public void Render(Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            Coordinates wll = t.WorldLowerLeft;
            Coordinates wur = t.WorldUpperRight;

            PointF ll = new PointF((float)wll.X, (float)wll.Y);
            PointF ur = new PointF((float)wur.X, (float)wur.Y);

            float startX = (float)Math.Floor(wll.X / spacing) * spacing;
            float endX = (float)Math.Ceiling(wur.X / spacing) * spacing;
            float startY = (float)Math.Floor(wll.Y / spacing) * spacing;
            float endY = (float)Math.Ceiling(wur.Y / spacing) * spacing;

            using (Pen p = new Pen(color, 1 / t.Scale))
                if (endX - startX / spacing < 400 && endY - startY / spacing < 400)
                    for (float x = startX; x <= endX; x += spacing)
                        g.DrawLine(p, x, ll.Y, x, ur.Y);

                    for (float y = startY; y <= endY; y += spacing)
                        g.DrawLine(p, ll.X, y, ur.X, y);
 public DragScreenHelper(IDrawingSurface drawingSurface, Coordinates worldPoint)
     this.drawingSurface = drawingSurface;
     this.originalTransform = drawingSurface.Transform.Clone();
     this.originalCenter = originalTransform.CenterPoint;
     this.moveOrigin = worldPoint + originalCenter;
        public void SetupTransform(WorldTransform transform)
            // figure out if the height or width is more constraining
            Coordinates lowerLeft = transform.WorldLowerLeft;
            Coordinates upperRight = transform.WorldUpperRight;

            double width = Math.Abs(upperRight.X - lowerLeft.X);
            double height = Math.Abs(upperRight.Y - lowerLeft.Y);

            double rad;
            if (width < height) {
                rad = width / 2;
            else {
                rad = height / 2;

            // get the heading
            double heading = Services.VehicleStateService.Heading;

            // calculate the offset vector
            Coordinates offsetVector = Coordinates.FromAngle(heading)*rad*offsetFrac;

            // calculate the vehicle center position
            transform.CenterPoint = Services.VehicleStateService.Location - offsetVector;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public RoadDisplay()
            // initialize the tranform before calling InitializeComponent so the OnResize method works properly
            transform = new WorldTransform();

            // initialize the form

            // set our style
            base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
            base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);
            base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
            base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
            base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, true);

            // list of object to display
            displayObjects = new List<IDisplayObject>();

            // don't draw things in design mode
            if (!this.DesignMode)
                // initialize the grid
                this.AddDisplayObject(new DisplayGrid());
        public HitBase GetHit(Vector position, ICamera camera, WorldTransform worldTransform)
            var newTransform = worldTransform.Compose(this.Offset, this.ParallaxScrollingVector);

            return this.Sprites.OfType<IHitTarget>()
                .Select(sprite => sprite.GetHit(position, camera, newTransform))
                .FirstOrDefault(spriteHit => spriteHit != null);
 public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
     if(Current != null && rndf != null && DrawingUtility.DisplayCurrentGoal)
         // draw goal
         DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(rndf.Waypoints[Current].Position, DrawingUtility.CurrentGoalColor,
             "Goal", System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);
        public WorldTransform Compose(Vector newOffset, Vector newParallaxScrollingVector)
            var newTransform = new WorldTransform(this)
                offset = newOffset,
                parallaxScrollingVector = newParallaxScrollingVector

            return newTransform;
        public static void DrawControlLine(IGraphics g, Color c, DashStyle style, Coordinates loc1, Coordinates loc2, WorldTransform wt)
            float pw = 1.25f / wt.Scale;

            using (IPen p = g.CreatePen()) {
                p.Color = c;
                p.Width = pw;
                p.DashStyle = style;

                g.DrawLine(p, Utility.ToPointF(loc1), Utility.ToPointF(loc2));
        public void Render(Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            if (DrawingUtility.DrawArbiterLanePath && arbiterState != null && this.path is Path)
                this.RenderRelativePath(arbiterState, (Path)this.path, g, t, true);

            if (DrawingUtility.DrawOperationalLanePath && updatedState != null && this.path is Path)
                this.RenderRelativePath(updatedState, (Path)this.path, g, t, false);
 public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
     if (DrawingUtility.DisplayFullRoute)
         for (int i = 0; i < route.RouteNodes.Count - 1; i++)
             RndfWayPoint initial = rndf.Waypoints[route.RouteNodes[i]];
             RndfWayPoint final = rndf.Waypoints[route.RouteNodes[i + 1]];
             DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(initial.Position, final.Position, DrawingUtility.RouteColor, g, t);
 public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
     for (int i = 0; i < Poly.points.Count; i++)
         if (i == Poly.points.Count - 1)
             DrawingUtility.DrawColoredControlLine(Color.Orange, Poly.points[i], Poly.points[0], g, t);
             DrawingUtility.DrawColoredControlLine(Color.Orange, Poly.points[i], Poly.points[i + 1], g, t);
        public HitBase GetHit(Vector position, ICamera camera, WorldTransform worldTransform)
            var rectangle =
                new Rectangle(
                    worldTransform.Offset.X + this.x,
                    worldTransform.Offset.Y + this.y,

            return rectangle.Intercept(position)
                ? new RectangleHit(this)
                : null;
        private void RenderRelativePath(VehicleState vs, Path transPath, Graphics g, WorldTransform t, bool isArbiterPath)
            if((isArbiterPath && DrawingUtility.DrawArbiterLanePath) ||
                (!isArbiterPath && DrawingUtility.DrawOperationalLanePath))
                // compute the rotation matrix to add in our vehicles rotation
                /*Matrix3 rotMatrix = new Matrix3(
                    Math.Cos(vs.heading.ArcTan), -Math.Sin(vs.heading.ArcTan), 0,
                    Math.Sin(vs.heading.ArcTan), Math.Cos(vs.heading.ArcTan), 0,
                    0, 0, 1);

                // compute the translation matrix to move our vehicle's location
                Matrix3 transMatrix = new Matrix3(
                    1, 0, vs.xyPosition.X,
                    0, 1, vs.xyPosition.Y,
                    0, 0, 1);

