// Adapted to System 2.0+ from TlsServerCertificate.cs
            // Note: this method only works for RSA certificates
            // DH certificates requires some changes - does anyone use one ?
            private static bool CheckCertificateUsage(X509Certificate2 cert)
                    // certificate extensions are required for this
                    // we "must" accept older certificates without proofs
                    if (cert.Version < 3)

                    X509KeyUsageExtension         kux = (cert.Extensions[""] as X509KeyUsageExtension);
                    X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension eku = (cert.Extensions[""] as X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension);
                    if (kux != null && eku != null)
                        // RFC3280 states that when both KeyUsageExtension and
                        // ExtendedKeyUsageExtension are present then BOTH should
                        // be valid
                        if ((kux.KeyUsages & s_flags) == 0)
                        return(eku.EnhancedKeyUsages[""] != null || eku.EnhancedKeyUsages["2.16.840.1.113730.4.1"] != null);
                    else if (kux != null)
                        return((kux.KeyUsages & s_flags) != 0);
                    else if (eku != null)
                        // Server Authentication ( or
                        // Netscape Server Gated Crypto (2.16.840.1.113730.4)
                        return(eku.EnhancedKeyUsages[""] != null || eku.EnhancedKeyUsages["2.16.840.1.113730.4.1"] != null);

                    // last chance - try with older (deprecated) Netscape extensions
                    X509Extension ext = cert.Extensions["2.16.840.1.113730.1.1"];
                    if (ext != null)
                        string text = ext.NetscapeCertType(false);
                        return(text.IndexOf("SSL Server Authentication", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ErrorLog.Error("ERROR processing certificate: {0}", e);
                    ErrorLog.Error("Please, report this problem to the Mono team");
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR processing certificate: {0}", e);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Please, report this problem to the Mono team");