static void Main(string[] args) { // Try to read the metadata configuration file string app_start_config = Application.StartupPath + "\\config"; if ((Directory.Exists(app_start_config)) && (File.Exists(app_start_config + "\\sobekCM_metadata.config"))) { Metadata_Configuration.Read_Metadata_Configuration(app_start_config + "\\sobekCM_metadata.config"); } bool complete_static_rebuild = false; bool marc_rebuild = false; bool run_preloader = true; bool run_background = false; bool show_help = false; bool build_production_marcxml_feed = false; bool build_test_marcxml_feed = false; string invalid_arg = String.Empty; bool verbose = false; // Get values from the arguments foreach (string thisArgs in args) { bool arg_handled = false; // Check for the config flag if (thisArgs == "--config") { if (File.Exists(app_start_config + "\\SobekCM_Builder_Configuration.exe")) { Process.Start(app_start_config + "\\SobekCM_Builder_Configuration.exe"); return; } Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unable to find configuration executable file!!"); return; } // Check for versioning option if (thisArgs == "--version") { Console.WriteLine("You are running version " + Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Current_Builder_Version + " of the SobekCM Builder."); return; } // Check for no loader flag if (thisArgs == "--background") { run_background = true; arg_handled = true; } // Check for verbose flag if (thisArgs == "--verbose") { verbose = true; arg_handled = true; } // Check for no loader flag if (thisArgs == "--refresh_oai") { arg_handled = true; } // Check for no oading flag if (thisArgs == "--noload") { run_preloader = false; arg_handled = true; } // Check for static rebuild if (thisArgs == "--staticrebuild") { complete_static_rebuild = true; arg_handled = true; } // Check for static rebuild if (thisArgs == "--createmarc") { marc_rebuild = true; arg_handled = true; } // Check for marc xml feed creation flags if (thisArgs.IndexOf("--marcxml") == 0) { build_production_marcxml_feed = true; arg_handled = true; } if (thisArgs.IndexOf("--testmarcxml") == 0) { build_test_marcxml_feed = true; arg_handled = true; } // Check for help if ((thisArgs == "--help") || (thisArgs == "?") || (thisArgs == "-help")) { show_help = true; arg_handled = true; } // If not handled, set as error if (!arg_handled) { invalid_arg = thisArgs; break; } } // Was there an invalid argument or was help requested if ((invalid_arg.Length > 0 ) || (show_help)) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("\nThis application is used to bulk load SobekCM items, perform post-processing\n"); builder.Append("for items loaded through the web, and perform some regular maintenance activities\n"); builder.Append("in support of a SobekCM web application.\n\n"); builder.Append("Usage: SobekCM_Builder [options]\n\n"); builder.Append("Options:\n\n"); builder.Append(" --config\tRuns the configuration tool\n\n"); builder.Append(" --version\tDisplays the current version of the SobekCM Builder\n\n"); builder.Append(" --verbose\tFlag indicates to be verbose in the logs and console\n\n"); builder.Append(" --background\tContinues to run in the background\n\n"); builder.Append(" --help\t\tShows these instructions\n\n"); builder.Append(" --noload\t\tSupresses the loading portion of the SobekCM Builder\n\n"); builder.Append(" --staticrebuild\tPerform a complete rebuild on static pages\n\n"); builder.Append(" --marcxml\tBuild the marcxml production feed\n\n"); builder.Append(" --testmarcxml\tBuild the marcxml test feed\n\n"); builder.Append(" --createmarc\tRecreate all of the MARC.xml files\n\n"); builder.Append(" --refresh_oai\tResave the OAI-PMH DC data for every item in the library\n\n"); builder.Append("Examples:\n\n"); builder.Append(" 1. To just rebuild all the static pages:\n"); builder.Append(" SobekCM_Builder --nopreload --noload --staticrebuild"); builder.Append(" 2. To have the SobekCM Builder constantly run in the background"); builder.Append(" SobekCM_Builder --background"); // If invalid arg, save to log file if (invalid_arg.Length > 0 ) { // Show INVALID ARGUMENT error in console Console.WriteLine("\nINVALID ARGUMENT PROVIDED ( " + invalid_arg + " )"); } Console.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); return; } // Now, veryify the configuration file exists string config_file = Application.StartupPath + "\\config\\sobekcm.config"; if (!File.Exists(config_file)) { Console.WriteLine("The configuration file is missing!!\n"); Console.Write("Would you like to run the configuration tool? [Y/N]: "); string result = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if ((result == "Y") || (result == "YES")) { // Does the config app exist? if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\config\\SobekCM_Builder_Configuration.exe")) { // Run the config app Process configProcess = new Process {StartInfo = {FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\config\\SobekCM_Builder_Configuration.exe"}}; configProcess.Start(); configProcess.WaitForExit(); // If still no config file, just abort if (!File.Exists(config_file)) { Console.WriteLine("Execution aborted due to missing configuration file."); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unable to find configuration executable file!!"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Execution aborted due to missing configuration file."); return; } } // Should be a config file now, so read it if (( Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Database_Connections.Count == 0 ) || (Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Database_Connections[0].Connection_String.Length == 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Missing database connection string!!