        public void Render(double deltaTime)
            Weather weather = map.Env.Weather;

            if (weather == Weather.Sunny)
            if (heightmap == null)
            IGraphicsApi gfx = game.Graphics;

            gfx.BindTexture(weather == Weather.Rainy ? rainTexId : snowTexId);
            Vector3  camPos = game.CurrentCameraPos;
            Vector3I pos    = Vector3I.Floor(camPos);
            bool     moved  = pos != lastPos;

            lastPos = pos;
            WorldEnv env = game.World.Env;

            float speed   = (weather == Weather.Rainy ? 1.0f : 0.2f) * env.WeatherSpeed;
            float vOffset = (float)game.accumulator * speed;

            rainAcc += deltaTime;
            bool particles = weather == Weather.Rainy;

            int             vCount = 0;
            FastColour      col    = game.World.Env.Sunlight;
            VertexP3fT2fC4b v      = default(VertexP3fT2fC4b);

            for (int dx = -extent; dx <= extent; dx++)
                for (int dz = -extent; dz <= extent; dz++)
                    int   x = pos.X + dx, z = pos.Z + dz;
                    float y      = RainHeight(x, z);
                    float height = Math.Max(game.World.Height, pos.Y + 64) - y;
                    if (height <= 0)

                    if (particles && (rainAcc >= 0.25 || moved))
                        game.ParticleManager.AddRainParticle(new Vector3(x, y, z));

                    float alpha = AlphaAt(dx * dx + dz * dz);
                    Utils.Clamp(ref alpha, 0, 0xFF);
                    col.A = (byte)alpha;

                    // NOTE: Making vertex is inlined since this is called millions of times.
                    v.Colour = col.Pack();
                    float worldV = vOffset + (z & 1) / 2f - (x & 0x0F) / 16f;
                    float v1 = y / 6f + worldV, v2 = (y + height) / 6f + worldV;
                    float x1 = x, y1 = y, z1 = z;
                    float x2 = x + 1, y2 = y + height, z2 = z + 1;

                    v.X = x1; v.Y = y1; v.Z = z1; v.U = 0; v.V = v1; vertices[vCount++] = v;
                    v.Y = y2;                    v.V = v2; vertices[vCount++] = v;
                    v.X = x2;           v.Z = z2; v.U = 1;           vertices[vCount++] = v;
                    v.Y = y1;                    v.V = v1; vertices[vCount++] = v;

                    v.Z = z1;                                        vertices[vCount++] = v;
                    v.Y = y2;                    v.V = v2; vertices[vCount++] = v;
                    v.X = x1;           v.Z = z2; v.U = 0;               vertices[vCount++] = v;
                    v.Y = y1;                    v.V = v1; vertices[vCount++] = v;
            if (particles && (rainAcc >= 0.25 || moved))
                rainAcc = 0;
            if (vCount == 0)

            gfx.AlphaTest     = false;
            gfx.DepthWrite    = false;
            gfx.AlphaArgBlend = true;

            gfx.UpdateDynamicVb_IndexedTris(vb, vertices, vCount);

            gfx.AlphaArgBlend = false;
            gfx.AlphaTest     = true;
            gfx.DepthWrite    = true;
        public void Render(double deltaTime)
            if (vb == -1)
            LastCelestialAngle = CelestialAngle;
            double x = ((game.Server.Ticks * 1) / 24000.0) - 0.25;

            if (x < 0)
                x += 1;
            CelestialAngle              = x + ((1.0 - (Math.Cos(x * Math.PI) + 1.0) / 2.0) - x) / 3.0;
            game.Graphics.DepthWrite    = false;
            game.Graphics.Texturing     = true;
            game.Graphics.AlphaBlending = true;
            game.Graphics.Fog = false;
            game.Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc(BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.One);

