private void RegisterWindowClass() { _wndProcDelegate = WndProc; var wc = new WindowClassEx { Styles = WindowClassStyles.CS_HREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_VREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_OWNDC, WindowProc = _wndProcDelegate, InstanceHandle = Kernel32.GetModuleHandle(null), CursorHandle = User32.LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)SystemCursor.IDC_ARROW), ClassName = CLASS_NAME }; wc.Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(wc); // Load user icon - if any. wc.IconHandle = User32.LoadImage(Kernel32.GetModuleHandle(null), "#32512", ResourceImageType.IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LoadResourceFlags.LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LoadResourceFlags.LR_SHARED); if (wc.IconHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { Kernel32.SetLastError(0); // None loaded - load default. wc.IconHandle = User32.LoadImage(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)SystemIcon.IDI_APPLICATION, ResourceImageType.IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LoadResourceFlags.LR_DEFAULTSIZE | LoadResourceFlags.LR_SHARED); } ushort windowClass = User32.RegisterClassEx(ref wc); if (windowClass == 0) { CheckError("Win32: Failed to register window class.", true); } CheckError("Win32: Could not register class."); }
private static ushort CreateWindowClass(WndProc wndProc, string menuName, string className) { var wnd = new WindowClassEx() { cbSize = WindowClassEx.GetSize(), style = 0, lpfnWndProc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(wndProc), cbClsExtra = 0, cbWndExtra = 0, hInstance = IntPtr.Zero, hIcon = IntPtr.Zero, hCursor = IntPtr.Zero, hbrBackground = IntPtr.Zero, lpszMenuName = menuName, lpszClassName = className, hIconSm = IntPtr.Zero }; var regResult = User32.RegisterClassEx(ref wnd); if (regResult == 0) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowLastWin32Exception(); } return(regResult); }
/// <summary> /// The create window. /// </summary> private void CreateWindow() { var instanceHandle = Kernel32Methods.GetModuleHandle(IntPtr.Zero); _windowProc = WindowProc; var wc = new WindowClassEx { Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <WindowClassEx>(), ClassName = "chromelywindow", CursorHandle = User32Helpers.LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, SystemCursor.IDC_ARROW), IconHandle = GetIconHandle(), Styles = WindowClassStyles.CS_HREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_VREDRAW, BackgroundBrushHandle = new IntPtr((int)StockObject.WHITE_BRUSH), WindowProc = _windowProc, InstanceHandle = instanceHandle }; var resReg = User32Methods.RegisterClassEx(ref wc); if (resReg == 0) { Log.Error("chromelywindow registration failed"); return; } var styles = GetWindowStyles(_hostConfig.HostPlacement.State); var placement = _hostConfig.HostPlacement; NativeMethods.RECT rect; rect.Left = placement.Left; rect.Top = placement.Top; rect.Right = placement.Left + placement.Width; rect.Bottom = placement.Top + placement.Height; NativeMethods.AdjustWindowRectEx(ref rect, styles.Item1, false, styles.Item2); var hwnd = User32Methods.CreateWindowEx( styles.Item2, wc.ClassName, _hostConfig.HostPlacement.Frameless ? string.Empty : _hostConfig.HostTitle, styles.Item1, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right - rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Top, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, instanceHandle, IntPtr.Zero); if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { Log.Error("chromelywindow creation failed"); return; } User32Methods.ShowWindow(Handle, styles.Item3); User32Methods.UpdateWindow(Handle); }
public WindowFactory(string name, WindowClassStyles styles, IntPtr hInstance, IntPtr hIcon, IntPtr hCursor, IntPtr hBgBrush, WindowProc wndProc) { var cache = Cache.Instance; var className = name ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); this.ClassName = className; this.InstanceHandle = hInstance; this.m_windowProc = wndProc ?? DefWindowProc; this.m_classInitializerProcRef = this.ClassInitializerProc; var classInfo = new WindowClassEx { Size = cache.WindowClassExSize, ClassName = className, CursorHandle = hCursor, IconHandle = hIcon, Styles = styles, BackgroundBrushHandle = hBgBrush, WindowProc = this.m_classInitializerProcRef, InstanceHandle = hInstance }; this.RegisterClass(ref classInfo); }
