        static void Main( string[] args )
            // Write program headers to the command line
            Console.WriteLine( "IDPickerReport " + Version + " (" + LastModified.ToShortDateString() + ")" );
            Console.WriteLine( "IDPickerWorkspace " + Workspace.Version + " (" + Workspace.LastModified.ToShortDateString() + ")" );
            Console.WriteLine( "IDPickerPresentation " + Presentation.Version + " (" + Presentation.LastModified.ToShortDateString() + ")" );
            Console.WriteLine( IDPREPORT_LICENSE );

            // Process the command line
            List<string> argsList = new List<string>( args );
            if( InitProcess( ref argsList ) )

            // Init the IDPicker workspace
            long start;
            Workspace ws = new Workspace( rtConfig );
            ws.setStatusOutput( Console.Out );

            // Initialize the modifications that can and can not appear in distinct peptides
            ws.distinctPeptideSettings = new Workspace.DistinctPeptideSettings(
                rtConfig.ModsAreDistinctByDefault, rtConfig.DistinctModsOverride, rtConfig.IndistinctModsOverride );

            // Read the spectra export from a previous search, if given
            if( rtConfig.SpectraExport != string.Empty && rtConfig.SearchScoreNames != string.Empty )
                string[] scores = rtConfig.SearchScoreNames.Split( new char[] { ' ' } );
                ws.spectraExport = new ImportSpectraExport( rtConfig.SpectraExport, scores );

            #region SNP Annotation stuff (TODO: simplify this logic, i.e. use a bool instead of testing for empty string)
            // Read the unimod modification database, if provided
            if( rtConfig.UnimodXMLPath != string.Empty )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Reading modification annotations from unimod xml file path: " + rtConfig.UnimodXMLPath );
                    ws.readUniModXML( rtConfig.UnimodXMLPath );
                    Console.WriteLine( "Finished reading modification annotations." );
                    //ws.printUnimodObjects( 57.03f );
                    //Environment.Exit( 1 );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( e.StackTrace.ToString() );
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "Error reading unimod xml at : " + rtConfig.UnimodXMLPath );

            // Read the CanProVar database, if provided
            if( rtConfig.ProCanVarFasta != string.Empty && rtConfig.ProCanVarMap != string.Empty )
                Console.WriteLine( "Reading ProCanVar SNP data....." );
                ws.snpAnntoations = new SNPMetaDataGenerator();
                ws.snpAnntoations.getVariantDataFromProCanVarFlatFile( rtConfig.ProCanVarFasta, rtConfig.ProCanVarMap );
                Console.WriteLine( "Finished reading ProCanVar SNP data." );

                /*SNPMetaDataGenerator snpData = new SNPMetaDataGenerator();
                snpData.getVariantDataFromProCanVarFlatFile( rtConfig.ProCanVarFasta, rtConfig.ProCanVarMap );
                Console.WriteLine( "Finished reading ProCanVar SNP data." );
                SNPMetaDataGenerator.SNP test = new SNPMetaDataGenerator.SNP( "Y", "H", "24" );
                string str = snpData.getSNPAnnotationFromProCanVar( "ENSP00000368054", test, "EGFYAVVIFLSIFVIIVTCLMILYR" );
                Console.WriteLine( str );
                Environment.Exit( 1 );*/

            #region Read input idpXML files

            List<string> inputFilepaths = new List<string>();

            for( int i = 1; i < argsList.Count; ++i )
                    string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(argsList[i]);
                    if (path.Length < 1)
                        path = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
                    //Console.WriteLine( path + " : " + Path.GetFileName( args[i] ) );
                    inputFilepaths.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(path, Path.GetFileName(argsList[i])));

                    foreach( string inputFilepath in inputFilepaths )
                            if( !Util.TestFileType( inputFilepath, "idpickerpeptides" ) )
                            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                            Console.WriteLine( "Reading and parsing IDPicker XML from filepath: " + inputFilepath );
                            StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader( inputFilepath );
                            // Read each file and assign them to the root group.
                            ws.readPeptidesXml( inputStream, "", rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MaxResultRank );
                            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished reading and parsing IDPicker XML; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." );
                        } catch( Exception e )
                            Console.Error.WriteLine( e.StackTrace.ToString() );
                            Console.Error.WriteLine( "Error reading input filepath \"" + inputFilepath + "\": " + e.Message );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "Error parsing input filemask \"" + argsList[i] + "\": " + e.Message );

            if( ws.groups.Count == 0 )
                Console.Error.WriteLine( "Error: no input files read; nothing to report." );

