    /// <summary>
    /// 添加 plist 信息
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mod"></param>
    /// <param name="key"></param>
    /// <param name="value"></param>
    static void AddPlistInfo(this XCMod mod, string key, object value)
        if (mod == null)
            Debug.LogError("mod is null");

        if (mod.plist == null)
            mod.plist = new Hashtable();

        mod.plist.Add(key, value);
    /// <summary>
    /// 修改mod
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="project"></param>
    /// <param name="pbxmod"></param>
    static void ApplyMod(XCProject project, string pbxmod)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pbxmod))
            Debug.LogError(" pbxmod is null ");

        XCMod mod = new XCMod(pbxmod);

        //添加 plist
        //mod.AddPlistInfo("NSMicrophoneUsageDescription", "凯瑞利亚需要您的同意,才能访问麦克风");
        mod.AddPlistInfo("NSCameraUsageDescription", "App需要您的同意,才能访问相机");
        mod.AddPlistInfo("NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription", "App需要您的同意,才能访问相册");

    public static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s_projModePath))

        Debug.Log("Export Path => " + pathToBuiltProject);

        if (target != BuildTarget.iOS)
            Debug.LogWarning("Target is not iPhone. XCodePostProcess will not run");

        // Create a new project object from build target
        XCProject project = new XCProject(pathToBuiltProject);

        List <string> ListFrameworks = new List <string>();

        XCMod mod = new XCMod(s_projModePath);

        foreach (string folderPath in mod.folders)
            ParseFrameWork(folderPath, ListFrameworks);

        for (int lCnt = 0; lCnt < ListFrameworks.Count; ++lCnt)


        // project.overwriteBuildSetting("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]", "iPhone Distribution", "Release");


        s_projModePath = null;
    private void ChangeIOSTargetOSVersion()
        //		// 仅针对ios渠道
        //		if (_gameSettingData.platformType != GameSetting.PlatformType.ROOTIOS &&
        //		    _gameSettingData.platformType != GameSetting.PlatformType.IOS)
        //		{
        //			return;
        //		}

        var modFolder = Application.dataPath.Replace("/Assets", "/Mods");
        var modName   = GetChannelProjmods(_gameSettingData.channel);
        var modPath   = string.Format("{0}/{1}", modFolder, modName);

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modName) || !File.Exists(modPath))

        var mod = new XCMod(modPath);

        PlayerSettings.iOS.targetOSVersion = mod.IOSTargetOSVersion >= iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_6_0
            ? mod.IOSTargetOSVersion : iOSTargetOSVersion.iOS_6_0;
文件: XCProject.cs 项目: gmosdk/unity
        public void ApplyMod( XCMod mod )
            PBXGroup modGroup = this.GetGroup( mod.group );

            Debug.Log( "Adding libraries..." );

            foreach( XCModFile libRef in mod.libs ) {
                string completeLibPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( "usr/lib", libRef.filePath );
                Debug.Log ("Adding library " + completeLibPath);
                this.AddFile( completeLibPath, modGroup, "SDKROOT", true, libRef.isWeak );

            Debug.Log( "Adding frameworks..." );
            PBXGroup frameworkGroup = this.GetGroup( "Frameworks" );
            foreach( string framework in mod.frameworks ) {
                string[] filename = framework.Split( ':' );
                bool isWeak = ( filename.Length > 1 ) ? true : false;
                string completePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( "System/Library/Frameworks", filename[0] );
                this.AddFile( completePath, frameworkGroup, "SDKROOT", true, isWeak );

            Debug.Log( "Adding files..." );
            foreach( string filePath in mod.files ) {
                string absoluteFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, filePath );
                this.AddFile( absoluteFilePath, modGroup );

            Debug.Log( "Adding folders..." );
            foreach( string folderPath in mod.folders ) {
                string absoluteFolderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( Application.dataPath, folderPath );
                Debug.Log ("Adding folder " + absoluteFolderPath);
                this.AddFolder( absoluteFolderPath, modGroup, (string[])mod.excludes.ToArray( typeof(string) ) );

            Debug.Log( "Adding headerpaths..." );
            foreach( string headerpath in mod.headerpaths ) {
                if (headerpath.Contains("$(inherited)")) {
                    Debug.Log ("not prepending a path to " + headerpath);
                    this.AddHeaderSearchPaths( headerpath );
                } else {
                    string absoluteHeaderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, headerpath );
                    this.AddHeaderSearchPaths( absoluteHeaderPath );

