept + m, 10, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); DeptSumVND[4] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); break; case "6": setVal(rDept + m, 11, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); DeptSumVND[5] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); break; case "7": setVal(rDept + m, 13, dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); DeptSumVND[6] += Convert.ToDecimal(dtDept.Rows[i]["DeptVND"]); break; default: break; } for (int col = 1; col <= 13; col++) { setStyle(rDept + m, col, xlstStyle); } setStyle(rDept + m, 2, xlstStyle1); setStyle(rDept + m, 3, xlstStyle0); //Manager setStyle(rDept + m, 4, xlstStyle1); setStyle(rDept + m, 5, xlstStyle0); //Parking setStyle(rDept + m, 6, xlstStyle1); setStyle(rDept + m, 7, xlstStyle0); //Extra setStyle(rDept + m, 8, xlstStyle1); setStyle(rDept + m, 9, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rDept + m, 10, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rDept + m, 11, xlstStyle0); setStyle(rDept + m, 12, xlstStyle1); setStyle(rDept + m, 13, xlstStyle0); mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 2, 3); mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 4, 5); mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 6, 7); mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 8, 9); mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 10, 11); mergeCell(rDept + m, rDept + m, 12, 13); } } else { setVal(lineTmp - 1, 0, viewNumber + "."); strSum += viewNumber + " + "; viewNumber++; for (int rHideLine = 0; rHideLine < 5; rHideLine++) { //setHideRow(rHideLine + lineTmp - 1); } } lineTmp = rDept - 2 + j; setVal(lineTmp + 3, 3, DeptSumVND[0]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 5, DeptSumVND[1]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 7, DeptSumVND[2]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 9, DeptSumVND[3]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 10, DeptSumVND[4]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 11, DeptSumVND[5]); setVal(lineTmp + 3, 13, DeptSumVND[6]); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 2, xlstStyleSum1); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 3, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 4, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 5, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 6, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 7, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 8, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 9, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 10, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 11, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 12, xlstStyleSum0); setStyle(lineTmp + 3, 13, xlstStyleSum0); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 2, 3); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 4, 5); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 6, 7); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 8, 9); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 10, 11); mergeCell(lineTmp + 3, lineTmp + 3, 12, 13); strSum = strSum.Substring(0, strSum.Length - 2) + (iPaidNo > 0 ? " - " + iPaidNo : "") + ":"; decimal AllSumVND = 0; decimal AllSumUSD = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { AllSumVND += LastSumPriceVND[i]; AllSumUSD += LastSumPriceUSD[i]; } AllSumVND -= PaidPriceVND; AllSumUSD -= PaidPriceUSD; AllSumVND += DeptPriceVND; AllSumUSD += DeptPriceUSD; //setVal(rSumVND + j, cSumVND - 2, Func.FormatNumber_New(AllSumUSD)); setVal(rSumVND + j, cSumVND, Func.FormatNumber_New(Math.Truncate(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND))).Replace(",00", "")); mergeCell(rSumVND + j, rSumVND + j, 10, 13); //format //setStyle(rSumVND + j, cSumVND - 2, xlstStyleCH); setStyle(rSumVND + j, cSumVND, xlstStyleCH); //AllSumVND += Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumUSD * Convert.ToDecimal(txtUsdExchange.Text)); string strMoney = Func.docso(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND)); string strMoneyEn = Func.DocSo_En(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND)); //Hop Dong setValReplace(rContract, cContract, "{%HOP_DONG%}", String.IsNullOrEmpty(contract) ? "" : contract.Substring(1)); //Sum 1 + 2... setVal(rSum + j - 1, 7, strSum); //Sum số tiền setVal(rSum + j - 1, 10, Func.FormatNumber_New(Math.Truncate(Convert.ToDecimal(AllSumVND))).Replace(",00", "")); mergeCell(rSum + j - 1, rSum + j - 1, 10, 13); setStyle(rSum + j - 1, 10, xlstStyleCSum0); //Chữ //mergeCell(rSumRead + j, rSumRead + j, 7, 13); setVal(rSum + j + 1, 7, strMoney.ToUpper()); xlsSheetEn[rSum + j + 1, 7].Value = strMoneyEn.ToUpper(); setStyle(rSum + j + 1, 7, xlstStyleLeftCH); removeRow.Sort(); removeRow.Reverse(); for (int r = 0; r < removeRow.Count; r++) { setHideRow(Func.ParseInt(removeRow[r])); } xlbBook.Save(fileNameDes); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "", "PopUp('" + strFilePathExport + "'," + PopupWidth + "," + PopupHeight + ",'EditReport', true);", true); } }
public void RPT2(C1XLBook book, C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGrid vs, string title, string filename) { //string ID="RPT1"; book = new C1XLBook(); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; FormatExcel.Init_Excel(sheet); sheet.Name = "Sheet1"; XLStyle Title = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 16, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, false, ""); XLStyle Caption = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, true, XLAlignVertEnum.Center, XLAlignHorzEnum.Center, true, true, ""); XLStyle StringN = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, false, ""); XLStyle String = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, ""); XLStyle Number = FormatExcel.Get_Style(book, 10, false, XLAlignVertEnum.Undefined, XLAlignHorzEnum.Undefined, false, true, "#,##0.00"); sheet.Columns[0].Width = 500; int r = 0, cols = 0; ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < vs.Cols.Count; i++) { if (vs.Cols[i].Visible == true) { cols++; a.Add(i); } } sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], T_String.GetDataFromSQL("COM_N1", "FILA01A"), Title); r++; sheet.MergedCells.Add(r, 0, 1, cols); sheet.Rows[r].Height = 800; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, 0], title, Title); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 6], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 1) + ":" + PublicFunction.A_UserID, StringN); r++; FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, cols - 6], PublicFunction.L_Get_RPT("RptTa", 2) + ":" + T_String.GetDate().