         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. Always null on this level.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML realtime instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;

            WitsmlRealtime realtime = new WitsmlRealtime(server, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML wellbore instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uidMudLog").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = XmlUtil.update(element, "name", (String)null);

            WitsmlMudLog mudLog = new WitsmlMudLog(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. Always null on this level.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML rig instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlRig rig = new WitsmlRig(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. Always null on this level.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML message instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uidMessage").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;

            WitsmlMessage message = new WitsmlMessage(server, id, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML cement job instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstances(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uidCementJob").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "nameCementJob").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlCementJob cementJob = new WitsmlCementJob(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. Always null on this level.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML well instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
                                        XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id   = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlWell witsmlWell = new WitsmlWell(server, id, name, parent);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML bha run instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uidTubularAssy").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "nameTubularAssy").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlBhaRun bhaRun = new WitsmlBhaRun(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML log instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
                                        XElement element)
        { //throws WitsmlParseException {
          //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
          //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlLog log = new WitsmlLog(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML wellbore instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server,
                                        WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uidTraj").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "nameTraj").Value.Trim(); // element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlTrajectory witsmlTrajectory = new WitsmlTrajectory(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML formation marker instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
                                        XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id       = element.Attribute("uidMarker").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "nameMarker").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlFormationMarker formationMarker = new WitsmlFormationMarker(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


        /// <summary>
        /// Factory method for this type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent instance. May be null.</param>
        /// <param name="element">XML element to create instance from. Non-null.</param>
        /// <returns>New WITSML wellbore instance. Never null.</returns>
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            if (server == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("server cannot be null");
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element cannot be null");

            String id       = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name     = XmlUtil.update(element, "name", (String)null);

            WitsmlMudLog mudLog = new WitsmlMudLog(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


        /// <summary>
        /// Factory method for this type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.</param>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent instance. Always null on this level.</param>
        /// <param name="element">XML element to create instance from. Non-null.</param>
        /// <returns>New WITSML well instance. Never null.</returns>
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
                                        XElement element)
            if (server == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("server cannot be null");
            if (element == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("element cannot be null");

            String id   = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlWell witsmlWell = new WitsmlWell(server, id, name, parent);


  * Create a new WITSML message instance.
  * @param server  Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
  * @param id      ID of instance. May be null.
  * @param name    Name of instance. May be null.
  * @param parent  Parent of instance. May be null.
 private WitsmlMessage(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name, WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)
     : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. Always null on this level.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML well instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
            XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace +"name").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlWell witsmlWell = new WitsmlWell(server, id, name, parent);

            return witsmlWell;
         * Create a new WITSML wellbore instance.
         * @param server  Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param id      ID of instance. May be null.
         * @param name    Name of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent  Parent of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent  ID of parent instance. May be null.
        private WitsmlTrajectory(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
                                 WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)

            : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. Always null on this level.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML rig instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlRig rig = new WitsmlRig(server, id, name, parent, parentId);

            return rig;
 // protected WitsmlDrillingParameters drillingParameters; // drillingParams
  * Create a well object with specified ID.
  * @param id  ID of this well.
 protected WitsmlBhaRun(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
     WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)
     : base(server, WITSML_TYPE, id, name, parent, parentId)
         * Create a new WITSML fluids report instance.
         * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param id        ID of instance. May be null.
         * @param name      Name of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
         * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
        private WitsmlFluidsReport(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
                                   WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)

            : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
  * Create a new WITSML realtime instance.
  * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
  * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
  * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
 private WitsmlRealtime(WitsmlServer server, String id, WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)
     : base(server, id, parent, parentId)
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a realtime object with specified parent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="server"></param>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <param name="parent"></param>
 /// <param name="parentId"></param>
 protected WitsmlRealtime(WitsmlServer server, String id, WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)
     : base(server, WITSML_TYPE, id, null, parent, parentId)
         * Create a new WITSML cement job instance.
         * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param id        ID of instance. May be null.
         * @param name      Name of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
         * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
        private WitsmlCementJob(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
                                WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)

            : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML log instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
            XElement element)
            //throws WitsmlParseException {

            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlLog log = new WitsmlLog(server, id, name, parent, parentId);

            return log;
  * Create a new WITSML well instance.
  * @param server  Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
  * @param id      ID of instance. May be null.
  * @param name    Name of instance. May be null.
  * @param parent  Parent of instance. Always null on this level.
 private WitsmlWell(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name, WitsmlObject parent)
     : base(server, id, name, parent)
         * Create a new WITSML well instance.
         * @param server  Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param id      ID of instance. May be null.
         * @param name    Name of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent  Parent of instance. Always null on this level.
        private WitsmlWell(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name, WitsmlObject parent)

            : base(server, id, name, parent)
         * Create a new WITSML realtime instance.
         * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
         * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
        private WitsmlRealtime(WitsmlServer server, String id, WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)

            : base(server, id, parent, parentId)
         * Create a new WITSML formation marker instance.
         * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param id        ID of instance. May be null.
         * @param name      Name of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
         * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
        private WitsmlFormationMarker(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
                                      WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)

            : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
         * Create a new WITSML message instance.
         * @param server  Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param id      ID of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent  Parent of instance. May be null.
        private WitsmlMessage(WitsmlServer server, String id, WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)

            : base(server, id, null, parent, parentId)
  * Create a new WITSML cement job instance.
  * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
  * @param id        ID of instance. May be null.
  * @param name      Name of instance. May be null.
  * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
  * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
 private WitsmlCementJob(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
     WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)
     : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
  * Create a well object with specified ID.
  * @param id  ID of this well.
 protected WitsmlWell(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
     WitsmlObject parent)
     : base(server, WITSML_TYPE, id, name, parent, null)
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML bha run instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id = element.Attribute("uidTubularAssy").Value ;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "nameTubularAssy").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlBhaRun bhaRun = new WitsmlBhaRun(server, id, name, parent, parentId);

            return bhaRun;
         * Create a new WITSML wellbore instance.
         * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param id        ID of instance. May be null.
         * @param name      Name of instance. May be null.
         * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
         * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
        private WitsmlWellbore(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
                               WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)

            : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML formation marker instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
            XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id = element.Attribute("uidMarker").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace +"nameMarker").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlFormationMarker formationMarker = new WitsmlFormationMarker(server, id, name, parent, parentId);

            return formationMarker;
  * Create a new WITSML formation marker instance.
  * @param server    Server this instance lives within. Non-null.
  * @param id        ID of instance. May be null.
  * @param name      Name of instance. May be null.
  * @param parent    Parent of instance. May be null.
  * @param parentId  ID of parent instance. May be null.
 private WitsmlFormationMarker(WitsmlServer server, String id, String name,
     WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)
     : base(server, id, name, parent, parentId)
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. Always null on this level.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML realtime instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
            XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id = element.Attribute("idSub").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;

            WitsmlRealtime realtime = new WitsmlRealtime(server, id, parent, parentId);

            return realtime;
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML cement job instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstances(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent, XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String id = element.Attribute("uidCementJob").Value;
            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWellbore").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace +"nameCementJob").Value.Trim(); //, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlCementJob cementJob = new WitsmlCementJob(server, id, name, parent, parentId);

            return cementJob;
 protected WitsmlWellboreGeometrySection(WitsmlServer server,
     String id, String name,
     WitsmlObject parent, String parentId)
     : base(server, WITSML_TYPE, id, name, parent, parentId)