    List <Character> FindCharacters()
        //Get the grid the character is currently in
        GridIndex index = WorldGrid.GetGridIndex(character.transform.position);
        GridCell  cell  = WorldGrid.GetTheWorldGridCell(index);

        //check if the cell position is within the search radius
        //bool xSearch = true, ySearch = true;
        //add all characters to a list
        List <Character> proximityCharacters = new List <Character>();

        //TODO: add more intuitive and wider search logic depending on character behavior
        if (character.gridCell != null)
            if (character.gridCell.character.Count > 0)
                //Add the list of characters. This info is withing grid cell
                //Debug.Log("count : " + proximityCharacters.Count);
                //Debug.Log("names: " + proximityCharacters[0].name + "   " + character.name);
                //Remove yourself from the characters list
                for (int i = 0; i < proximityCharacters.Count; i++)
                    if (proximityCharacters[i].gameObject == character.gameObject)

        //TODO: Filter the characters to find the ones that are withing this character's FOV
    private void Start()
        spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        Vector3 extents = spriteRenderer.sprite.bounds.extents;

        //leftNode.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x - extents.x,
        //                                    gameObject.transform.position.y + extents.y,
        //                                    gameObject.transform.position.z);
        //rightNode.position = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x + extents.x,
        //                                    gameObject.transform.position.y + extents.y,
        //                                    gameObject.transform.position.z);

        if (gameObject.tag == "tag_ladder")
            leftNode.position  = new Vector3(verticalAdjustment, -extents.y / leftNodeSpacingVariable, 0);
            rightNode.position = new Vector3(verticalAdjustment, extents.y / rightNodesSpacingVariable, 0);
            leftNode.position  = new Vector3(-extents.x / leftNodeSpacingVariable, extents.y + verticalAdjustment, 0);
            rightNode.position = new Vector3(extents.x / rightNodesSpacingVariable, extents.y + verticalAdjustment, 0);

        //Matrix4x4 parentTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.parent.position, transform.parent.rotation, transform.parent.localScale);
        Matrix4x4 platformMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.rotation, gameObject.transform.lossyScale);

        //platformMatrix = platformMatrix * parentTransform;

        leftNode.position  = platformMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(leftNode.position);
        rightNode.position = platformMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(rightNode.position);

        leftNode.platform  = this;
        rightNode.platform = this;

        width  = extents.x * gameObject.transform.localScale.x * 2;
        height = extents.y * gameObject.transform.localScale.y * 2;

        //Adding grid cells for both the nodes so that they register themselves to a certain part of the world
        GridIndex index;

        index             = WorldGrid.GetGridIndex(leftNode.position);
        leftNode.gridCell = WorldGrid.GetTheWorldGridCell(index);
        WorldGrid.AddToCell(leftNode, leftNode.gridCell);

        index = WorldGrid.GetGridIndex(rightNode.position);
        rightNode.gridCell = WorldGrid.GetTheWorldGridCell(index);
        WorldGrid.AddToCell(rightNode, rightNode.gridCell);
    //Call this function to register player to the world grid
    protected void UpdatePositionInWorld()//Vector3 position, out GridCell gridCell)
        GridIndex index = WorldGrid.GetGridIndex(gameObject.transform.position);

        if (gridCell == null)
            gridCell = WorldGrid.GetTheWorldGridCell(index);
        else if (index.x != gridCell.index.x || index.y != gridCell.index.y)
            gridCell = WorldGrid.GetTheWorldGridCell(index);

        if (gridCell != previousGridCell)
            if (gridCell != null)
                WorldGrid.AddToCell(this, gridCell);
                if (previousGridCell != null)
                    WorldGrid.RemoveFromCell(this, previousGridCell);
                previousGridCell = gridCell;
                Debug.Log("Something went wrong. Player doesn't have a grid cell");

        //Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, gridCell.worldPosition);
        //Debug.Log("Character: " + gameObject.name);
        //Debug.Log("Grid cell indices: " + gridCell.index.x + "    " + gridCell.index.y);
        //Debug.Log("Grid cell indices: " + gridCell.index.x + "    " + gridCell.index.y);
        //Debug.Log("Grid character count: " + gridCell.character.Count);
        //Debug.Log("Grid node count: " + gridCell.node.Count);

        //List<GridCell> cells = WorldGrid.Instance.gridArray[gridIndex.x, gridIndex.y];
        public void Update(ref PHScanMechanic scan, ref Player player)
            if (finalAnimationStarted)
                //If the final animation is playing, nothing else must be played.
                //If the control reaches this block, just return so that the rest of the code doesn't execute
                FinalAnimation(ref scan);

            if (!ContinuepHScan(ref scan, ref player))
                finalAnimationStarted = true;

            if (!initialAnimationFinished)

            if (initialAnimationFinished)
                currentScanPosition.x += speed * direction * GameManager.Instance.DeltaTime;
                //Position of the scan visual object must be set
                scanVisualObject.transform.position = currentScanPosition;

                //Debug.Log("current scan position: " + currentScanPosition);
                //Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, currentScanPosition);
                Debug.DrawLine(new Vector3(currentScanPosition.x, currentScanPosition.y - verticalReach, currentScanPosition.z),
                               new Vector3(currentScanPosition.x, currentScanPosition.y + verticalReach, currentScanPosition.z),

                //Search all the nodes starting from the top range of the player's node

                GridCell previousCell = null;
                //Iterate the grid cells from bottom to top in the column searching for the items and enemies
                for (int i = -verticalReach; i < verticalReach; i++)
                    GridCell         cellToCheck = null;
                    List <GridCell>  gridCells   = WorldGrid.Instance.gridArray[gridCell.index.x, gridCell.index.y + i];
                    List <Character> enemiesList = new List <Character>();

                    //if the grid cells exist, get the correct grid cell to check for enemies and items
                    Vector3 positionToCheck = new Vector3(currentScanPosition.x, currentScanPosition.y + i, currentScanPosition.z);
                    cellToCheck = WorldGrid.GetTheWorldGridCellWithoutCreatingNewCells(WorldGrid.GetGridIndex(positionToCheck));
                    if (cellToCheck == previousCell)
                        previousCell = cellToCheck;

                    if (cellToCheck == null)
                        Debug.LogError("Cell to check is null...Breaking out of the function");

                    Debug.Log("Cell to check position: " + cellToCheck.worldPosition);
                    enemiesList = cellToCheck.character;
                    Debug.Log("Drawing line");
                    Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, cellToCheck.worldPosition, Color.red);

                    if (enemiesList != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < enemiesList.Count; j++)
                            if (direction > 0)
                                if (enemiesList[j].transform.position.x <= currentScanPosition.x)
                                    Debug.Log("marked the enemy....Revealing pH");
                                    if (enemiesList[j].GetComponent <CharacterMechanics>())
                                        RevealpH(enemiesList[j].GetComponent <CharacterMechanics>(), ref player);
                                if (enemiesList[j].transform.position.x >= currentScanPosition.x)
                                    Debug.Log("marked the enemy....revealing pH");
                                    if (enemiesList[j].GetComponent <CharacterMechanics>())
                                        RevealpH(enemiesList[j].GetComponent <CharacterMechanics>(), ref player);