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), StringN); r++; for (int j = 0; j < vs.Rows.Count; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { if (j == 0) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.Rows[j][(int)a[i]] + "", Caption); } else { if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { try { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], DateTime.Parse(vs.Rows[j][(int)a[i]] + "").ToString(vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].Format), String); sheet.Columns[i].Width = 1500; } catch { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "", String); } } else { if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(Boolean)) { if (vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "" != "True") { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "False", String); } else { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], "True", String); } } else { if (vs.Cols[(int)a[i]].DataType == typeof(String)) { FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "", String); } else { // FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,i],"",String); // sheet[r,i].Value= T_String.IsNullTo00(vs.GetDataDisplay(j,(int)a[i])); FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r, i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j, (int)a[i]) + "", String); } //FormatExcel.Set_Cell(sheet[r,i], vs.GetDataDisplay(j,(int)a[i])+"",Number); } } } } r++; } sheet.Columns[1].Width = 1200; sheet.Columns[2].Width = 1000; sheet.Columns[3].Width = 3000; try { string fileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\\Reports\\" + filename + ".xls"; book.Save(fileName); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName); } catch { MessageBox.Show("You must close " + filename + ".xls file first!!!!!"); return; } }
private void cmdExportToExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { _dtData = SPs.BaocaoThongkeSonoitru(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value, Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoituongKCB.SelectedValue, -1), Utility.Int16Dbnull(txtNhanvientiepdon.txtMyID, -1), Utility.sDbnull(cboKhoa.SelectedValue, "KKB"), thamso, Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboTinhTrang.SelectedValue, -1)).GetDataSet(). Tables[0]; if (_dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdList, _dtData, true, true, "1=1", ""); const string reportcode = "baocao_thongke_sokhambenh_noitru"; string duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); var book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; DataTable dt = _dtData; int idxRow = 9; int idxColSh = 0; string condition = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến {1} - Đối tượng : {2} - Tình trạng :{3}", dtFromDate.Text, dtToDate.Text, cboDoituongKCB.SelectedIndex >= 0 ? Utility.sDbnull(cboDoituongKCB.Text) : "Tất cả", cboTinhTrang.SelectedIndex > 0 ? Utility.sDbnull(cboKhoa.Text) : "Tất cả"); sheet[4, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(condition), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(i + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benhnhan"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["tuoinam"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["tuoinu"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["IsCongNhanVienChuc"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Isbhyt"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["thanh_thi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nong_thon"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Nho12thang"]), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["tu1den15tuoi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nghe_nghiep"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["dia_chi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["noi_gioithieu"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_vaovien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_chuyenvien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 15].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ngay_ravien"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 16].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["chandoantuyenduoi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 17].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 18].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 19].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ten_benh"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 20].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["khoi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 21].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["do_giam"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 22].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["nang_hon"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 23].SetValue(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["khong_thay_doi"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0 string getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); } else { Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message); } }
