        public void WhereComparer_ListOfLogicalLocation()
            List <LogicalLocation> empty = new List <LogicalLocation>();

            List <LogicalLocation> left = new List <LogicalLocation>

            List <LogicalLocation> right = new List <LogicalLocation>

            // Null sorts first.
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(null, null, empty, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Empty before anything.
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(empty, null, left, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Tie
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, left, null).Should().Be(0);

            // Longer wins
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, right, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Later location wins over longer list
            List <LogicalLocation> three = new List <LogicalLocation> {

            WhereComparer.CompareTo(right, null, three, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);
        public void WhereComparer_LogicalLocation()
            // Null sorts first.
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(null, null, LogicalLocation1, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Tie.
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(LogicalLocation1, null, LogicalLocation1, null).Should().Be(0);

            // Sort by Fully Qualified Path.
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(LogicalLocation2, null, LogicalLocation1, null).Should().BeGreaterThan(0);
        public void WhereComparer_ArtifactLocation()
            Run run = new Run();

            run.Artifacts = new List <Artifact>();

            run.Artifacts.Add(new Artifact()
                Location = new ArtifactLocation()
            run.Artifacts.Add(new Artifact()
                Location = ArtifactLocationUri1
            run.Artifacts.Add(new Artifact()
                Location = ArtifactLocationUri2

            ArtifactLocation left  = new ArtifactLocation(ArtifactLocationUri1);
            ArtifactLocation right = new ArtifactLocation(ArtifactLocationUri2);

            // Equal; run not needed if no index provided.
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, left, null).Should().Be(0);
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, right, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Equal; run not used if Uri on item itself.
            left.Index  = 1;
            right.Index = 2;
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, left, null).Should().Be(0);
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, right, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Null sorts first if Artifact can't be retrieved
            left.Uri = null;
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, right, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Null sorts first if Artifact index out of range.
            left.Index = 100;
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, run, right, run).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Uris retrieved correctly if indices are valid.
            left = new ArtifactLocation()
                Index = 1
            right = new ArtifactLocation()
                Index = 2
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, run, left, run).Should().Be(0);
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, run, right, run).Should().BeLessThan(0);
        public void WhereComparer_PhysicalLocation()
            PhysicalLocation left = new PhysicalLocation
                ArtifactLocation = new ArtifactLocation()
                    Uri = Uri1

            PhysicalLocation right = new PhysicalLocation
                ArtifactLocation = new ArtifactLocation {
                    Uri = Uri2

            // Sort by Uri only even if Region null
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, left, null).Should().Be(0);
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, right, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            left.Region = SampleRegion;
            PhysicalLocation leftLater = new PhysicalLocation(left)
                Region = new Region(SampleRegion)
                    StartLine = SampleRegion.StartLine + 1

            // Sort by Region if Uris match
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, null, leftLater, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Uri higher precedence than Region
            right.Region = SampleRegion;
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(leftLater, null, right, null).Should().BeLessThan(0);
        public void WhereComparer_Region()
            // Reminder: CompareTo less than zero means left sorts before right.

            Region left = new Region(SampleRegion);
            Region right;

            // Equal
            right = new Region(left);
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().Be(0);

            // Right StartLine > Left StartLine
            right = new Region(left)
                StartLine = left.StartLine + 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Right StartLine > Left StartLine, lower precedence stuff less
            right = new Region(left)
                StartLine = left.StartLine + 1, StartColumn = left.StartColumn - 1, EndLine = left.EndLine - 1, EndColumn = left.EndColumn - 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Right StartColumn > Left StartColumn
            right = new Region(left)
                StartColumn = left.StartColumn + 1, EndLine = left.EndLine - 1, EndColumn = left.EndColumn - 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Right EndLine > Left EndLine
            right = new Region(left)
                EndLine = left.EndLine + 1, EndColumn = left.EndColumn - 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Right EndColumn > Left EndColumn
            right = new Region(left)
                EndColumn = left.EndColumn + 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            left.ByteOffset = 100;
            left.ByteLength = 10;

            // Right Offset bigger, supersedes others
            right = new Region(left)
                ByteOffset = left.ByteOffset + 1, ByteLength = left.ByteLength - 1, StartLine = left.StartLine - 1, StartColumn = left.StartColumn - 1, EndLine = left.EndLine - 1, EndColumn = left.EndColumn - 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Right Length bigger
            right = new Region(left)
                ByteLength = left.ByteLength + 1, StartLine = left.StartLine - 1, StartColumn = left.StartColumn - 1, EndLine = left.EndLine - 1, EndColumn = left.EndColumn - 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            left.ByteOffset = -1;
            left.ByteLength = -1;
            left.CharOffset = 100;
            left.CharLength = 10;

            // Right Offset bigger, supersedes others
            right = new Region(left)
                CharOffset = left.CharOffset + 1, CharLength = left.CharLength - 1, StartLine = left.StartLine - 1, StartColumn = left.StartColumn - 1, EndLine = left.EndLine - 1, EndColumn = left.EndColumn - 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);

            // Right Length bigger
            right = new Region(left)
                CharLength = left.CharLength + 1, StartLine = left.StartLine - 1, StartColumn = left.StartColumn - 1, EndLine = left.EndLine - 1, EndColumn = left.EndColumn - 1
            WhereComparer.CompareTo(left, right).Should().BeLessThan(0);
 /// <summary>
 ///  Match all of the 'Where' properties of two ExtractedResults (FileUri, StartLine/Column, EndLine/Column).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">ExtractedResult to match</param>
 /// <returns>True if *all* 'Where' properties match, False otherwise</returns>
 public bool MatchesAllWhere(ExtractedResult other)
     return(WhereComparer.CompareWhere(this, other) == 0);