partial void DeleteWorkPackageStatusReport(WorkPackageStatusReport instance);
 partial void UpdateWorkPackageStatusReport(WorkPackageStatusReport instance);
 partial void InsertWorkPackageStatusReport(WorkPackageStatusReport instance);
	private void detach_WorkPackageStatusReports(WorkPackageStatusReport entity)
		entity.WorkPackage = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves the report details into the database.
    /// Tests for validity.
    /// Checks if it's a new report or an existing report.
    /// Persists report.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The object that generated the event.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The event.</param>
    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsValid) {
            Boolean isNewReport = false;

            WorkPackageStatusReport wpsr = getExistingReportDetails();

            if (wpsr == null) {
                wpsr = new WorkPackageStatusReport();
                wpsr.projId = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["projId"]);
                wpsr.wpId = ddlWorkpackages.SelectedValue;
                wpsr.cutOffDate = (DateTime)(ViewState["cutOffDate"]);
                isNewReport = true;

            wpsr.comments = tbComments.Text;
            wpsr.workAccomplished = tbWorkAccomplished.Text;
            wpsr.workPlannedNext = tbWorkPlannedNext.Text;
            wpsr.problemsEncountered = tbProblemsEncountered.Text;
            wpsr.problemsAnticipated = tbProblemsAncticipatedNext.Text;

            if (isNewReport) {

            try {
                SetResults("The report details were successfully saved.", false, SuccessColour);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                SetResults("The report details could not be saved at this time.", false, FailColour);
    /// <summary>
    /// Populates the GridView.
    /// Calculates two sets of data for each employee on the selected WorkPackage (the days and the dollars).
    /// </summary>
    public void GetWorkPackageStatusReport()
        // Store the ACWP for each employee
        List <KeyValuePair <int, decimal> > acwpForAll = getAcwpForAll();

        // Store the ETC for each employee
        allEmployeeWpETCs = getEtcForAll();

        SetResults(String.Empty, false, SuccessColour);

        // Get the WP's responsible engineer
        Employee respEng = (Employee)
                           (from re in ffdb.WorkPackageResponsibleEngineers
                            join e in ffdb.Employees on re.responsibleEngineer equals e.empId
                            where (re.projId == Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["projId"])) &&
                            select e).FirstOrDefault();

        // Get the Project's project manager
        var projMan = (Employee)
                      (from pm in ffdb.Projects
                       join e in ffdb.Employees on pm.manager equals e.empId
                       where (pm.projId == Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["projId"]))
                       select e).FirstOrDefault();

        // Get the data for each employee who's worked on the timesheet at some point
        var qry = (from tse in ffdb.TimesheetEntries
                   join e in ffdb.Employees on tse.empId equals e.empId
                   where (tse.projId == Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["projId"])) &&
                   select new {
            ACWP = getAcwpForEmployee(tse.empId, acwpForAll),
            ETC = getEtcForEmployee(tse.empId, allEmployeeWpETCs)

        if (qry.Count() == 0)
            SetResults("No employees are assigned to this workpackage.", false, FailColour);

        // Format the data for the Grid View
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Employee", typeof(System.String)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ACWP", typeof(System.String)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ETC", typeof(System.String)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("EAC", typeof(System.String)));
        dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("PercentComplete", typeof(System.String)));

        // Generate rows for each employee
        foreach (var employee in qry)
            // Employee
            DataRow drEmployee = dt.NewRow();
            drEmployee["Employee"] = employee.firstName + " " + employee.lastName + " (" + employee.empId + ")";
            // P-Days
            DataRow drDays = dt.NewRow();
            drDays["Employee"]        = "Days:";
            drDays["ACWP"]            = employee.ACWP;
            drDays["ETC"]             = employee.ETC;
            drDays["EAC"]             = calculateEac(employee.ACWP.ToString(), employee.ETC.ToString(), "{0:0.0}");
            drDays["PercentComplete"] = getPercentComplete(employee.ACWP, drDays["EAC"].ToString());
            // P-Dollars
            DataRow drDollars = dt.NewRow();
            drDollars["Employee"]        = "Dollars:";
            drDollars["ACWP"]            = getAcwpDollars(employee.empId);
            drDollars["ETC"]             = calculatePDollars(employee.ETC.ToString(), getMaxPLvl(employee.empId).ToString());
            drDollars["EAC"]             = calculateEac(drDollars["ACWP"].ToString(), drDollars["ETC"].ToString(), "{0:C}");
            drDollars["PercentComplete"] = getPercentComplete(drDollars["ACWP"].ToString(), drDollars["EAC"].ToString());

        decimal totalAcwpDays            = 0;
        decimal totalEtcDays             = 0;
        decimal totalEacDays             = 0;
        decimal totalPercentCompleteDays = 0;

        decimal totalAcwpDollars            = 0;
        decimal totalEtcDollars             = 0;
        decimal totalEacDollars             = 0;
        decimal totalPercentCompleteDollars = 0;

        int temp = gvStatus.Rows.Count;

        for (int i = 2; i <= dt.Rows.Count;)
            String acwp = dt.Rows[i - 1][1].ToString();
            String etc  = dt.Rows[i - 1][2].ToString();
            String eac  = dt.Rows[i - 1][3].ToString();
            String pc   = dt.Rows[i - 1][4].ToString();