                // compute the combined transformation matrix
                Matrix3 m = rotMatrix * transMatrix;

                // clone, transform and add each segment to our path

                float nomPixelWidth = 2.0f;
                float penWidth = nomPixelWidth / t.Scale;
                Pen arbiterPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, DrawingUtility.ArbiterLanePath), penWidth);
                Pen operationalPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, DrawingUtility.OperationalLanePath), penWidth);

                // display path
                foreach (IPathSegment ps in transPath)
                    if (ps is BezierPathSegment)
                        BezierPathSegment seg = (BezierPathSegment)ps;
                        CubicBezier cb = seg.cb;

                        if (isArbiterPath)
                            g.DrawBezier(arbiterPen, DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P0), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P1), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P2), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P3));
                            g.DrawBezier(operationalPen, DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P0), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P1), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P2), DrawingUtility.ToPointF(cb.P3));
        public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            Coordinates[] coordArray = log.ToArray();
            Coordinates wll = t.WorldLowerLeft;
            Coordinates wur = t.WorldUpperRight;

            if (DrawingUtility.DisplayPoseLog)
                if (log.Count > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < coordArray.Length - 1; i++)
                        if(wll.X < coordArray[i].X && wll.Y < coordArray[i].Y && wur.X > coordArray[i].X && wur.Y > coordArray[i].Y)
                            DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(coordArray[i], coordArray[i + 1], Color.OrangeRed, g, t);
        public static void DrawArrow(IGraphics g, Coordinates startingLoc, Coordinates direction, double len, double headSize, Color lineColor, WorldTransform wt)
            Coordinates endingLoc = startingLoc + direction.Normalize(len);
            Coordinates headPt0 = endingLoc + direction.Rotate(135*Math.PI/180.0).Normalize(headSize);
            Coordinates headPt1 = endingLoc + direction.Rotate(-135*Math.PI/180.0).Normalize(headSize);

            IPen pen = g.CreatePen();
            pen.Width = 3/wt.Scale;
            pen.Color = Color.White;

            PointF ptfStart = Utility.ToPointF(startingLoc);
            PointF ptfEnd = Utility.ToPointF(endingLoc);
            PointF ptfHeadPt0 = Utility.ToPointF(headPt0);
            PointF ptfHeadPt1 = Utility.ToPointF(headPt1);

            PointF[] headPts = new PointF[] { ptfHeadPt0, ptfEnd, ptfHeadPt1 };
            g.DrawLine(pen, ptfStart, ptfEnd);
            g.DrawLines(pen, headPts);

            pen.Width = 1/wt.Scale;
            pen.Color = lineColor;
            g.DrawLine(pen, ptfStart, ptfEnd);
            g.DrawLines(pen, headPts);
 public void OnPreRender(UrbanChallenge.OperationalUI.Common.GraphicsWrapper.IGraphics g, WorldTransform transform)
        public void InitScene(WorldTransform wt, Color background)
            this.transform = wt;
            Coordinates ll = transform.WorldLowerLeft;
            Coordinates ur = transform.WorldUpperRight;

            Gl.glViewport(0, 0, (int)transform.ScreenSize.Width, (int)transform.ScreenSize.Height);
            Gl.glOrtho(ll.X, ur.X, ll.Y, ur.Y, 1.0, -1.0);

            Gl.glClear(Gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | Gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
 public void CompleteMove(Coordinates orig, Coordinates offset, WorldTransform t)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
        public HitTestResult HitTest(UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates loc, float tol, WorldTransform wt, DisplayObjectFilter filter)
            // check filter
            if (filter.Target == null || filter.Target is ArbiterPerimeterWaypoint)
                // get bounding box dependent on tolerance
                RectangleF bounding = this.GetBoundingBox(wt);
                bounding.Inflate(tol, tol);

                // check if contains point
                if (bounding.Contains(DrawingUtility.ToPointF(loc)))
                    return(new HitTestResult(this, true, (float)loc.DistanceTo(this.Position)));

            return(new HitTestResult(this, false, float.MaxValue));
 public abstract void CompleteMove(Coordinates orig, Coordinates offset, WorldTransform t);
 public void CancelMove(UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates orig, WorldTransform t)
     this.position = orig;
        public HitTestResult HitTest(UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates loc, float tol, WorldTransform wt, DisplayObjectFilter filter)
            if (filter(this))
                Coordinates closest = this.GetClosest(loc);

                if ((float)loc.DistanceTo(closest) < 5 + tol)
                    return(new HitTestResult(this, true, (float)loc.DistanceTo(closest)));

            return(new HitTestResult(this, false, float.MaxValue));
 public System.Drawing.RectangleF GetBoundingBox(WorldTransform wt)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
 public RulerTool(bool snap, ArbiterRoadNetwork arn, WorldTransform wt)
     this.snapToWaypoints = snap;
     this.roadNetwork     = arn;
     this.wt = wt;
 public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
        public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            if (!this.snapToWaypoints || this.roadNetwork == null)
                if (this.Current != null)
                    LLACoord lla = GpsTools.XyToLlaDegrees(Current, projection);

                    string locString = Current.X.ToString("F6") + ", " + Current.Y.ToString("F6") + "\n" +
                             "F6") + ", " + lla.lon.ToString("F6") + "\n" + GpsTools.LlaDegreesToArcMinSecs(lla);

                    DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(this.Current, DrawingUtility.ColorToolPointAnalysis, locString,
                                                    ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);

                if (Save != null && Save.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Coordinates tmp in Save)
                        LLACoord lla = GpsTools.XyToLlaDegrees(tmp, projection);

                        string locString = tmp.X.ToString("F6") + ", " + tmp.Y.ToString("F6") + "\n" +
                                 "F6") + ", " + lla.lon.ToString("F6") + "\n" + GpsTools.LlaDegreesToArcMinSecs(lla);

