 public DestructionRequest(IUser user, string filter, uint radius, Vector3 position, WreckType wreckType, ulong steamID, ushort itemID)
     User         = user;
     Filters      = filter.ToCharArray();
     Radius       = radius;
     Position     = position;
     WreckType    = wreckType;
     SteamID      = steamID;
     ItemID       = itemID;
     RequestAdded = DateTime.Now;
 internal static void Abort(WreckType type)
     if (type == WreckType.Wreck)
         processing = false;
         dIdx           = 0;
         dIdxCount      = 0;
         originalCaller = null;
         cleanupProcessingBuildables = false;
         cleanupProcessingFiles      = false;
         cdIdx      = 0;
         cdIdxCount = 0;
         plbIdx = 0;
         plfIdx = 0;
        internal static void DestructionLoop(WreckType type)
                int         i = 0;
                EPlayerKill pKill;
                uint        xp;
                while (((dIdx < dIdxCount && type == WreckType.Wreck) || (cdIdx < cdIdxCount && type == WreckType.Cleanup)) && i < WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.DestructionsPerInterval)
                    Destructible element = type == WreckType.Wreck ? destroyList[dIdx] : cleanupList[cdIdx];

                    if (element.Type == ElementType.Structure)
                            if (WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableDestroyedElementDrop)
                                    Item item = new Item(element.ItemID, true);
                                    ItemManager.dropItem(item, element.Transform.position, false, true, true);
                                catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in dropping an item for a destroyed structure."); }
                            StructureManager.damage(element.Transform, element.Transform.position, ushort.MaxValue, 1, false);
                        catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in destroying structure."); }

                    else if (element.Type == ElementType.Barricade || element.Type == ElementType.VehicleBarricade)
                            if ((element.Type == ElementType.VehicleBarricade && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableVehicleElementDrop) || (element.Type == ElementType.Barricade && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableDestroyedElementDrop))
                                    Item item = new Item(element.ItemID, true);
                                    ItemManager.dropItem(item, element.Transform.position, false, true, true);
                                catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in dropping an item for a destroyed" + (element.Type == ElementType.VehicleBarricade ? " vehicle" : string.Empty) + " barricade."); }
                            BarricadeManager.damage(element.Transform, ushort.MaxValue, 1, false);
                        catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in destroying barricade."); }

                    else if (element.Type == ElementType.Vehicle)
                        try {
                            // Output log entry if a vehicle is destroyed by a cleanup.
                            if (type == WreckType.Cleanup)
                                bool getPInfo = WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibLoaded;
                                Logger.Log(string.Format("Cleanup: Vehicle with InstanceID: {0}, and Type: {1}({2}), at position: {3} destroyed, Element count: {4}, Sign By: {5}, Locked By: {6}.",
                                                         BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(element.Vehicle.transform, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort plant, out BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion) ? barricadeRegion.drops.Count : 0,
                                                         HasFlaggedElement(element.Vehicle.transform, out ulong vFlagOwner) ? (getPInfo ? WreckingBall.Instance.PInfoGenerateMessage(vFlagOwner) : vFlagOwner.ToString()) : "N/A",
                                                         element.Vehicle.isLocked ? (getPInfo ? WreckingBall.Instance.PInfoGenerateMessage((ulong)element.Vehicle.lockedOwner) : element.Vehicle.lockedOwner.ToString()) : "N/A"));
                            if (WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnableVehicleElementDrop)
                                if (element.Vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && element.Vehicle.trainCars != null && element.Vehicle.trainCars.Count() > 1)
                                    foreach (TrainCar car in element.Vehicle.trainCars)
                                        WreckingBall.Instance.VehicleElementDrop(element.Vehicle, true, car.root);
                            if (!element.Vehicle.isDead)
                                element.Vehicle.askDamage(ushort.MaxValue, false);
                        catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in destroying vehicle."); }
                    else if (element.Type == ElementType.Zombie)
                            for (int z = 0; z < 1000 && !element.Zombie.isDead; z++)
                                element.Zombie.askDamage(ushort.MaxValue, element.Zombie.transform.up, out pKill, out xp);
                        catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in killing zombie."); }
                    else if (element.Type == ElementType.Animal)
                            for (int a = 0; a < 1000 && !element.Animal.isDead; a++)
                                element.Animal.askDamage(ushort.MaxValue, element.Animal.transform.up, out pKill, out xp);
                        catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "Error in killing animal."); }
                    if (type == WreckType.Wreck)
                if (destroyList.Count == dIdx && type == WreckType.Wreck)
                    if (originalCaller != null)
                        UnturnedChat.Say(originalCaller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_complete", dIdx));
                        Logger.Log(WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_complete", dIdx));
            catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex, "General destruction loop error."); }
        internal static void Wreck(IRocketPlayer caller, string filter, float radius, Vector3 position, WreckType type, FlagType flagtype, ulong steamID, ushort itemID)
            bool pInfoLibLoaded = false;

