public DestructionRequest(IUser user, string filter, uint radius, Vector3 position, WreckType wreckType, ulong steamID, ushort itemID) { User = user; Filters = filter.ToCharArray(); Radius = radius; Position = position; WreckType = wreckType; SteamID = steamID; ItemID = itemID; RequestAdded = DateTime.Now; }
internal static void Abort(WreckType type) { if (type == WreckType.Wreck) { processing = false; destroyList.Clear(); dIdx = 0; dIdxCount = 0; originalCaller = null; } else { cleanupProcessingBuildables = false; cleanupProcessingFiles = false; cleanupList.Clear(); cdIdx = 0; cdIdxCount = 0; playersListBuildables.Clear(); playersListFiles.Clear(); plbIdx = 0; plfIdx = 0; } }
internal static void DestructionLoop(WreckType type) { try { int i = 0; EPlayerKill pKill; uint xp; while (((dIdx < dIdxCount && type == WreckType.Wreck) || (cdIdx < cdIdxCount && type == WreckType.Cleanup)) && i < WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DestructionsPerInterval) { Destructible element = type == WreckType.Wreck ? destroyList[dIdx] : cleanupList[cdIdx]; if (element.Type == ElementType.Structure) { try { if (WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableDestroyedElementDrop) { try { Item item = new Item(element.ItemID, true); ItemManager.dropItem(item, element.Transform.position, false, true, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in dropping an item for a destroyed structure."); } } StructureManager.damage(element.Transform, element.Transform.position, ushort.MaxValue, 1, false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in destroying structure."); } } else if (element.Type == ElementType.Barricade || element.Type == ElementType.VehicleBarricade) { try { if ((element.Type == ElementType.VehicleBarricade && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableVehicleElementDrop) || (element.Type == ElementType.Barricade && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableDestroyedElementDrop)) { try { Item item = new Item(element.ItemID, true); ItemManager.dropItem(item, element.Transform.position, false, true, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in dropping an item for a destroyed" + (element.Type == ElementType.VehicleBarricade ? " vehicle" : string.Empty) + " barricade."); } } BarricadeManager.damage(element.Transform, ushort.MaxValue, 1, false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in destroying barricade."); } } else if (element.Type == ElementType.Vehicle) { try { // Output log entry if a vehicle is destroyed by a cleanup. if (type == WreckType.Cleanup) { bool getPInfo = WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibLoaded; Logger.Log(string.Format("Cleanup: Vehicle with InstanceID: {0}, and Type: {1}({2}), at position: {3} destroyed, Element count: {4}, Sign By: {5}, Locked By: {6}.", element.Vehicle.instanceID, element.Vehicle.asset.vehicleName,, element.Vehicle.transform.position.ToString(), BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(element.Vehicle.transform, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort plant, out BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion) ? barricadeRegion.drops.Count : 0, HasFlaggedElement(element.Vehicle.transform, out ulong vFlagOwner) ? (getPInfo ? WreckingBall.Instance.PInfoGenerateMessage(vFlagOwner) : vFlagOwner.ToString()) : "N/A", element.Vehicle.isLocked ? (getPInfo ? WreckingBall.Instance.PInfoGenerateMessage((ulong)element.Vehicle.lockedOwner) : element.Vehicle.lockedOwner.ToString()) : "N/A")); } if (WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableVehicleElementDrop) { if (element.Vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && element.Vehicle.trainCars != null && element.Vehicle.trainCars.Count() > 1) { foreach (TrainCar car in element.Vehicle.trainCars) { WreckingBall.Instance.VehicleElementDrop(element.Vehicle, true, car.root); } } else { WreckingBall.Instance.VehicleElementDrop(element.Vehicle); } } if (!element.Vehicle.isDead) { element.Vehicle.askDamage(ushort.MaxValue, false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in destroying vehicle."); } } else if (element.Type == ElementType.Zombie) { try { for (int z = 0; z < 1000 && !element.Zombie.isDead; z++) { element.Zombie.askDamage(ushort.MaxValue, element.Zombie.transform.up, out pKill, out xp); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in killing zombie."); } } else if (element.Type == ElementType.Animal) { try { for (int a = 0; a < 1000 && !element.Animal.isDead; a++) { element.Animal.askDamage(ushort.MaxValue, element.Animal.transform.up, out pKill, out xp); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in killing animal."); } } if (type == WreckType.Wreck) { dIdx++; } else { cdIdx++; } i++; } if (destroyList.Count == dIdx && type == WreckType.Wreck) { if (originalCaller != null) { UnturnedChat.Say(originalCaller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_complete", dIdx)); } else { Logger.Log(WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_complete", dIdx)); }; Abort(WreckType.Wreck); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "General destruction loop error."); } }
internal static void Wreck(IRocketPlayer caller, string filter, float radius, Vector3 position, WreckType type, FlagType flagtype, ulong steamID, ushort itemID) { bool pInfoLibLoaded = false; syncError = false; if (type == WreckType.Wreck) { if (DestructionProcessing.processing) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_processing", originalCaller != null ? originalCaller.CharacterName : "???", (dIdxCount - dIdx), CalcProcessTime())); return; } Abort(WreckType.Wreck); } else if (type == WreckType.Scan) { WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.Element].Clear(); WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.VehicleElement].Clear(); if (WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnablePlayerInfo && WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibPresent && WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibLoaded) { pInfoLibLoaded = true; } } UnturnedPlayer Player = null; if (!(caller is ConsolePlayer) && type != WreckType.Cleanup) { Player = (UnturnedPlayer)caller; if (Player.IsInVehicle) { position = Player.CurrentVehicle.transform.position; } else { position = Player.Position; } } List <char> Filter = new List <char>(); Filter.AddRange(filter.ToCharArray()); float distance = 0; float vdistance = 0; StructureRegion structureRegion; BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion; for (int k = 0; k < StructureManager.regions.GetLength(0); k++) { for (int l = 0; l < StructureManager.regions.GetLength(1); l++) { // check to see if the region is out of range, skip if it is. if (!radius.IsNaN() && position.RegionOutOfRange(k, l, radius) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts) { continue; } structureRegion = StructureManager.regions[k, l]; ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, structureRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.Element); } } for (int k = 0; k < BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions.GetLength(0); k++) { for (int l = 0; l < BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions.GetLength(1); l++) { // check to see if the region is out of range, skip if it is. if (!radius.IsNaN() && position.RegionOutOfRange(k, l, radius) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts) { continue; } barricadeRegion = BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions[k, l]; ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.Element); } } foreach (InteractableVehicle vehicle in VehicleManager.vehicles) { bool validVehicleElements = BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.transform, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort plant, out barricadeRegion); // Process Vehicles. if ((Filter.Contains('V') || Filter.Contains('*')) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts && (flagtype == FlagType.Normal || (flagtype == FlagType.SteamID && vehicle.isLocked && vehicle.lockedOwner == (CSteamID)steamID))) { vdistance = Vector3.Distance(vehicle.transform.position, position); if ((!radius.IsNaN() && vdistance <= radius) || (radius.IsNaN() && (vehicle.transform.position.x.IsNaN() || vehicle.transform.position.y.IsNaN() || vehicle.transform.position.z.IsNaN()))) { WreckProcess(caller, 999, vdistance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Vehicle, type, vehicle, vehicle.transform, !validVehicleElements ? 0 : barricadeRegion.drops.Count, vehicle.isLocked ? (ulong)vehicle.lockedOwner : 0); } if (vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && vehicle.trainCars != null && vehicle.trainCars.