            // Generate a processing event for the idpReport.
            ProcessingEvent presentationEvent = new ProcessingEvent();
            presentationEvent.type = "presentation/filtration";
            presentationEvent.startTime = DateTime.Now;
            ProcessingParam presentationParam = new ProcessingParam();
            presentationParam.name = "software name";
            presentationParam.value = "idpReport";
            presentationEvent.parameters.Add( presentationParam );
            presentationParam = new ProcessingParam();
            presentationParam.name = "software version";
            presentationParam.value = Version + " (" + LastModified.ToShortDateString() + ")";
            presentationEvent.parameters.Add( presentationParam );
            RunTimeVariableMap presentationVars = rtConfig.getVariables();
            foreach( KeyValuePair<string, string> itr in presentationVars )
                presentationParam = new ProcessingParam();
                presentationParam.name = itr.Key;
                presentationParam.value = itr.Value;
                presentationEvent.parameters.Add( presentationParam );

            #region Pre-filtering validation
            { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, 0, 100 ); }

            #region Apply filtering criteria and assemble proteins
            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine( "Filtering out peptides shorter than " + rtConfig.MinPeptideLength + " residues..." );
            ws.filterByMinimumPeptideLength( rtConfig.MinPeptideLength );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished filtering by minimum peptide length; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, 0, 100 ); }

            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine( "Filtering out results with more than " + rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds + " ambiguous ids..." );
            ws.filterByResultAmbiguity( rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished filtering by maximum ambiguous ids; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, 0, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }

            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine( "Filtering out proteins with less than " + rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides + " distinct peptides..." );
            ws.filterByDistinctPeptides( rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished filtering by minimum distinct peptides; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }

            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine( "Filtering out proteins with less than " + rtConfig.MinSpectraPerProtein + " spectra..." );
            ws.filterBySpectralCount( rtConfig.MinSpectraPerProtein );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished filtering by minimum protein spectral counts; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }

            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine( "Assembling protein groups..." );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished assembling protein groups; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }

            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine( "Assembling peptide groups..." );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished assembling peptide groups; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }

            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine( "Assembling clusters..." );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished assembling clusters; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }
            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            // Determine the minimum number of protein clusters needed
            // to explain all the peptides.
            Console.WriteLine( "Assembling minimum covering set for clusters..." );
            int clusterCount = 0;
            foreach( ClusterInfo c in ws.clusters )
                Console.Write( "Assembling minimum covering set for cluster " + clusterCount + " of " + ws.clusters.Count + " (" + c.proteinGroups.Count + " protein groups, " + c.results.Count + " results)          \r" );
                ws.assembleMinimumCoveringSet( c );
            Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished assembling minimum covering sets; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }

            if( rtConfig.MinAdditionalPeptides > 0 )
                start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
                Console.WriteLine( "Filtering workspace by minimum covering set..." );
                ws.filterByMinimumCoveringSet( rtConfig.MinAdditionalPeptides );
                Console.WriteLine( "\nFinished filtering by minimum covering set; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." ); { ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds ); }

            start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            Console.Write( "Assembling source groups..." );
            Console.WriteLine( " finished; " + new TimeSpan( DateTime.Now.Ticks - start ).TotalSeconds + " seconds elapsed." );