public void Init(string title, int width, int height, bool vsync, bool fullscreen) { if (m_Info != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("application already initialized"); } m_Info = new ApplicationInfo { Title = title, Width = width, Height = height, VSync = vsync, FullScreen = fullscreen }; IntPtr hInstance = Kernel32Methods.GetModuleHandle(IntPtr.Zero); m_WindowProc = WindowProc; var wc = new WindowClassEx { Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <WindowClassEx>(), ClassName = "MainWindow", CursorHandle = User32Helpers.LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, SystemCursor.IDC_ARROW), IconHandle = User32Helpers.LoadIcon(IntPtr.Zero, SystemIcon.IDI_APPLICATION), Styles = WindowClassStyles.CS_HREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_VREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_OWNDC, BackgroundBrushHandle = new IntPtr((int)StockObject.WHITE_BRUSH), WindowProc = m_WindowProc, InstanceHandle = hInstance }; if (User32Methods.RegisterClassEx(ref wc) == 0) { throw new ExternalException("window registration failed"); } NetCoreEx.Geometry.Rectangle size = new NetCoreEx.Geometry.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); User32Methods.AdjustWindowRectEx(ref size, WindowStyles.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WindowStyles.WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WindowStyles.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, false, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WindowExStyles.WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); m_hWnd = User32Methods.CreateWindowEx(WindowExStyles.WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WindowExStyles.WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, wc.ClassName, title, WindowStyles.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WindowStyles.WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WindowStyles.WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, (int)CreateWindowFlags.CW_USEDEFAULT, (int)CreateWindowFlags.CW_USEDEFAULT, size.Right + (-size.Left), size.Bottom + (-size.Top), IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, hInstance, IntPtr.Zero); if (m_hWnd == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ExternalException("window creation failed"); } User32Methods.ShowWindow(m_hWnd, ShowWindowCommands.SW_SHOWNORMAL); User32Methods.UpdateWindow(m_hWnd); Context.Instance.Init(m_hWnd, m_Info); Renderer.Instance.Init(); Script.LuaEngine.Instance.Init(); }
private static void RegisterWindowClass() { WindowClassEx classEx = new WindowClassEx(); classEx.ClassName = MessageWindowClassName; classEx.WndProc = wndProc; classEx.Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WindowClassEx)); var atom = ShellObjectWatcherNativeMethods.RegisterClassEx(ref classEx); if (atom == 0) { throw new ShellException(LocalizedMessages.MessageListenerClassNotRegistered, Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(Marshal.GetHRForLastWin32Error())); } _atom = atom; }
static int Main(string[] args) { var instanceHandle = Kernel32Methods.GetModuleHandle(IntPtr.Zero); var wc = new WindowClassEx { Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <WindowClassEx>(), ClassName = "MainWindow", CursorHandle = User32Helpers.LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, SystemCursor.IDC_ARROW), IconHandle = User32Helpers.LoadIcon(IntPtr.Zero, SystemIcon.IDI_APPLICATION), Styles = WindowClassStyles.CS_HREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_VREDRAW, BackgroundBrushHandle = new IntPtr((int)StockObject.WHITE_BRUSH), WindowProc = WindowProc, InstanceHandle = instanceHandle }; var resReg = User32Methods.RegisterClassEx(ref wc); if (resReg == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("registration failed"); return(-1); } var hwnd = User32Methods.CreateWindowEx(WindowExStyles.WS_EX_APPWINDOW, wc.ClassName, "Hello", WindowStyles.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, (int)CreateWindowFlags.CW_USEDEFAULT, (int)CreateWindowFlags.CW_USEDEFAULT, (int)CreateWindowFlags.CW_USEDEFAULT, (int)CreateWindowFlags.CW_USEDEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, instanceHandle, IntPtr.Zero); if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { Console.Error.WriteLine("window creation failed"); return(-1); } User32Methods.ShowWindow(hwnd, ShowWindowCommands.SW_SHOWNORMAL); User32Methods.UpdateWindow(hwnd); Message msg; int res; while ((res = User32Methods.GetMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0)) != 0) { User32Methods.TranslateMessage(ref msg); User32Methods.DispatchMessage(ref msg); } return(res); }