                        DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(tmp, DrawingUtility.ColorToolPointAnalysis, locString,
                                                        ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);
                if (this.Current != null)
                    Coordinates c       = this.Current;
                    double      minDist = Double.MaxValue;
                    Coordinates?closest = null;

                    foreach (IArbiterWaypoint iaw in this.roadNetwork.ArbiterWaypoints.Values)
                        double d = iaw.Position.DistanceTo(c);
                        if (d < minDist && ((IDisplayObject)iaw).HitTest(c, (float)0.2, wt, DrawingUtility.DefaultFilter).Hit)
                            minDist = d;
                            closest = iaw.Position;

                    if (closest != null)
                        c = closest.Value;

                    LLACoord lla = GpsTools.XyToLlaDegrees(c, projection);

                    string locString = c.X.ToString("F6") + ", " + c.Y.ToString("F6") + "\n" +
                             "F6") + ", " + lla.lon.ToString("F6") + "\n" + GpsTools.LlaDegreesToArcMinSecs(lla);

                    DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(c, DrawingUtility.ColorToolPointAnalysis, locString,
                                                    ContentAlignment.BottomCenter, ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle, g, t);
 public PointAnalysisTool(PlanarProjection projection, bool snap, ArbiterRoadNetwork arn, WorldTransform wt)
     this.projection      = projection;
     this.snapToWaypoints = snap;
     this.roadNetwork     = arn;
     this.wt = wt;
 public void CancelMove(Coordinates orig, WorldTransform t)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
        public void Render(Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            Coordinates wll = t.WorldLowerLeft;
            Coordinates wup = t.WorldUpperRight;

            if ((position.X < wll.X || position.X > wup.X || position.Y < wll.Y || position.Y > wup.Y))

            Matrix bodyTrans = new Matrix();
            bodyTrans.Rotate((float)(this.Heading) * 180 / (float)Math.PI - 90);
            bodyTrans.Translate((float)position.X, (float)position.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);

            Matrix origTrans = g.Transform.Clone();
            bodyTrans.Multiply(g.Transform, MatrixOrder.Append);
            g.Transform = bodyTrans;

            float penWidth = nomPixelWidth / t.Scale;
            using (Pen p = new Pen(color, penWidth))
                DrawRectangle(g, p, bodyRect);

                // build the transform for the rear wheels
                // do the left wheel
                Matrix wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(-wheelOffset, 0, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                    g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectL);
                    DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectL);
                catch (Exception)

                // do the right wheel
                wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(wheelOffset, 0, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                    g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectR);
                    DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectR);
                catch (Exception)

                // do the front wheels
                // do the left wheel
                wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(-wheelOffset, wheelbase, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                wheelTransform.Rotate(steeringAngle * 180 / (float)Math.PI, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                    g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectL);
                    DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectL);
                catch (Exception)

                // do the right wheel
                wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(wheelOffset, wheelbase, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                wheelTransform.Rotate(steeringAngle * 180 / (float)Math.PI, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                    g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                    g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectR);
                    DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectR);
                catch (Exception)

            g.Transform = origTrans;

            // draw Position
            DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(this.position, color, null, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, ControlPointStyle.LargeX, g, t);
        public static void DrawArrow(IGraphics g, Coordinates startingLoc, Coordinates direction, double len, double headSize, Color lineColor, WorldTransform wt)
            Coordinates endingLoc = startingLoc + direction.Normalize(len);
            Coordinates headPt0   = endingLoc + direction.Rotate(135 * Math.PI / 180.0).Normalize(headSize);
            Coordinates headPt1   = endingLoc + direction.Rotate(-135 * Math.PI / 180.0).Normalize(headSize);

            IPen pen = g.CreatePen();

            pen.Width = 3 / wt.Scale;
            pen.Color = Color.White;

            PointF ptfStart   = Utility.ToPointF(startingLoc);
            PointF ptfEnd     = Utility.ToPointF(endingLoc);
            PointF ptfHeadPt0 = Utility.ToPointF(headPt0);
            PointF ptfHeadPt1 = Utility.ToPointF(headPt1);

            PointF[] headPts = new PointF[] { ptfHeadPt0, ptfEnd, ptfHeadPt1 };
            g.DrawLine(pen, ptfStart, ptfEnd);
            g.DrawLines(pen, headPts);

            pen.Width = 1 / wt.Scale;
            pen.Color = lineColor;
            g.DrawLine(pen, ptfStart, ptfEnd);
            g.DrawLines(pen, headPts);
 public abstract void BeginMove(Coordinates orig, WorldTransform t);
        public static void DrawControlLine(IGraphics g, Color c, DashStyle style, Coordinates loc1, Coordinates loc2, WorldTransform wt)
            float pw = 1.25f / wt.Scale;

            using (IPen p = g.CreatePen()) {
                p.Color     = c;
                p.Width     = pw;
                p.DashStyle = style;

                g.DrawLine(p, Utility.ToPointF(loc1), Utility.ToPointF(loc2));
 public abstract void CancelMove(Coordinates orig, WorldTransform t);
 public static void DrawControlPoint(IGraphics g, Coordinates loc, Color color, string label, ContentAlignment align, ControlPointStyle style, WorldTransform wt)
     DrawControlPoint(g, loc, color, label, align, style, true, wt);
        public static void DrawControlPoint(IGraphics g, Coordinates loc, Color color, string label, ContentAlignment align, ControlPointStyle style, bool drawTextBox, WorldTransform wt)
            // figure out the size the control box needs to be in world coordinates to make it
            // show up as appropriate in view coordinates

            // invert the scale
            float scaled_size = 0;

            if (style == ControlPointStyle.LargeBox || style == ControlPointStyle.LargeCircle || style == ControlPointStyle.LargeX)
                scaled_size = cp_large_size / wt.Scale;
                scaled_size = cp_small_size / wt.Scale;

            float scaled_offset = 1 / wt.Scale;

            // assume that the world transform is currently applied correctly to the graphics
            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(-scaled_size / 2, -scaled_size / 2, scaled_size, scaled_size);

            if (style == ControlPointStyle.LargeBox)
                g.FillRectangle(Color.White, rect);

                // shrink the rect down a little (nominally 1 pixel)
                rect.Inflate(-scaled_offset, -scaled_offset);
                g.FillRectangle(color, rect);
            else if (style == ControlPointStyle.LargeCircle)
                g.FillEllipse(Color.White, rect);