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < vehicle.trainCars.Length; i++) { if (BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.trainCars[i].root, out x, out y, out plant, out BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion2)) { float tcdistance = Vector3.Distance(vehicle.trainCars[i].root.position, position); if (tcdistance <= radius) { WreckProcess(caller, 999, tcdistance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Vehicle, type, vehicle, vehicle.transform, barricadeRegion2 == null ? 0 : barricadeRegion2.drops.Count, 0, i); } } } } } if (type == WreckType.Cleanup && vehicle.asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.CleanupLockedCars && vehicle.isLocked && vehicle.lockedOwner == (CSteamID)steamID) { cleanupList.Add(new Destructible(vehicle.transform, ElementType.Vehicle,, vehicle)); } // Add Locked vehicles to the top players count, if the cleanup locked vehicles feature is active. if (type == WreckType.Counts && vehicle.asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.CleanupLockedCars && vehicle.isLocked) { ulong vOwner = (ulong)vehicle.lockedOwner; if (pElementCounts.ContainsKey(vOwner)) { pElementCounts[vOwner]++; } else { pElementCounts.Add(vOwner, 1); } } // Process vehicles elements, remove distance limiting on vehicle placement for element scanning, to handle massively misplaced elements on vehicles. if (validVehicleElements) { ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.VehicleElement); } if (vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && vehicle.trainCars != null && vehicle.trainCars.Length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < vehicle.trainCars.Length; i++) { if (BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.trainCars[i].root, out x, out y, out plant, out BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion2)) { ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion2, position, steamID, BuildableType.VehicleElement); } } } } if (Filter.Contains('Z')) { for (int z = 0; z < ZombieManager.regions.Length; z++) { foreach (Zombie zombie in ZombieManager.regions[z].zombies) { distance = Vector3.Distance(zombie.transform.position, position); if (distance < radius) { WreckProcess(caller, 998, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Element, type, zombie, zombie.transform); } } } } if (Filter.Contains('A')) { foreach (Animal animal in AnimalManager.animals) { distance = Vector3.Distance(animal.transform.position, position); if (distance <= radius) { WreckProcess(caller, 997, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Element, type, animal, animal.transform); } } } if (type == WreckType.Scan) { uint totalCount = 0; if (WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.Element].Count > 0 || WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.VehicleElement].Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildableType, Dictionary <char, uint> > reportDictionary in WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists) { if (reportDictionary.Value.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <char, uint> reportFilter in reportDictionary.Value) { totalCount += reportFilter.Value; } } } Logger.Log(string.Format("Player: {0}, ran scan at: {1}, with Radius: {7}, with Flag type: {2}, with Flags: {3}, with ItemID: {4}, with SteamID: {5}, number of elements scanned: {6}", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "Console" : Player.CharacterName + " [" + Player.SteamName + "] (" + Player.CSteamID.ToString() + ")", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "N/A" : Player.Position.ToString(), flagtype.ToString(), Filter.Count > 0 ? string.Join("", Filter.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()) : "N/A", itemID, steamID, totalCount, radius.IsNaN() ? "NaN(NaN Check)" : radius.ToString())); return; } if (destroyList.Count >= 1 && type == WreckType.Wreck) { Logger.Log(string.Format("Player {0}, queued wreck at: {1}, with Radius: {7}, with Flag type: {2}, with Flags: {3}, with itemID: {4}, with StermID: {5}, number of elements queued: {6}", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "Console" : Player.CharacterName + " [" + Player.SteamName + "] (" + Player.CSteamID.ToString() + ")", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "N/A" : Player.Position.ToString(), flagtype.ToString(), Filter.Count > 0 ? string.Join("", Filter.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()) : "N/A", itemID, steamID, destroyList.Count, radius.IsNaN() ? "NaN(NaN Check)" : radius.ToString())); dIdxCount = destroyList.Count; WreckingBall.Instance.Instruct(caller); } else if (type == WreckType.Cleanup) { cdIdxCount = cleanupList.Count; } else if (type != WreckType.Counts) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_not_found", radius)); } }
