/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Add(XHD.Model.ssn_question model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("insert into ssn_question("); strSql.Append("q_time,title,q_uid,q_name,type,content,score,sp_uid,sp_name,att_file,re_uid,re_name,move_time,status,tel,e_mail,receive_type,isdeleted)"); strSql.Append(" values ("); strSql.Append("@q_time,@title,@q_uid,@q_name,@type,@content,@score,@sp_uid,@sp_name,@att_file,@re_uid,@re_name,@move_time,@status,@tel,@e_mail,@receive_type,@isdeleted)"); MySqlParameter[] parameters = { new MySqlParameter("@q_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime), new MySqlParameter("@title", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 200), new MySqlParameter("@q_uid", MySqlDbType.Int32, 11), new MySqlParameter("@q_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@type", MySqlDbType.Int32, 11), new MySqlParameter("@content", MySqlDbType.Text), new MySqlParameter("@score", MySqlDbType.Int32, 4), new MySqlParameter("@sp_uid", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 500), new MySqlParameter("@sp_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@att_file", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 200), new MySqlParameter("@re_uid", MySqlDbType.Int32, 11), new MySqlParameter("@re_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@move_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime), new MySqlParameter("@status", MySqlDbType.Int32, 4), new MySqlParameter("@tel", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 20), new MySqlParameter("@e_mail", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@receive_type", MySqlDbType.Int32, 2), new MySqlParameter("@isdeleted", MySqlDbType.Int32, 2) }; parameters[0].Value = model.q_time; parameters[1].Value = model.title; parameters[2].Value = model.q_uid; parameters[3].Value = model.q_name; parameters[4].Value = model.type; parameters[5].Value = model.content; parameters[6].Value = model.score; parameters[7].Value = model.sp_uid; parameters[8].Value = model.sp_name; parameters[9].Value = model.att_file; parameters[10].Value = model.re_uid; parameters[11].Value = model.re_name; parameters[12].Value = model.move_time; parameters[13].Value = model.status; parameters[14].Value = model.tel; parameters[15].Value = model.e_mail; parameters[16].Value = model.receive_type; parameters[17].Value = model.isdeleted; int rows = DbHelperMySQL.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
protected void repCustomer_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "delete") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); XHD.Model.ssn_question question = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); question = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().GetModel(id); question.isdeleted = 1; bool isdeleted = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().Update(question); if (isdeleted) { selectBind(selectVal, searchVal); } } }
protected void repCustomer_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { //if (e.CommandName == "update") //{ // //跳转至修改页面 //} if (e.CommandName == "delete") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); XHD.Model.ssn_question question = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); question = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().GetModel(id); question.isdeleted = 1; bool isdeleted = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().Update(question); if (isdeleted) { selectBind(selectVal, searchVal); } } //跳转页面查看文章详情 else if (e.CommandName == "showQuestion") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); //Session["question_id"] = id.ToString(); //Session["from"] = "question"; //Server.Transfer("QuestionView.aspx"); Response.Redirect("QuestionView.aspx?question_id=" + id + "&from=answer"); } //问题换衣 else if (e.CommandName == "transfer") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); XHD.Model.ssn_question question = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); question = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().GetModel(id); question.sp_uid = ""; bool tranfer = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().Update(question); if (tranfer) { selectBind(selectVal, searchVal); } } }
protected void repCustomer_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "delete") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); XHD.Model.ssn_question question = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); question = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().GetModel(id); question.isdeleted = 1; bool isdeleted = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().Update(question); if (isdeleted) { selectBind(selectVal, searchVal); } } //跳转页面查看文章详情 else if (e.CommandName == "showQuestion") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); //Session["question_id"] = id.ToString(); //Session["from"] = "question"; //Server.Transfer("QuestionView.aspx"); Response.Redirect("QuestionView.aspx?question_id=" + id + "&from=question"); } else if (e.CommandName == "MakeEvaluat") { int id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); DataSet ds = new XHD.BLL.ssn_answer().GetList(" qid=" + id + " and