public static void Run()
            // ExStart:1
            WordsApi   wordsApi   = new WordsApi(Common.APP_KEY, Common.APP_SID, Common.BASEPATH);
            StorageApi storageApi = new StorageApi(Common.APP_KEY, Common.APP_SID, Common.BASEPATH);

            String fileName = "SampleWordDocument.docx";

            String storage = null;
            String folder  = null;

                // Upload the file
                storageApi.PutCreate(fileName, "", storage, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Common.GetDataDir() + fileName));
                // Invoke Aspose.Words Cloud SDK API to get bookmarks from document by name
                BookmarkResponse apiResponse = wordsApi.GetDocumentBookmarkByName(fileName, "test", storage, folder);

                if (apiResponse != null && apiResponse.Status.Equals("OK"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + apiResponse.Bookmark.Name + " Text: " + apiResponse.Bookmark.Text + " link: " +;

            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("error:" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
            // ExEnd:1