/// <summary>
        /// Calculate the character index and offset by characters for the given word and given offset.<br/>
        /// If the location is below the word line then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the location is to the right of the word then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the offset is to the left of the word set the selection to the beginning.<br/>
        /// Otherwise calculate the width of each substring to find the char the location is on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">used to create graphics to measure string</param>
        /// <param name="word">the word to calculate its index and offset</param>
        /// <param name="loc">the location to calculate for</param>
        /// <param name="selectionIndex">return the index of the char under the location</param>
        /// <param name="selectionOffset">return the offset of the char under the location</param>
        /// <param name="inclusive">is to include the first character in the calculation</param>
        private static void CalculateWordCharIndexAndOffset(Control control, CssRect word, Point loc, bool inclusive, out int selectionIndex, out float selectionOffset)
            selectionIndex  = 0;
            selectionOffset = 0f;
            var offset = loc.X - word.Left;

            if (word.Text == null)
                // not a text word - set full selection
                selectionIndex  = -1;
                selectionOffset = -1;
            else if (offset > word.Width - word.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing || loc.Y > DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(word).LineBottom)
                // mouse under the line, to the right of the word - set to the end of the word
                selectionIndex  = word.Text.Length;
                selectionOffset = word.Width;
            else if (offset > 0)
                // calculate partial word selection
                var font = word.OwnerBox.ActualFont;
                using (var g = new WinGraphics(control.CreateGraphics(), false))
                    int charFit;
                    int charFitWidth;
                    var maxWidth = offset + (inclusive ? 0 : 1.5f * word.LeftGlyphPadding);
                    g.MeasureString(word.Text, font, maxWidth, out charFit, out charFitWidth);

                    selectionIndex  = charFit;
                    selectionOffset = charFitWidth;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the character index and offset by characters for the given word and given offset.<br/>
        /// If the location is below the word line then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the location is to the right of the word then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the offset is to the left of the word set the selection to the beginning.<br/>
        /// Otherwise calculate the width of each substring to find the char the location is on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">used to create graphics to measure string</param>
        /// <param name="word">the word to calculate its index and offset</param>
        /// <param name="loc">the location to calculate for</param>
        /// <param name="selectionIndex">return the index of the char under the location</param>
        /// <param name="selectionOffset">return the offset of the char under the location</param>
        /// <param name="inclusive">is to include the first character in the calculation</param>
        private static void CalculateWordCharIndexAndOffset(Control control, CssRect word, Point loc, bool inclusive, out int selectionIndex, out float selectionOffset)
            selectionIndex = 0;
            selectionOffset = 0f;
            var offset = loc.X - word.Left;
            if (word.Text == null)
                // not a text word - set full selection
                selectionIndex = -1;
                selectionOffset = -1;
            else if (offset > word.Width - word.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing || loc.Y > DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(word).LineBottom)
                // mouse under the line, to the right of the word - set to the end of the word
                selectionIndex = word.Text.Length;
                selectionOffset = word.Width;
            else if (offset > 0)
                // calculate partial word selection
                var font = word.OwnerBox.ActualFont;
                using (var g = new WinGraphics(control.CreateGraphics()))
                    int charFit;
                    int charFitWidth;
                    var maxWidth = offset + ( inclusive ? 0 : 1.5f*word.LeftGlyphPadding );
                    g.MeasureString(word.Text, font, maxWidth, out charFit, out charFitWidth);

                    selectionIndex = charFit;
                    selectionOffset = charFitWidth;