            if (!(acwp.Equals(String.Empty) || acwp.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalAcwpDays += Convert.ToDecimal(acwp);
            if (!(etc.Equals(String.Empty) || etc.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalEtcDays += Convert.ToDecimal(etc);
            if (!(eac.Equals(String.Empty) || eac.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalEacDays += Convert.ToDecimal(eac);
            if (!(pc.Equals(String.Empty) || pc.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalPercentCompleteDays += Convert.ToDecimal(stripFormatting(pc));

            acwp = dt.Rows[i][1].ToString();
            etc  = dt.Rows[i][2].ToString();
            eac  = dt.Rows[i][3].ToString();
            pc   = dt.Rows[i][4].ToString();

            if (!(acwp.Equals(String.Empty) || acwp.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalAcwpDollars += Convert.ToDecimal(stripFormatting(acwp));
            if (!(etc.Equals(String.Empty) || etc.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalEtcDollars += Convert.ToDecimal(stripFormatting(etc));
            if (!(eac.Equals(String.Empty) || eac.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalEacDollars += Convert.ToDecimal(stripFormatting(eac));
            if (!(pc.Equals(String.Empty) || pc.Equals(UnknownValue)))
                totalPercentCompleteDollars += Convert.ToDecimal(stripFormatting(pc));

            i += 3;

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            totalPercentCompleteDays    = totalPercentCompleteDays / dt.Rows.Count;
            totalPercentCompleteDollars = totalPercentCompleteDollars / dt.Rows.Count;
            totalPercentCompleteDays    = 0;
            totalPercentCompleteDollars = 0;

        DataRow drTotalHeader = dt.NewRow();

        drTotalHeader["Employee"] = "Total";

        // P-Days
        DataRow drTotalDays = dt.NewRow();

        drTotalDays["Employee"]        = "Days:";
        drTotalDays["ACWP"]            = String.Format(decimalFormat, totalAcwpDays);
        drTotalDays["ETC"]             = String.Format(decimalFormat, totalEtcDays);
        drTotalDays["EAC"]             = String.Format(decimalFormat, totalEacDays);
        drTotalDays["PercentComplete"] = String.Format(percentFormat, totalPercentCompleteDays);

        // P-Dollars
        DataRow drTotalDollars = dt.NewRow();

        drTotalDollars["Employee"]        = "Dollars:";
        drTotalDollars["ACWP"]            = String.Format(currencyFormat, totalAcwpDollars);
        drTotalDollars["ETC"]             = String.Format(currencyFormat, totalEtcDollars);
        drTotalDollars["EAC"]             = String.Format(currencyFormat, totalEacDollars);
        drTotalDollars["PercentComplete"] = String.Format(percentFormat, totalPercentCompleteDollars);

        // Populate the Grid View with the formatted data
        gvStatus.DataSource = dt;

        // Customize the views
        for (int i = 1; i <= gvStatus.Rows.Count;)
            gvStatus.Rows[i - 1].Cells[1].Visible = false;
            gvStatus.Rows[i - 1].Cells[2].Visible = false;
            gvStatus.Rows[i - 1].Cells[3].Visible = false;
            gvStatus.Rows[i - 1].Cells[4].Visible = false;

            gvStatus.Rows[i - 1].Cells[5].Text    = String.Empty;
            gvStatus.Rows[i - 1].Cells[5].Enabled = false;

            gvStatus.Rows[i - 1].Cells[0].ColumnSpan = 5;

            gvStatus.Rows[i + 1].Cells[5].Text    = String.Empty;
            gvStatus.Rows[i + 1].Cells[5].Enabled = false;

            i += 3; // skip 3 rows

        // Populate the Report Details
        lblProject.Text      = ViewState["Project"].ToString();
        lblWp.Text           = ViewState["WorkPackage"].ToString();
        lblRe.Text           = respEng.firstName + " " + respEng.lastName + " (" + respEng.empId + ")";
        lblPm.Text           = projMan.firstName + " " + projMan.lastName + " (" + projMan.empId + ")";
        lblReportPeriod.Text = ((DateTime)ViewState["cutOffDate"]).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
        lblPmBac.Text        = String.Format("{0:C}", this.getPMBudget());

        // Get most recent RE budget for this workpackage.
        lblReBac.Text = getResponsibleEngineerBudget();

        // Get the WorkPackageStatusReport details
        WorkPackageStatusReport wpsr = getExistingReportDetails();

        // Create empty WorkPackageStatusReport
        if (wpsr == null)
            tbComments.Text                 = "";
            tbWorkAccomplished.Text         = "";
            tbWorkPlannedNext.Text          = "";
            tbProblemsEncountered.Text      = "";
            tbProblemsAncticipatedNext.Text = "";
            SetResults("This report does not exist. Creating a blank report for you.\n", true, SuccessColour);
        // Populate WorkPackageStatusReport details
            tbComments.Text                 = wpsr.comments;
            tbWorkAccomplished.Text         = wpsr.workAccomplished;
            tbWorkPlannedNext.Text          = wpsr.workPlannedNext;
            tbProblemsEncountered.Text      = wpsr.problemsEncountered;
            tbProblemsAncticipatedNext.Text = wpsr.problemsAnticipated;

        // Show the report
        divReportData.Visible = true;
        btnSave.Visible       = true;