public WindowFactory(ref WindowClassEx classEx) { this.ClassName = classEx.ClassName; this.InstanceHandle = classEx.InstanceHandle; this.m_windowProc = classEx.WindowProc ?? DefWindowProc; this.m_classInitializerProcRef = this.ClassInitializerProc; // Leave the reference untouched. So, use a copy for the modified registration. var classExClone = classEx; classExClone.WindowProc = this.m_classInitializerProcRef; this.RegisterClass(ref classExClone); }
/// <summary> /// The create window. /// </summary> private void CreateWindow() { var instanceHandle = Kernel32Methods.GetModuleHandle(IntPtr.Zero); var wc = new WindowClassEx { Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <WindowClassEx>(), ClassName = "chromelywindow", CursorHandle = User32Helpers.LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, SystemCursor.IDC_ARROW), IconHandle = GetIconHandle(), Styles = WindowClassStyles.CS_HREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_VREDRAW, BackgroundBrushHandle = new IntPtr((int)StockObject.WHITE_BRUSH), WindowProc = WindowProc, InstanceHandle = instanceHandle }; var resReg = User32Methods.RegisterClassEx(ref wc); if (resReg == 0) { Log.Error("chromelywindow registration failed"); return; } var styles = GetWindowStyles(mHostConfig.HostState); var hwnd = User32Methods.CreateWindowEx( styles.Item2, wc.ClassName, mHostConfig.HostTitle, styles.Item1, 0, 0, mHostConfig.HostWidth, mHostConfig.HostHeight, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, instanceHandle, IntPtr.Zero); if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { Log.Error("chromelywindow creation failed"); return; } User32Methods.ShowWindow(Handle, styles.Item3); User32Methods.UpdateWindow(Handle); }
private void RegisterClass(ref WindowClassEx classEx) { if (User32Methods.RegisterClassEx(ref classEx) == 0) { var errString = string.Empty; var err = Kernel32Methods.GetLastError(); // It may not always be the correct code. Since we aren't using // Marshal's last error. If the CLR runtime calls into the // system meanwhile that may be returned instead, at times. if (err != 0) { errString = "Possible error code: " + err; } throw new Exception("Failed to register class. " + errString); } }
public static int CreateWindow(string title) { // Window class WindowClassEx windowClass = new WindowClassEx { Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <WindowClassEx>(), WindowProc = _wndProc, InstanceHandle = GetModuleHandle(null), CursorHandle = LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(IDC_ARROW)), ClassName = ClassName }; RegisterClassEx(ref windowClass); // Window Rectangle rect = new Rectangle { Left = 0, Top = 0, Right = _width, Bottom = _height }; AdjustWindowRect(ref rect, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, false); _hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, ClassName, title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, rect.Right - rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Top, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); // GL Context PixelFormatDescriptor pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor { Size = (short)Marshal.SizeOf <PixelFormatDescriptor>(), Version = 1, Flags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, PixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA, ColorBits = 24, StencilBits = 8 }; _hDC = GetDC(_hWnd); int pixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(_hDC, ref pfd); SetPixelFormat(_hDC, pixelFormat, ref pfd); IntPtr hRC = wglCreateContext(_hDC); wglMakeCurrent(_hDC, hRC); return(0); }
/// <summary> Register the class with the winapi </summary> private protected virtual void RegisterClass() { WindowClassEx wcex = new WindowClassEx() { Style = DoubleClicks | VRedraw | HRedraw, WindowsProc = proc, ClsExtra = 0, WndExtra = 0, Icon = LoadIcon(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)ApplicationIcon), Cursor = LoadCursorA(IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)ArrowCursor), IconSm = IntPtr.Zero, Background = (IntPtr)(ColorWindow + 1), MenuName = null, ClassName = ClassName }; wcex.Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(wcex); RegisterClassEx(ref wcex); }
public static extern int RegisterClassEx(ref WindowClassEx wcex);
