        //Random Movement BEGIN====
        public override void Move(Random random)
             *  The Wizard moves randomly in the dungeon up and down,
             *  it eventually hits the Target.
             *  //==Maximum Dungeon boundaries/Coordinate
             *  //==Points
             * a_______________________d
             * |                       |
             * |                       |
             * |                       |
             * |                       |
             * |_______________________|
             * b                       c
             *  a.X = 138 , a.Y =  85
             *  b.X = 138 , b.Y = 365
             *  c.X = 961 , c.Y = 365
             *  d.X = 961 , d.Y =  85

            //==We create a general Direction Selector==

            //we store all the information of the direction of the wizard in a list
            if ((Wizard.WizardMotionState)wizardDirection != Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingUp &&
                (Wizard.WizardMotionState)wizardDirection != Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingDown &&
                (Wizard.WizardMotionState)wizardDirection != Wizard.WizardMotionState.NotMoving

            int total          = WizardMotionList.Count;
            int numberToRemove = total - 3;

            if (WizardMotionList.Count >= 4)
                for (int i = 0; i < numberToRemove; i++)

            //==We define the Vectors for the Wizard==
            Point p = new Point();

            //Bat Initial Location
            p.X = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.X;
            p.Y = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.Y;

            int randomVariationVectorX = random.Next(1, 16);

            //int randomVariationVectorY;
            //Movement to the Right BEGIN===
            //**Calculation BEGIN====**********************************************************
            //Maximum right location dungeon floor - Vector d => d.X = 961
            //Wizard Width = 50 pixels
            //Maximum Random increase in movement to the right = 16 pixels
            //Therefore the bat image Must not be further right than 961 - 16 = 945 pixels
            //**Calculation END=***********
            if ((p.X) < 945 && wizardDirection == WizardMotionState.MovingRight)
            int randomPositionRightX = random.Next(136, 980);

            if (p.X >= 630 && p.X <= 640) //At any random X horizontal location the Wizard changes direction
                wizardDirection = (Wizard.WizardMotionState)SelectWizardDirection();
            if (p.X >= 360 && p.X <= 370) //At any random X horizontal location the Wizard changes direction
                wizardDirection = (Wizard.WizardMotionState)SelectWizardDirection();

            if (p.X >= 945) //When the bat hits the right corner it selects another direction to move
                wizardDirection = (Wizard.WizardMotionState)SelectWizardDirection();
            //Movement to the Right END=====

            //Movement to the Left BEGIN====
            //**Calculation BEGIN====**********************************************************
            //Maximum right location dungeon floor - Vector a => a.X = 138

            //Maximum Random decrease in movement to the left = 16 pixels
            //Therefore the bat image Must not be further left than 138 pixels because after
            //the calculation we reduce the X location vector by the random value
            //**Calculation END=***************************************************************

            if ((p.X) > 138 && wizardDirection == WizardMotionState.MovingLeft)

             * int randomPositionLeftX = random.Next(136, 980);
             * if (p.X <= randomPositionLeftX) //At any random X horizontal location the Wizard changes direction
             * {
             *  WizardDirection = (wizard.WizardMotionState)SelectWizardDirection();
             * }

            if (p.X <= 138)
                wizardDirection = (Wizard.WizardMotionState)SelectWizardDirection();
            //Movement to the Left END====

            //Movement Up BEGIN====
            //**Calculation BEGIN====**********************************************************
            //Maximum up location dungeon floor - Vector a => a.Y = 85

            //Maximum Random decrease in movement up = 16 pixels
            //Therefore the bat image Must not be further up than 85 pixels because after the
            //calculation we reduce the Y Location Vector by the random value
            //**Calculation END=***************************************************************

            if ((p.Y) > 85 && wizardDirection == WizardMotionState.MovingUp)

            if (p.Y <= 85) //When the bat hits the top, it selects another direction to move
                wizardDirection = (Wizard.WizardMotionState)SelectWizardDirection();
            //Movement Up END====

            //Movement Down BEGIN====
            //**Calculation BEGIN====**********************************************************
            //Maximum Down location dungeon floor - Vector b => b.Y = 365
            //Wizard Width = 50 pixels
            //Maximum Random decrease in movement up = 16 pixels
            //Therefore the bat image Must not be further up than 365 - 50 - 16 = 299 pixels
            //**Calculation END=***************************************************************

            if ((p.Y) < 299 && wizardDirection == WizardMotionState.MovingDown)

            if (p.Y >= 299) //When the bat hits the bottom of the dungeon it selets another direction
                wizardDirection = (Wizard.WizardMotionState)SelectWizardDirection();
            //Movement Down END====
        //Random Movement END======
        //==Targeted Movement BEGIN=============
        public override void Move(Random random, PictureBox target)
            if ((Wizard.WizardMotionState)wizardDirection != Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingUp &&
                (Wizard.WizardMotionState)wizardDirection != Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingDown &&
                (Wizard.WizardMotionState)wizardDirection != Wizard.WizardMotionState.NotMoving

            int total          = WizardMotionList.Count;
            int numberToRemove = total - 3;

            if (WizardMotionList.Count >= 4)
                for (int i = 0; i < numberToRemove; i++)

            Point p = new Point();
            //The Wizard move towards the player which is its target
            //==We define the vectors for the Player ==
            int aX = target.Location.X;
            int aY = target.Location.Y;
            int cX = target.Location.X + target.Width;
            int cY = target.Location.Y + target.Height;

            aX  = aX - 10;
            aY  = aY - 10;
            cX += 10;
            cY += 10;

            //==We define the Vectors for the wizard==
            int a1X = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.X;
            int a1Y = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.Y;
            int c1X = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.X + EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Width;
            int c1Y = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.Y + EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Height;

            int randomNumberPointX = random.Next(1, 20);
            int randomNumberPointY = random.Next(1, 20);

            //wizard Move Right
            if (aX > c1X)
                wizardDirection = Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingRight;
                p.X             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.X + randomNumberPointX;
                p.Y             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.Y;
                EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location = p;
            //wizard Move Left
            if (a1X > cX)
                wizardDirection = Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingLeft;
                p.X             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.X - randomNumberPointX;
                p.Y             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.Y;
                EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location = p;
            //wizard Move Up
            if (a1Y > cY)
                wizardDirection = Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingUp;
                p.Y             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.Y - randomNumberPointY;
                p.X             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.X;
                EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location = p;
            //wizard Move Down
            if (c1Y < aY)
                wizardDirection = Wizard.WizardMotionState.MovingDown;
                p.Y             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.Y + randomNumberPointY;
                p.X             = EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location.X;
                EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location = p;
            //When wizard is ON top of the Player, the player dies if the player has no energy left.
            if (!(cX < a1X) && !(cY < a1Y) && !(c1X < aX) && !(c1Y < aY))
                EnemyPictureBoxFloor.Location = target.Location;