                // shrink the rect down a little (nominally 1 pixel)
                rect.Inflate(-scaled_offset, -scaled_offset);
                g.FillEllipse(color, rect);
            else if (style == ControlPointStyle.LargeX)
                using (IPen p = g.CreatePen()) {
                    p.Width = 3 / wt.Scale;
                    p.Color = Color.White;
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top));

                    p.Width = scaled_offset;
                    p.Color = color;
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top));
            else if (style == ControlPointStyle.SmallBox)
                g.FillRectangle(color, rect);
            else if (style == ControlPointStyle.SmallCircle)
                g.FillEllipse(color, rect);
            else if (style == ControlPointStyle.SmallX)
                using (IPen p = g.CreatePen()) {
                    p.Width = 3 / wt.Scale;
                    p.Color = color;
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label))
                SizeF strSize = g.MeasureString(label, label_font);
                float x = 0, y = 0;

                if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomRight || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight || align == ContentAlignment.TopRight)
                    x = (float)loc.X + cp_label_space / wt.Scale;
                else if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomCenter || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || align == ContentAlignment.TopCenter)
                    x = (float)loc.X - strSize.Width / (2 * wt.Scale);
                else if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomLeft || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft || align == ContentAlignment.TopLeft)
                    x = (float)loc.X - (strSize.Width + cp_label_space) / wt.Scale;

                if (align == ContentAlignment.BottomCenter || align == ContentAlignment.BottomLeft || align == ContentAlignment.BottomRight)
                    y = (float)loc.Y - cp_label_space / wt.Scale;
                else if (align == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft || align == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight)
                    y = (float)loc.Y + strSize.Height / (2 * wt.Scale);
                else if (align == ContentAlignment.TopCenter || align == ContentAlignment.TopLeft || align == ContentAlignment.TopRight)
                    y = (float)loc.Y + (strSize.Height + cp_label_space) / wt.Scale;

                PointF text_loc = new PointF(x, y);

                if (drawTextBox)
                    RectangleF text_rect = new RectangleF(text_loc.X - 4 / wt.Scale, text_loc.Y - 4 / wt.Scale, strSize.Width / wt.Scale, strSize.Height / wt.Scale);
                    g.FillRectangle(Color.FromArgb(127, Color.White), text_rect);

                g.DrawString(label, label_font, color, text_loc);
 public void OnPreRender(IGraphics g, WorldTransform transform)
        public void Render(Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            if (this.observedVehicle.ObservationState != ObservedVehicleState.Deleted ||
                (this.observedVehicle.ObservationState == ObservedVehicleState.Deleted &&
                Coordinates wll = t.WorldLowerLeft;
                Coordinates wup = t.WorldUpperRight;

                if ((Position.X < wll.X || Position.X > wup.X || Position.Y < wll.Y || Position.Y > wup.Y))

                Matrix bodyTrans = new Matrix();
                bodyTrans.Rotate((float)(this.Heading) * 180 / (float)Math.PI - 90);
                bodyTrans.Translate((float)Position.X, (float)Position.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);

                Matrix origTrans = g.Transform.Clone();
                bodyTrans.Multiply(g.Transform, MatrixOrder.Append);
                g.Transform = bodyTrans;

                float penWidth = nomPixelWidth / t.Scale;
                using (Pen p = new Pen(color, penWidth))
                    DrawRectangle(g, p, bodyRect);

                    // build the transform for the rear wheels
                    // do the left wheel
                    Matrix wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                    wheelTransform.Translate(-WheelOffset, 0, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                        g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectL);
                        DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectL);
                    catch (Exception)

                    // do the right wheel
                    wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                    wheelTransform.Translate(WheelOffset, 0, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                        g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectR);
                        DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectR);
                    catch (Exception)

                    // do the front wheels
                    // do the left wheel
                    wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                    wheelTransform.Translate(-WheelOffset, WheelBase, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                    wheelTransform.Rotate(steeringAngle * 180 / (float)Math.PI, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                        g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectL);
                        DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectL);
                    catch (Exception)

                    // do the right wheel
                    wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                    wheelTransform.Translate(WheelOffset, WheelBase, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                    wheelTransform.Rotate(steeringAngle * 180 / (float)Math.PI, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                        g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectR);
                        DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectR);
                    catch (Exception)

                g.Transform = origTrans;

                // draw Position
                DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(this.Position, color, this.observedVehicle.Id.ToString(), ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, ControlPointStyle.LargeBox, g, t);

                Coordinates head = this.Position + this.observedVehicle.Heading.Normalize(this.observedVehicle.Length / 2.0);
                DrawingUtility.DrawControlLine(this.Position, head, color, g, t);
 public void OnPreRender(IGraphics g, WorldTransform transform)
        public HitBase GetHit(Vector position, ICamera camera, WorldTransform worldTransform, Sprite sprite)
            var source = this.definitions[sprite.SpriteName];
            var spriteRectangle =
                new Rectangle(
                    worldTransform.Offset.X + sprite.Position.X,
                    worldTransform.Offset.X + sprite.Position.Y,

            return spriteRectangle.Intercept(position)
                ? new SpriteHit(sprite)
                : null;
 public HitBase GetHit(Vector position, ICamera camera, WorldTransform worldTransform)
     return this.SpriteSheet.GetHit(position, camera, worldTransform, this);
 public void SetupTransform(WorldTransform transform)
        // Compute contact points for edge versus circle.
        // This accounts for edge connectivity.
        public static bool CollideEdgeAndCircle(
            Fixture fixtureA,
            WorldTransform xfA,
            Fixture fixtureB,
            WorldTransform xfB,
            out Manifold manifold)
            manifold = new Manifold();

            var edgeA   = fixtureA as EdgeFixture;
            var circleB = fixtureB as CircleFixture;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(edgeA != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(circleB != null);

            // Compute circle in frame of edge
            var q = xfA.ToLocal(xfB.ToGlobal(circleB.Center));

            var a = edgeA.Vertex1;
            var b = edgeA.Vertex2;
            var e = b - a;