            #region Post-filtering validation
            // Check to see if the protein, peptides, sources, and the clusters have
            // all required fields and satisfy the user-defined criteria.
                ws.validate( rtConfig.MaxFDR, rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides, rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds );
            } catch( Exception e )
                Console.Error.WriteLine( "Error while validating workspace: " + e.Message );

            #region SNP annotation stuff (TODO: move this into a Workspace function)
            if( rtConfig.FlagUnknownMods.Length > 0 )
                string[] toks = rtConfig.FlagUnknownMods.Split( new char[] { ' ' } );
                if( toks.Length % 2 == 0 )
                    ws.knownModMasses = new float[toks.Length / 2];
                    ws.knownModResidues = new char[toks.Length / 2];
                    int index = 0;
                    for( int i = 0; i < toks.Length - 1; i = i + 2 )
                        ws.knownModResidues[index] = toks[i][0];
                        ws.knownModMasses[index] = (float) Convert.ToDouble( toks[i + 1] );

            // If the user wants to annotate the SNPs found in the
            // dataset then pull the annotations.
            if( rtConfig.AnnotateSNPs.Length > 0 )
                ws.pullSNPMetaData( rtConfig.AnnotateSNPs );

            // Make an output folder and generate files
            Console.WriteLine( "Creating output directory for report: " + rtConfig.outputDir );
            if( !Directory.Exists( rtConfig.outputDir ) )
                Directory.CreateDirectory( rtConfig.outputDir );
            Directory.SetCurrentDirectory( rtConfig.outputDir );

            StreamWriter outputStream;

            #region Web report
            if( rtConfig.OutputWebReport )
                string reportIndexFilename = "index.html";
                string idpickerJavascriptFilename = "idpicker-scripts.js";
                string idpickerStylesheetFilename = "idpicker-style.css";
                string navFrameFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-nav.html";
                string wsSummaryFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-summary.html";
                string wsDataProcessingDetailsFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-processing.html";
                string wsIndexByProteinFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-index-by-protein.html";
                string wsIndexBySpectrumFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-index-by-spectrum.html";
                string wsIndexByModificationFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-index-by-modification.html";
                string wsGroupsFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-groups.html";
                string wsSequencesPerProteinByGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-sequences-per-protein-by-group.html";
                string wsSpectraPerProteinByGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-spectra-per-protein-by-group.html";
                string wsSpectraPerPeptideByGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-spectra-per-peptide-by-group.html";

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing report index: " + reportIndexFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( reportIndexFilename );
                    outputStream.Write( Presentation.assembleReportIndex( rtConfig.outputPrefix, navFrameFilename, wsSummaryFilename ) );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError report index: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing javascript: " + idpickerJavascriptFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( idpickerJavascriptFilename );
                    outputStream.Write( Presentation.assembleJavascript() );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing javascript: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing stylesheet: " + idpickerStylesheetFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( idpickerStylesheetFilename );
                    outputStream.Write( Presentation.assembleStylesheet() );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing stylesheet: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing navigation frame: " + navFrameFilename );
                    Dictionary<string, string> navigationMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    navigationMap.Add( "Summary", wsSummaryFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Group association table", wsGroupsFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Index by protein", wsIndexByProteinFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Index by spectrum", wsIndexBySpectrumFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Index by modification", wsIndexByModificationFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Sequences per protein by group", wsSequencesPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Spectra per protein by group", wsSpectraPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Spectra per peptide by group", wsSpectraPerPeptideByGroupFilename );
                    navigationMap.Add( "Data processing details", wsDataProcessingDetailsFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( navFrameFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleNavFrameHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, navigationMap );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing navigation frame: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing index by protein to filepath: " + wsIndexByProteinFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsIndexByProteinFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleIndexByProteinHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing index by protein: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing index by spectrum to filepath: " + wsIndexBySpectrumFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsIndexBySpectrumFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleIndexBySpectrumHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, rtConfig.AllowSharedSourceNames );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing index by spectrum: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing index by modification to filepath: " + wsIndexByModificationFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsIndexByModificationFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleIndexByModificationHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing index by modification: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing overall summary to filepath: " + wsSummaryFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSummaryFilename );
                    Dictionary<string, string> parameterMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    parameterMap.Add( "Maximum FDR", rtConfig.MaxFDR.ToString( "f2" ) );
                    parameterMap.Add( "Minimum distinct peptides", rtConfig.MinDistinctPeptides.ToString() );
                    parameterMap.Add( "Maximum ambiguous IDs", rtConfig.MaxAmbiguousIds.ToString() );
                    parameterMap.Add( "Minimum peptide length", rtConfig.MinPeptideLength.ToString() );
                    parameterMap.Add( "Minimum additional peptides", rtConfig.MinAdditionalPeptides.ToString() );
                    parameterMap.Add( "Minimum spectra per protein", rtConfig.MinSpectraPerProtein.ToString() );
                    if( rtConfig.ModsAreDistinctByDefault )
                        parameterMap.Add( "Indistinct modifications", rtConfig.IndistinctModsOverride );
                        parameterMap.Add( "Distinct modifications", rtConfig.DistinctModsOverride );
                    Presentation.assembleSummaryHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, parameterMap );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing overall summary: " + e.Message );

