public void Initialize(TraderRequestsSO requests, ProductTrader trader, WorldClock worldClock) { _trader = trader; InitializeRequestsTable(); BindWorldClock(worldClock); BindScriptable(requests); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the current instance /// </summary> /// <param name="clock">The clock.</param> /// <param name="isbacktest">if set to <c>true</c> [isbacktest].</param> public virtual void Initialize(WorldClock clock, bool isbacktest) { //Set items Clock = clock; IsBacktest = isbacktest; //Set all possible currency symbol combinations var found = Enum.GetNames(typeof(CurrencyType)); found.ForEach(basecurrency => { var commodities = Enum.GetNames(typeof(CurrencyType)); commodities.ForEach(com => { CurrencySymbols.Add(basecurrency + "/" + com, new[] { (CurrencyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CurrencyType), basecurrency), (CurrencyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CurrencyType), com) }); }); }); //Get from config History = GetFromConfig(); UpdateRange(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Portfolio"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="clock">The clock.</param> /// <param name="actionscheduler">The actionscheduler.</param> /// <param name="brokerconnection">The brokerconnection.</param> /// <param name="brokermodel">The brokermodel.</param> /// <param name="currency">The currency.</param> /// <param name="eventrunner">The eventrunner.</param> /// <param name="exceptionhandler">The exceptionhandler.</param> /// <param name="orderTicketHandler">The order ticket handler.</param> /// <param name="brokeraccount">The brokeraccount.</param> /// <param name="cashmanager">The cashmanager.</param> /// <param name="runmode">The runmode.</param> /// <param name="datafeed">The datafeed.</param> /// <param name="benchmark">The benchmark.</param> /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param> public Portfolio(WorldClock clock, ActionsScheduler actionscheduler, BrokerConnection brokerconnection, BrokerModel brokermodel, Currency currency, EventRunner eventrunner, ExceptionHandler exceptionhandler, OrderTicketHandler orderTicketHandler, BrokerAccount brokeraccount, CashManager cashmanager, RunMode runmode, DataFeed datafeed, Benchmark benchmark, string id = "") { //Set references ActionsScheduler = actionscheduler; BrokerAccount = brokeraccount; BrokerConnection = brokerconnection; BrokerModel = brokermodel; Clock = clock; Currency = currency; EventRunner = eventrunner; ExceptionHandler = exceptionhandler; CashManager = cashmanager; OrderTicketHandler = orderTicketHandler; _porfolioBenchmark = benchmark; //Set initial items Id = id; IsBacktesting = runmode == RunMode.Backtester; OrderFactory = new OrderFactory(this, BrokerModel); OrderTracker = new OrderTracker(this); Subscription = new DataSubscriptionManager(datafeed, CashManager); Results = new Result(0, _porfolioBenchmark); //Portfolio benchmark is not used benchmark.OnCalc(x => 0); }
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { worldClock = new WorldClock(player.worldClock); worldClockLabel.Content = worldClock.clock; playerName.Content =; playerHealth.Content =; playerHunger.Content = player.stats.hunger; goldCount.Content =; foodCount.Content =; woodCount.Content = player.stats.wood; stoneCount.Content = player.stats.stone; currentLocationText.Content = player.currentLocation.localeName; gatherButton.Content = player.currentLocation.gatherDesc; BitmapImage bi3 = new BitmapImage(); bi3.BeginInit(); bi3.UriSource = new Uri(player.currentLocation.img, UriKind.Relative); bi3.EndInit(); currentLocation.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; currentLocation.Source = bi3; currentLocationDesc.Text = player.currentLocation.desc; SetTimer(); }
private void Awake() { _instance = this; _spawnPoint = GetComponent <WorldSpawnPoint>(); _dayCycle = GetComponent <DayCycle>(); _worldClock = GetComponent <WorldClock>(); }
public void OnTriggerTryToStart(Trigger trigger) { string failureMessage = string.Empty; if (State.HasBeenUnlocked) { return; } if (State.TimedLock && !WorldClock.IsTimeOfDay(State.TimesLocked)) { return; } string keyName = string.Empty; if (Player.Local.Inventory.HasKey(State.KeyType, State.KeyTag, out keyName)) { if (!State.HasBeenUnlocked) { State.HasBeenUnlocked = true; GUI.GUIManager.PostSuccess("Unlocked with " + keyName); } return; } failureMessage = "[Target] is locked"; trigger.TriggerFail(dynamic, failureMessage); }