private static void ProcessElements(IRocketPlayer caller, ushort itemID, float radius, WreckType type, FlagType flagtype, List <char> Filter, bool pInfoLibLoaded, object region, Vector3 position, ulong steamID, BuildableType buildType) { StructureRegion sRegion = null; BarricadeRegion bRegion = null; BarricadeData bData = null; StructureData sData = null; bool isSRegion = region is StructureRegion; int DataCount; int transformCount; if (isSRegion) { sRegion = region as StructureRegion; transformCount = sRegion.drops.Count; DataCount = sRegion.structures.Count; } else { bRegion = region as BarricadeRegion; transformCount = bRegion.drops.Count; DataCount = bRegion.barricades.Count; } for (int i = 0; i < transformCount; i++) { Transform transform = isSRegion ? sRegion.drops[i].model : bRegion.drops[i].model; ulong owner; if (i < DataCount) { if (isSRegion) { sData = sRegion.structures[i]; owner = sData.owner; } else { bData = bRegion.barricades[i]; owner = bData.owner; } } else { Logger.LogWarning(WreckingBall.Instance.Translate(isSRegion ? "wreckingball_structure_array_sync_error" : "wreckingball_barricade_array_sync_error")); syncError = true; break; } float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, position); if (((!radius.IsNaN() && distance <= radius) || (radius.IsNaN() && (transform.position.x.IsNaN() || transform.position.y.IsNaN() || transform.position.z.IsNaN()))) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts) { ushort item = isSRegion ? :; if (WreckingBall.ElementData.FilterItem(item, Filter) || Filter.Contains('*') || flagtype == FlagType.ItemID) { if (flagtype == FlagType.Normal) { WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform); } else if (flagtype == FlagType.SteamID && owner == steamID) { WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform); } else if (flagtype == FlagType.ItemID && itemID == item) { WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform); } } } else if (type == WreckType.Cleanup && owner == steamID) { cleanupList.Add(new Destructible(transform, isSRegion ? ElementType.Structure : ElementType.Barricade, isSRegion ? :; } else if (type == WreckType.Counts) { if (pElementCounts.ContainsKey(owner)) { pElementCounts[owner]++; } else { pElementCounts.Add(owner, 1); } } } }
private static void WreckProcess(IRocketPlayer caller, ushort itemID, float distance, bool pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType buildType, WreckType type, object data, Transform transform, int count = 0, ulong lockedOwner = 0, int vindex = 0) { if (type == WreckType.Scan) { if (distance <= 10) { WreckingBall.ElementData.Report(caller, itemID, distance, true, pInfoLibLoaded, data, buildType, count, lockedOwner, vindex); } else { WreckingBall.ElementData.Report(caller, itemID, distance, false, pInfoLibLoaded, data, buildType); } } else { if (data is StructureData) { destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Structure, itemID)); } if (data is BarricadeData) { destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Barricade, itemID)); } // Add the vehicle to the destruction list, as long as it's not a train. Allow a special case where you could destroy a train from using wreck on the console, only. if (data is InteractableVehicle && (((InteractableVehicle)data).asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN || caller is ConsolePlayer && vindex == 0 && type != WreckType.Counts && type != WreckType.Cleanup)) { destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Vehicle, itemID, data as InteractableVehicle)); } if (data is Zombie) { destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Zombie, itemID, null, data as Zombie)); } if (data is Animal) { destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Animal, itemID, null, null, data as Animal)); } } }
public void AddRequest(IUser user, string filter, uint radius, Vector3 position, WreckType wreckType, ulong steamID, ushort itemID) { if (_pendingConfirmation.Any(c => Equals(c.User, user))) { _pendingConfirmation.Remove(_pendingConfirmation.FirstOrDefault(c => Equals(c.User, user))); return; } _pendingConfirmation.Add(new DestructionRequest(user, filter, radius, position, wreckType, steamID, itemID)); }