        // test_i386_loop
        public static void TestLoop()
            var addr = 0x1000000UL;
            var code = new byte[]
                0x41, // INC ecx
                0x4A, // DEC edx
                0xEB, // JMP self-loop

            Console.WriteLine("Emulate i386 code that emulates forever.");

            using (var emulator = new X86Emulator(X86Mode.b32))
                // Map 2MB of memory.
                emulator.Memory.Map(addr, 2 * 1024 * 1024, MemoryPermissions.All);
                // Write machine code to be emulated.
                emulator.Memory.Write(addr, code, (uint)code.Length);

                // Initialize registers.
                emulator.Registers.ECX = 0x1234;
                emulator.Registers.EDX = 0x7890;

                // Emulate code for 2 seconds, so we can exit the code since it loops forever.
                emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)code.Length, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), 0);

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> ECX = 0x{emulator.Registers.ECX.ToString("x2")}");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> EDX = 0x{emulator.Registers.EDX.ToString("x2")}");
        public override Program Load(Address addrLoad)
            // First load the file as a PE Executable. This gives us a (writeable) image and
            // the packed entry point.
            var pe      = CreatePeImageLoader();
            var program = pe.Load(pe.PreferredBaseAddress);
            var rr      = pe.Relocate(program, pe.PreferredBaseAddress);

            this.ImageMap     = program.SegmentMap;
            this.Architecture = (IntelArchitecture)program.Architecture;

            var win32 = new Win32Emulator(program.SegmentMap, program.Platform, program.ImportReferences);
            var state = (X86State)program.Architecture.CreateProcessorState();
            var emu   = new X86Emulator((IntelArchitecture)program.Architecture, program.SegmentMap, win32);

            this.debugger                   = new Debugger(emu);
            this.scriptInterpreter          = new OllyLang(Services);
            this.scriptInterpreter.Host     = new Host(this, program.SegmentMap);
            this.scriptInterpreter.Debugger = this.debugger;
            emu.InstructionPointer          = rr.EntryPoints[0].Address;
            emu.BeforeStart                += emu_BeforeStart;
            emu.ExceptionRaised            += emu_ExceptionRaised;

            var stackSeg = InitializeStack(emu);

            LoadScript(Argument, scriptInterpreter.script);

            foreach (var ic in win32.InterceptedCalls)
                program.InterceptedCalls.Add(Address.Ptr32(ic.Key), ic.Value);
        // test_i386_context_save
        public static void TestContextSave()
            var addr = 0x1000000UL;
            var code = new byte[]
                0x40, // INC eax

            Console.WriteLine("Save/restore CPU context in opaque blob.");

            using (var emulator = new X86Emulator(X86Mode.b32))
                // Map 8KB of memory for emulation.
                emulator.Memory.Map(addr, 8 * 1024, MemoryPermissions.All);
                // Write machine code to emulate.
                emulator.Memory.Write(addr, code, (uint)code.Length);

                // Initialize registers.
                emulator.Registers.EAX = 1;

                // Emulate written machine code.
                emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)code.Length);

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> EAX = 0x{emulator.Registers.EAX.ToString("x2")}");

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Saving CPU context");

                using (var context = emulator.Context)
                    Console.WriteLine(">>> Running emulation for the second time");

                    // Emulate machine code again.
                    emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)code.Length);

                    Console.WriteLine(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context");
                    Console.WriteLine($">>> EAX = 0x{emulator.Registers.EAX.ToString("x2")}");

                    emulator.Context = context;

                Console.WriteLine(">>> CPU context restored. Below is the CPU context");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> EAX = 0x{emulator.Registers.EAX.ToString("x2")}");
        // test_i386_invalid_mem_write
        public static void TestInvalidMemoryWrite()
            var addr = 0x1000000UL;
            var code = new byte[]
                0x89, 0x0D, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, // MOV [0xaaaaaaaa] ecx
                0x41,                               // INC ecx
                0x4A                                // DEC edx

            Console.WriteLine("Emulate i386 code that write to invalid memory.");

            using (var emulator = new X86Emulator(X86Mode.b32))
                // Map 2MB of memory.
                emulator.Memory.Map(addr, 2 * 1024 * 1024, MemoryPermissions.All);
                // Write machine code to be emulated.
                emulator.Memory.Write(addr, code, (uint)code.Length);