public void OnRefreshBehavior() { if (!mInitialized || mDestroyed) { return; } if (creature.State.Domestication != DomesticatedState.Wild) { Finish(); return; } if (WorldClock.IsTimeOfDay(creature.State.AggressiveTOD)) { Timid timid = null; if (worlditem.Is <Timid>(out timid)) { timid.Finish(); } worlditem.GetOrAdd <Aggressive>(); creature.Body.EyeMode = BodyEyeMode.Aggressive; } else { //if we're not aggressive, we're timid because we're wild Aggressive aggressive = null; if (worlditem.Is <Aggressive>(out aggressive)) { aggressive.Finish(); } worlditem.GetOrAdd <Timid>(); creature.Body.EyeMode = BodyEyeMode.Timid; } }
public void CaptureCharacter() { WorldClock worldClock = FindObjectOfType <WorldClock>(); worldClock.GiveTurnTo(Turn.None); FindObjectOfType <SessionManager>().ImprisonCharacter(); }
/// <summary> /// Create form, create game /// </summary> public GameForm() { InitializeComponent(); game = Game.CreateGame(this.ClientSize); watch.Start(); WorldClock.Start(); }
void Awake() { //Check if instance already exists if (instance == null) { //if not, set instance to this instance = this; // Must be first time creating this, we need our world clock, sun and moon! OurTimeSystem = (GameObject)Instantiate(WorldTime); time = OurTimeSystem.GetComponentInChildren <WorldClock>(); // Need OVRCam if assigned if (OVRCam != null && UseVR) { OVRCam = (GameObject)Instantiate(OVRCam); = "MyOVRCameraRig"; DontDestroyOnLoad(OVRCam); GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <AudioListener> ().enabled = false; } else { VRSettings.enabled = false; } } //If instance already exists and it's not this: else if (instance != this) { //Then destroy this. This enforces our singleton pattern, meaning there can only ever be one instance of a GameManager. Destroy(gameObject); } //Sets this to not be destroyed when reloading scene DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); }
/// <summary> /// Create form, create game /// </summary> public GameForm(GameMode mode) { InitializeComponent(); game = Game.CreateGame(ClientSize, mode); game.InitGame(); watch.Start(); WorldClock.Start(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // clock count! WorldClock.CountUp(); // scene update! SceneController.Instance.SceneUpdate(); }
private void BindWorldClock(WorldClock worldClock) { worldClock.OnYearUp += HandleYearUp; worldClock.OnMonthUp += HandleMonthUp; worldClock.OnWeekUp += HandleWeekUp; worldClock.OnDayUp += HandleDayUp; worldClock.OnHourUp += HandleHourUp; }
void UpdateTurnsAndSteps() { Character character = FindObjectOfType <Character>(); stepsTaken += character.stepsTaken; WorldClock worldClock = FindObjectOfType <WorldClock>(); turnsPassed += worldClock.turnsTaken; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gm = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>(); player = GameObject.Find("Player"); clock = FindObjectOfType <WorldClock>(); bAnimationStarted = false; //StartCoroutine(PlayAnimation(5)); }
public PlayerInfo(int id, string name, Origin location, string file, WorldClock worldClock) { = id; = name; this.origin = location; this.stats = new Stats(); this.currentLocation = origin.home; this.file = file; this.worldClock = worldClock; }
public override void PushSelectedObjectToViewer() { //turn this into a string builder Color plantColor = Colors.ColorFromString(mSelectedObject.CommonName, 100); List <string> detailText = new List <string>(); mExamineInfo.Clear(); Skill examineSkill = null; GenericWorldItem dopplegangerProps = null; if (Skills.Get.SkillByName("Gathering", out examineSkill)) { bool showDetails = false; Plants.Examine(mSelectedObject, mExamineInfo); detailText.Add("Viewing season " + WorldClock.TimeOfYearToString(SelectedSeasonality)); if (Flags.Check((uint)mSelectedObject.EncounteredTimesOfYear, (uint)SelectedSeasonality, Flags.CheckType.MatchAny) || examineSkill.State.NormalizedUsageLevel > Plants.MinimumGatheringSkillToRevealBasicProps) { showDetails = true; dopplegangerProps = mPlantDoppleganger; dopplegangerProps.Subcategory = mSelectedObject.Name; } else { detailText.Add("(You don't know what this plant looks like during this time of year.)"); } detailText.Add("_"); for (int i = 0; i < mExamineInfo.Count; i++) { if (examineSkill.State.NormalizedUsageLevel > mExamineInfo[i].RequiredSkillUsageLevel) { detailText.Add(mExamineInfo[i].StaticExamineMessage); } else { detailText.Add(mExamineInfo[i].ExamineMessageOnFail); } } string finalDetailText = detailText.JoinToString("\n"); GUIDetailsPage.Get.DisplayDetail( this, mSelectedObject.CommonName, finalDetailText, "PlantIcon", Mats.Get.IconsAtlas, plantColor, Color.white, dopplegangerProps); if (showDetails) { GUIDetailsPage.Get.DisplayDopplegangerButton("Next Season", "OnClickNextSeason", gameObject); } } }
/// <summary> /// UnRegisters a WorldClock /// </summary> public void UnRegisterClock(WorldClock clockToRegister) { if (allClocks.ContainsKey(clockToRegister.ClockID)) { allClocks.Remove(clockToRegister.ClockID); } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("WorldClock {0} was not registered.", clockToRegister.ClockID); } }
/// <summary> /// Registers a WorldClock for quick lookup /// </summary> /// <param name="clockToRegister"> The <see cref="WorldClock"/> to track in the library</param> public void RegisterClock(WorldClock clockToRegister) { if (!allClocks.ContainsKey(clockToRegister.ClockID)) { allClocks.Add(clockToRegister.ClockID, clockToRegister); } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("WorldClock {0} has already been registered. Do you have multiple instances of the same clock, or instances with the same id?", clockToRegister.ClockID); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets an already registered clock active by its ID /// </summary> /// <param name="clockID">the id of the <see cref="WorldClock"/> to set active</param> public void SetActiveClock(string clockID) { if (!allClocks.ContainsKey(clockID)) { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Please register the clock {0} before attempting to set it active.", clockID); } else { ActiveClock = allClocks[clockID]; } }
IEnumerator <WaitForSeconds> DelayOpenScene() { WorldClock worldClock = FindObjectOfType <WorldClock>(); worldClock.GiveTurnTo(Turn.None); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delayOpen)); speakers.PlayOneShot(openSound); anim.SetTrigger("Open"); worldClock.GiveTurnTo(Turn.Player); EnableSurrendering(); }
/// <summary> /// Create form, create game /// </summary> public GameForm() { SongMap.Instance.Load(); InitializeComponent(); this.ClientSize = new Size( (2 * Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width) / 3, (2 * Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height) / 3 ); Game = Game.CreateGame(this.ClientSize); Watch.Start(); WorldClock.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Displays the time for the given WorldClock /// </summary> public void DisplayTime() { WorldClock clock = ClockLibrary.Instance.ActiveClock; if (clock != null) { displayText.text = clock.GetFormattedMinutesAndHours(); } else { Debug.Log("No Active Clock"); } }
/// <summary> /// Set the active clock. Registers the clock if it is not already registered /// </summary> /// <param name="clock">A reference to the <see cref="WorldClock"/> to set active</param> public void SetActiveClock(WorldClock clock) { if (!allClocks.ContainsKey(clock.ClockID)) { allClocks.Add(clock.ClockID, clock); } if (ActiveClock != null) { ActiveClock.Tick.RemoveListener(ActiveClockTicked); } ActiveClock = clock; ActiveClock.Tick.AddListener(ActiveClockTicked); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PortfolioManager"/> class for running a backtest. /// </summary> /// <param name="portfolioimplementations">The portfolioimplementations.</param> /// <param name="simulation">The backtest.