/// <summary> /// Setups the instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="x">The x.</param> /// <param name="y">The y.</param> /// <param name="width">The width.</param> /// <param name="height">The height.</param> private void SetupInstance(int x = 0, int y = 0, int width = 800, int height = 600) { IsVisible = true; Topmost = !BypassTopmost; X = x; Y = y; Width = width; Height = height; WindowClassName = HelperMethods.GenerateRandomString(5, 11); string randomMenuName = HelperMethods.GenerateRandomString(5, 11); if (WindowTitle == null) { WindowTitle = HelperMethods.GenerateRandomString(5, 11); } // prepare method _windowProc = WindowProcedure; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareDelegate(_windowProc); _windowProcPtr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_windowProc); var wndClassEx = new WindowClassEx { cbSize = WindowClassEx.Size(), style = 0, lpfnWndProc = _windowProcPtr, cbClsExtra = 0, cbWndExtra = 0, hInstance = IntPtr.Zero, hIcon = IntPtr.Zero, hCursor = IntPtr.Zero, hbrBackground = IntPtr.Zero, lpszMenuName = randomMenuName, lpszClassName = WindowClassName, hIconSm = IntPtr.Zero }; if (User32.RegisterClassEx(ref wndClassEx) == 0) { WinApi.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to register window class!"); } uint exStyle; if (BypassTopmost) { exStyle = (uint)(ExtendedWindowStyles.Transparent | ExtendedWindowStyles.Layered | ExtendedWindowStyles.NoActivate); } else { exStyle = (uint)(ExtendedWindowStyles.TopMost | ExtendedWindowStyles.Transparent | ExtendedWindowStyles.Layered | ExtendedWindowStyles.NoActivate); } WindowHandle = User32.CreateWindowEx( exStyle, WindowClassName, WindowTitle, (uint)(WindowStyles.Popup | WindowStyles.Visible), X, Y, Width, Height, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero ); if (WindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { WinApi.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to create window!"); } User32.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(WindowHandle, 0, 255, (uint)LayeredWindowAttribute.Alpha); User32.UpdateWindow(WindowHandle); IsInitialized = true; // If window is incompatible on some platforms use SetWindowLong to set the style again // and UpdateWindow If you have changed certain window data using SetWindowLong, you must // call SetWindowPos for the changes to take effect. Use the following combination for // uFlags: SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED. ExtendFrameIntoClientArea(); }
public static IntPtr CreateWindow(Func <Message, IntPtr> processMessage, string className, string title = null) { if (HandleWindow != IntPtr.Zero) { return(HandleWindow); } WindowProc = new WindowProc((handleWindow, wm, wParam, lParam) => { IntPtr result = IntPtr.Zero; if (processMessage != null) { var message = new Message { handle = handleWindow, message = wm, wParam = wParam, lParam = lParam, };; result = processMessage(message); } if (result == IntPtr.Zero) { return(Win32.DefWindowProc(handleWindow, wm, wParam, lParam)); } else { return(result); } }); WindowClassEx = new WindowClassEx() { size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WindowClassEx)), style = CS.HREDRAW | CS.VREDRAW, windowProc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(WindowProc), classExtra = 0, windowExtra = 0, handleInstance = IntPtr.Zero, handleIcon = IntPtr.Zero, handleCursor = IntPtr.Zero, handlebrBackground = IntPtr.Zero, menuName = null, className = className, handleIconSm = IntPtr.Zero, }; Tracable.LogLine("windowClassEx {0}", WindowClassEx.ToString()); var registeredClassEx = Win32.RegisterClassEx(ref WindowClassEx); Tracable.LogLine("registeredClassEx {0}", registeredClassEx.ToString()); if (registeredClassEx == 0) { var error = Win32.GetLastError(); Tracable.LogLine("error {0}", error.ToRepr()); Win32.UnregisterClass(className, IntPtr.Zero); return(IntPtr.Zero); } HandleWindow = Win32.CreateWindowEx ( WS_EX.NONE, registeredClassEx, title ?? WindowClassEx.className, WS.NONE, 0, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, WindowClassEx.handleInstance, IntPtr.Zero ); Tracable.LogLine("handle {0}", HandleWindow.ToRepr()); if (HandleWindow == null) { var error = Win32.GetLastError(); Tracable.LogLine("error {0}", error.ToRepr()); } return(HandleWindow); }