                presentationEvent.endTime = DateTime.Now;
                foreach( SourceInfo source in ws.groups["/"].getSources( true ) )
                    source.processingEvents.Add( presentationEvent );
                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing data processing details to filepath: " + wsDataProcessingDetailsFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsDataProcessingDetailsFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleDataProcessingDetailsHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing data processing details: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing source groups summary to filepath: " + wsGroupsFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsGroupsFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleGroupAssociationHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing source groups summary: " + e.Message );

                Console.WriteLine( "Writing sequences per protein table to filepath: " + wsSequencesPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSequencesPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleProteinSequencesTable( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing sequences per protein table: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing spectra per protein table to filepath: " + wsSpectraPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSpectraPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleProteinSpectraTable( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing spectra per protein table: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing spectra per peptide table to filepath: " + wsSpectraPerPeptideByGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSpectraPerPeptideByGroupFilename );
                    Presentation.assemblePeptideSpectraTable( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing spectra per peptide table: " + e.Message );

                for( int i = 0; i < ws.clusters.Count; ++i )
                    int cid = i + 1;
                    string clusterSummaryFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-cluster" + cid + ".html";
                        Console.Write( "Writing summary for cluster " + cid + " of " + ws.clusters.Count + " to filepath: " + clusterSummaryFilename + "          \r" );
                        outputStream = new StreamWriter( clusterSummaryFilename );
                        Presentation.assembleClusterHtml( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, i, rtConfig.GenerateBipartiteGraphs,
                                            rtConfig.RawSourceHostURL, rtConfig.RawSourcePath, rtConfig.RawSourceExtension );
                    } catch( System.Exception e )
                        Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing summary for cluster " + cid + ": " + e.Message );

            #region Generate GraphViz files
            /*outputStream = new StreamWriter( "workspace.dot" );
            outputStream.Write( assembleWorkspaceGraph( ws ) );

            if( rtConfig.GenerateBipartiteGraphs )
                for( int i = 0; i < ws.clusters.Count; ++i )
                    int cid = i + 1;
                    string clusterGraphTextFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-cluster" + cid + ".dot";
                    Console.Write( "Writing graph of cluster " + cid + " of " + ws.clusters.Count + " to filepath: " + clusterGraphTextFilename + "           \r" );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( clusterGraphTextFilename );
                    Presentation.assembleClusterGraph( ws, outputStream, i );

                for( int i = 0; i < ws.clusters.Count; ++i )
                    int cid = i + 1;
                    string clusterGraphTextFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-cluster" + cid + ".dot";
                    string clusterGraphImageFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-cluster" + cid + ".gif";
                    Console.Write( "Graphing cluster " + cid + " of " + ws.clusters.Count + " from filepath: " + clusterGraphTextFilename + "             \r" );
                    string dotCommand = "dot";
                    string dotArgs = "-Tgif -o" + clusterGraphImageFilename + " " + clusterGraphTextFilename;
                    Process dotProcess = new Process();
                    dotProcess.StartInfo.FileName = dotCommand;
                    dotProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = dotArgs;
                    dotProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                    dotProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                    //File.Delete( clusterGraphTextFilename );