            syncError = false;
            if (type == WreckType.Wreck)
                if (DestructionProcessing.processing)
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_processing", originalCaller != null ? originalCaller.CharacterName : "???", (dIdxCount - dIdx), CalcProcessTime()));
            else if (type == WreckType.Scan)
                if (WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnablePlayerInfo && WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibPresent && WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibLoaded)
                    pInfoLibLoaded = true;
            UnturnedPlayer Player = null;

            if (!(caller is ConsolePlayer) && type != WreckType.Cleanup)
                Player = (UnturnedPlayer)caller;
                if (Player.IsInVehicle)
                    position = Player.CurrentVehicle.transform.position;
                    position = Player.Position;

            List <char> Filter = new List <char>();


            float           distance  = 0;
            float           vdistance = 0;
            StructureRegion structureRegion;
            BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion;

            for (int k = 0; k < StructureManager.regions.GetLength(0); k++)
                for (int l = 0; l < StructureManager.regions.GetLength(1); l++)
                    // check to see if the region is out of range, skip if it is.
                    if (!radius.IsNaN() && position.RegionOutOfRange(k, l, radius) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts)

                    structureRegion = StructureManager.regions[k, l];
                    ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, structureRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.Element);

            for (int k = 0; k < BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions.GetLength(0); k++)
                for (int l = 0; l < BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions.GetLength(1); l++)
                    // check to see if the region is out of range, skip if it is.
                    if (!radius.IsNaN() && position.RegionOutOfRange(k, l, radius) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts)

                    barricadeRegion = BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions[k, l];
                    ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.Element);

            foreach (InteractableVehicle vehicle in VehicleManager.vehicles)
                bool validVehicleElements = BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.transform, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort plant, out barricadeRegion);
                // Process Vehicles.
                if ((Filter.Contains('V') || Filter.Contains('*')) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts && (flagtype == FlagType.Normal || (flagtype == FlagType.SteamID && vehicle.isLocked && vehicle.lockedOwner == (CSteamID)steamID)))
                    vdistance = Vector3.Distance(vehicle.transform.position, position);
                    if ((!radius.IsNaN() && vdistance <= radius) || (radius.IsNaN() && (vehicle.transform.position.x.IsNaN() || vehicle.transform.position.y.IsNaN() || vehicle.transform.position.z.IsNaN())))
                        WreckProcess(caller, 999, vdistance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Vehicle, type, vehicle, vehicle.transform, !validVehicleElements ? 0 : barricadeRegion.drops.Count, vehicle.isLocked ? (ulong)vehicle.lockedOwner : 0);
                    if (vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && vehicle.trainCars != null && vehicle.trainCars.Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < vehicle.trainCars.Length; i++)
                            if (BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.trainCars[i].root, out x, out y, out plant, out BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion2))
                                float tcdistance = Vector3.Distance(vehicle.trainCars[i].root.position, position);
                                if (tcdistance <= radius)
                                    WreckProcess(caller, 999, tcdistance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Vehicle, type, vehicle, vehicle.transform, barricadeRegion2 == null ? 0 : barricadeRegion2.drops.Count, 0, i);

