/// <summary>
    /// This callback fires when a wildcard tile receives input.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method is assigned in the Wildcard Tile Manager's inspector.
    /// Callbacks like these can also be assigned dynamically at runtime,
    /// and anonymous delegates are supported as well.
    /// </remarks>
    public void OnWildcardTileSelect()
        // Get the currently selected letter tile.
        var wildcardManagerTile = WGBEvent.currentLetterTile;

        // If the letter is blank,
        // show the wildcard tile selection panel.
        if (!(wildcardManagerTile.defaultLetter.hasValue || wildcardManagerTile.wildcardLetter.hasValue))
            // Show the panel and initialize UI variables.
            m_ViewModel.wildcardPanelSelection      = -1;
            m_ViewModel.wildcardPanelScrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
            m_ViewModel.showWildcardPanel           = true;

            // Cache manager information.
            m_WildcardManagerLanguage = WGBEvent.currentLanguage;
            m_WildcardManagerTile     = wildcardManagerTile;
        // If the letter is not blank, reset the wildcard value.

            // Deselect the tile.
    // This method changes the current language.
    void ChangeLanguage(WordGameLanguage language)
        // Abort all tasks before switching languages.
        // This is usually good practice.

        // Set the current language.
        WordGameLanguage.current = language;

        // Set the current language for the UI.
        m_ViewModel.languages.currentLanguage = language.languageName;

        // If a tile pool currently exists, destroy tiles to free up some memory.
        // Also remove the callback method from the tile pool.
        if (m_CurrentTilePool != null)
            m_CurrentTilePool.onTileDistribution -= OnTileDistribution;

        // Sometimes, the language may already be loaded.
        // This usually happens when switching between scenes.
        m_ViewModel.languages.currentLanguageIsLoaded = WordGameLanguage.current.wordSet.isExpanded;
        if (m_ViewModel.languages.currentLanguageIsLoaded)
    // This method is called by the ViewModel,
    // when the user presses a button to change the language.
    void OnChangeLanguage(string language)
        // Convert the language from string representation.
        WordGameLanguage lang = WordGameLanguage.FindByName(language);

        if (WordGameLanguage.current != lang)
    // This method is called by the ViewModel,
    // when the user presses a button to change a wildcard letter.
    void OnWildcardLetterSelect(string letter)
        // Hide the wildcard tile selection panel.
        m_ViewModel.showWildcardPanel = false;

        // Set the letter to the currently cached tile, if the language has not changed.
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(letter) && m_WildcardManagerTile != null && m_WildcardManagerLanguage == WordGameLanguage.current)
            // Get a letter struct from a letter string.
            var selectedLetter = m_WildcardManagerLanguage.GetLetter(letter);

            // Set the wildcard letter. A value of 0 points is given, as well.
            m_WildcardManagerTile.SetWildcard(selectedLetter, 0);

            // Select the tile.

        m_WildcardManagerTile     = null;
        m_WildcardManagerLanguage = null;
    void OnEnable()
        // To prevent any issues in the editor, some sanity checks will go here.
        if (!m_ViewModel || !m_Player || !m_Agent || m_TilePools == null || m_TilePools.Length == 0)
            WGBBase.LogError("Some scripts are not assigned in the editor!", "Word Game Builder", "ExmapleGameLogic", this);

        // Get the player.
        m_PlayerCached = m_Player.GetComponentFromInterface <IWordGamePlayer>();

        if (m_PlayerCached == null)
            WGBBase.LogError(string.Format("Unable to find a player named {0}!", m_PlayerCached.name), "Word Game Builder", "ExampleGameLogic", this);

        // Get the agent.
        m_AgentCached = m_Agent.GetComponentFromInterface <IWordGameAgent>();

        if (m_AgentCached == null)
            WGBBase.LogError(string.Format("Unable to find an agent named {0}!", m_AgentCached.name), "Word Game Builder", "ExampleGameLogic", this);

        // Subscribe to UI events.
        m_ViewModel.game.onWildcardLetterSelect += OnWildcardLetterSelect;
        m_ViewModel.game.onResetTiles           += OnResetTiles;
        m_ViewModel.languages.onChangeLanguage  += OnChangeLanguage;
        m_ViewModel.player.onSubmitWord         += OnSubmitWord;
        m_ViewModel.player.onClearSelection     += OnClearSelection;
        m_ViewModel.agent.onAutomaticModeToggle += OnAutomaticModeToggle;

        // Here we get a list of languages for the UI. To do this, we need to load all language files (without decompressing them).
        // We trim any languages that don't have a matching tile pool, and any tile pools that don't have a matching language.

        // Trimming languages...
        var languages = new List <WordGameLanguage>(WordGameLanguage.GetAllLanguages());
        var trimmedTilePoolObjects = new List <GameObject>();
        var tilePools = new List <ITilePool>();

        for (int i = languages.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            bool remove = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < m_TilePools.Length; ++j)
                if (!m_TilePools[j])

                // Get the tile pool component from the ITilePool interface.
                var tilePool = m_TilePools[j].GetComponentFromInterface <ITilePool>();

                if (tilePool == null)

                if (i == languages.Count - 1)
                if (languages[i] == tilePool.language)
                    remove = false;
                    if (i < languages.Count - 1)

            if (remove)

        // Trimming tile pools...
        for (int i = tilePools.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            bool remove = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < languages.Count; ++j)
                // Get the tile pool component from the ITilePool interface.
                var tilePool = tilePools[i];

                if (tilePool.language == languages[j])
                    remove = false;
            if (remove)
        m_TilePoolsCached = tilePools;
        m_TilePools       = trimmedTilePoolObjects.ToArray();

        // Get a list of languages for the UI.
        m_ViewModel.languages.languageNames = languages.Select(lang => lang.languageName).ToArray();

        // Disable editing of inspector variables here.
        hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable;

        // We set this flag to load languages asynchronously.
        // This offloads decompression into another thread, improving performance.
        // In this example, language decompression happens during Update().
        WordGameLanguage.decompressOnLoad = false;

        if (m_TilePoolsCached.Count > 0)
            // Load the first tile pool's language.

        // Setting some UI variables.
        m_ViewModel.game.tilePoolExists = m_CurrentTilePool != null;
        m_ViewModel.game.tilesRemaining = m_ViewModel.game.tilePoolExists ? m_CurrentTilePool.Count + m_PlayerCached.heldTiles.Count : 0;

        // Let the UI know that it is ready to draw
        m_ViewModel.game.isInitialized = true;