public object Clone() { return(new RoundResult { WinningTeam = (TeamInfo)WinningTeam?.Clone(), PlayerGroupInfo = (PlayerGroupInfo)PlayerGroupInfo?.Clone(), Team1FinalScore = Team1FinalScore, Team2FinalScore = Team2FinalScore }); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = Id.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Team1 != null ? Team1.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Team2 != null ? Team2.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)GameState; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsComplete.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (WinningTeam != null ? WinningTeam.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsSimulatedGame.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ CreatedDate.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (targetDestroyed == teamToHunt.Length && movedScene == false) { movedScene = true; WinningTeam winningTeam = GetComponent <WinningTeam>(); //Load victory screen for player that killed the last team member SceneManager.LoadScene("HuntersWin", LoadSceneMode.Additive); Scene sceneToLoad = SceneManager.GetSceneByName("HuntersWin"); SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(winningTeam.gameObject, sceneToLoad); SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync("MainScene"); } timePassed += Time.deltaTime; if (playerRole != null) { for (int i = 0; i < playerRole.Length; i++) { if (playerRole[i] != null) { playerRole[i].color = new Color(playerRole[i].color.r, playerRole[i].color.g, playerRole[i].color.b, playerRole[i].color.a - (Time.deltaTime / 7.5f)); } else { return; } if (timePassed >= 10) { Destroy(playerRole[i]); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the Elo changes per team using the Elo formula: <seealso cref=""/>, <seealso cref=""/> /// </summary> /// <param name="team1">First team of the game.</param> /// <param name="team2">Second team of the game.</param> /// <param name="winningTeam">Enum that denotes the winning team.</param> /// <returns>The change that will happen for each team's Elo rankings (upwards or downwards depending on if the team won or lost).</returns> public static int CalculateEloChange(Team team1, Team team2, WinningTeam winningTeam) { return(0); }
public void Run(DirectoryInfo di) { mugenWorkingDirectory = di; mugenExe = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(di.FullName, "mugen.exe")); if (!mugenExe.Exists) { Console.WriteLine("{0} was not found.", mugenExe); return; } DirectoryInfo charsPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(di.FullName, "chars")); if (!charsPath.Exists) { Console.WriteLine("{0} was not found.", charsPath); return; } DirectoryInfo stagesPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(di.FullName, "stages")); if (!stagesPath.Exists) { Console.WriteLine("{0} was not found.", stagesPath); return; } //Felder initialisieren FileInfo[] stageFileInfos = stagesPath.GetFiles("*.def", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string[] stageNames = Array.ConvertAll(stageFileInfos, x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x.Name)); DirectoryInfo[] charsDirectoryInfo = charsPath.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); string[] charNames = Array.ConvertAll(charsDirectoryInfo, x => x.Name); int numChars = charNames.Length; Random rng = new Random(); Nullable <double>[][] scoreboard = new Nullable <double> [numChars][]; List <FightInfo> fights = new List <FightInfo>(); //Pairings bestimmen for (int y = 0; y < numChars; y++) { scoreboard[y] = new Nullable <double> [numChars]; for (int x = 0; x < numChars; x++) { if (x == y) { scoreboard[x][y] = null; continue; } FightInfo fi = new FightInfo(); fi.Player1 = charNames[x]; fi.Player2 = charNames[y]; fi.Player1Id = x; fi.Player2Id = y; fi.Stage = stageNames[rng.Next(stageNames.Length)]; if (!fights.Contains(fi)) { fights.Add(fi); } } } //Reihenfolge durchwürfeln for (int i = 0; i < fights.Count * 2; i++) { int idxA = rng.Next(fights.Count); int idxB = rng.Next(fights.Count); FightInfo helperVar = fights[idxA]; fights[idxA] = fights[idxB]; fights[idxB] = helperVar; } //Kämpfe austragen while (fights.Count > 0) { FightInfo current = fights[0]; fights.RemoveAt(0); WinningTeam wt = Fight(current.Player1, current.Player2, current.Stage); switch (wt) { case WinningTeam.Player1: scoreboard[current.Player1Id][current.Player2Id] = 1.0f; scoreboard[current.Player2Id][current.Player1Id] = 0.0f; break; case WinningTeam.Player2: scoreboard[current.Player1Id][current.Player2Id] = 0.0f; scoreboard[current.Player2Id][current.Player1Id] = 1.0f; break; case WinningTeam.Draw: scoreboard[current.Player1Id][current.Player2Id] = 0.5f; scoreboard[current.Player2Id][current.Player1Id] = 0.5f; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(wt.ToString()); } } //Scoreboard speichern FileStream outStream = File.OpenWrite("output.csv"); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(outStream, Encoding.ASCII); streamWriter.Write(";"); for (int i = 0; i < charNames.Length; i++) { streamWriter.Write(charNames[i]); streamWriter.Write(";"); } streamWriter.WriteLine(); for (int y = 0; y < charNames.Length; y++) { streamWriter.Write(charNames[y]); streamWriter.Write(";"); double score = 0.0f; for (int x = 0; x < charNames.Length; x++) { if (scoreboard[y][x].HasValue) { streamWriter.Write(scoreboard[y][x].Value); score += scoreboard[y][x].Value; } streamWriter.Write(";"); } streamWriter.Write(score); streamWriter.Write(";"); streamWriter.WriteLine(";"); } streamWriter.Flush(); streamWriter.Close(); streamWriter.Dispose(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List <WinningTeam> Team = new List <WinningTeam>(); string primingValue = ""; string textFile = ""; string path = ""; Console.WriteLine("\nWhat is your name? (Enter X to exit.)"); primingValue = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine()); //using primingValue for user name and also to exit out if (primingValue != "X" & primingValue != "x") { Console.WriteLine("\nWelcome " + primingValue + "! \n\nWhat is the path (folders & file name)\n" + "for the file from which we should read?\n\n" + "for example: C:\\Users\\simlea\\Desktop\\MyAssignments\\Project2\\Super_Bowl_Project.csv"); textFile = @Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(textFile); Console.WriteLine("\nWhat is the path (folders & file name)\n" + "for the file to which we should write?\n\n" + "for example: C:\\Users\\simlea\\Desktop\\MyAssignments\\Project2\\Super_Bowl_Report.txt"); path = @Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(path); //In case I wish to hard code... //textFile = @"C:\Users\simlea\Desktop\MyAssignments\Project2\Super_Bowl_Project.csv"; //path = @"C:\Users\simlea\Desktop\MyAssignments\Project2\Super_Bowl_Report.txt"; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("The Super Bowl Mega Report is being prepared and written to your location, as instructed."); try { if (File.Exists(textFile)) { using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(textFile)) { int counter = 0; string ln; Regex CSVParser = new Regex(",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))"); while ((ln = file.ReadLine()) != null) { string[] col = CSVParser.Split(ln); { //added this because I was going to skip the header, but for some reason I don't have to...figure out why it is skipping if (counter > 0) { WinningTeam team = new WinningTeam(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3], col[4], col[5], col[6], col[7], col[8], col[9], col[10], col[11], col[12], col[13], col[14]); Team.Add(team); //Console.WriteLine(ln); don't need this for report, but can output the list called ln for testing. } counter++; } } file.Close(); Console.WriteLine($"FYI: The file being read has {counter} lines.\nIt is outputted below, in addition to your file, for your convenience.\n\n"); } } } catch (Exception e) //maybe later add specific exception such as catch FileNotFoundException { Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", e.ToString()); } using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(path)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\nSuper Bowl Winners\n"); file.WriteLine("\n\nSuper Bowl Winners\n"); file.WriteLine("Team Name" + "\t\t" + "Year of Win" + "\t\t" + "Winning QB" + "\t\t" + "Winning Coach" + "\t\t" + "MVP" + "\t\t" + "Point Difference"); Console.WriteLine("Team Name" + "\t\t" + "Year of Win" + "\t\t" + "Winning QB" + "\t\t" + "Winning Coach" + "\t\t" + "MVP" + "\t\t" + "Point Difference"); foreach (WinningTeam item in Team) { file.WriteLine(item.Winner + "\t\t" + item.Sdate.Year + "\t\t" + item.QBWinner + "\t\t" + item.CoachWinner + "\t\t" + item.MVP + "\t\t" + (item.WinningPts - item.LosingPts)); Console.WriteLine(item.Winner + "\t\t" + item.Sdate.Year + "\t\t" + item.QBWinner + "\t\t" + item.CoachWinner + "\t\t" + item.MVP + "\t\t" + (item.WinningPts - item.LosingPts)); } file.Close(); //Generate a list of the top five attended super bowls using (StreamWriter bfile = File.AppendText(path)) { bfile.WriteLine("Attendance" + "\t\t" + "Year of Win" + "\t\t" + "Winning Team" + "\t\t" + "Losing Team" + "\t\t" + "City" + "\t\t" + "State" + "\t\t" + "Stadium"); Console.WriteLine("Attendance" + "\t\t" + "Year of Win" + "\t\t" + "Winning Team" + "\t\t" + "Losing Team" + "\t\t" + "City" + "\t\t" + "State" + "\t\t" + "Stadium"); bfile.WriteLine("\n\nTop Five Attended Super Bowls\n"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nTop Five Attended Super Bowls\n"); //works...but not the point of exercise. Learning to use LINQ. So, replaced with other code. LeAnn //int counter = 0; // //foreach (WinningTeam item in Team.OrderByDescending(x => x.Attendance)) //{ // if (counter < 5) // { // bfile.WriteLine(item.Attendance + "\t" + item.Sdate.Year + "\t" + item.Winner + "\t" + item.Loser + "\t" + item.City + "\t" + item.State + "\t" + item.Stadium); // Console.WriteLine(item.Attendance + "\t" + item.Sdate.Year + "\t" + item.Winner + "\t" + item.Loser + "\t" + item.City + "\t" + item.State + "\t" + item.Stadium); // } // counter++; //} var qryTopFive = (from item in Team orderby item.Attendance descending select item).Take(5); qryTopFive.ToList().ForEach(s => bfile.WriteLine(s.Attendance + "\t" + s.Sdate.Year + "\t" + s.Winner + "\t" + s.Loser + "\t" + s.City + "\t" + s.State + "\t" + s.Stadium)); qryTopFive.ToList().ForEach(s => Console.WriteLine(s.Attendance + "\t" + s.Sdate.Year + "\t" + s.Winner + "\t" + s.Loser + "\t" + s.City + "\t" + s.State + "\t" + s.Stadium)); } file.Close(); //Generate a list of states that hosted the most super bowls using (StreamWriter cfile = File.AppendText(path)) { cfile.WriteLine("\n\nStates & Stats on SuperBowls Hosted\n"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nStates & Stats on SuperBowls Hosted\n"); //declare a variable, and allow the type to be determined at run time, so just "var" and name it "qryState" //set it to the result of this query below var qryState = from stateRecord in Team // start by selecting objects in the team list array group stateRecord by new // group these objects I'm now called "stateRecord" by state, I'm conceptualizing a "row" { stateRecord.State // instructing the grouping to be teh State attribute } into stateGroups // but I want to group by another level, so I drop into another query with my state results from cityGroups in // and now we are going to focus on cities (from city in stateGroups // we are selecting objects in the stateGroups results orderby city.City, city.Sdate.Year descending, city.Stadium // and we are ordering them by city, then by year (descending) and then by stadium group city by new { city.City }) //and we want to group by city orderby stateGroups.Key.State //order the whole thing by state group cityGroups by new { stateGroups.Key.State }; //group cities within states //much of this felt backwards or upside down from straight up SQl coding. //I thought through the parts and then researched how the parts fall together with what tweaks in syntax for LINQ //this is akin to a cursor in database procedures foreach (var outerGroup in qryState) //now we need to output the above query. We've used foreach in project 1. I'm created 2 levels to output with indents { Console.WriteLine($"{ outerGroup.Key.State }: "); cfile.WriteLine($"{ outerGroup.Key.State }: "); foreach (var detail in outerGroup) { Console.WriteLine($"\t{ detail.Key.City }"); cfile.WriteLine($"\t{ detail.Key.City }"); int v_count = 0; foreach (var city in detail) { Console.WriteLine($"\t\tIn {city.Sdate.Year} - Stadium: { city.Stadium} "); //Using tabs for spacing cfile.WriteLine($"\t\tIn {city.Sdate.Year} - Stadium: { city.Stadium}"); v_count++; } Console.WriteLine($"\n\t\t{outerGroup.Key.State}'s Super Bowl count is { v_count }."); //displayed, but also taking a count to display count cfile.WriteLine($"\n\t\t{outerGroup.Key.State}'s Super Bowl count is { v_count }."); } } cfile.Close(); //Generate a list of players who won MVP more than twice using (StreamWriter dfile = File.AppendText(path)) { dfile.WriteLine("\n\nPlayers Who Won MVP More than Twice:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nPlayers Who Won MVP More than Twice:"); var MVPCount = from m in Team group m by m.MVP into MVPGroup where MVPGroup.Count() > 2 orderby MVPGroup.Key select MVPGroup; foreach (var m in MVPCount) { Console.WriteLine($"{ m.Key } has { m.Count() }."); dfile.WriteLine($"{ m.Key } has { m.Count() }."); } dfile.Close(); } //Which coach lost the most super bowls? using (StreamWriter efile = File.AppendText(path)) { efile.WriteLine("\n\nCoach Who Lost the Most Super Bowls:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nCoach Who Lost the Most Super Bowls:"); var CoachLoss = from cl in Team .GroupBy(cl => cl.CoachLoser) //orderby cl.Count() descending select new { cl.Key, Most = cl.Count() }; foreach (var cl in CoachLoss) { if (cl.Most == CoachLoss.Max(x => x.Most)) { Console.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } lost { cl.Most }."); efile.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } lost { cl.Most }."); } ; } efile.Close(); } //Which coach lost the most super bowls? using (StreamWriter ffile = File.AppendText(path)) { ffile.WriteLine("\n\nCoach Who Won the Most Super Bowls:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nCoach Who Won the Most Super Bowls:"); var CoachWin = from cl in Team .GroupBy(cl => cl.CoachWinner) select new { cl.Key, Most = cl.Count() }; foreach (var cl in CoachWin) { if (cl.Most == CoachWin.Max(x => x.Most)) { Console.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } won { cl.Most }."); ffile.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } won { cl.Most }."); } ; } ffile.Close(); } using (StreamWriter gfile = File.AppendText(path)) { gfile.WriteLine("\n\nTeam Who Won the Most Super Bowls:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nTeam Who Won the Most Super Bowls:"); var TeamWin = from cl in Team .GroupBy(cl => cl.Winner) select new { cl.Key, Most = cl.Count() }; foreach (var cl in TeamWin) { if (cl.Most == TeamWin.Max(x => x.Most)) { Console.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } won { cl.Most }."); gfile.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } won { cl.Most }."); } ; } gfile.Close(); } using (StreamWriter hfile = File.AppendText(path)) { hfile.WriteLine("\n\nTeam Who Lost the Most Super Bowls:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nTeam Who Lost the Most Super Bowls:"); var TeamLoser = from cl in Team .GroupBy(cl => cl.Loser) select new { cl.Key, Most = cl.Count() }; foreach (var cl in TeamLoser) { if (cl.Most == TeamLoser.Max(x => x.Most)) { Console.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } lost { cl.Most }."); hfile.WriteLine($"{ cl.Key } lost { cl.Most }."); } ; } hfile.Close(); } using (StreamWriter ifile = File.AppendText(path)) { ifile.WriteLine("\n\nSuper Bowl with the Greatest Point Difference:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nSuper Bowl with the Greatest Point Difference:"); var PointDiff = from cl in Team select new { cl.Sdate.Year, cl.Winner, Most = Math.Abs(cl.WinningPts - cl.LosingPts) }; foreach (var cl in PointDiff) { if (cl.Most == PointDiff.Max(x => x.Most)) { Console.WriteLine($"The { cl.Year } Super Bowl, won by {cl.Winner}, had the biggest point difference of { cl.Most }."); ifile.WriteLine($"{ cl.Year } had the biggest point difference of { cl.Most }."); } ; } ifile.Close(); using (StreamWriter jfile = File.AppendText(path)) { jfile.WriteLine("\n\nAverage Attendance of All Super Bowls:"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nAverage Attendance of All Super Bowls:"); var AverageAtt = (from cl in Team select cl.Attendance).Average(); Console.WriteLine($"The average Super Bowl attendance of all time is {Math.Round(AverageAtt)}."); jfile.WriteLine($"The average Super Bowl attendance of all time is {Math.Round(AverageAtt)}."); jfile.Close(); } primingValue = Convert.ToString(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper()); } } } } }