is_best=1"); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0) { return; } else { this.evaluat.DataSource = ds; this.evaluat.DataBind(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 得到一个对象实体 /// </summary> public XHD.Model.ssn_question GetModel(long id) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select id,q_time,title,q_uid,q_name,type,content,score,sp_uid,sp_name,att_file,re_uid,re_name,move_time,status,tel,e_mail,receive_type,isdeleted from ssn_question "); strSql.Append(" where id=@id"); MySqlParameter[] parameters = { new MySqlParameter("@id", MySqlDbType.Int64) }; parameters[0].Value = id; XHD.Model.ssn_question model = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); DataSet ds = DbHelperMySQL.Query(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { return(DataRowToModel(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0])); } else { return(null); } }
public static string PostUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebReference.Service.PostUrl"];//短信接口地址 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpRequest request = context.Request; JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); XHD.Model.hr_employee empModel = new GetEmpInfo().GetEmpModel(request); string json = null; string Action = request["Action"]; switch (Action) { case "action": bool success = false; string filesVal = request["filesVal"]; string txtQuestionTitle = request["txtQuestionTitle"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtQuestionTitle)) { var result = new { success = success, text = "问题标题不能为空!" }; json = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(result); context.Response.Write(json); } string selQestionType = request["selQestionType"]; if (selQestionType == "-1") { var result = new { success = success, text = "请选择问题类型!" }; json = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(result); context.Response.Write(json); } string txtQestionContent = request["txtQestionContent"]; string telPhone = request["telPhone"]; string radTime = request["radTime"]; string txtEmail = request["txtEmail"]; string sp_uid = request["sp_uid"]; XHD.Model.ssn_question question = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); question.att_file = filesVal; question.content = txtQestionContent; question.e_mail = txtEmail; question.type = Convert.ToInt32(selQestionType); question.title = txtQuestionTitle; question.tel = telPhone; question.q_time = DateTime.Now; question.q_uid = empModel.ID; question.q_name = empModel.name; question.sp_uid = sp_uid; success = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question().Add(question); if (success) { #region 发送短信 //string account = "cf_denny"; //string password = "******";//密码可以使用明文密码或使用32位MD5加密 //string mobile = telPhone; //Random rad = new Random(); ////int mobile_code = rad.Next(1000, 10000); ////string content = "您的验证码是:" + mobile_code + " 。请不要把验证码泄露给其他人。"; //int int1 = 1; //string strcontent = "你最近吃饭了吗?"; //string content = "你好," + int1 + "需采购以下产品," + strcontent + "。 "; ////Session["mobile"] = mobile; ////Session["mobile_code"] = mobile_code; //string postStrTpl = "account={0}&password={1}&mobile={2}&content={3}"; //UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); //byte[] postData = encoding.GetBytes(string.Format(postStrTpl, account, password, mobile, content)); //HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(PostUrl); //myRequest.Method = "POST"; //myRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //myRequest.ContentLength = postData.Length; //Stream newStream = myRequest.GetRequestStream(); //// Send the data. //newStream.Write(postData, 0, postData.Length); //newStream.Flush(); //newStream.Close(); //HttpWebResponse myResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse(); #region 提示是否发送成功,暂时只管发送不验证成功与否 //if (myResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) //{ // StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); // //Response.Write(reader.ReadToEnd()); // string res = reader.ReadToEnd(); // int len1 = res.IndexOf("</code>"); // int len2 = res.IndexOf("<code>"); // string code = res.Substring((len2 + 6), (len1 - len2 - 6)); // //Response.Write(code); // int len3 = res.IndexOf("</msg>"); // int len4 = res.IndexOf("<msg>"); // string msg = res.Substring((len4 + 5), (len3 - len4 - 5)); // context.Response.Write(msg); // //Response.End(); //} //else //{ // //访问失败 //} #endregion #endregion var dataResult = new { success = success, text = "提交成功!" }; json = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(dataResult); } else { var dataResult = new { success = success, text = "提交失败!" }; json = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(dataResult); } context.Response.Write(json); break; case "deleteFile": string path = string.Empty; string fileName = request["fileName"]; string targetDir = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "File/question"); path = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetDir, fileName); File.Delete(path); context.Response.Write("删除成功!"); break; case "getAboutQuestionList": //获得相关问题列表 string strWhere = "1=1"; string strWhereArt = "1=1"; XHD.BLL.ssn_question questionBll = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question(); XHD.BLL.ssn_art artBll = new XHD.BLL.ssn_art(); string txtQuestionTitleEx = request["txtQuestionTitle"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtQuestionTitleEx)) { List <string> strList = new List <string>(); char[] charList = txtQuestionTitleEx.