public static Boolean ArticleDataExportListToExcel(ArticleDataExportModel articleDataExportModel, string FilePathName) { Boolean result = false; //Application ExcelApp = new Application(); //Workbook ExcelWorkBook = null; //Worksheet ExcelWorkSheet = null; //ExcelApp.Visible = false; //// Get a new workbook. //ExcelWorkBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value); ////ExcelWorkBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet); //try //{ // IList<PurchaseDetails> listPurchaseDetails = new List<PurchaseDetails>(); // listPurchaseDetails = articleDataExportModel.PurchaseDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook // ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "PurchaseDetails"; // ListsToExcel(listPurchaseDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet); // IList<SalesDetails> listSalesDetails = new List<SalesDetails>(); // listSalesDetails = articleDataExportModel.SalesDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook // ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "SalesDetails"; // ListsToExcel(listSalesDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet); // IList<CharDetails> listCharDetails = new List<CharDetails>(); // listCharDetails = articleDataExportModel.CharDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook // ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "CharDetails"; // ListsToExcel(listCharDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet); // IList<TaxDetails> listTaxDetails = new List<TaxDetails>(); // listTaxDetails = articleDataExportModel.TaxDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook // ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "TaxDetails"; // ListsToExcel(listTaxDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet); // IList<ArticleDetails> listArticleDetails = new List<ArticleDetails>(); // listArticleDetails = articleDataExportModel.ArticleDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook // ExcelWorkSheet.Name = "ArticleDetails"; // ListsToExcel(listArticleDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet); // ExcelWorkBook.SaveAs(FilePathName); // ExcelWorkBook.Close(); // ExcelApp.Quit(); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkSheet); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkBook); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelApp); // result = true; C1XLBook ExcelWorkBook = new C1XLBook(); //vipin on 02-04-2016 try { IList <ArticleDetails> listArticleDetails = new List <ArticleDetails>(); listArticleDetails = articleDataExportModel.ArticleDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet4 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets[0]; // ExcelWorkSheet4.Name = "ArticleDetails";Article Data ExcelWorkSheet4.Name = "Article Data"; ListsToExcelUsingC1(listArticleDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet4, "Article Data"); IList <TaxDetails> listTaxDetails = new List <TaxDetails>(); listTaxDetails = articleDataExportModel.TaxDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet3 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add(); ExcelWorkSheet3.Name = "Article Tax"; ListsToExcelUsingC1(listTaxDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet3, "Article Tax"); IList <CharDetails> listCharDetails = new List <CharDetails>(); listCharDetails = articleDataExportModel.CharDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet2 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add(); ExcelWorkSheet2.Name = "Article Char"; ListsToExcelUsingC1(listCharDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet2, "Article Char"); IList <SalesDetails> listSalesDetails = new List <SalesDetails>(); listSalesDetails = articleDataExportModel.SalesDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet1 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add(); ExcelWorkSheet1.Name = "Barcode Pricing"; ListsToExcelUsingC1(listSalesDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet1, "Barcode Pricing"); IList <PurchaseDetails> listPurchaseDetails = new List <PurchaseDetails>(); listPurchaseDetails = articleDataExportModel.PurchaseDetails; // ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(); //Adding New sheet in Excel Workbook // Worksheet ExcelWorkSheet = ExcelWorkBook.Worksheets[1]; XLSheet ExcelWorkSheet0 = ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Add(); ExcelWorkSheet0.Name = "Add. Purchase UOMs"; ListsToExcelUsingC1(listPurchaseDetails, ref ExcelWorkSheet0, "Add. Purchase UOMs"); ExcelWorkBook.Save(FilePathName); // ExcelWorkBook.Close(); // xlApp.Quit(); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkSheet); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(ExcelWorkBook); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp); result = true; } catch (Exception exHandle) { Logging.Logger.Log(exHandle, Logging.Logger.LogingLevel.Error); throw exHandle; } finally { foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel")) { process.Kill(); } } return(result); }
// load sheet into grid private void LoadSheet(C1FlexGrid flex, XLSheet sheet, bool fixedCells) { // account for fixed cells int frows = flex.Rows.Fixed; int fcols = flex.Cols.Fixed; // copy dimensions flex.Rows.Count = sheet.Rows.Count + frows; flex.Cols.Count = sheet.Columns.Count + fcols; // initialize fixed cells if (fixedCells && frows > 0 && fcols > 0) { flex.Styles.Fixed.TextAlign = TextAlignEnum.CenterCenter; for (int r = 1; r < flex.Rows.Count; r++) { flex[r, 0] = r; } for (int c = 1; c < flex.Cols.Count; c++) { // string hdr = string.Format("{0}", (char)('A' + c - 1)); // flex[0, c] = hdr; flex[0, c] = c; } } // set default properties flex.Font = sheet.Book.DefaultFont; flex.Rows.DefaultSize = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(sheet.DefaultRowHeight); flex.Cols.DefaultSize = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(sheet.DefaultColumnWidth); // prepare to convert styles _styles = new Hashtable(); // set row/column properties for (int r = 0; r < sheet.Rows.Count; r++) { // size/visibility Row fr = flex.Rows[r + frows]; XLRow xr = sheet.Rows[r]; if (xr.Height >= 0) { fr.Height = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(xr.Height); } fr.Visible = xr.Visible; // style CellStyle cs = StyleFromExcel(flex, xr.Style); if (cs != null) { //cs.DefinedElements &= ~StyleElementFlags.TextAlign; // << need to fix the grid fr.Style = cs; } } for (int c = 0; c < sheet.Columns.Count; c++) { // size/visibility Column fc = flex.Cols[c + fcols]; XLColumn xc = sheet.Columns[c]; if (xc.Width >= 0) { fc.Width = C1XLBook.TwipsToPixels(xc.Width); } fc.Visible = xc.Visible; // style CellStyle cs = StyleFromExcel(flex, xc.Style); if (cs != null) { //cs.DefinedElements &= ~StyleElementFlags.TextAlign; // << need to fix the grid fc.Style = cs; } } // load cells for (int r = 0; r < sheet.Rows.Count; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < sheet.Columns.Count; c++) { // get cell XLCell cell = sheet.GetCell(r, c); if (cell == null) { continue; } // apply content flex[r + frows, c + fcols] = cell.Value; // apply style CellStyle cs = StyleFromExcel(flex, cell.Style); if (cs != null) { flex.SetCellStyle(r + frows, c + fcols, cs); } } } }