            // Barycentric coordinates
            var u = Vector2Util.Dot(e, b - q);
            var v = Vector2Util.Dot(e, q - a);

            var radius = edgeA.Radius + circleB.Radius;

            ContactFeature cf;

            cf.IndexB = 0;
            cf.TypeB  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Vertex;

            // Region A
            if (v <= 0.0f)
                var p  = a;
                var d  = q - p;
                var dd = Vector2Util.Dot(ref d, ref d);
                if (dd > radius * radius)

                // Is there an edge connected to A?
                if (edgeA.HasVertex0)
                    var a1 = edgeA.Vertex0;
                    var b1 = a;
                    var e1 = b1 - a1;
                    var u1 = Vector2Util.Dot(e1, b1 - q);

                    // Is the circle in Region AB of the previous edge?
                    if (u1 > 0.0f)

                cf.IndexA = 0;
                cf.TypeA  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Vertex;

                manifold.Type                    = Manifold.ManifoldType.Circles;
                manifold.LocalPoint              = p;
                manifold.LocalNormal             = Vector2.Zero;
                manifold.PointCount              = 1;
                manifold.Points.Item1.Id.Key     = 0;
                manifold.Points.Item1.Id.Feature = cf;
                manifold.Points.Item1.LocalPoint = circleB.Center;


            // Region B
            if (u <= 0.0f)
                var p  = b;
                var d  = q - p;
                var dd = Vector2Util.Dot(ref d, ref d);
                if (dd > radius * radius)

                // Is there an edge connected to B?
                if (edgeA.HasVertex3)
                    var a2 = b;
                    var b2 = edgeA.Vertex3;
                    var e2 = b2 - a2;
                    var v2 = Vector2Util.Dot(e2, q - a2);

                    // Is the circle in Region AB of the next edge?
                    if (v2 > 0.0f)

                cf.IndexA = 1;
                cf.TypeA  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Vertex;

                manifold.Type                    = Manifold.ManifoldType.Circles;
                manifold.LocalPoint              = p;
                manifold.LocalNormal             = Vector2.Zero;
                manifold.PointCount              = 1;
                manifold.Points.Item1.Id.Key     = 0;
                manifold.Points.Item1.Id.Feature = cf;
                manifold.Points.Item1.LocalPoint = circleB.Center;


            // Region AB
            var den = Vector2Util.Dot(ref e, ref e);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(den > 0.0f);
                var p  = (1.0f / den) * (u * a + v * b);
                var d  = q - p;
                var dd = Vector2Util.Dot(ref d, ref d);
                if (dd > radius * radius)

            Vector2 n;

            n.X = -e.Y;
            n.Y = e.X;
            if (Vector2Util.Dot(n, q - a) < 0.0f)
                n = -n;

            cf.IndexA = 0;
            cf.TypeA  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Face;

            manifold.Type                    = Manifold.ManifoldType.FaceA;
            manifold.LocalPoint              = a;
            manifold.LocalNormal             = n;
            manifold.PointCount              = 1;
            manifold.Points.Item1.Id.Key     = 0;
            manifold.Points.Item1.Id.Feature = cf;
            manifold.Points.Item1.LocalPoint = circleB.Center;

        // This function collides and edge and a polygon.
        // This takes into account edge adjacency.
        // Algorithm:
        // 1. Classify v1 and v2
        // 2. Classify polygon centroid as front or back
        // 3. Flip normal if necessary
        // 4. Initialize normal range to [-pi, pi] about face normal
        // 5. Adjust normal range according to adjacent edges
        // 6. Visit each separating axes, only accept axes within the range
        // 7. Return if _any_ axis indicates separation
        // 8. Clip
        public static bool CollideEdgeAndPolygon(
            Fixture fixtureA,
            WorldTransform xfA,
            Fixture fixtureB,
            WorldTransform xfB,
            out Manifold manifold)
            manifold = new Manifold();

            var edgeA    = fixtureA as EdgeFixture;
            var polygonB = fixtureB as PolygonFixture;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(edgeA != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(polygonB != null);

            // This holds polygon B expressed in frame A.
            var tpv = new Vector2[Settings.MaxPolygonVertices];
            var tpn = new Vector2[Settings.MaxPolygonVertices];

            Vector2 normal0 = Vector2.Zero, normal1, normal2 = Vector2.Zero;

            var xf = xfA.MulT(xfB);

            var centroidB = xf.ToOther(polygonB.Centroid);

            var v0 = edgeA.Vertex0;
            var v1 = edgeA.Vertex1;
            var v2 = edgeA.Vertex2;
            var v3 = edgeA.Vertex3;

            var hasVertex0 = edgeA.HasVertex0;
            var hasVertex3 = edgeA.HasVertex3;

            var edge1 = v2 - v1;

            normal1.X = edge1.Y;
            normal1.Y = -edge1.X;
            var offset1 = Vector2Util.Dot(normal1, centroidB - v1);
            var offset0 = 0.0f;
            var offset2 = 0.0f;
            var convex1 = false;
            var convex2 = false;

            // Is there a preceding edge?
            if (hasVertex0)
                var edge0 = v1 - v0;
                normal0.X = edge0.Y;
                normal0.Y = -edge0.X;
                convex1   = Vector2Util.Cross(ref edge0, ref edge1) >= 0.0f;
                offset0   = Vector2Util.Dot(normal0, centroidB - v0);

            // Is there a following edge?
            if (hasVertex3)
                var edge2 = v3 - v2;
                normal2.X = edge2.Y;
                normal2.Y = -edge2.X;
                convex2   = Vector2Util.Cross(ref edge1, ref edge2) > 0.0f;
                offset2   = Vector2Util.Dot(normal2, centroidB - v2);