</param> public PortfolioManager(PortfolioImplementations portfolioimplementations, SimulationMessage simulation) : this(portfolioimplementations) { //Set initial message _initialMessageInstance = simulation; //Since this is a backtest request RunMode = RunMode.Backtester; //World clock is depended on data received var clock = new WorldClock(() => PortfolioImplementations.DataFeed.LastDataReceivedUtc == DateTime.MinValue ? simulation.StartDateTime : portfolioimplementations.DataFeed.LastDataReceivedUtc); //Get additional information if (!Enum.TryParse(simulation.AccountType, out AccountType accounttype)) { throw new Exception($"Cannot initialize backtest account type {simulation.AccountType}"); } if (!Enum.TryParse(simulation.BrokerType, out BrokerType brokertype)) { throw new Exception($"Cannot initialize backtest broker type {simulation.BrokerType}"); } if (!Enum.TryParse(simulation.BaseCurrency, out CurrencyType basecurrency)) { throw new Exception($"Cannot initialize backtest base currency type {simulation.BaseCurrency}"); } //Get latest currency rates, so we are up to date (trough forced reload) _log.Debug($"Initializing currency implementation: {PortfolioImplementations.Currency.GetType().FullName}"); Config.LoadConfigFile <CurrencyRatesConfig[]>(Config.GlobalConfig.CurrencyRatesConfigFile, true); PortfolioImplementations.Currency.Initialize(clock, true); //Get broker model var brokermodel = BrokerModelFactory.GetBroker(accounttype, brokertype); //Check if the currency selected matches the currency of this broker (for instance when using crypto currencies) decimal allocatedfunds = simulation.QuantFund.AllocatedFunds; brokermodel.GetCompatibleInitialCapital(portfolioimplementations.Currency, ref basecurrency, ref allocatedfunds); simulation.QuantFund.AllocatedFunds = allocatedfunds; //Create portfolio _portfolio = CreatePortfolio(simulation.PortfolioId, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), brokermodel, simulation.Leverage, basecurrency, basecurrency, clock, simulation.ExtendedMarketHours); //Set initial funds _portfolio.CashManager.AddCash(basecurrency, allocatedfunds); //Set initial fund message _initialFundMessage = simulation.QuantFund; }
private void BindWorldClock() { _worldClock = WorldClock.Instance; // instantiate UI element var contentHolder = _display.transform.FindChild("content_holder"); var displayProduct = Instantiate(_displayTimePrefab); displayProduct.transform.SetParent(contentHolder, false); // return the text field to be updated every frame _clockDisplay = displayProduct.transform.FindChild("product_value").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); _clockDisplay.text = GenerateCurrentTimeString(); }
public void Initialize(Inventory inventory) { _inventory = inventory; if (_worldClock == null) { _worldClock = WorldClock.Instance; _worldClock.OnDayUp += TickEnergyCosts; } if (_energyProduct == null) { _energyProduct = ProductLookup.Instance.GetProduct(ENERGY_PRODUCT_NAME); } }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Debug.Log("Multiple instances of WorldClock in the scene. Destroying duplicates."); Destroy(gameObject); } // Start on day 1, 07:00 t = 86400 + 7 * 3600; }
static void OnGuildUpdate(int msgID, BinReader data) { uint charID = data.ReadUInt32(); WorldClient client = WorldServer.GetClientByCharacterID(charID); client.Player.GuildID = data.ReadUInt32(); client.Player.GuildRank = data.ReadUInt32(); client.Player.GuildTimeStamp = WorldClock.GetTimeStamp(); client.Player.Save(); client.Player.UpdateData(); client.Player.GuildTimeStamp = WorldClock.GetTimeStamp(); client.Player.UpdateData(); // EventManager.AddEvent(new DelayedUpdateEvent(client.Player)); return; }
/// <summary> /// Load crypto exchangeModel model /// </summary> /// <param name="clock"></param> public CryptoExchangeModel(WorldClock clock) { //Load config string configname = "crypto"; var config = Config.MarketHourConfig.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Exchanges.Select(e => e.ToLower()).Contains(configname.ToLower())); if (config == null) { throw new ArgumentException($"Could not load configuration with name {configname}"); } //Set information _worldClock = clock; TimeZone = (TimeZone)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeZone), config.TimeZone); }
public void AddComponentInstanceAndChildContainers() { IWindsorContainer parent = new WindsorContainer(); IWindsorContainer child = new WindsorContainer(); parent.AddChildContainer(child); IClock clock1 = new IsraelClock(); IClock clock2 = new WorldClock(); parent.Kernel.AddComponentInstance<IClock>(clock2); child.Kernel.AddComponentInstance<IClock>(clock1); Assert.AreSame(clock2,parent.Resolve<IClock>()); Assert.AreSame(clock1, child.Resolve<IClock>()); }