            Debug.Log( "Adding compiler flags..." );
            //foreach( string flag in mod.compiler_flags ) {
            //	this.AddOtherCFlags( flag );

            Debug.Log( "Adding linker flags..." );
            foreach( string flag in mod.linker_flags ) {
                this.AddOtherLinkerFlags( flag );

文件: XCProject.cs 项目: gmosdk/unity
 public void ApplyMod( string pbxmod )
     XCMod mod = new XCMod( pbxmod );
     foreach(var lib in mod.libs){
         Debug.Log("Library: "+lib);
     ApplyMod( mod );
        public void ApplyMod( XCMod mod )
            PBXGroup modGroup = this.GetGroup( mod.group );

            Debug.Log( "Adding libraries..." );
            PBXGroup librariesGroup = this.GetGroup( "Libraries" );
            foreach( XCModFile libRef in mod.libs ) {
                string completeLibPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( "usr/lib", libRef.filePath );
                this.AddFile( completeLibPath, modGroup, "SDKROOT", true, libRef.isWeak );

            Debug.Log( "Adding frameworks..." );
            PBXGroup frameworkGroup = this.GetGroup( "Frameworks" );
            foreach( string framework in mod.frameworks ) {
                string[] filename = framework.Split( ':' );
                bool isWeak = ( filename.Length > 1 ) ? true : false;
                string completePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( "System/Library/Frameworks", filename[0] );
                this.AddFile( completePath, frameworkGroup, "SDKROOT", true, isWeak );

            Debug.Log( "Adding localizations..." );
            PBXVariantGroup localizationGroup = this.GetVariantGroup( "Localizations" );
            foreach( string filePath in mod.localizations ) {
                string absoluteFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, filePath );
                this.AddLocalization( absoluteFilePath, localizationGroup, "GROUP", true, false);
            //TODO: Implement the Embed Binary Feature
            Debug.Log( "Adding Embed Binary..." );
            PBXGroup embedBinaryGroup = this.GetGroup( "EmbedBinary" );
            foreach( XCModFile libRef in mod.embedBinaries ) {
                string absoluteFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, filePath );
                this.AddEmbedFramework( absoluteFilePath);
            Debug.Log( "Adding files..." );
            foreach( string filePath in mod.files ) {
                string absoluteFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, filePath );

                if( filePath.EndsWith(".framework") )
                    this.AddFile( absoluteFilePath, frameworkGroup, "GROUP", true, false);
                    this.AddFile( absoluteFilePath, modGroup );

            Debug.Log( "Adding folders..." );
            foreach( string folderPath in mod.folders ) {
                string absoluteFolderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, folderPath );
                this.AddFolder( absoluteFolderPath, modGroup, (string[])mod.excludes.ToArray( typeof(string) ) );

            Debug.Log( "Adding headerpaths..." );
            foreach( string headerpath in mod.headerpaths ) {
                string absoluteHeaderPath = System.IO.Path.Combine( mod.path, headerpath );
                this.AddHeaderSearchPaths( absoluteHeaderPath );

            Debug.Log( "Configure build settings..." );
            Hashtable buildSettings = mod.buildSettings;
            if( buildSettings.ContainsKey("OTHER_LDFLAGS") )
                Debug.Log( "    Adding other linker flags..." );
                ArrayList otherLinkerFlags = (ArrayList) buildSettings["OTHER_LDFLAGS"];
                foreach( string linker in otherLinkerFlags )
                    string _linker = linker;
                    if( !_linker.StartsWith("-") )
                        _linker = "-" + _linker;
                    this.AddOtherLDFlags( _linker );

            if( buildSettings.ContainsKey("ENABLE_BITCODE") )
                Debug.Log( "    ENABLE_BITCODE = " + buildSettings["ENABLE_BITCODE"] );
                this.EnableBitCode( (string) buildSettings["ENABLE_BITCODE"] );

            if( buildSettings.ContainsKey("GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS") )
                Debug.Log( "    GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS = " + buildSettings["GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS"] );
                this.GccEnableCppExceptions( (string) buildSettings["GCC_ENABLE_CPP_EXCEPTIONS"] );

            if( buildSettings.ContainsKey("GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS") )
                Debug.Log( "    GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS = " + buildSettings["GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS"] );
                this.GccEnableObjCExceptions( (string) buildSettings["GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS"] );

 public void ApplyMod( string pbxmod )
     XCMod mod = new XCMod( pbxmod );
     ApplyMod( mod );