            Matrix4 m = Matrix4.Identity, rotY, rotX;

            if (game.Server.DoDayNightCycle)
                float skyMul = (float)(Math.Cos(CelestialAngle * (2 * Math.PI)) * 2 + 0.5);
                Utils.Clamp(ref skyMul, 0, 1);
                FastColour newSkyCol = FastColour.Lerp(nightSkyCol, WorldEnv.DefaultSkyColour, skyMul);
                if (newSkyCol != game.World.Env.SkyCol)
                FastColour newFogCol = FastColour.Lerp(nightFogCol, WorldEnv.DefaultFogColour, skyMul);
                if (newFogCol != game.World.Env.FogCol)
                FastColour newCloudCol = FastColour.Lerp(nightCloudCol, WorldEnv.DefaultCloudsColour, skyMul);
                if (newCloudCol != game.World.Env.CloudsCol)
                byte SunLightSub = CalcSunLightSub();
                if (SunLightSub != game.Lighting.sunLightSub)
                    game.Lighting.sunLightSub = SunLightSub;

            // Base skybox rotation
            float    rotTime = (float)(game.accumulator * 2 * Math.PI);          // So speed of 1 rotates whole skybox every second
            WorldEnv env     = game.World.Env;

            //Matrix4.RotateY(out rotY, env.SkyboxHorSpeed * rotTime);
            //Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotY);
            Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, (float)(360d * CelestialAngle) * Utils.Deg2Rad + 90f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotX);

            // Rotate around camera
            Vector2 rotation = game.Camera.GetCameraOrientation();

            Matrix4.RotateY(out rotY, rotation.X);             // Camera yaw
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotY);
            Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, rotation.Y);             // Cammera pitch
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotX);
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref game.Camera.tiltM);

            game.Graphics.LoadMatrix(ref m);


            m = Matrix4.Identity;
            Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, (float)(360d * CelestialAngle) * Utils.Deg2Rad + 90f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotX);

            // Rotate around camera
            rotation = game.Camera.GetCameraOrientation();
            Matrix4.RotateY(out rotY, rotation.X);             // Camera yaw
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotY);
            Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, rotation.Y);             // Cammera pitch
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotX);
            Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref game.Camera.tiltM);

            game.Graphics.LoadMatrix(ref m);
            game.Graphics.DrawVb_IndexedTris(moonCount, sunCount);

            /*game.Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc(BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha);
             * //game.Graphics.AlphaBlending = false;
             * game.Graphics.BindTexture(0);
             * m = Matrix4.Identity;
             * Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, (float)(360d * CelestialAngle) * Utils.Deg2Rad + 90f * Utils.Deg2Rad);
             * Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotX);
             * // Rotate around camera
             * rotation = game.Camera.GetCameraOrientation();
             * Matrix4.RotateY(out rotY, rotation.X); // Camera yaw
             * Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotY);
             * Matrix4.RotateX(out rotX, rotation.Y); // Cammera pitch
             * Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref rotX);
             * Matrix4.Mult(out m, ref m, ref game.Camera.tiltM);
             * game.Graphics.LoadMatrix(ref m);
             * game.Graphics.BindVb(vb);
             * game.Graphics.DrawVb_IndexedTris(starCount, (sunCount + moonCount));*/

            game.Graphics.Fog = true;
            game.Graphics.AlphaBlendFunc(BlendFunc.SourceAlpha, BlendFunc.InvSourceAlpha);
            game.Graphics.AlphaBlending = false;
            game.Graphics.Texturing     = false;
            game.Graphics.LoadMatrix(ref game.Graphics.View);
            game.Graphics.DepthWrite = true;
 public World( Game game )
     Env = new WorldEnv( game );
     this.game = game;
     info = game.BlockInfo;
 public void OnNewMapLoaded()
     map = game.World;
     env = game.World.Env;
     width = map.Width;
     height = map.Height;
     length = map.Length;
     clipLevel = Math.Max( 0, game.World.Env.SidesHeight );
     maxX = width - 1;
     maxY = height - 1;
     maxZ = length - 1;