                if (type == WreckType.Cleanup && vehicle.asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.CleanupLockedCars && vehicle.isLocked && vehicle.lockedOwner == (CSteamID)steamID)
                    cleanupList.Add(new Destructible(vehicle.transform, ElementType.Vehicle, vehicle.asset.id, vehicle));
                // Add Locked vehicles to the top players count, if the cleanup locked vehicles feature is active.
                if (type == WreckType.Counts && vehicle.asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.CleanupLockedCars && vehicle.isLocked)
                    ulong vOwner = (ulong)vehicle.lockedOwner;
                    if (pElementCounts.ContainsKey(vOwner))
                        pElementCounts.Add(vOwner, 1);
                // Process vehicles elements, remove distance limiting on vehicle placement for element scanning, to handle massively misplaced elements on vehicles.
                if (validVehicleElements)
                    ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.VehicleElement);

                if (vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && vehicle.trainCars != null && vehicle.trainCars.Length > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < vehicle.trainCars.Length; i++)
                        if (BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.trainCars[i].root, out x, out y, out plant, out BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion2))
                            ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion2, position, steamID, BuildableType.VehicleElement);

            if (Filter.Contains('Z'))
                for (int z = 0; z < ZombieManager.regions.Length; z++)
                    foreach (Zombie zombie in ZombieManager.regions[z].zombies)
                        distance = Vector3.Distance(zombie.transform.position, position);
                        if (distance < radius)
                            WreckProcess(caller, 998, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Element, type, zombie, zombie.transform);

            if (Filter.Contains('A'))
                foreach (Animal animal in AnimalManager.animals)
                    distance = Vector3.Distance(animal.transform.position, position);
                    if (distance <= radius)
                        WreckProcess(caller, 997, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Element, type, animal, animal.transform);

            if (type == WreckType.Scan)
                uint totalCount = 0;
                if (WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.Element].Count > 0 || WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.VehicleElement].Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildableType, Dictionary <char, uint> > reportDictionary in WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists)
                        if (reportDictionary.Value.Count == 0)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <char, uint> reportFilter in reportDictionary.Value)
                            totalCount += reportFilter.Value;
                Logger.Log(string.Format("Player: {0}, ran scan at: {1}, with Radius: {7}, with Flag type: {2}, with Flags: {3}, with ItemID: {4}, with SteamID: {5}, number of elements scanned: {6}", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "Console" : Player.CharacterName + " [" + Player.SteamName + "] (" + Player.CSteamID.ToString() + ")", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "N/A" : Player.Position.ToString(), flagtype.ToString(), Filter.Count > 0 ? string.Join("", Filter.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()) : "N/A", itemID, steamID, totalCount, radius.IsNaN() ? "NaN(NaN Check)" : radius.ToString()));
            if (destroyList.Count >= 1 && type == WreckType.Wreck)
                Logger.Log(string.Format("Player {0}, queued wreck at: {1}, with Radius: {7}, with Flag type: {2}, with Flags: {3}, with itemID: {4}, with StermID: {5}, number of elements queued: {6}", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "Console" : Player.CharacterName + " [" + Player.SteamName + "] (" + Player.CSteamID.ToString() + ")", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "N/A" : Player.Position.ToString(), flagtype.ToString(), Filter.Count > 0 ? string.Join("", Filter.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()) : "N/A", itemID, steamID, destroyList.Count, radius.IsNaN() ? "NaN(NaN Check)" : radius.ToString()));
                dIdxCount = destroyList.Count;
            else if (type == WreckType.Cleanup)
                cdIdxCount = cleanupList.Count;
            else if (type != WreckType.Counts)
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_not_found", radius));
        private static void ProcessElements(IRocketPlayer caller, ushort itemID, float radius, WreckType type, FlagType flagtype, List <char> Filter, bool pInfoLibLoaded, object region, Vector3 position, ulong steamID, BuildableType buildType)
            StructureRegion sRegion   = null;
            BarricadeRegion bRegion   = null;
            BarricadeData   bData     = null;
            StructureData   sData     = null;
            bool            isSRegion = region is StructureRegion;
            int             DataCount;
            int             transformCount;

