public void DoWork() { for (;;) { Thread.Sleep(30000); if (Work.KiemTraTienDo(idpost, taikhoan) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Đã bình luận xong với bài viết có id= " + idpost); //load lại csdl try { getreload(); } catch { } break; } //làm công tác bình luận string idaccountbl = WorkAccount.LayIDBinhLuan(idpost, taikhoan); // đăng xuất ThuVienLamViecFacebook.DangXuat(); DataTable dtac = AccountFB.LoadDuLieuByID(idaccountbl); //đăng nhập và lấy fb-dtsg string fb_dtsg = ThuVienLamViecFacebook.DNLay_fb_dtsg(dtac.Rows[0]["Email"].ToString(), dtac.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString()); string noidungcomment = WorkComment.LayNoiDungComment(idpost, taikhoan); // bắt đầu bình luận ThuVienLamViecFacebook.BinhLuan(idpost, noidungcomment, idaccountbl, fb_dtsg); //thay đổi trạng thái của hoạt động //lưu thông tin vào worked tblWorked wd = new tblWorked(); wd.IDPost = idpost; wd.IDAccoutFB = idaccountbl; wd.NoiDung = noidungcomment; wd.TaiKhoan = taikhoan; wd.TimeComment = DateTime.Now; Worked.Them(wd); //kết thúc lưu thông tin vào worked Work.updatetiendo(idpost, taikhoan); try { getreload(); } catch { } Thread.Sleep(int.Parse(time.ToString()) * 60000); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Human hourse = new Human(); hourse.FurstName = "Иван"; hourse.LastName = "Иванов"; hourse.GetUserInfo(hourse.FurstName, hourse.LastName); Student ocenka = new Student(); ocenka.Ocenka = 6; ocenka.GetOcenka(); Worked w = new Worked(); w.Nadnik = 10; w.WorkedHourse = 8; w.GetWorked(); }
/// <summary> /// Start Working /// start his job /// </summary> public void StartWorking() { if (!_starting) { lock (_locked) { if (_job == null) { throw new WokerException(); } _starting = true; for (int i = 0; i < _job.Count; i++) { var result = _job[i].Invoke(); Worked?.Invoke(this, result, null); } _starting = false; } } }
private void LoadChart() { chartControl1.Series.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataTable dlchart = Worked.LoadDuLieuByNam(dt.Rows[i]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()); Series series1 = new Series(dt.Rows[i]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), ViewType.Line); // Add points to it. for (int j = 0; j < dlchart.Rows.Count; j++) { series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dlchart.Rows[j]["Thang"], dlchart.Rows[j]["SoLuong"])); } // Add the series to the chart. chartControl1.Series.Add(series1); // Access the view-type-specific options of the series. ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Triangle; ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot; } // Access the type-specific options of the diagram. ((XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram).EnableAxisXZooming = true; XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram; diagram.AxisX.Color = Color.Green; diagram.AxisY.Color = Color.Red; AxisX axisX = diagram.AxisX; //// Add a custom label to the X-axis. //axisX.CustomLabels.Add(new CustomAxisLabel(name: "Tháng 7", value: "7") //{ // TextColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 74, 74, 74), //}); // Add a title to the chart (if necessary). chartControl1.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle()); chartControl1.Titles[0].Text = "Thống kê nhân viên"; }
public void createListView() { DateTime weekStartDT = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-(DayOfWeek - 1)); DateTime weekEndDT = DateTime.Now.AddDays((7 - DayOfWeek)); this.Worked = new List <DaysWorked>(); int cont = 0; for (DateTime i = weekStartDT; i <= weekEndDT; i = i.AddDays(1)) { string upDownD = "ic_thumb_down_outline_grey600_18dp.png"; TimeSpan timeSpan; cont += 1; double worked = HoursPerDay(i.DayOfYear.ToString(), i.Year.ToString()); timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromHours(worked); int p = (int)i.DayOfWeek; if ((DaysNum > 0) && (HoursNum > 0)) { TimeSpan ReqTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromHours(HoursNum / DaysNum); if (timeSpan >= ReqTimeSpan) { upDownD = "ic_thumb_up_outline_grey600_18dp.png"; } } Worked.Add(new DaysWorked { WeekDay = p.ToString(), DayName = DaysName[(cont - 1)], WorkedHours = timeSpan.ToString(), Year = i.Year.ToString(), YearDay = i.DayOfYear.ToString(), MonthDay = i.Day.ToString(), WorkedUpDown = upDownD }); } }
private void btnLocKQ_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { chartControl1.Series.Clear(); DataTable dt = Admin.LoadDuLieuNhanVien(); if (DrbtnNhanVien.selectedIndex == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataTable dlchart; if (DrbtnThang.selectedIndex == 0) { dlchart = Worked.LoadDuLieuByNam(dt.Rows[i]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), nam[DrbtnLoaiTim.selectedIndex]); Series series1 = new Series(dt.Rows[i]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), ViewType.Line); // Add points to it. for (int j = 0; j < dlchart.Rows.Count; j++) { series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dlchart.Rows[j]["Thang"], dlchart.Rows[j]["SoLuong"])); } // Add the series to the chart. chartControl1.Series.Add(series1); // Access the view-type-specific options of the series. ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Triangle; ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot; } else { dlchart = Worked.LoadDuLieuByThang(dt.Rows[i]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), nam[DrbtnLoaiTim.selectedIndex], DrbtnThang.selectedIndex.ToString()); Series series1 = new Series(dt.Rows[i]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), ViewType.Line); // Add points to it. for (int j = 0; j < dlchart.Rows.Count; j++) { series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dlchart.Rows[j]["Ngay"], dlchart.Rows[j]["SoLuong"])); } // Add the series to the chart. chartControl1.Series.Add(series1); // Access the view-type-specific options of the series. ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Triangle; ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot; } } } else { DataTable dlchart; if (DrbtnThang.selectedIndex == 0) { dlchart = Worked.LoadDuLieuByNam(dt.Rows[DrbtnNhanVien.selectedIndex - 1]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), nam[DrbtnLoaiTim.selectedIndex]); Series series1 = new Series(dt.Rows[DrbtnNhanVien.selectedIndex - 1]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), ViewType.Line); // Add points to it. for (int j = 0; j < dlchart.Rows.Count; j++) { series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dlchart.Rows[j]["Thang"], dlchart.Rows[j]["SoLuong"])); } // Add the series to the chart. chartControl1.Series.Add(series1); // Access the view-type-specific options of the series. ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Triangle; ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot; } else { dlchart = Worked.LoadDuLieuByThang(dt.Rows[DrbtnNhanVien.selectedIndex - 1]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), nam[DrbtnLoaiTim.selectedIndex], DrbtnThang.selectedIndex.ToString()); Series series1 = new Series(dt.Rows[DrbtnNhanVien.selectedIndex - 1]["Tài khoản"].ToString(), ViewType.Line); // Add points to it. for (int j = 0; j < dlchart.Rows.Count; j++) { series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dlchart.Rows[j]["Ngay"], dlchart.Rows[j]["SoLuong"])); } // Add the series to the chart. chartControl1.Series.Add(series1); // Access the view-type-specific options of the series. ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Triangle; ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot; } } }