private void cboXuatTrenLuoi_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { _dtData = SPs.BaoCaoChiDinhHangNgay(dtFromDate.Value, dtToDate.Value, Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboDoituongKCB.SelectedValue, -1), Utility.Int16Dbnull(cboTinhTrang.SelectedValue, -1)).GetDataSet(). Tables[0]; if (_dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { Utility.SetDataSourceForDataGridEx(grdList, _dtData, true, true, "1=1", ""); const string reportcode = "BAOCAO_HANGNGAY"; string duongdan = Utility.GetPathExcel(reportcode); var book = new C1XLBook(); book.Load(duongdan); book.DefaultFont = new Font("Time New Roman", 11, FontStyle.Regular); XLSheet sheet = book.Sheets[0]; DataTable dt = _dtData; int idxRow = 5; int idxColSh = 0; string condition = string.Format("Từ ngày {0} đến {1} - Đối tượng : {2} - Trạng thái :{3} ", dtFromDate.Text, dtToDate.Text, cboDoituongKCB.SelectedIndex >= 0 ? Utility.sDbnull(cboDoituongKCB.Text) : "Tất cả", cboTinhTrang.SelectedIndex > 0 ? Utility.sDbnull(cboTinhTrang.Text) : "Tất cả"); sheet[3, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(condition), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); int idx = 0; foreach (GridEXRow grdExRow in grdList.GetDataRows()) { if (idx == 0) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } else { if (dt.Rows[idx]["DoiTuong"].ToString() != dt.Rows[idx - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString()) { sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); idxRow = idxRow + 1; } //if (dt.Rows[i]["DoiTuong"].ToString() == dt.Rows[i - 1]["DoiTuong"].ToString() && dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString() != dt.Rows[i - 1]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"].ToString()) //{ // sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(string.Format("{0}.{1}", sttloaidichvu, Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Ten_nhombaocao_dichvu"])), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft_Bold(book)); // sttloaidichvu = sttloaidichvu + 1; // idxRow = idxRow + 1; //} } sheet[idxRow, idxColSh].SetValue(Convert.ToString(idx + 1), HamDungChung.styleStringCenter(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 1].SetValue(Convert.ToInt64(grdExRow.Cells["id_benhnhan"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 2].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ma_luotkham"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 3].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ten_benhnhan"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 4].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["nam_sinh"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 5].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["gioitinh"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 6].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["mathe_bhyt"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 7].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["gt_the_tu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 8].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["gt_the_den"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 9].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["dia_chi"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 10].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["mabenh_chinh"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 11].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["mabenh_phu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 12].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ma_kcbbd"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 13].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ngay_vao"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 14].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ngay_ra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 15].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["tong_tien"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 16].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["t_bhyt_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 17].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["t_bnhan_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 18].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["loai_kcb"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 19].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["loai_dichvu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 20].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ma_dichvu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 21].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ten_dichvu"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 22].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["so_luong"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 23].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["don_gia"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 24].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["thanh_tien"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 25].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["bhyt_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 26].SetValue(Convert.ToDecimal(grdExRow.Cells["bnhan_chitra"].Value), HamDungChung.styleNumber(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 27].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ngay_thanhtoan"].Value), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 28].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["ten_dung_tuyen"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); sheet[idxRow, idxColSh + 29].SetValue(Convert.ToString(grdExRow.Cells["DoiTuong"]), HamDungChung.styleStringLeft(book)); idx++; idxRow = idxRow + 1; } // vị trí dòng dữ liệu của table tiếp theo, vị trí cột bắt đầu t? 0 string getTime = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); string pathDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(pathDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathDirectory); } book.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls"); Process.Start( new ProcessStartInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\TemplateExcel\\ExportExcel\\" + reportcode + getTime + ".xls")); } else { Utility.ShowMsg("Không có dữ liệu để báo cáo!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowMsg("Lỗi: " + ex.Message); } }