private void OnClickButtonViewJsonFile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (JsonInfo.current == null || JsonInfo.current.Path == null) { return; } JsonTreeViewItem root = json_tree_view.Items[0] as JsonTreeViewItem; if (root == null) { return; } Window_ViewFile w = new Window_ViewFile(JsonTreeViewItem.convertToJToken(root).ToString(), JsonInfo.current.Path); //Window_ViewFile w = new Window_ViewFile(, JsonInfo.current.Path); if (w.ShowDialog() == true) { refreshJsonTree(JsonController.parseJson(w.tb_file.Text)); } }
private int OpenEncryptFile() { if (listView_linux_files.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { return(-1); } LinuxListViewItem llvi = listView_linux_files.SelectedItems[0] as LinuxListViewItem; if (llvi == null) { return(-2); } string remote_path = llvi.LinuxTVI.Path; string local_filename = "temp" + Idx_Encrypt_File_Open++; string remote_path_dec_file = FindDecryptFile(remote_path); if (remote_path_dec_file == null) { return(-3); } if (SSHController.SendNRecvCofileCommandPreview(listView_linux_files.SelectedItems.Cast <Object>(), false)) { StartCoRoutine(10000, delegate { if (SSHController.MoveFileToLocal(root_path, remote_path_dec_file, local_filename, 0)) { llvi.LinuxTVI.RefreshChildFromParent(); Cofile.current.RefreshListView(Cofile.cur_LinuxTreeViewItem); string url_localfile = root_path + local_filename; string[] split = remote_path.Split('.'); string expansion = split[split.Length - 2]; if (expansion == "png" || expansion == "dib" || expansion == "bmp" || expansion == "jpg" || expansion == "jpeg" || expansion == "jpe" || expansion == "jfif" || expansion == "gif" || expansion == "tif" || expansion == "tiff" ) { Window_ViewImage wvi = new Window_ViewImage(LoadImage(url_localfile), llvi.LinuxTVI.FileInfo.Name); FileContoller.DeleteFile(url_localfile); Point pt = this.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)); wvi.Left = pt.X; wvi.Top = pt.Y; wvi.ShowDialog(); } else { string str = FileContoller.Read(url_localfile); FileContoller.DeleteFile(url_localfile); Window_ViewFile wvf = new Window_ViewFile(str, llvi.LinuxTVI.FileInfo.Name); Point pt = this.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)); wvf.Left = pt.X; wvf.Top = pt.Y; wvf.ShowDialog(); } return(0); } else { //Log.ErrorIntoUI("Check the Cofile Config File or Check File To Decrypt", "Decrypt Failed", Status.current.richTextBox_status); //Log.PrintError("Cant Download Decrypt File", "UserControls.Cofile.OpenEncryptFile"); return(-1); } }, "Check the Cofile Config File or Check File To Decrypt", "Decrypt Failed"); } return(-4); }
void EncryptFileOpen() { if (listView_linux_files.SelectedItems.Count < 1) { return; } LinuxListViewItem llvi = listView_linux_files.SelectedItems[0] as LinuxListViewItem; if (llvi == null) { return; } if (SSHController.SendNRecvCofileCommand(listView_linux_files.SelectedItems.Cast <Object>(), false)) { string remote_path = llvi.LinuxTVI.Path; JToken jtok = JsonController.parseJson(FileContoller.Read(current.Selected_config_file_path)); if (jtok == null) { return; } JValue jval_input_extansion = jtok["dec_option"]["input_extension"] as JValue; JValue jval_output_extension = jtok["dec_option"]["output_extension"] as JValue; if (remote_path.Length > jval_input_extansion.Value.ToString().Length + 1 && remote_path.Substring(remote_path.Length - jval_input_extansion.Value.ToString().Length) == jval_input_extansion.Value.ToString()) { remote_path = remote_path.Substring(0, remote_path.Length - jval_input_extansion.Value.ToString().Length - 1); } string remote_dec_path = remote_path + "." + jval_output_extension.Value.ToString(); string[] split_remote_path = remote_path.Split('/'); string local_filename = split_remote_path[split_remote_path.Length - 1] + Idx_Encrypt_File_Open++; if (SSHController.moveFileToLocal(root_path, remote_dec_path, local_filename)) { llvi.LinuxTVI.RefreshChildFromParent(); Cofile.current.RefreshListView(Cofile.cur_LinuxTreeViewItem); string url_localfile = root_path + local_filename; string[] split = remote_path.Split('.'); if (split[split.Length - 1] == "gif" || split[split.Length - 1] == "bmp" || split[split.Length - 1] == "jpg" || split[split.Length - 1] == "png" ) { Window_ViewImage wvi = new Window_ViewImage(LoadImage(url_localfile), llvi.LinuxTVI.FileInfo.Name); File.Delete(url_localfile); wvi.ShowDialog(); } else { string str = FileContoller.Read(url_localfile); File.Delete(url_localfile); Window_ViewFile wvf = new Window_ViewFile(str, llvi.LinuxTVI.FileInfo.Name); wvf.ShowDialog(); } } else { Log.PrintError("Decryption Failed\r\tCheck the config file", "ListView_linux_files_MouseDoubleClick", Status.current.richTextBox_status); } } }