public void Init() { AppLog.Line(Program.fmt("Windows Update Manager, Version v{0} by David Xanatos", mVersion)); AppLog.Line(Program.fmt("This Tool is Open Source under the GNU General Public License, Version 3\r\n")); mUpdateSession = new UpdateSession(); mUpdateSession.ClientApplicationID = "Windows Update Manager"; mUpdateServiceManager = new UpdateServiceManager(); foreach (IUpdateService service in mUpdateServiceManager.Services) { if (service.Name == "Offline Sync Service") { mUpdateServiceManager.RemoveService(service.ServiceID); } else { mServiceList.Add(service.Name); } } mUpdateSearcher = mUpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher(); int count = mUpdateSearcher.GetTotalHistoryCount(); mUpdateHistory = mUpdateSearcher.QueryHistory(0, count); WindowsUpdateAgentInfo info = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfo(); var currentVersion = info.GetInfo("ApiMajorVersion").ToString().Trim() + "." + info.GetInfo("ApiMinorVersion").ToString().Trim() + " (" + info.GetInfo("ProductVersionString").ToString().Trim() + ")"; AppLog.Line(Program.fmt("Windows Update Agent Version: {0}", currentVersion)); }
public WuAgent() { mInstance = this; mDispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher; mUpdateDownloader = new UpdateDownloader(); mUpdateDownloader.Finished += DownloadsFinished; mUpdateDownloader.Progress += DownloadProgress; mUpdateInstaller = new UpdateInstaller(); mUpdateInstaller.Finished += InstallFinished; mUpdateInstaller.Progress += InstallProgress; dlPath = Program.appPath + @"\Downloads"; WindowsUpdateAgentInfo info = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfo(); var currentVersion = info.GetInfo("ApiMajorVersion").ToString().Trim() + "." + info.GetInfo("ApiMinorVersion").ToString().Trim() + " (" + info.GetInfo("ProductVersionString").ToString().Trim() + ")"; AppLog.Line("Windows Update Agent Version: {0}", currentVersion); mUpdateSession = new UpdateSession(); mUpdateSession.ClientApplicationID = Program.mName; //mUpdateSession.UserLocale = 1033; // alwys show strings in englisch mUpdateServiceManager = new UpdateServiceManager(); if (MiscFunc.parseInt(Program.IniReadValue("Options", "LoadLists", "0")) != 0) { LoadUpdates(); } }
static void WUStatus() { WindowsUpdateAgentInfo wuai = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfo(); Console.Write((string)wuai.GetInfo("ProductVersionString")); AutomaticUpdatesClass auc = new WUApiLib.AutomaticUpdatesClass(); Console.Write("|"); Console.Write(auc.Settings.NotificationLevel.ToString().Replace("aunl", "").Replace("Installation", "Install")); if (auc.Settings.NotificationLevel == AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel.aunlScheduledInstallation) { AutomaticUpdates au = new AutomaticUpdates(); Console.Write("|"); Console.Write(au.ServiceEnabled.ToString()); Console.Write("|"); Console.Write(au.Settings.ScheduledInstallationDay.ToString().Replace("ausid", "").Replace("Every", "Every ") + "|" + FixHour(au.Settings.ScheduledInstallationTime.ToString()) + ":00"); } else { Console.Write("||"); //no schedule if endpoint is set to anything other than scheduled installation } Console.WriteLine(""); }
private static bool IsWuavOutDated() { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); //* create an xml document object. //xmlDoc.Load(Path.Combine(tempDir, xmlFileName)); xmlDoc.LoadXml(WuRedistXml); var runningPlatform = (SystemInfo.IsWindows64Bit) ? "x64" : "x86"; var xpath = String.Format(@"/WURedist/StandaloneRedist/architecture[@name=""{0}""]", runningPlatform); var node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpath); try { var agent = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfo(); //WindowsUpdateAgentInfoClass wuainfo = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfoClass(); //int wualatestversion = (int)wuainfo.GetInfo("ApiMajorVersion"); if (node != null) { if (node.Attributes != null) { var latestVersion = node.Attributes["clientVersion"].Value.Trim(); var currentVersion = agent.GetInfo("ProductVersionString").ToString().Trim(); if (currentVersion.Equals(latestVersion)) { Logger.Log("WUA is up to date. Current version: {0}, Minimun required version: {1}.", LogLevel.Info, currentVersion, latestVersion); return(false); } var latest = latestVersion.Split('.'); var current = currentVersion.Split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //Take into account that the latest version can "never" be less than the current version. if (Convert.ToInt32(latest[i]) <= Convert.ToInt32(current[i])) { continue; } Logger.Log("WUA is outdated. Current version: {0}, Minimun required version: {1}.", LogLevel.Error, currentVersion, latestVersion); return(true); } Logger.Log("WUA is up to date. Current version: {0}, Minimun required version: {1}.", LogLevel.Info, currentVersion, latestVersion); } } return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("Exception when attempting to check WUA version, Assuming out of Date.", LogLevel.Error); Logger.LogException(e); return(true); } }