            #region Text report
            if( rtConfig.OutputTextReport )
                string wsSummaryFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-summary.tsv";
                string wsSequencesPerProteinByGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-sequences-per-protein-by-group.tsv";
                string wsSpectraPerProteinByGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-spectra-per-protein-by-group.tsv";
                string wsSpectraPerPeptideByGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-spectra-per-peptide-by-group.tsv";
                string wsSpectraTableFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-spectra-table.tsv";
                string wsProteinGroupToPeptideGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-protein-to-peptide-table.tsv";
                string wsSpectraPerPeptideGroupFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-spectra-per-peptide-group.tsv";

                // Write a protein modification report. This report takes all the modifications
                // seen in the dataset and writes out a tab-delimited file of each modification
                // and the samples it was identified
                    string modificationTableFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-prot-modification-table.csv";
                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing protein modification report to filepath: " + modificationTableFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( modificationTableFilename );
                    outputStream.Write( Presentation.assembleDetailedModificationReport( ws ) );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing protein modification report: " + e.Message );

                string rootInputDirectory;
                Util.LongestCommonPrefix(inputFilepaths, out rootInputDirectory);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rootInputDirectory))
                    rootInputDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                else if (!Directory.Exists(rootInputDirectory))
                    rootInputDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(rootInputDirectory);

                QuantifyingTransmogrifier.quantify(ws, rootInputDirectory, rtConfig.quantitationMethod);

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing overall summary to filepath: " + wsSummaryFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSummaryFilename );
                    Presentation.exportSummaryTable( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, '\t' );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing overall summary: " + e.Message );

                Console.WriteLine( "Writing sequences per protein table to filepath: " + wsSequencesPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSequencesPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    Presentation.exportProteinSequencesTable( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, '\t' );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing sequences per protein table: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing spectra per protein table to filepath: " + wsSpectraPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSpectraPerProteinByGroupFilename );
                    Presentation.exportProteinSpectraTable( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, '\t' );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing spectra per protein table: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing spectra per peptide table to filepath: " + wsSpectraPerPeptideByGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSpectraPerPeptideByGroupFilename );
                    Presentation.exportPeptideSpectraTable(ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, rtConfig.quantitationMethod, '\t');
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing spectra per peptide table: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing spectra table to filepath: " + wsSpectraTableFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsSpectraTableFilename );
                    Presentation.exportSpectraTable( ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, rtConfig.quantitationMethod, '\t' );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError writing spectra table: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing protein group to peptide group table to filepath: " + wsProteinGroupToPeptideGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsProteinGroupToPeptideGroupFilename );
                    Presentation.exportProteinGroupToPeptideGroupTable( ws, outputStream, '\t' );
                } catch( Exception e )
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError protein group to peptide group table: " + e.Message );

                    Console.WriteLine( "Writing spectra per peptide group table to filepath: " + wsSpectraPerPeptideGroupFilename );
                    outputStream = new StreamWriter(wsSpectraPerPeptideGroupFilename);
                    Presentation.exportPeptideGroupSpectraTable(ws, outputStream, rtConfig.outputPrefix, rtConfig.quantitationMethod, '\t');
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine( "\nError spectra per peptide group table: " + e.Message );

            #region Xml report
            if( rtConfig.OutputXmlReport )
                string wsAssembledXmlFilename = rtConfig.outputPrefix + "-assembled.idpXML";
                outputStream = new StreamWriter( wsAssembledXmlFilename );
                ws.assemblePeptidesXmlToStream( outputStream );