/// <summary>
        /// Handle while mouse is down event.
        /// The Scrollbar entity override this function to handle sliding mark up and down, instead of left-right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
        override protected void DoWhileMouseDown(InputHelper input)
            // if in the middle calculate value based on mouse position
            if ((input.MousePosition.Y >= _destRect.Y + _frameActualHeight * 0.5) &&
                (input.MousePosition.Y <= _destRect.Bottom - _frameActualHeight * 0.5))
                float val = ((input.MousePosition.Y - _destRect.Y - _frameActualHeight + _markHeight / 2) / (_destRect.Height - _frameActualHeight * 2));
                Value = (int)(Min + val * (Max - Min));

            // call event handler
        override protected void DoWhileMouseDown()
            var mousePos = GetMousePos(p_LastScrollVal.ToVector2());

            if ((mousePos.Y >= p_DrawArea.Y + _frameActualHeight * 0.5) && (mousePos.Y <= p_DrawArea.Bottom - _frameActualHeight * 0.5))
                float relativePos    = (mousePos.Y - p_DrawArea.Y - _frameActualHeight * 0.5f - _markHeight * 0.5f);
                float internalHeight = (p_DrawArea.Height - _frameActualHeight) - _markHeight * 0.5f;
                float relativeVal    = (relativePos / internalHeight);
                Value = (int)Math.Round(Min + relativeVal * (Max - Min));

        /// <summary>
        /// Handle while mouse is down event.
        /// The Scrollbar entity override this function to handle sliding mark up and down, instead of left-right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Input helper instance.</param>
        override protected void DoWhileMouseDown(InputHelper input)
            // if in the middle calculate value based on mouse position
            if ((input.MousePosition.Y >= _destRect.Y + _frameActualHeight * 0.5) &&
                (input.MousePosition.Y <= _destRect.Bottom - _frameActualHeight * 0.5))
                float relativePos    = (input.MousePosition.Y - _destRect.Y - _frameActualHeight * 0.5f - _markHeight * 0.5f);
                float internalHeight = (_destRect.Height - _frameActualHeight) - _markHeight * 0.5f;
                float relativeVal    = (relativePos / internalHeight);
                Value = (int)System.Math.Round(Min + relativeVal * (Max - Min));

            // call event handler
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle while mouse is down event.
        /// The Scrollbar entity override this function to handle sliding mark up and down, instead of left-right.
        /// </summary>
        override protected void DoWhileMouseDown()
            // get mouse position and apply scroll value
            var mousePos = GetMousePos(_lastScrollVal.ToVector2());

            // if in the middle calculate value based on mouse position
            if ((mousePos.Y >= _destRect.Y + _frameActualHeight * 0.5) &&
                (mousePos.Y <= _destRect.Bottom - _frameActualHeight * 0.5))
                float relativePos    = (mousePos.Y - _destRect.Y - _frameActualHeight * 0.5f - _markHeight * 0.5f);
                float internalHeight = (_destRect.Height - _frameActualHeight) - _markHeight * 0.5f;
                float relativeVal    = (relativePos / internalHeight);
                Value = (int)System.Math.Round(Min + relativeVal * (Max - Min));

            // call event handler
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the DropDown list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">List size (refers to the whole size of the list + the header when dropdown list is opened).</param>
        /// <param name="anchor">Position anchor.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Offset from anchor position.</param>
        /// <param name="skin">Panel skin to use for this DropDown list and header.</param>
        public DropDown(Vector2 size, Anchor anchor = Anchor.Auto, Vector2?offset = null, PanelSkin skin = PanelSkin.ListBackground) :
            base(size, anchor, offset)
            // default padding of self is 0
            Padding = Vector2.Zero;

            // to get collision right when list is opened
            UseActualSizeForCollision = true;

            // create the panel and paragraph used to show currently selected value (what's shown when drop-down is closed)
            _selectedTextPanel     = new Panel(new Vector2(0, SelectedPanelHeight), skin, Anchor.TopLeft);
            _selectedTextParagraph = UserInterface.DefaultParagraph(string.Empty, Anchor.CenterLeft);
            _selectedTextParagraph.UseActualSizeForCollision = false;
            _selectedTextPanel.AddChild(_selectedTextParagraph, true);

            // create the arrow down icon
            _arrowDownImage = new Image(Resources.ArrowDown, new Vector2(ArrowSize, ArrowSize), ImageDrawMode.Stretch, Anchor.CenterRight, new Vector2(-10, 0));
            _selectedTextPanel.AddChild(_arrowDownImage, true);

            // create the list component
            _selectList = new SelectList(size, Anchor.TopCenter, Vector2.Zero, skin);

            // update list offset and space before
            _selectList.SetOffset(new Vector2(0, SelectedPanelHeight));
            _selectList.SpaceBefore = Vector2.Zero;

            // add the header and select list as children

            // add callback on list value change
            _selectList.OnValueChange = (Entity entity) =>
                // hide list
                ListVisible = false;

                // set selected text
                _selectedTextParagraph.Text = (SelectedValue ?? DefaultText);

            // hide the list by default
            _selectList.Visible = false;

            // setup the callback to show / hide the list when clicking the dropbox
            _selectedTextPanel.OnClick = (Entity self) =>
                // change visibility
                ListVisible = !ListVisible;

            // set starting text
            _selectedTextParagraph.Text = (SelectedValue ?? DefaultText);

            // update styles

            // make the list events trigger the dropdown events
            _selectList.OnListChange       += (Entity entity) => { OnListChange?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnMouseDown        += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseDown?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnMouseReleased    += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseReleased?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.WhileMouseDown     += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseDown?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.WhileMouseHover    += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseHover?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnClick            += (Entity entity) => { OnClick?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnValueChange      += (Entity entity) => { OnValueChange?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnMouseEnter       += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseEnter?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnMouseLeave       += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseLeave?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnMouseWheelScroll += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseWheelScroll?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnStartDrag        += (Entity entity) => { OnStartDrag?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.OnStopDrag         += (Entity entity) => { OnStopDrag?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.WhileDragging      += (Entity entity) => { WhileDragging?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.BeforeDraw         += (Entity entity) => { BeforeDraw?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.AfterDraw          += (Entity entity) => { AfterDraw?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.BeforeUpdate       += (Entity entity) => { BeforeUpdate?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectList.AfterUpdate        += (Entity entity) => { AfterUpdate?.Invoke(this); };

            // make the selected value panel trigger the dropdown events
            _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseDown        += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseDown?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseReleased    += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseReleased?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.WhileMouseDown     += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseDown?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.WhileMouseHover    += (Entity entity) => { WhileMouseHover?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnClick            += (Entity entity) => { OnClick?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnValueChange      += (Entity entity) => { OnValueChange?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseEnter       += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseEnter?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseLeave       += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseLeave?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnMouseWheelScroll += (Entity entity) => { OnMouseWheelScroll?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnStartDrag        += (Entity entity) => { OnStartDrag?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.OnStopDrag         += (Entity entity) => { OnStopDrag?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.WhileDragging      += (Entity entity) => { WhileDragging?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.BeforeDraw         += (Entity entity) => { BeforeDraw?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.AfterDraw          += (Entity entity) => { AfterDraw?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.BeforeUpdate       += (Entity entity) => { BeforeUpdate?.Invoke(this); };
            _selectedTextPanel.AfterUpdate        += (Entity entity) => { AfterUpdate?.Invoke(this); };