public override IEnumerator Traverse(WorldTile tile)     //again, for animation (use coroutines)

        // Build a list of way points from the unit's
        // starting tile to the destination tile
        List <WorldTile> targets = new List <WorldTile>();

        while (tile != null)
            targets.Insert(0, tile);
            tile = tile.prev;

        // Move to each way point in succession
        for (int i = 1; i < targets.Count; ++i)
            WorldTile from = targets[i - 1];
            WorldTile to   = targets[i];

            Directions dir = from.GetDirection(to);
            if (unit.dir != dir)
                yield return(StartCoroutine(Turn(dir)));

            yield return(StartCoroutine(Walk(to)));
        yield return(null);