            if (isSRegion)
                sRegion        = region as StructureRegion;
                transformCount = sRegion.drops.Count;
                DataCount      = sRegion.structures.Count;
                bRegion        = region as BarricadeRegion;
                transformCount = bRegion.drops.Count;
                DataCount      = bRegion.barricades.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < transformCount; i++)
                Transform transform = isSRegion ? sRegion.drops[i].model : bRegion.drops[i].model;
                ulong     owner;
                if (i < DataCount)
                    if (isSRegion)
                        sData = sRegion.structures[i];
                        owner = sData.owner;
                        bData = bRegion.barricades[i];
                        owner = bData.owner;
                    Logger.LogWarning(WreckingBall.Instance.Translate(isSRegion ? "wreckingball_structure_array_sync_error" : "wreckingball_barricade_array_sync_error"));
                    syncError = true;
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, position);
                if (((!radius.IsNaN() && distance <= radius) || (radius.IsNaN() && (transform.position.x.IsNaN() || transform.position.y.IsNaN() || transform.position.z.IsNaN()))) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts)
                    ushort item = isSRegion ? sData.structure.id : bData.barricade.id;
                    if (WreckingBall.ElementData.FilterItem(item, Filter) || Filter.Contains('*') || flagtype == FlagType.ItemID)
                        if (flagtype == FlagType.Normal)
                            WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform);
                        else if (flagtype == FlagType.SteamID && owner == steamID)
                            WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform);
                        else if (flagtype == FlagType.ItemID && itemID == item)
                            WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform);
                else if (type == WreckType.Cleanup && owner == steamID)
                    cleanupList.Add(new Destructible(transform, isSRegion ? ElementType.Structure : ElementType.Barricade, isSRegion ? sData.structure.id : bData.barricade.id));
                else if (type == WreckType.Counts)
                    if (pElementCounts.ContainsKey(owner))
                        pElementCounts.Add(owner, 1);
 private static void WreckProcess(IRocketPlayer caller, ushort itemID, float distance, bool pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType buildType, WreckType type, object data, Transform transform, int count = 0, ulong lockedOwner = 0, int vindex = 0)
     if (type == WreckType.Scan)
         if (distance <= 10)
             WreckingBall.ElementData.Report(caller, itemID, distance, true, pInfoLibLoaded, data, buildType, count, lockedOwner, vindex);
             WreckingBall.ElementData.Report(caller, itemID, distance, false, pInfoLibLoaded, data, buildType);
         if (data is StructureData)
             destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Structure, itemID));
         if (data is BarricadeData)
             destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Barricade, itemID));
         // Add the vehicle to the destruction list, as long as it's not a train. Allow a special case where you could destroy a train from using wreck on the console, only.
         if (data is InteractableVehicle && (((InteractableVehicle)data).asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN || caller is ConsolePlayer && vindex == 0 && type != WreckType.Counts && type != WreckType.Cleanup))
             destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Vehicle, itemID, data as InteractableVehicle));
         if (data is Zombie)
             destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Zombie, itemID, null, data as Zombie));
         if (data is Animal)
             destroyList.Add(new Destructible(transform, ElementType.Animal, itemID, null, null, data as Animal));
 public void AddRequest(IUser user, string filter, uint radius, Vector3 position, WreckType wreckType, ulong steamID, ushort itemID)
     if (_pendingConfirmation.Any(c => Equals(c.User, user)))
         _pendingConfirmation.Remove(_pendingConfirmation.FirstOrDefault(c => Equals(c.User, user)));
     _pendingConfirmation.Add(new DestructionRequest(user, filter, radius, position, wreckType, steamID, itemID));