public static WiringDocument CreateBlankWiringDocument(string docName) { WiringDocument wd = new WiringDocument(true, string.Empty); wd.SetName(docName); return(wd); }
public WiringDocument AddNewWiringDocument(string docName, bool setActive) { WiringDocument wd = new WiringDocument(true, string.Empty); wd.SetName(docName); if (this.AddDocument(wd) == false) { return(null); } if (setActive == true) { this.SetActiveDocument(wd); } return(wd); }
public WiringDocument Clone(string newName) { // Fill up the directory. Used so we can use existing // cloning utilities for cloning connection params. Dictionary <string, LLDNBase> thisLookup = new Dictionary <string, LLDNBase>(); foreach (LLDNBase gnb in this.generators) { thisLookup.Add(gnb.GUID, gnb); } // Copy all the generators. Dictionary <LLDNBase, LLDNBase> thisToThatMap = new Dictionary <LLDNBase, LLDNBase>(); WiringDocument wd = new WiringDocument(false, null); foreach (LLDNBase gnb in this.generators) { LLDNBase clone = gnb.Clone(thisLookup); clone.cachedUILocation = gnb.cachedUILocation; wd.generators.Add(clone); thisToThatMap.Add(gnb, clone); } // Convert the connections to point to their own equivalents. foreach (LLDNBase gnb in wd.generators) { foreach (ParamBase pb in gnb.nodeParams) { if (pb.type == ParamBase.Type.PCMInput) { ParamConnection pcon = pb as ParamConnection; if (pcon.IsConnected() == false) { continue; } LLDNBase conv; if (thisToThatMap.TryGetValue(pcon.Reference, out conv) == true) { pcon.SetReference(conv); } else { pcon.ClearReference(); } } } } // Fix up the output if (this.output != null) { LLDNBase gbOutput = thisToThatMap[this.output]; if (gbOutput != null && gbOutput.nodeType == LLDNBase.NodeType.Output) { wd.output = (LLDNOutput)gbOutput; } } // Finish if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName) == false) { wd.SetName(newName); } else { wd.SetName(; } return(wd); }