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < charList.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { strWhere += " and title like '%" + charList[i] + "%'"; strWhereArt += " and Art_title like '%" + charList[i] + "%'"; } else { strWhere += " or title like '%" + charList[i] + "%'"; strWhereArt += " or Art_title like '%" + charList[i] + "%'"; } if (!strList.Contains(charList[i].ToString())) { strList.Add(charList[i].ToString()); } } Segment seg = new Segment(); seg.InitWordDics(); seg.EnablePrefix = true; seg.Separator = " "; string Seg_Title = seg.SegmentText(txtQuestionTitleEx, false).Trim(); string[] titleArray = Seg_Title.Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < titleArray.Length; i++) { strWhere += " or title like '%" + titleArray[i] + "%'"; strWhereArt += " or Art_title like '%" + titleArray[i] + "%'"; } List <XHD.Model.ssn_question> questionList = new List <XHD.Model.ssn_question>(); questionList = questionBll.GetModelList(strWhere); List <XHD.Model.ssn_art> artList = new List <XHD.Model.ssn_art>(); artList = artBll.GetModelList(strWhereArt); List <XHD.Model.question> modelList = new List <XHD.Model.question>(); foreach (XHD.Model.ssn_question item in questionList) { XHD.Model.question model = new XHD.Model.question(); model.id = item.id; model.title = item.title; model.q_time = item.q_time; model.status = 1; modelList.Add(model); } foreach (XHD.Model.ssn_art item in artList) { XHD.Model.question model = new XHD.Model.question(); model.id = item.Id; model.title = item.Art_title; model.q_time = item.Create_Date; model.status = 2; modelList.Add(model); } for (int i = 0; i < modelList.Count; i++) { string temStr = modelList[i].title.ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < strList.Count; j++) { if (temStr.Contains(strList[j])) { modelList[i].title = modelList[i].title.ToString().Replace(strList[j], "<span style='color:red' >" + strList[j] + "</span>"); } } } var data = new { rows = modelList }; json = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(data); context.Response.Write(json); } break; case "getQuestionType": XHD.BLL.ssn_art_menu questionTypeBll = new XHD.BLL.ssn_art_menu(); List <XHD.Model.ssn_art_menu> questionTyleList = new List <XHD.Model.ssn_art_menu>(); string strQuestionTypeWhere = "1=1"; strQuestionTypeWhere += " and App_id=1 and parentid<>0"; questionTyleList = questionTypeBll.GetModelList(strQuestionTypeWhere); var questionTypeData = new { rows = questionTyleList }; json = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(questionTypeData); context.Response.Write(json); break; default: string pathFile = string.Empty; try { //获取客户端上传的文件集合 HttpFileCollection files = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files; //判断是否存在文件 if (files.Count > 0) { //获取文件集合中的第一个文件(每次只上传一个文件) HttpPostedFile file = files[0]; //定义文件存放的目标路径 string targetDirFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "File/question"); if (!Directory.Exists(targetDirFile)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDirFile); } //组合成文件的完整路径 pathFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetDirFile, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); //保存上传的文件到指定路径中 file.SaveAs(pathFile); context.Response.Write(file.FileName); } } catch { } break; } }
/// <summary> /// 得到一个对象实体 /// </summary> public XHD.Model.ssn_question DataRowToModel(DataRow row) { XHD.Model.ssn_question model = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); if (row != null) { if (row["id"] != null && row["id"].ToString() != "") { model.id = long.Parse(row["id"].ToString()); } if (row["q_time"] != null && row["q_time"].ToString() != "") { model.q_time = DateTime.Parse(row["q_time"].ToString()); } if (row["title"] != null) { model.title = row["title"].ToString(); } if (row["q_uid"] != null && row["q_uid"].ToString() != "") { model.q_uid = int.Parse(row["q_uid"].ToString()); } if (row["q_name"] != null) { model.q_name = row["q_name"].ToString(); } if (row["type"] != null && row["type"].ToString() != "") { model.type = int.Parse(row["type"].ToString()); } if (row["content"] != null) { model.content = row["content"].ToString(); } if (row["score"] != null && row["score"].ToString() != "") { model.score = int.Parse(row["score"].ToString()); } if (row["sp_uid"] != null) { model.sp_uid = row["sp_uid"].ToString(); } if (row["sp_name"] != null) { model.sp_name = row["sp_name"].ToString(); } if (row["att_file"] != null) { model.att_file = row["att_file"].ToString(); } if (row["re_uid"] != null && row["re_uid"].ToString() != "") { model.re_uid = int.Parse(row["re_uid"].ToString()); } if (row["re_name"] != null) { model.re_name = row["re_name"].ToString(); } if (row["move_time"] != null && row["move_time"].ToString() != "") { model.move_time = DateTime.Parse(row["move_time"].ToString()); } if (row["status"] != null && row["status"].ToString() != "") { model.status = int.Parse(row["status"].ToString()); } if (row["tel"] != null) { model.tel = row["tel"].ToString(); } if (row["e_mail"] != null) { model.e_mail = row["e_mail"].ToString(); } if (row["receive_type"] != null && row["receive_type"].ToString() != "") { model.receive_type = int.Parse(row["receive_type"].ToString()); } if (row["isdeleted"] != null && row["isdeleted"].ToString() != "") { model.receive_type = int.Parse(row["isdeleted"].ToString()); } } return(model); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(XHD.Model.ssn_question model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("update ssn_question set "); strSql.Append("q_time=@q_time,"); strSql.Append("title=@title,"); strSql.Append("q_uid=@q_uid,"); strSql.Append("q_name=@q_name,"); strSql.Append("type=@type,"); strSql.Append("content=@content,"); strSql.Append("score=@score,"); strSql.Append("sp_uid=@sp_uid,"); strSql.Append("sp_name=@sp_name,"); strSql.Append("att_file=@att_file,"); strSql.Append("re_uid=@re_uid,"); strSql.Append("re_name=@re_name,"); strSql.Append("move_time=@move_time,"); strSql.Append("status=@status,"); strSql.Append("tel=@tel,"); strSql.Append("e_mail=@e_mail,"); strSql.Append("receive_type=@receive_type,"); strSql.Append("isdeleted=@isdeleted"); strSql.Append(" where id=@id"); MySqlParameter[] parameters = { new MySqlParameter("@q_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime), new MySqlParameter("@title", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 200), new MySqlParameter("@q_uid", MySqlDbType.Int32, 11), new MySqlParameter("@q_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@type", MySqlDbType.Int32, 11), new MySqlParameter("@content", MySqlDbType.Text), new MySqlParameter("@score", MySqlDbType.Int32, 4), new MySqlParameter("@sp_uid", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 500), new MySqlParameter("@sp_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@att_file", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 200), new MySqlParameter("@re_uid", MySqlDbType.Int32, 11), new MySqlParameter("@re_name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@move_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime), new MySqlParameter("@status", MySqlDbType.Int32, 4), new MySqlParameter("@tel", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 20), new MySqlParameter("@e_mail", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 60), new MySqlParameter("@receive_type", MySqlDbType.Int32, 2), new MySqlParameter("@isdeleted", MySqlDbType.Int32, 2), new MySqlParameter("@id", MySqlDbType.Int64, 20) }; parameters[0].Value = model.q_time; parameters[1].Value = model.title; parameters[2].Value = model.q_uid; parameters[3].Value = model.q_name; parameters[4].Value = model.type; parameters[5].Value = model.content; parameters[6].Value = model.score; parameters[7].Value = model.sp_uid; parameters[8].Value = model.sp_name; parameters[9].Value = model.att_file; parameters[10].Value = model.re_uid; parameters[11].Value = model.re_name; parameters[12].Value = model.move_time; parameters[13].Value = model.status; parameters[14].Value = model.tel; parameters[15].Value = model.e_mail; parameters[16].Value = model.receive_type; parameters[17].Value = model.isdeleted; parameters[18].Value = model.id; int rows = DbHelperMySQL.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; HttpRequest request = context.Request; XHD.BLL.ssn_answer answer = new XHD.BLL.ssn_answer(); XHD.BLL.ssn_question question = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question(); XHD.BLL.ssn_question_add q_add = new XHD.BLL.ssn_question_add(); XHD.Model.ssn_answer model = new XHD.Model.ssn_answer(); XHD.Model.ssn_question questionmodel = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); XHD.Model.ssn_question_add modelAdd = new XHD.Model.ssn_question_add(); XHD.Model.hr_employee empModel = new GetEmpInfo().GetEmpModel(request); #region 问题回复 if (request["Action"] == "q_reply") { string q_id = request["q_id"]; string reply_str = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(request["reply_str"])); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q_id) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reply_str)) { model.answer_time = DateTime.Now; model.answer_content = reply_str; model.answer_name = empModel.name; model.answer_uid = empModel.ID; model.qid = Convert.ToInt64(q_id); if (answer.Add(model)) { //获取model对象 XHD.Model.ssn_question modelQ = question.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(q_id)); //更改问题状态 modelQ.status = 1; //更新到数据库 question.Update(modelQ); string re_str = "{success:true,msg:\"回复完成\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } else { string re_str = "{success:false,msg:\"回复失败,数据库操作异常!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } } else { string re_str = "{success:false,msg:\"回复失败,数据库操作异常!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } } #endregion #region 设置回复是否可用 else if (request["Action"] == "permission_reply") { string q_id = request["q_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(q_id)) { string re_str = "{"; DataSet ds = question.GetList("id=" + q_id); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { //当问题为自己提问或已完成时,隐藏回答 if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sp_uid"].ToString() != ",all," && (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sp_uid"].ToString().IndexOf(empModel.ID + ",") < 0) || ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["status"].ToString() == "4" || ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["isdeleted"].ToString() == "1" || ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["status"].ToString() == "3") { re_str += "success:true,msg:\"不能回答!