\n"); Console.Write("Would you like to run the configuration tool? [Y/N]: "); string result = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); if ((result == "Y") || (result == "YES")) { // Does the config app exist? if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\config\\SobekCM_Builder_Configuration.exe")) { // Run the config app Process configProcess = new Process {StartInfo = {FileName = Application.StartupPath + "\\config\\SobekCM_Builder_Configuration.exe"}}; configProcess.Start(); configProcess.WaitForExit(); // If still no config file, just abort if (!File.Exists(config_file)) { Console.WriteLine("Execution aborted due to missing configuration file."); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Unable to find configuration executable file!!"); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Execution aborted due to missing configuration file."); return; } } // Assign the connection string and test the connection (if only a single connection listed) if (Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Database_Connections.Count == 1) { SobekCM_Database.Connection_String = Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Database_Connections[0].Connection_String; if (!SobekCM_Database.Test_Connection()) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to connect to the database using provided connection string:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(SobekCM_Database.Connection_String); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Run this application with an argument of '--config' to launch the configuration tool."); return; } } // Verify connectivity and rights on the logs subfolder Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Local_Log_Directory = Application.StartupPath + "\\logs"; if (!Directory.Exists(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Local_Log_Directory)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Local_Log_Directory); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error creating necessary logs subfolder under the application folder.\n"); Console.WriteLine("Please create manually.\n"); Console.WriteLine(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Local_Log_Directory); return; } } try { StreamWriter testWriter = new StreamWriter(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Local_Log_Directory + "\\test.log", false); testWriter.WriteLine("TEST"); testWriter.Flush(); testWriter.Close(); File.Delete(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Local_Log_Directory + "\\test.log"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("The service account needs modify rights on the logs subfolder.\n"); Console.WriteLine("Please correct manually.\n"); Console.WriteLine(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Local_Log_Directory); return; } // Look for Ghostscript from the registry, if not provided in the config file if (Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Ghostscript_Executable.Length == 0) { // LOOK FOR THE GHOSTSCRIPT DIRECTORY string possible_ghost = Look_For_Variable_Registry_Key("SOFTWARE\\GPL Ghostscript", "GS_DLL"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(possible_ghost)) Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Ghostscript_Executable = possible_ghost; } // Look for Imagemagick from the registry, if not provided in the config file string possible_imagemagick = Look_For_Variable_Registry_Key("SOFTWARE\\ImageMagick", "BinPath"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(possible_imagemagick)) Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.ImageMagick_Executable = possible_imagemagick; //// If this is to refresh the OAI, don't use the worker controller //if (( refresh_oai ) && (Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Database_Connections.Count == 1)) //{ // // Set the item for the current mode // int successes = 0; // DataTable item_list_table = SobekCM_Database.Get_All_Groups_First_VID( ); // foreach (DataRow thisRow in item_list_table.Rows) // { // string bibid = thisRow["BibID"].ToString(); // string vid = thisRow["VID"].ToString(); // int groupid = Convert.ToInt32(thisRow["groupid"]); // string directory = Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Image_Server_Network + bibid.Substring(0, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(2, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(4, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(6, 2) + "\\" + bibid.Substring(8, 2) + "\\" + vid; // string mets = directory + "\\" + bibid + "_" + vid + ".mets.xml"; // try // { // SobekCM_Item thisItem = SobekCM_Item.Read_METS(mets); // if (thisItem != null) // { // // Get the OAI-PMH dublin core information // StringBuilder oaiDataBuilder = new StringBuilder(1000); // StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(oaiDataBuilder); // DC_METS_dmdSec_ReaderWriter.Write_Simple_Dublin_Core(writer, thisItem.Bib_Info); // // Also add the URL as identifier // oaiDataBuilder.AppendLine("<dc:identifier>" + Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.System_Base_URL + bibid + "</dc:identifier>"); // Resource_Object.Database.SobekCM_Database.Save_Item_Group_OAI(groupid, oaiDataBuilder.ToString(), "oai_dc", true); // writer.Flush(); // writer.Close(); // successes++; // if (successes%1000 == 0) // Console.WriteLine(@"{0} complete", successes); // } // } // catch // { // } // } // return; //} // Two