            // Determine front or back collision. Determine collision normal limits.
            bool    front;
            Vector2 normal, lowerLimit, upperLimit;

            if (hasVertex0 && hasVertex3)
                if (convex1 && convex2)
                    front = offset0 >= 0.0f || offset1 >= 0.0f || offset2 >= 0.0f;
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal0;
                        upperLimit = normal2;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal1;
                        upperLimit = -normal1;
                else if (convex1)
                    front = offset0 >= 0.0f || (offset1 >= 0.0f && offset2 >= 0.0f);
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal0;
                        upperLimit = normal1;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal2;
                        upperLimit = -normal1;
                else if (convex2)
                    front = offset2 >= 0.0f || (offset0 >= 0.0f && offset1 >= 0.0f);
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal1;
                        upperLimit = normal2;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal1;
                        upperLimit = -normal0;
                    front = offset0 >= 0.0f && offset1 >= 0.0f && offset2 >= 0.0f;
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal1;
                        upperLimit = normal1;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal2;
                        upperLimit = -normal0;
            else if (hasVertex0)
                if (convex1)
                    front = offset0 >= 0.0f || offset1 >= 0.0f;
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal0;
                        upperLimit = -normal1;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal1;
                        upperLimit = -normal1;
                    front = offset0 >= 0.0f && offset1 >= 0.0f;
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal1;
                        upperLimit = -normal1;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = normal1;
                        upperLimit = -normal0;
            else if (hasVertex3)
                if (convex2)
                    front = offset1 >= 0.0f || offset2 >= 0.0f;
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal1;
                        upperLimit = normal2;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal1;
                        upperLimit = normal1;
                    front = offset1 >= 0.0f && offset2 >= 0.0f;
                    if (front)
                        normal     = normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal1;
                        upperLimit = normal1;
                        normal     = -normal1;
                        lowerLimit = -normal2;
                        upperLimit = normal1;
                front = offset1 >= 0.0f;
                if (front)
                    normal     = normal1;
                    lowerLimit = -normal1;
                    upperLimit = -normal1;
                    normal     = -normal1;
                    lowerLimit = normal1;
                    upperLimit = normal1;

            // Get polygonB in frameA.
            var tpc = polygonB.Count;

            for (var i = 0; i < tpc; ++i)
                tpv[i] = xf.ToOther(polygonB.Vertices[i]);
                tpn[i] = xf.Rotation * polygonB.Normals[i];

            const float radius = 2.0f * Settings.PolygonRadius;

            Axis edgeAxis;

            edgeAxis.Type       = Axis.AxisType.EdgeA;
            edgeAxis.Index      = front ? 0 : 1;
            edgeAxis.Separation = float.MaxValue;

            for (var i = 0; i < tpc; ++i)
                var s = Vector2Util.Dot(normal, tpv[i] - v1);
                if (s < edgeAxis.Separation)
                    edgeAxis.Separation = s;

            // If no valid normal can be found than this edge should not collide.
            if (edgeAxis.Type == Axis.AxisType.None)

            if (edgeAxis.Separation > radius)

            Axis polygonAxis;

            polygonAxis.Type       = Axis.AxisType.None;
            polygonAxis.Index      = -1;
            polygonAxis.Separation = float.MinValue;

            Vector2 perp;

            perp.X = -normal.Y;
            perp.Y = normal.X;

            for (var i = 0; i < tpc; ++i)
                var n = -tpn[i];

                var s1 = Vector2Util.Dot(n, tpv[i] - v1);
                var s2 = Vector2Util.Dot(n, tpv[i] - v2);
                var s  = System.Math.Min(s1, s2);

                if (s > radius)
                    // No collision
                    polygonAxis.Type       = Axis.AxisType.EdgeB;
                    polygonAxis.Index      = i;
                    polygonAxis.Separation = s;

                // Adjacency
                if (Vector2Util.Dot(ref n, ref perp) >= 0.0f)
                    if (Vector2Util.Dot(n - upperLimit, normal) < -Settings.AngularSlop)
                    if (Vector2Util.Dot(n - lowerLimit, normal) < -Settings.AngularSlop)

                if (s > polygonAxis.Separation)
                    polygonAxis.Type       = Axis.AxisType.EdgeB;
                    polygonAxis.Index      = i;
                    polygonAxis.Separation = s;

            if (polygonAxis.Type != Axis.AxisType.None && polygonAxis.Separation > radius)

            // Use hysteresis for jitter reduction.
            const float relativeTol = 0.98f;
            const float absoluteTol = 0.001f;

            Axis primaryAxis;

            if (polygonAxis.Type == Axis.AxisType.None)
                primaryAxis = edgeAxis;
            else if (polygonAxis.Separation > relativeTol * edgeAxis.Separation + absoluteTol)
                primaryAxis = polygonAxis;
                primaryAxis = edgeAxis;

            FixedArray2 <ClipVertex> incidentEdge;

            // Reference face used for clipping
            int     rfi1, rfi2;
            Vector2 rfv1, rfv2;
            Vector2 rfnormal;
            Vector2 rfsideNormal1;

            if (primaryAxis.Type == Axis.AxisType.EdgeA)
                manifold.Type = Manifold.ManifoldType.FaceA;

                // Search for the polygon normal that is most anti-parallel to the edge normal.
                var bestIndex = 0;
                var bestValue = Vector2Util.Dot(ref normal, ref tpn[0]);
                for (var i = 1; i < tpc; ++i)
                    var value = Vector2Util.Dot(ref normal, ref tpn[i]);
                    if (value < bestValue)
                        bestValue = value;
                        bestIndex = i;

                var i1 = bestIndex;
                var i2 = i1 + 1 < tpc ? i1 + 1 : 0;

                incidentEdge = new FixedArray2 <ClipVertex>
                    Item1 = new ClipVertex
                        Vertex = tpv[i1],
                        Id     =
                            Feature    =
                                IndexA =                                     0,
                                IndexB = (byte)i1,
                                TypeA  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Face,
                                TypeB  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Vertex
                    Item2 = new ClipVertex
                        Vertex = tpv[i2],
                        Id     =
                            Feature    =
                                IndexA =                                     0,
                                IndexB = (byte)i2,
                                TypeA  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Face,
                                TypeB  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Vertex

                if (front)
                    rfi1     = 0;
                    rfi2     = 1;
                    rfv1     = v1;
                    rfv2     = v2;
                    rfnormal = normal1;
                    rfi1     = 1;
                    rfi2     = 0;
                    rfv1     = v2;
                    rfv2     = v1;
                    rfnormal = -normal1;
                manifold.Type = Manifold.ManifoldType.FaceB;

