// Accepts only a good packet.  If the packet is a Ping, the Ping response (ACK) is sent.
        // Otherwise, the command is NAK'ed.
        static bool RespondToPacket(UsbStream pinger, WireProtocol.WP_Packet inPacket, UInt16 seq)
            WireProtocol.WP_Packet outPacket = new WireProtocol.WP_Packet();

            // Allocate space for any data following the packet
            int size = (int)(inPacket.m_size & 0xFFFF);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[size];

            // Read in the data that came with the packet
            if (inPacket.m_size != 0)
                pinger.Read(buffer, 0, size);

            // Fill in the blanks of the response packet
            outPacket.m_signature = "MSdbgV1";                // Standard target signature
            outPacket.m_cmd       = inPacket.m_cmd;           // Show which command this is a response to
            outPacket.m_seq       = seq++;                    // Keep track of the target message sequence number
            outPacket.m_seqReply  = inPacket.m_seq;           // Show which host packet sequence number this is a response to

            // If the host packet was a Ping
            if (inPacket.m_cmd == WireProtocol.Commands.Ping)
                byte[] data = new byte[8];                          // The Ping has an 8 byte data response
                outPacket.m_flags = 0x8003;                         // Return a low-priority ACK
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    data[i] = 0;                                    // Initialize all bytes of the data response to zero
                data[0] = 1;                                        // This tells the host that we are TinyBooter
                data[4] = 2;                                        // This is an innoccuous flag value
                WireProtocol.SendPacket(pinger, outPacket, data);   // Send response to the Ping
                outPacket.m_flags = 0x4003;                                     // Return a low-priority NACK
                WireProtocol.SendPacket(pinger, outPacket, new byte[0]);        // Signal to the host that we don't know what to do with the command