public static IntPtr OpenSubKey(IntPtr hKey, string subKey, Win32API.RegSAM samDesired) { IntPtr hResult = IntPtr.Zero; Win32API.Error result = Win32API.RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, subKey, 0, samDesired, out hResult); if (result == Win32API.Error.Success) { // do nothing } return(hResult); }
protected override bool PreExecuteWaitInit(AutoResetEvent executeEvent) { Win32API.RegNotifyChangeFilter notifyFilter = (Win32API.RegNotifyChangeFilter.Attributes | Win32API.RegNotifyChangeFilter.Name | Win32API.RegNotifyChangeFilter.Security | Win32API.RegNotifyChangeFilter.Value); // // This function detects a single change. After the caller receives a notification event, // it should call the function again to receive the next notification. Win32API.Error result = Win32API.RegNotifyChangeKeyValue(RegKey.Handle, WatchSubtree, notifyFilter, executeEvent.SafeWaitHandle.DangerousGetHandle(), true); return(result == Win32API.Error.Success); }