                incidentEdge = new FixedArray2 <ClipVertex>
                    Item1 = new ClipVertex
                        Vertex = v1,
                        Id     =
                            Feature    =
                                IndexA =                                       0,
                                IndexB = (byte)primaryAxis.Index,
                                TypeA  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Vertex,
                                TypeB  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Face
                    Item2 = new ClipVertex
                        Vertex = v2,
                        Id     =
                            Feature    =
                                IndexA =                                       0,
                                IndexB = (byte)primaryAxis.Index,
                                TypeA  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Vertex,
                                TypeB  = (byte)ContactFeature.FeatureType.Face

                rfi1     = primaryAxis.Index;
                rfi2     = rfi1 + 1 < tpc ? rfi1 + 1 : 0;
                rfv1     = tpv[rfi1];
                rfv2     = tpv[rfi2];
                rfnormal = tpn[rfi1];

            rfsideNormal1.X = rfnormal.Y;
            rfsideNormal1.Y = -rfnormal.X;
            var rfsideNormal2 = -rfsideNormal1;
            var rfsideOffset1 = Vector2Util.Dot(ref rfsideNormal1, ref rfv1);
            var rfsideOffset2 = Vector2Util.Dot(ref rfsideNormal2, ref rfv2);

            // Clip incident edge against extruded edge1 side edges.
            FixedArray2 <ClipVertex> clipPoints1, clipPoints2;

            // Clip to box side 1
            var np = ClipSegmentToLine(
                out clipPoints1,

            if (np < 2)

            // Clip to negative box side 1
            np = ClipSegmentToLine(
                out clipPoints2,

            if (np < 2)

            // Now clipPoints2 contains the clipped points.
            if (primaryAxis.Type == Axis.AxisType.EdgeA)
                manifold.LocalPoint  = rfv1;
                manifold.LocalNormal = rfnormal;
                manifold.LocalPoint  = polygonB.Vertices[rfi1];
                manifold.LocalNormal = polygonB.Normals[rfi1];

            var pointCount = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                if (Vector2Util.Dot(rfnormal, clipPoints2[i].Vertex - rfv1) <= radius)
                    var cp = manifold.Points[pointCount];
                    if (primaryAxis.Type == Axis.AxisType.EdgeA)
                        cp.LocalPoint = xf.FromOther(clipPoints2[i].Vertex);
                        cp.Id         = clipPoints2[i].Id;
                        cp.LocalPoint        = clipPoints2[i].Vertex;
                        cp.Id.Feature.TypeA  = clipPoints2[i].Id.Feature.TypeB;
                        cp.Id.Feature.TypeB  = clipPoints2[i].Id.Feature.TypeA;
                        cp.Id.Feature.IndexA = clipPoints2[i].Id.Feature.IndexB;
                        cp.Id.Feature.IndexB = clipPoints2[i].Id.Feature.IndexA;
                    manifold.Points[pointCount] = cp;


            manifold.PointCount = pointCount;

            return(pointCount > 0);
 public void BeginMove(UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates orig, WorldTransform t)
 public void InMove(Coordinates orig, Coordinates offset, WorldTransform t)
     throw new NotSupportedException();
 public Transform(Entity parent)
     : base(parent)
     Grid  = new GridTransform(this);
     World = new WorldTransform(this);
        private void DrawZoomBox(IGraphics g, WorldTransform transform, Coordinates start, Coordinates end)
            float x, y;
            float width, height;

            if (start.X < end.X) {
                x = (float)start.X;
                width = (float)(end.X - start.X);
            else {
                x = (float)end.X;
                width = (float)(start.X - end.X);

            if (start.Y < end.Y) {
                y = (float)start.Y;
                height = (float)(end.Y - start.Y);
            else {
                y = (float)end.Y;
                height = (float)(start.Y - end.Y);

            // create the rectangle
            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(x, y, width, height);

            // draw the transparent background
            g.FillRectangle(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Purple), rect);

            IPen pen = g.CreatePen();
            pen.Width = 1.0f/transform.Scale;
            pen.Color = Color.Purple;

            g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);

 public void CompleteMove(UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates orig, UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates offset, WorldTransform t)
     this.position = orig + offset;;
        public HitBase GetHit(Vector position, ICamera camera, WorldTransform worldTransform)
            for (var i = 0; i < this.MapSize.Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < this.MapSize.Height; j++)
                    var tileRectangle =
                        new Rectangle(
                            this.Offset.X + i * this.TileSize.Width,
                            this.Offset.Y + j * this.TileSize.Height,

                    if (tileRectangle.Intercept(position))
                        return new TileHit(new Point(i, j));

            return null;
 public HitTestResult HitTest(Coordinates loc, float tol, WorldTransform wt, DisplayObjectFilter filter)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
 public void OnPostRender(IGraphics g, WorldTransform transform)
     if (inZoom) {
         DrawZoomBox(g, transform, startPoint, endPoint);
 public System.Drawing.RectangleF GetBoundingBox(WorldTransform wt)
     return(new System.Drawing.RectangleF());
 public void SetupTransform(WorldTransform transform)
 public HitTestResult HitTest(UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates loc, float tol, WorldTransform wt, DisplayObjectFilter filter)
     return(new HitTestResult(this, false, float.MaxValue));
 public Transform(Entity parent)
     : base(parent)
     Grid = new GridTransform(this);
     World = new WorldTransform(this);
 public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
        public HitBase GetHit(Vector position, ICamera camera, WorldTransform worldTransform)
            for (var i = 0; i < this.MapSize.Width; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < this.MapSize.Height; j++)
                    var hexDistance = this.HexSize.Width - (this.HexSize.Width - this.TopEdgeLength) / 2;
                    var halfHeight = this.HexSize.Height / 2;

                    var rectangle = new Rectangle(
                        this.Offset.X + i * hexDistance,
                        this.Offset.Y + j * this.HexSize.Height + (i % 2 == 1 ? halfHeight : 0),
                        this.HexSize.Width, this.HexSize.Height);

                    var mapPosition = position
                        .Scale(1.0f / camera.ZoomFactor);