                // Initialize registers.
                emulator.Registers.ECX = 0x1234;
                emulator.Registers.EDX = 0x7890;

                emulator.Hooks.Code.Add(CodeHook, null);
                emulator.Hooks.Memory.Add(MemoryEventHookType.UnmappedRead | MemoryEventHookType.UnmappedWrite, InvalidMemoryHook, null);

                // Start emulating the machine written machine code.
                emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)code.Length);

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> ECX = 0x{emulator.Registers.ECX.ToString("x2")}");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> EDX = 0x{emulator.Registers.EDX.ToString("x2")}");

                // Read from memory.
                var buffer = new byte[4];
                var tmp    = 0;

                emulator.Memory.Read(0xAAAAAAAA, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length);
                tmp = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);

                Console.WriteLine($">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x{0xAAAAAAAA.ToString("x2")}] = 0x{tmp.ToString("x2")}");

                    emulator.Memory.Read(0xFFFFFFAA, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length);
                    tmp = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);
                    Console.WriteLine($">>> Read 4 bytes from [0x{0xFFFFFFAA.ToString("x2")}] = 0x{tmp.ToString("x2")}");
                    Console.WriteLine($">>> Failed to read 4 bytes from [0x{0xFFFFFFAA.ToString("x2")}]");
        public static long Test(byte[] file, ulong offset, uint value)
            uint  in_value      = value;
            ulong stack_pointer = addr + (ulong)stack_offset;

            byte[] code = file.Skip((int)offset).ToArray();

            byte[] real_code = new byte[0x2000];

            Array.Copy(code, real_code, real_code.Length);

            //   Console.WriteLine("Emulate i386 code");

            using (X86Emulator emulator = new X86Emulator(X86Mode.b32))
                emulator.Memory.Map(addr, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, MemoryPermissions.All);
                emulator.Memory.Write(addr, real_code, real_code.Length);

                byte[] esp_b = BitConverter.GetBytes(in_value);


                emulator.Memory.Write(stack_pointer + 4, BitConverter.GetBytes(in_value), sizeof(uint));

                emulator.Registers.ESP = (long)stack_pointer;
                //emulator.Registers.ECX = (long)esp;
                emulator.Registers.EAX = 0x0;
                emulator.Registers.EBX = 0x0;

                emulator.Hooks.Code.Add(HookCode, null);
                emulator.Hooks.Interrupt.Add(HookInterrupt, null);

                //     Console.WriteLine();
                // Console.WriteLine(">>> Start tracing this Linux code");

                    emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)real_code.Length);


        // test_i386_invalid_mem_read
        public static void TestInvalidMemoryRead()
            var addr = 0x1000000UL;
            var code = new byte[]
                0x8B, 0x0D, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, // MOV ecx [0xaaaaaaaa]
                0x41,                               // INC ecx
                0x4A                                // DEC edx

            Console.WriteLine("Emulate i386 code that read from invalid memory.");

            using (var emulator = new X86Emulator(X86Mode.b32))
                // Map 2MB of memory.
                emulator.Memory.Map(addr, 2 * 1024 * 1024, MemoryPermissions.All);
                // Write machine code to be emulated.
                emulator.Memory.Write(addr, code, (uint)code.Length);

                // Initialize registers.
                emulator.Registers.ECX = 0x1234;
                emulator.Registers.EDX = 0x7890;

                // Trace all basic blocks.
                emulator.Hooks.Block.Add(BlockHook, null);
                // Trace all instructions.
                emulator.Hooks.Code.Add(CodeHook, null);

                    // Start emulating the machine written machine code.
                    emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)code.Length);
                catch (UnicornException ex)
                    Debug.Assert(ex.ErrorCode == UnicornError.ReadUnmapped, "Unexpected error code in caught UnicornException.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to start emulator instance. -> {ex.Message}.");

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> ECX = 0x{emulator.Registers.ECX.ToString("x2")}");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> EDX = 0x{emulator.Registers.EDX.ToString("x2")}");
        // test_i386_inout
        public static void TestInOut()
            var addr = 0x1000000UL;
            var code = new byte[]
                0x41,       // INC ecx
                0xE4, 0x3F, // IN AL 0x3F
                0x4A,       // DEC edx
                0xE6, 0x46, // OUT 0x46 AL
                0x43        // INC ebx

