        /// <summary>
        /// This is the central method where the cracking of statement text into a hierarchy
        /// of StmtWord(s) takes place.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InStmtText"></param>
        /// <param name="InTraits"></param>
        /// <param name="InParentStart"></param>
        /// <param name="InParentWord"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static WordCursor ParseParent(
            string StmtText, StmtTraits Traits, WordCursor ParentStart,
            StmtWord ParentWord)
            WordCursor csr        = ParentStart;
            StmtWord   parentWord = ParentWord;
            StmtWord   word       = null;

            while (true)
                word = null;

                // get next word in the stmt string.
                csr = Scanner.ScanNextWord(StmtText, csr);

                // end of string. Got nothing.
                if (csr.IsEndOfString == true)

                // word is start of a sentence.
                if ((Traits.FormSentencesFromWhitespaceDelimWords == true) &&
                    (parentWord.IsSentence == false))
                    if ((csr.DelimIsWhitespace == true) || (csr.DelimIsOpenBrace == true))
                        if (csr.WordClassification != WordClassification.CommentToEnd)
                            word           = new StmtWord(StmtText, parentWord, csr, WordCompositeCode.Sentence);
                            csr.StayAtFlag = true;
                            csr            = ParseParent(StmtText, Traits, csr, word);
//							word.EndCursor.AssignDelimPart(csr);

                // Word is braced. Make a composite word, then recursively call this method to
                // parse the contents.
                bool bracedWordWasParsed = false;
                if ((word == null) && (csr.WordIsOpenBrace == true))
                    word = new StmtWord(StmtText, parentWord, csr, WordCompositeCode.Braced);
                    csr  = ParseParent(StmtText, Traits, csr, word);
                    bracedWordWasParsed = true;

                    // this braced word may be the start of a sentence.
                    if ((Traits.FormSentencesFromWhitespaceDelimWords == true) &&
                        (parentWord.IsSentence == false))
                        if ((csr.DelimIsWhitespace == true) || (csr.DelimIsOpenBrace == true))
                            StmtWord w2 = new StmtWord(
                                StmtText, parentWord, word.WordCursor, WordCompositeCode.Sentence);
                            word.Parent = w2;

                // add the standalone word to the parent word
                if (word == null)
                    // this word might be the whitespace after an EndStmt delim sentence and the
                    // end of the braced parent.  ( ex: return _Name ; } )

                    // todo: draw distinction between skipping the empty word before a close brace
                    //       and the empty word after a comma delim sequence. ex: { a, b, c, }

                    if (csr.IsDelimOnly == false)
                        word = new StmtWord(StmtText, parentWord, csr, WordCompositeCode.Atom);

                // is the final word in a sentence.
                // note: a semicolon or comma will end a sentence.
                if (parentWord.CompositeCode == WordCompositeCode.Sentence)
                    if ((csr.DelimIsWhitespace == false) &&
                        (csr.DelimIsAssignmentSymbol == false))

                    // sentence also ends when word is braced and this braced word is not the
                    // first word in the sentence.  ex: get { return _Name ; }
                    else if ((bracedWordWasParsed == true) && (parentWord.SubWords.Count > 1))

                // final word in a Braced sequence.
                if (parentWord.CompositeCode == WordCompositeCode.Braced)
                    // the close brace delim is the closing brace of the parent word.
                    // ex: { wd1 wd2 }  the } delim for wd2 applies to the braced word.
                    if ((csr.DelimIsCloseBrace == true) &&
                        ((word == null) || (word.OwnsCloseBracedDelim == false)))
                        // save the location of the closing brace.
                        parentWord.CloseBracePosition = csr.DelimBx;
                        parentWord.CloseBraceCursor   = csr;

                        // cursor is located at the closing brace. We want the word after the closing
                        // brace to always be a delim only word. In a parent where members are delimed
                        // by comma this is no problem. But in a whitespace sep list, this might not
                        // be the case without a little helpful adjustment.
                        csr            = Scanner.ScanNextWord(StmtText, csr);
                        csr.StayAtFlag = true;

                        if (csr.IsDelimOnly == true)
                            csr.StayAtFlag = false;
                            parentWord.CloseBraceCursor = csr;
                        else if ((csr.WordClassification == WordClassification.OpenNamedBraced) ||
                                 (csr.WordClassification == WordClassification.OpenContentBraced))
                            csr.SetVirtualCursor_WhitespaceOnly(csr.WordBx - 1);
                            csr.StayAtFlag = false;


                // line break. consider end of first pass processing of the stmt words
                // when the paren level is zero.
                //        if ((csr.DelimClass == DelimClassification.NewLine) && ( word.ParenLevel == 0 ))
                //          break ;

        // what first pass processing does:
        //   - cracks the stmt stream into a sequence of delim separated words
        //   - organizes the words in a bracket organized hierarchy
        //   - possibly, groups the words into stmt units based on end of stmt and
        //     new line delimeters spcfd in StmtTraits. Also on the comment
        //     markers contained in StmtTraits.
        public static WordCursor FirstPass(
            string InStmtText, StmtTraits InTraits, WordCursor InCsr, StmtWord InParentWord)
            WordCursor csr        = InCsr;
            StmtWord   fsWord     = null;
            StmtWord   parentWord = InParentWord;
            int        xx         = 0;

            while (true)
                xx += 1;
                csr = Scanner.ScanNextWord(InStmtText, csr);

                if (csr.IsEndOfString == true)

                StmtWord word = new StmtWord(InStmtText, parentWord, csr);

                // this word is start of stmt.
                if (fsWord == null)
                    fsWord = word;

                // word is start of a sentence.
                if ((InTraits.FormSentencesFromWhitespaceDelimWords == true) &&
                    (parentWord.IsComposite == false))
                    if ((csr.DelimIsWhitespace == true) || (csr.DelimIsOpenBrace == true))
                        word.CompositeCode = WordCompositeCode.Sentence;
                        parentWord         = word;
                        word = new StmtWord(InStmtText, parentWord, csr);

                // the EndStmt delim is considered to seperate stmts within this parent
                // StmtElem. Since we have saved the reference to the first word of the
                // parent, the first and last words of the stmt can be marked.
                if (csr.DelimClass == DelimClassification.EndStmt)
                    if (fsWord != null)
                        fsWord.BeginStmtWord = fsWord;
                        fsWord.EndStmtWord   = word;

                        word.BeginStmtWord = fsWord;
                        word.EndStmtWord   = word;
                    fsWord = null;

                // word is braced ( a function ). collect all the words within the braces.
                if (csr.WordIsOpenBrace == true)
                    csr = FirstPass(InStmtText, InTraits, csr, word);

                    // cursor is located at the closing brace. We want the word after the closing
                    // brace to always be a delim only word. In a parent where members are delimed
                    // by comma this is no problem. But in a whitespace sep list, this might not
                    // be the case without a little helpful adjustment.
                    csr            = Scanner.ScanNextWord(InStmtText, csr);
                    csr.StayAtFlag = true;

                    if (csr.IsDelimOnly == true)
                    else if ((csr.WordClassification == WordClassification.OpenNamedBraced) ||
                             (csr.WordClassification == WordClassification.OpenContentBraced))
                        csr.SetVirtualCursor_WhitespaceOnly(csr.WordBx - 1);

                // end of a sentence.
                else if ((parentWord.CompositeCode == WordCompositeCode.Sentence) &&
                         (csr.DelimIsWhitespace == false))

                // todo: have to expand this throw exception when the closing brace does
                //       not match the open brace.
                else if (csr.DelimClass == DelimClassification.CloseBraced)