private void WinUpdatesTestGOButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WinUpdateTestTextBox.Clear(); Int32 _AuthResult = PerformAuthentication(); //was authentication sucessful if (_AuthResult == 0) { WinUpdateTestTextBox.Text = "Sucessfully Authenticated!\n"; } else { WinUpdateTestTextBox.Text = String.Format("Authentication Failed With SMB Code '{0}'", _AuthResult); //we cant do anything so break out and end the method. return; }//end of if-else (_AuthResult == 0) try { Type RemoteAgentInfoType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Microsoft.Update.AgentInfo", TargetTextBox.Text, true); WindowsUpdateAgentInfo RemoteAgentInfo = (WindowsUpdateAgentInfo)Activator.CreateInstance(RemoteAgentInfoType); String _AgentVersion = RemoteAgentInfo.GetInfo("ProductVersionString").ToString(); WinUpdateTestTextBox.Text += String.Format("Windows Update Agent Version: '{0}'", _AgentVersion); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.IndexOf("80070005") > -1) { WinUpdateTestTextBox.Text += "Authentication Failed, Error 80070005\n"; } else { WinUpdateTestTextBox.Text += String.Format("Exception Thrown When Instantiating Windows Update DCOM!\nException:\n{0}", ex.Message); } //end of if-else if (ex.Message.IndexOf("80070005") > -1) } //end of try-catch } //end of method
private static bool IsWuavOutDated() { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); //* create an xml document object. //xmlDoc.Load(Path.Combine(tempDir, xmlFileName)); xmlDoc.LoadXml(WuRedistXml); var runningPlatform = (SystemInfo.IsWindows64Bit) ? "x64" : "x86"; var xpath = String.Format(@"/WURedist/StandaloneRedist/architecture[@name=""{0}""]", runningPlatform); var node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpath); try { var agent = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfo(); //WindowsUpdateAgentInfoClass wuainfo = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfoClass(); //int wualatestversion = (int)wuainfo.GetInfo("ApiMajorVersion"); if (node != null) { if (node.Attributes != null) { var latestVersion = node.Attributes["clientVersion"].Value.Trim(); var currentVersion = agent.GetInfo("ProductVersionString").ToString().Trim(); if (currentVersion.Equals(latestVersion)) { Logger.Log("WUA is up to date. Current version: {0}, Minimun required version: {1}.", LogLevel.Info, currentVersion, latestVersion); return false; } var latest = latestVersion.Split('.'); var current = currentVersion.Split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //Take into account that the latest version can "never" be less than the current version. if (Convert.ToInt32(latest[i]) <= Convert.ToInt32(current[i])) continue; Logger.Log("WUA is outdated. Current version: {0}, Minimun required version: {1}.", LogLevel.Error, currentVersion, latestVersion); return true; } Logger.Log("WUA is up to date. Current version: {0}, Minimun required version: {1}.", LogLevel.Info, currentVersion, latestVersion); } } return false; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("Exception when attempting to check WUA version, Assuming out of Date.", LogLevel.Error); Logger.LogException(e); return true; } }
private static bool IsWUAVOutDated() { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); //* create an xml document object. //xmlDoc.Load(Path.Combine(tempDir, xmlFileName)); xmlDoc.LoadXml(wuRedistXml); string runningPlatform = (SystemInfo.IsWindows64Bit) ? "x64" : "x86"; string xpath = String.Format(@"/WURedist/StandaloneRedist/architecture[@name=""{0}""]", runningPlatform); XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpath); WindowsUpdateAgentInfo agent = new WindowsUpdateAgentInfo(); string latestVersion = node.Attributes["clientVersion"].Value; string currentVersion = agent.GetInfo("ProductVersionString").ToString(); if (currentVersion.Equals(latestVersion)) { AgentSettings.Log("WUA is up to date. Current version: {0}, Latest version: {1}.", AgentLogLevel.Debug, currentVersion, latestVersion); return false; } else { string[] latest = latestVersion.Split('.'); string[] current = currentVersion.Split('.'); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // Takea into account that the latest version can "never" be less than the current version. if (Convert.ToInt32(latest[i]) > Convert.ToInt32(current[i])) { AgentSettings.Log("WUA is outdated. Current version: {0}, Latest version: {1}.", AgentLogLevel.Error, currentVersion, latestVersion); return true; } } AgentSettings.Log("WUA is up to date. Current version: {0}, Latest version: {1}.", AgentLogLevel.Debug, currentVersion, latestVersion); return false; } }