/// <summary> /// The create window. /// </summary> private void CreateWindow() { var instanceHandle = Kernel32Methods.GetModuleHandle(IntPtr.Zero); _windowProc = WindowProc; var wc = new WindowClassEx { Size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf <WindowClassEx>(), ClassName = "chromelywindow", CursorHandle = User32Helpers.LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, SystemCursor.IDC_ARROW), IconHandle = GetIconHandle(), Styles = WindowClassStyles.CS_HREDRAW | WindowClassStyles.CS_VREDRAW, BackgroundBrushHandle = new IntPtr((int)StockObject.WHITE_BRUSH), WindowProc = _windowProc, InstanceHandle = instanceHandle }; var resReg = User32Methods.RegisterClassEx(ref wc); if (resReg == 0) { Log.Error("chromelywindow registration failed"); return; } var styles = GetWindowStyles(_hostConfig.HostPlacement.State); var placement = _hostConfig.HostPlacement; NativeMethods.RECT rect; rect.Left = placement.Left; rect.Top = placement.Top; rect.Right = placement.Left + placement.Width; rect.Bottom = placement.Top + placement.Height; NativeMethods.AdjustWindowRectEx(ref rect, styles.Item1, false, styles.Item2); var hwnd = User32Methods.CreateWindowEx( styles.Item2, wc.ClassName, _hostConfig.HostPlacement.Frameless ? string.Empty : _hostConfig.HostTitle, styles.Item1, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right - rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Top, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, instanceHandle, IntPtr.Zero); if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { Log.Error("chromelywindow creation failed"); return; } if (_hostConfig.HostPlacement.KioskMode) { //// Set new window style and size. var windowHDC = User32Methods.GetDC(Handle); var fullscreenWidth = Gdi32Methods.GetDeviceCaps(windowHDC, (int)DeviceCapsParams.HORZRES); var fullscreenHeight = Gdi32Methods.GetDeviceCaps(windowHDC, (int)DeviceCapsParams.VERTRES); User32Methods.ReleaseDC(Handle, windowHDC); User32Methods.SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, (int)WindowLongFlags.GWL_STYLE, (IntPtr)styles.Item1); User32Methods.SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, (int)WindowLongFlags.GWL_EXSTYLE, (IntPtr)styles.Item2); User32Methods.SetWindowPos(Handle, (IntPtr)HwndZOrder.HWND_TOP, 0, 0, fullscreenWidth, fullscreenHeight, WindowPositionFlags.SWP_NOZORDER | WindowPositionFlags.SWP_FRAMECHANGED); User32Methods.ShowWindow(Handle, ShowWindowCommands.SW_MAXIMIZE); try { this._hookID = NativeMethods.SetHook(_hookCallback); } catch { DetachKeyboardHook(); } } else { User32Methods.ShowWindow(Handle, styles.Item3); } User32Methods.UpdateWindow(Handle); User32Methods.RegisterHotKey(IntPtr.Zero, 1, KeyModifierFlags.MOD_CONTROL, VirtualKey.L); }
private static extern ushort RegisterClassEx([In] ref WindowClassEx lpwcx);
private void SetupWindow() { // generate a random title if it's null (invalid) if (_title == null) { _title = WindowHelper.GenerateRandomTitle(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MenuName)) { MenuName = WindowHelper.GenerateRandomTitle(); } // if no class name is given then generate a "unique" one if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_className)) { _className = WindowHelper.GenerateRandomClass(); } // prepare window procedure _windowProc = WindowProcedure; _windowProcAddress = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_windowProc); // try to register our class while (true) { var wndClassEx = new WindowClassEx { Size = WindowClassEx.NativeSize(), Style = 0, WindowProc = _windowProcAddress, ClsExtra = 0, WindowExtra = 0, Instance = IntPtr.Zero, Icon = IntPtr.Zero, Curser = IntPtr.Zero, Background = IntPtr.Zero, MenuName = MenuName, ClassName = _className, IconSm = IntPtr.Zero }; if (User32.RegisterClassEx(ref wndClassEx) != 0) { break; } else { // already taken name? _className = WindowHelper.GenerateRandomClass(); } } var extendedWindowStyle = ExtendedWindowStyle.Transparent | ExtendedWindowStyle.Layered | ExtendedWindowStyle.NoActivate; if (_isTopmost) { extendedWindowStyle |= ExtendedWindowStyle.Topmost; } var windowStyle = WindowStyle.Popup; if (_isVisible) { windowStyle |= WindowStyle.Visible; } _handle = User32.CreateWindowEx( extendedWindowStyle, _className, _title, windowStyle, _x, _y, _width, _height, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); User32.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(_handle, 0, 255, LayeredWindowAttributes.Alpha); User32.UpdateWindow(_handle); // if the window is incompatible on some platforms then use // SetWindowLong and UpdateWindow to set the style again and // call SetWindowPos with SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED if (_isVisible) { WindowHelper.ExtendFrameIntoClientArea(_handle); } }
public static extern ushort RegisterClassEx([In] ref WindowClassEx windowClassEx);
//Documentation: private static extern ushort RegisterClassEx(ref WindowClassEx windowClass);