                    var x1 = (this.HexSize.Width - this.TopEdgeLength) / 2;
                    var x2 = x1 + this.TopEdgeLength;

                    var polygone = new[]
                        new Vector(rectangle.X + x1, rectangle.Y),
                        new Vector(rectangle.X + x2, rectangle.Y),
                        new Vector(rectangle.X + this.HexSize.Width, rectangle.Y + halfHeight),
                        new Vector(rectangle.X + x2, rectangle.Y + this.HexSize.Height),
                        new Vector(rectangle.X + x1, rectangle.Y + this.HexSize.Height),
                        new Vector(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + halfHeight)

                    if (MathUtil.IsHitPolygone(polygone, mapPosition))
                        return new HexHit(new Point(i, j));

            return null;
 public void CancelMove(UrbanChallenge.Common.Coordinates orig, WorldTransform t)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
        public void Render(System.Drawing.Graphics g, WorldTransform t)
            // width of drawing
            float penWidth = nomPixelWidth / t.Scale;

            // body rectangle
            RectangleF bodyRect = new RectangleF((float)(-this.Width / 2), -rearOffset, (float)Width, (float)Length);

            // body transformation matrix
            Matrix bodyTrans = new Matrix();

            bodyTrans.Rotate((float)(this.Heading.ToDegrees() - 90));
            bodyTrans.Translate((float)Position.X, (float)Position.Y, MatrixOrder.Append);

            // save original world transformation matrix
            Matrix origTrans = g.Transform.Clone();

            bodyTrans.Multiply(g.Transform, MatrixOrder.Append);

            // set the new transform
            g.Transform = bodyTrans;

            // make a new pen and draw wheels
            using (Pen p = new Pen(color, penWidth))
                DrawRectangle(g, p, bodyRect);

                // build the transform for the rear wheels
                // do the left wheel
                Matrix wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(-wheelOffset, 0, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectL);
                DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectL);

                // do the right wheel
                wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(wheelOffset, 0, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectR);
                DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectR);

                // do the front wheels
                // do the left wheel
                wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(-wheelOffset, wheelbase, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                wheelTransform.Rotate(steeringAngle * 180 / (float)Math.PI, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectL);
                DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectL);

                // do the right wheel
                wheelTransform = bodyTrans.Clone();
                wheelTransform.Translate(wheelOffset, wheelbase, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                wheelTransform.Rotate(steeringAngle * 180 / (float)Math.PI, MatrixOrder.Prepend);
                g.Transform = wheelTransform;
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, wheelRectR);
                DrawRectangle(g, p, wheelRectR);

            // return to normal transformation
            g.Transform = origTrans;

            // draw car center point
            DrawingUtility.DrawControlPoint(this.Position, this.color, null, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, ControlPointStyle.LargeX, g, t);

            // check if should draw id
            if (DrawingUtility.DrawSimCarId)
                // get length
                double idOffset = this.Length / 2;

                if (this.RearAxleType == RearAxleType.Center)
                    idOffset = this.Length / 3;

                // get label position
                Coordinates labelPosition = this.Position + this.Heading.Normalize(idOffset);

                // draw label
                DrawingUtility.DrawControlLabel(labelPosition, this.color, this.Id, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, ControlPointStyle.None, g, t);
        public void Render(IGraphics g, WorldTransform wt)
            Coordinates wll = wt.WorldLowerLeft;
            Coordinates wur = wt.WorldUpperRight;

            PointF ll = new PointF((float)wll.X, (float)wll.Y);
            PointF ur = new PointF((float)wur.X, (float)wur.Y);

            float startX = (float)Math.Floor(wll.X / spacing) * spacing;
            float endX   = (float)Math.Ceiling(wur.X / spacing) * spacing;
            float startY = (float)Math.Floor(wll.Y / spacing) * spacing;
            float endY   = (float)Math.Ceiling(wur.Y / spacing) * spacing;

            IPen p = g.CreatePen();

            p.Color = color;
            p.Width = nominal_pixel_width / wt.Scale;

            string formatString;

            if (spacing >= 1)
                formatString = "F0";
            else if (spacing >= 0.1)
                formatString = "F1";
            else if (spacing >= 0.01)
                formatString = "F2";
                formatString = "F4";

            // find the largest value (in magnitude) that we'll need to draw, assuming this will be the max length string
            float  testVal        = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Abs(startX), Math.Abs(endX)), Math.Max(Math.Abs(startY), Math.Abs(endY)));
            string testString     = testVal.ToString(formatString);
            SizeF  nomStringSize  = g.MeasureString(testString, labelFont);
            SizeF  unitStringSize = g.MeasureString(testString + " m", labelFont);

            float pixelSpacing = spacing * wt.Scale;
            bool  drawLabels   = showLabels && pixelSpacing >= (nomStringSize.Width + nominal_label_spacing * 2);
            bool  drawUnits    = pixelSpacing >= (unitStringSize.Width + nominal_label_spacing * 2);

            float labelSpacing = nominal_label_spacing / wt.Scale;

            // don't draw if there are too many lines
            if ((endX - startX) / spacing <= max_lines && (endY - startY) / spacing <= max_lines && pixelSpacing >= min_pixel_spacing)
                for (float x = startX; x <= endX; x += spacing)
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(x, ll.Y), new PointF(x, ur.Y));

                for (float y = startY; y <= endY; y += spacing)
                    g.DrawLine(p, new PointF(ll.X, y), new PointF(ur.X, y));

                if (drawLabels)
                    float minX = ll.X + unitStringSize.Width / wt.Scale + 2 * labelSpacing;
                    for (float x = startX; x <= endX; x += spacing)
                        if (x > minX)
                            g.DrawString(x.ToString(formatString) + (drawUnits ? " m" : ""), labelFont, Color.Black, new PointF(x + labelSpacing, ll.Y + labelSpacing + nomStringSize.Height / wt.Scale));

                    for (float y = startY; y <= endY; y += spacing)
                        g.DrawString(y.ToString(formatString) + (drawUnits ? " m" : ""), labelFont, Color.Black, new PointF(ll.X + labelSpacing, y + labelSpacing));