            Console.WriteLine("Emulate i386 code with IN/OUT instructions.");

            using (var emulator = new X86Emulator(X86Mode.b32))
                // Map 2MB of memory.
                emulator.Memory.Map(addr, 2 * 1024 * 1024, MemoryPermissions.All);
                // Write machine code to be emulated.
                emulator.Memory.Write(addr, code, (uint)code.Length);

                // Initialize registers.
                emulator.Registers.ECX = 0x1234;
                emulator.Registers.EDX = 0x7890;

                // Trace all basic blocks.
                emulator.Hooks.Block.Add(BlockHook, null);
                // Trace all instructions.
                emulator.Hooks.Code.Add(CodeHook, null);
                // Hook X86 IN instructions.
                emulator.Hooks.Instruction.Add(HookIn, X86Instructions.IN, null);
                // Hook X86 OUT instructions.
                emulator.Hooks.Instruction.Add(HookOut, X86Instructions.OUT, null);

                // Start emulating the machine written machine code.
                emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)code.Length);

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Emulation done. Below is the CPU context");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> ECX = 0x{emulator.Registers.ECX.ToString("x2")}");
                Console.WriteLine($">>> EDX = 0x{emulator.Registers.EDX.ToString("x2")}");
        private void emulatorToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var sc      = new ServiceContainer();
            var fs      = new FileStream(@"D:\dev\jkl\dec\halsten\decompiler_paq\upx\demo.exe", FileMode.Open);
            var size    = fs.Length;
            var abImage = new byte[size];

            fs.Read(abImage, 0, (int)size);
            var exe     = new ExeImageLoader(sc, "foolexe", abImage);
            var peLdr   = new PeImageLoader(sc, "foo.exe", abImage, exe.e_lfanew);
            var addr    = peLdr.PreferredBaseAddress;
            var program = peLdr.Load(addr);
            var rr      = peLdr.Relocate(program, addr);
            var win32   = new Win32Emulator(program.SegmentMap, program.Platform, program.ImportReferences);
            var emu     = new X86Emulator((IntelArchitecture)program.Architecture, program.SegmentMap, win32);

            emu.InstructionPointer = rr.EntryPoints[0].Address;
            emu.ExceptionRaised   += delegate { throw new Exception(); };
            emu.WriteRegister(Registers.esp, (uint)peLdr.PreferredBaseAddress.ToLinear() + 0x0FFC);
        // test_i386
        public static void Test()
            ulong addr = 0x1000000;
            ulong esp  = addr + 0x200000;

            byte[] code =
                0xeb, 0x1c, 0x5a, 0x89, 0xd6, 0x8b, 0x02, 0x66, 0x3d,
                0xca, 0x7d, 0x75, 0x06, 0x66, 0x05, 0x03, 0x03, 0x89,
                0x02, 0xfe, 0xc2, 0x3d, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x75,
                0xe9, 0xff, 0xe6, 0xe8, 0xdf, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x31,
                0xd2, 0x6a, 0x0b, 0x58, 0x99, 0x52, 0x68, 0x2f, 0x2f,
                0x73, 0x68, 0x68, 0x2f, 0x62, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x89, 0xe3,
                0x52, 0x53, 0x89, 0xe1, 0xca, 0x7d, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41,
                0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41

            Console.WriteLine("Emulate i386 code");

            using (var emulator = new X86Emulator(X86Mode.b32))
                emulator.Memory.Map(addr, 2 * 1024 * 1024, MemoryPermissions.All);
                emulator.Memory.Write(addr, code, code.Length);

                emulator.Registers.ESP = (long)esp;

                emulator.Hooks.Code.Add(HookCode, null);
                emulator.Hooks.Interrupt.Add(HookInterrupt, null);

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Start tracing this Linux code");

                emulator.Start(addr, addr + (ulong)code.Length);

                Console.WriteLine(">>> Emulation done.");
        public void X86Emu_Mov32()
            Given_Win32Code(m => { m.Mov(m.eax, m.ebx); });
            Given_RegValue(Registers.ebx, 4);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, emu.Registers[Registers.eax.Number]);