    void SendControls()
        scale = TFListener.scale;

        //Convert the Unity position of the hand controller to a ROS position (scaled)
        Vector3 outPos = UnityToRosPositionAxisConversion(GetComponent <Transform>().position) / scale;
        //Convert the Unity rotation of the hand controller to a ROS rotation (scaled, quaternions)
        Quaternion outQuat = UnityToRosRotationAxisConversion(GetComponent <Transform>().rotation);
        //construct the Ein message to be published
        string message = "";

        //Allows movement control with controllers if menu is disabled

        //if deadman switch held in, move to new pose
        if (Input.GetAxis(grip_label) > 0.5f)
            //construct message to move to new pose for the robot end effector
            message = outPos.x + " " + outPos.y + " " + outPos.z + " " +
                      outQuat.x + " " + outQuat.y + " " + outQuat.z + " " + outQuat.w + " moveToEEPose";
            //if touchpad is pressed (Crane game), incrementally move in new direction

        //If trigger pressed, open the gripper. Else, close gripper
        if (Input.GetAxis(trigger_label) > 0.5f)
            message += " openGripper ";
            message += " closeGripper ";

        //Send the message to the websocket client (i.e: publish message onto ROS network)
        wsc.SendEinMessage(message, arm);
    void SendControls()
        scale = TFListener.scale;

        //Convert the Unity position of the hand controller to a ROS position (scaled)
        Vector3 outPos = UnityToRosPositionAxisConversion(GetComponent <Transform>().position) / scale;
        //Convert the Unity rotation of the hand controller to a ROS rotation (scaled, quaternions)
        Quaternion outQuat = UnityToRosRotationAxisConversion(GetComponent <Transform>().rotation);
        //construct the Ein message to be published
        string message = "";

        //Allows movement control with controllers if menu is disabled

        //if deadman switch held in, move to new pose
        if (controller.gripPressed)
            //construct message to move to new pose for the robot end effector
            message = outPos.x + " " + outPos.y + " " + outPos.z + " " +
                      outQuat.x + " " + outQuat.y + " " + outQuat.z + " " + outQuat.w + " moveToEEPose";
            //if touchpad is pressed (Crane game), incrementally move in new direction
        else if (controller.touchpadPressed)
            //get the angle contact point on touch pad
            float angle = controller.GetTouchpadAxisAngle();

            if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) // touching right
                message += " yDown ";
            else if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225) // touching bottom
                message += " xDown ";
            else if (angle >= 225 && angle < 315) // touching left
                message += " yUp ";
            else //touching top
                message += " xUp ";
        //If trigger pressed, open the gripper. Else, close gripper
        if (controller.triggerPressed)
            message += " openGripper ";
            message += " closeGripper ";

        //Send the message to the websocket client (i.e: publish message onto ROS network)
        wsc.SendEinMessage(message, arm);

    void sendControls()
        scale = TFListener.scale;

        Vector3    outPos  = UnityToRosPositionAxisConversion(tf.position) / scale;
        Quaternion outQuat = UnityToRosRotationAxisConversion(tf.rotation);

        string message = "";

        //Allows movement control with controllers if menu is disabled
        if (!menu.activeSelf)
            if (controller.gripPressed)
                message = outPos.x + " " + outPos.y + " " + outPos.z + " " + outQuat.x + " " + outQuat.y + " " + outQuat.z + " " + outQuat.w + " moveToEEPose";
            else if (controller.touchpadPressed)
                float angle = controller.GetTouchpadAxisAngle();

                if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135)                 // touching right
                    message += " yDown ";
                else if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225)                 // touching bottom
                    message += " xDown ";
                else if (angle >= 225 && angle < 315)                 // touching left
                    message += " yUp ";
                else                 //touching top
                    message += " xUp ";
            if (controller.triggerPressed)
                message += " openGripper ";
                message += " closeGripper ";

            wsc.SendEinMessage(message, arm);
 void goHome_left()
     wsc.SendEinMessage("goHome", "left");
 void sendMessage()   //send an ein message to arm
     wsc.SendEinMessage(message, arm);