\""; } else if (empModel.ID.ToString() == ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["q_uid"].ToString()) { re_str += "success:true,msg:\"不能回答!\""; } else { re_str += "success:false,msg:\"通过!\""; } } else { re_str += "success:false,msg:\"数据库操作异常!\""; } #region 判断是否含有最佳答案 如果已含有则不在显示“评最佳答案”按钮 DataSet dsAnswer = answer.GetList("qid=" + q_id + " and is_best=1"); if (dsAnswer.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { re_str += ",flag:true,id:" + dsAnswer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id"] + ",evaluatelevel:" + dsAnswer.Tables[0].Rows[0]["evaluatelevel"]; } else { re_str += ",flag:false"; } #endregion re_str += "}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } } #endregion #region 追答 else if (request["Action"] == "add_reply") { string answer_id = request["curID"]; string q_id = request["q_id"]; string curName = request["curName"]; string curUid = request["curUid"]; string content = PageValidate.InputText(request["content"], Int32.MaxValue); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { modelAdd.answer_id = Convert.ToInt32(answer_id); modelAdd.answer_name = empModel.name; modelAdd.answer_uid = empModel.ID; modelAdd.content = content; modelAdd.operatortime = DateTime.Now; modelAdd.question_name = curName; modelAdd.question_uid = Convert.ToInt32(curUid); modelAdd.type = 0; modelAdd.question_id = Convert.ToInt32(q_id); if (q_add.Add(modelAdd)) { string re_str = "{success:true,msg:\"成功!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } else { string re_str = "{success:flase,msg:\"数据库操作异常!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } } else { string re_str = "{success:flase,msg:\"程序执行异常!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } } else if (request["Action"] == "makeBestAnswer") { bool success = false; bool successquestion = false; model = answer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(request["id"])); if (model != null) { using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope()) { try { model.is_best = 1; success = answer.Update(model); questionmodel = question.GetModel(model.qid.Value); questionmodel.status = Convert.ToInt32(QuestionStatus.待评价); successquestion = question.Update(questionmodel); transaction.Complete(); } catch { transaction.Dispose(); } } } var dataResult = new { succ = success, evaluatelevel = model.evaluatelevel }; JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var json = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(dataResult); context.Response.Write(json); //model = answer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(request["id"])); //if (model!=null) //{ // model.is_best = 1; // success = answer.Update(model); //} //context.Response.Write(success); //model = answer.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(request["id"])); //if (model != null) //{ // model.is_best = 1; // success = answer.Update(model); //} //context.Response.Write(success); } #endregion else if (request["Action"] == "SubmitEvaluatVal") { bool sucess = false; bool successquestion = false; string text = string.Empty; string answerid = request["answerid"]; if (answerid == null) { text = "没设最佳答案,不能评分,请设置最佳答案后再评分!"; context.Response.Write(text); return; } string evaluatVal = request["evaluatVal"]; XHD.Model.ssn_answer answermodel = new XHD.Model.ssn_answer(); XHD.BLL.ssn_answer answerBll = new XHD.BLL.ssn_answer(); using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope()) { try { answermodel = answerBll.GetModel(Convert.ToInt64(answerid)); if (answermodel != null) { if (answermodel.evaluatelevel > 0) { text = "已评价,不允许重复评价!"; context.Response.Write(text); return; } answermodel.evaluatelevel = Convert.ToInt32(evaluatVal); } sucess = answerBll.Update(answermodel); if (sucess) { questionmodel = question.GetModel(answermodel.qid.Value); questionmodel.status = Convert.ToInt32(QuestionStatus.已完成); successquestion = question.Update(questionmodel); if (successquestion) { text = "提交成功!"; } } else { text = "提交失败!"; } context.Response.Write(text); transaction.Complete(); } catch { transaction.Dispose(); } } } #region 问题转移 else if (request["Action"] == "transfer") { string qid = request["qid"]; string rid = request["rid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rid)) { XHD.Model.ssn_question modelq = new XHD.Model.ssn_question(); modelq = question.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(qid)); if (modelq.sp_uid != ",all,") { modelq.sp_uid = rid; modelq.move_time = DateTime.Now; if (question.Update(modelq)) { string re_str = "{success:true,msg:\"转移成功!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } else { string re_str = "{success:false,msg:\"数据库操作异常!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } } else { string re_str = "{success:false,msg:\"公开问题无需转移!\"}"; context.Response.Write(re_str); } } } #endregion }