ways to run this... constantly in background or once Worker_Controller controller = new Worker_Controller(verbose, Application.StartupPath + "\\Logs\\"); if (!run_background) controller.Execute_Immediately(build_production_marcxml_feed, build_test_marcxml_feed, run_preloader, complete_static_rebuild, marc_rebuild ); else controller.Execute_In_Background(); // If this was set to aborting, set to last execution aborted Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum operationFlag = Abort_Database_Mechanism.Builder_Operation_Flag; if (( operationFlag == Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum.ABORTING ) || ( operationFlag == Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum.ABORT_REQUESTED )) Abort_Database_Mechanism.Builder_Operation_Flag = Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum.LAST_EXECUTION_ABORTED; }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { // Get the application data path string appDataPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "SobekCM", "Builder"); try { if (!Directory.Exists(appDataPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(appDataPath); } } catch (Exception ee) { EventLog.WriteEntry("SobekCM Builder Service", "Error creating the application data folder, which is missing.\n\n" + appDataPath + "\n\n" + ee.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); return; } //// Try to read the metadata configuration file string app_start_config = appDataPath + "\\config"; //if ((Directory.Exists(app_start_config)) && (File.Exists(app_start_config + "\\sobekCM_metadata.config"))) //{ // ResourceObjectSettings.MetadataConfig.Read_Metadata_Configuration(app_start_config + "\\sobekCM_metadata.config"); //} // Now, verify the configuration file exists string config_file = appDataPath + "\\config\\sobekcm.config"; if (!File.Exists(config_file)) { EventLog.WriteEntry("SobekCM Builder Service", "The configuration file is missing!!\n\nExecution aborted due to missing configuration file.\n\n" + config_file, EventLogEntryType.Error); return; } // Assign the connection string and test the connection (if only a single connection listed) if (MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instances.Count == 1) { Engine_Database.Connection_String = MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Instances[0].DatabaseConnection.Connection_String; if (!Engine_Database.Test_Connection()) { if (Engine_Database.Last_Exception != null) { EventLog.WriteEntry("SobekCM Builder Service", "Unable to connect to the database using provided connection string:\n\n" + Engine_Database.Connection_String + "\n\n" + Engine_Database.Last_Exception.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error); } else { EventLog.WriteEntry("SobekCM Builder Service", "Unable to connect to the database using provided connection string:\n\n" + Engine_Database.Connection_String, EventLogEntryType.Error); } return; } } // Verify connectivity and rights on the logs subfolder string startUpFile = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase.Replace("file://", ""); MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Builder_Executable_Directory = (new FileInfo(startUpFile)).Directory.FullName; string logFileDirectory = Path.Combine(MultiInstance_Builder_Settings.Builder_Executable_Directory, "logs"); if (!Directory.Exists(logFileDirectory)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(logFileDirectory); } catch { EventLog.WriteEntry("SobekCM Builder Service", "Error creating necessary logs subfolder under the application folder.\n\nPlease create manually.\n\n" + logFileDirectory, EventLogEntryType.Error); return; } } try { StreamWriter testWriter = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, "test.log"), false); testWriter.WriteLine("TEST"); testWriter.Flush(); testWriter.Close(); File.Delete(Path.Combine(logFileDirectory, "test.log")); } catch { EventLog.WriteEntry("SobekCM Builder Service", "The service account needs modify rights on the logs subfolder.\n\nPlease create manually.\n\n" + logFileDirectory, EventLogEntryType.Error); return; } // Look for Ghostscript from the registry, if not provided in the config file if (Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Builder.Ghostscript_Executable.Length == 0) { // LOOK FOR THE GHOSTSCRIPT DIRECTORY string possible_ghost = Look_For_Variable_Registry_Key("SOFTWARE\\GPL Ghostscript", "GS_DLL"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(possible_ghost)) { Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Builder.Ghostscript_Executable = possible_ghost; } } // Look for Imagemagick from the registry, if not provided in the config file string possible_imagemagick = Look_For_Variable_Registry_Key("SOFTWARE\\ImageMagick", "BinPath"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(possible_imagemagick)) { Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Builder.ImageMagick_Executable = possible_imagemagick; } // Two ways to run this... constantly in background or once Worker_Controller controller = new Worker_Controller(true); controller.Execute_In_Background(); // If this was set to aborting, set to last execution aborted Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum operationFlag = Abort_Database_Mechanism.Builder_Operation_Flag; if ((operationFlag == Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum.ABORTING) || (operationFlag == Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum.ABORT_REQUESTED)) { Abort_Database_Mechanism.Builder_Operation_Flag = Builder_Operation_Flag_Enum.LAST_EXECUTION_ABORTED; } }