void OnRenderObject()
        if (_lastSelectedWord.Length == 0 || _linkWiresNodes.Length == 0)
            foreach (uint year in _linkWiresNodes)
                List <Vector3> wordLink      = new List <Vector3> ();
                float          factor        = 2f;
                uint           yearDiff      = (year - 1965) / 10;
                float          widthOverride = lineWidth + Mathf.Pow(factor, yearDiff) * 1f;
                // Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} year with width of {1}", year, widthOverride));

                int       totalInterpolated = 10;
                Vector3[] arr = WireframeNodes.GetInterpolatedPoints(0, year, (uint)totalInterpolated * (6 - yearDiff));
                for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length - yearDiff * 2; i++)
                    wordLink.Add(arr [i]);
                // wordLink.AddRange(WireframeNodes.GetLinesByYears (new uint[]{ 0 }));

                GLPlotLines(wordLink.ToArray(), false, widthOverride);
    void OnRenderObject()
        if (horizontalWires.Count == 0 || verticalWires.Count == 0)

        foreach (uint[] years in horizontalWires)
            Vector3[] lines = WireframeNodes.GetInterpolatedLinesByYears(years, backToOriginHorizontal);
            GLPlotLines(lines, backToOriginHorizontal);

        foreach (uint[] years in verticalWires)
            Vector3[] lines = WireframeNodes.GetInterpolatedLinesByYears(years, backToOriginVertical);
            GLPlotLines(lines, backToOriginVertical);
    void Update()
        if (!meshGenerated)
            foreach (uint[] years in horizontalWires)
                Vector3[] lines = WireframeNodes.GetInterpolatedLinesByYears(years, backToOriginHorizontal);
                GenerateMesh(lines, backToOriginHorizontal);

            foreach (uint[] years in verticalWires)
                Vector3[] lines = WireframeNodes.GetInterpolatedLinesByYears(years, backToOriginHorizontal);
                GenerateMesh(lines, backToOriginVertical);

            meshGenerated   = true;
            meshGrid        = meshBuilder.CreateMesh();
            meshFilter.mesh = meshGrid;
    void Start()
        AnnualWordList annualWords = new AnnualWordList();

        Vector3 center = centerPosition;

        float latitude = (180.0f - angleMargin * 2) / (totalSpawners - 1) * (latitudeIndex - 1) + angleMargin - 90.0f;

        WireframeNodes.RegisterCenterSphere(centerPosition, radius);
        //WireframeNodes.NorthPole = new Vector3 (center.x, center.y + 2 * radius, center.z);
        WireframeNodes.RegisterNorthPole(RandomCircleOnSphere(center, radius, 0f, 90f));

        for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++, yearStart++)
            float longitude = 360.0f / numObjects * i;

            Vector3 pos = RandomCircleOnSphere(center, radius, longitude, latitude);

            // Debug.Log (string.Format ("Generating pos {0}, {1} for {2} at year {3}", longitude, latitude, latitudeIndex, yearStart));

            GameObject yearName = Instantiate(prefab, pos, Quaternion.LookRotation(pos - center));
            yearName.transform.parent = this.transform;

            // saving the position to Wireframe Nodes
            Vector3 offsetPos = RandomCircleOnSphere(center, radius, longitude + AngleOffset, latitude);
            WireframeNodes.RegisterNode((uint)yearStart, offsetPos, longitude + AngleOffset, latitude);

            yearName.GetComponent <TextMeshPro> ().text = yearStart.ToString();
            // yearName.GetComponent<TextMeshPro> ().faceColor = new Color32 (255, 0, 0, 255);
            yearName.GetComponent <TextMeshPro> ().fontMaterial.SetColor("_GlowColor", UnityEngine.Random.ColorHSV(0f, 1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f));
            yearName.gameObject.name = yearStart.ToString();
            //yearName.GetComponent<LyricSpawner> ().GenerateWords (yearName.transform);

            List <TopWord> annualTopWords = annualWords.GetTopWordsByYear((uint)yearStart, LyricSpawner.NUM_WORDS);            //Year, top#3
            // UnityEngine.Debug.Log(yearStart.ToString() + " : " + annualTopWords[0].Word + "and" + annualTopWords[0].Polarity + " and " + annualTopWords[1].Word + " and " + annualTopWords[2].Word);
            yearName.GetComponent <LyricSpawner>().GenerateWords(yearName.transform, annualTopWords.ToArray());