// Use this for initialization void Start() { //reserve = new List<GameObject>(); wa = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <WordArray>(); wa.BuildArray(); wordsLayout = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("words_layout"); Instantiate(prefab, wordsLayout.transform); scoreCanvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("scoreCanvas"); humanScoreText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("humanScoreText").GetComponent <Text>(); robotScoreText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("robotScoreText").GetComponent <Text>(); scoreMsg = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("scoreMsg").GetComponent <Text>(); categories = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("category_picker"); startButton = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("start_button"); start_canvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("start_canvas"); quiz_canvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("quiz_canvas"); textScore = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("score_Board"); wordsQuiz = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("word_quiz"); categoriesQuiz = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("category_quiz"); startButton.SetActive(false); start_canvas.SetActive(true); quiz_canvas.SetActive(false); scoreCanvas.SetActive(false); }
void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D c) { if (!dragging && c.tag == "category_quiz") { string cat = c.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text; WordArray wa = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <WordArray>(); string word = this.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text; string corr = wa.GetCategoryOfWord(word); //Debug.Log ("CATEGORY IS " + corr); CategoryReaction cr = c.gameObject.GetComponent <CategoryReaction>(); if (cr != null) { if (corr == cat) { cr.CorrectActivation(); Destroy(this.gameObject); } else { cr.WrongActivation(); pnael_exp = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("explanation"); Color cc = explanation.GetComponent <Image>().color; explanation.GetComponent <Image>().color = new Color(cc.r, cc.g, cc.b, 0.5f); cc = explanation.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color; explanation.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().color = new Color(cc.r, cc.g, cc.b, 0.75f); pnael_exp.GetComponentInChildren <Text> ().text = wa.GetDescriptionOfWord(word); StartCoroutine(Wait()); this.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(1000, 1000, 0); } } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comboBox1.Text)) { textBox1.Clear(); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Версия библиотеки: {0}\r\n", Core.Version)); if (radioButton1.Checked) { Ru lang = new Ru(); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("[Ru] Версия правил: {0}\r\n", Ru.LanguageBuild)); textBox1.AppendText("\r\n"); string[] m = lang.Q(comboBox1.Text); WordArray wa = lang.GetWordsArray(); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Фамилия: {0}\r\n", lang.GetSurNameCase(Padeg.IMENITLN))); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Имя: {0}\r\n", lang.GetNameCase(Padeg.IMENITLN))); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Отчество: {0}\r\n", lang.GetPatrNameCase(Padeg.IMENITLN))); textBox1.AppendText("\r\n"); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Пол: {0}\r\n", lang.GenderAutoDetect().GetDescription())); textBox1.AppendText("\r\n"); textBox1.AppendText("Падежи:\r\n"); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Именительный (кто? что?): {0}\r\n", m[0])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Родительный (кого? чего?): {0}\r\n", m[1])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Дательный (кому? чему?): {0}\r\n", m[2])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Винительный (кого? что?): {0}\r\n", m[3])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Творительный (кем? чем?): {0}\r\n", m[4])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Предложный (о ком? о чём?): {0}\r\n", m[5])); } else { Ua lang = new Ua(); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("[Ua] Версiя правил: {0}\r\n", Ua.LanguageBuild)); textBox1.AppendText("\r\n"); string[] m = lang.Q(comboBox1.Text); WordArray wa = lang.GetWordsArray(); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Прізвище: {0}\r\n", lang.GetSurNameCase(Padeg.IMENITLN))); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Iм'я: {0}\r\n", lang.GetNameCase(Padeg.IMENITLN))); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Батькові: {0}\r\n", lang.GetPatrNameCase(Padeg.IMENITLN))); textBox1.AppendText("\r\n"); Gender gender = lang.GenderAutoDetect(); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format("Стать: {0}\r\n", (gender == Gender.Man) ? "Чоловіча" : "Жіноча")); textBox1.AppendText("\r\n"); textBox1.AppendText("Відмінки:\r\n"); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Називний : {0}\r\n", m[0])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Родовий : {0}\r\n", m[1])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Давальний: {0}\r\n", m[2])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Знахідний: {0}\r\n", m[3])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Орудний : {0}\r\n", m[4])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Місцевий : {0}\r\n", m[5])); textBox1.AppendText(string.Format(" Кличний : {0}\r\n", m[6])); } } }
private void placeWord(string word, int x, int y, bool vertical) //places a new active word on the board { var wordPlaced = false; if (vertical) { if (word.Length + x < rows) { for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { crozzle_board[x + i][y].targetChar = word[i]; } wordPlaced = true; } } else { if (word.Length + y < cols) { for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { crozzle_board[x][y + i].targetChar = word[i]; } wordPlaced = true; } } if (wordPlaced) { //var currentIndex = activeWordList.Count; WordArray tempActiveWordList = new WordArray(); tempActiveWordList.word = word; tempActiveWordList.x = x; tempActiveWordList.y = y; tempActiveWordList.vertical = vertical; if (tempActiveWordList.vertical) { downCount++; tempActiveWordList.number = downCount; } else { acrossCount++; tempActiveWordList.number = acrossCount; } activeWordList.Add(tempActiveWordList); } }
public NewCrozzle(int c, int r, string[] words) { this.cols = c; this.rows = r; this.activeWordList = new List <WordArray>(); this.coordList = new List <CoordinateList>(); this.word_list = new WordArray[words.Length]; int n = 0; foreach (string s in words) { word_list[n] = new WordArray(); word_list[n].x = -1; word_list[n].y = -1; word_list[n].number = -1; word_list[n].vertical = false; word_list[n].word = s; n++; } this.crozzle_board = new GridArray[rows][]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { crozzle_board[i] = new GridArray[cols]; for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { crozzle_board[i][j] = new GridArray(); } } for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { crozzle_board[i][j].targetChar = EMPTYCHAR; //target character, hidden crozzle_board[i][j].indexDisplay = ' '; //used to display index number of word start crozzle_board[i][j].value = '-'; //actual current letter shown on board } } }