public void Run(string downloadTime)
            DateTime           date          = DateTime.Now;
            DownloadEngine     download      = new DownloadEngine();
            Formatting         formatting    = new Formatting();
            PeregrineOperation peregrine     = new PeregrineOperation();
            MACD                macd         = new MACD();
            Stochastic          stochastic   = new Stochastic();
            TechnicalIndicators indicators   = new TechnicalIndicators();
            Transactions        transactions = new Transactions();
            WebClient           web          = new WebClient(); // provides the ability to download from the internet
            WebURIs             uRIs         = new WebURIs();   // refers to an instance of the Wall Street Journal URL

            DownloadTimer(download, formatting, peregrine, macd, stochastic, indicators, transactions, web, uRIs, Database, downloadTime);
        /// <summary>
        /// The Trading Days method allows the program to validate if the file being downloaded holds the correct amount of data. I am using five of the largest
        /// stocks which are heavily tracked. It is unlikely that there will not be historical data on these five stocks, making them a good bench mark.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberDays"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int tradingDays(string startDate, WebClient web, WebURIs uRIs, DateTime date)
            List <string> FAANG = new List <string> {
                "FB", "AAPL", "AMZN", "NFLX", "GOOGL"
            };             // Top Tech stocks: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, NetFlix, Google

            int count = 0; // count of the total trading days recorded for FAANG over the period.

            foreach (var item in FAANG)
                //              (website location  (stock requested, startdate, enddate) splitting by the return symbol > places it into an array > counts the array elements
                int rows = web.DownloadString(uRIs.WSJHistorical(item, startDate, date.ToShortDateString())).Split('\n').ToArray().Count();
                count += rows; // count = count(current) + rows
            int tradingDays = count / 5;

        /// Download and save to Database
        private void Download(DateTime date, DownloadEngine download, Formatting formatting, PeregrineOperation peregrine, MACD macd, Stochastic stochastic, TechnicalIndicators indicators, Transactions transactions, WebClient web, WebURIs uRIs, string Database)
            List <string> Symbols = transactions.DatabaseSymbolListQuery(Database, stocks);

            transactions.TruncateStockTable(Database, "Clean Data"); // clears data from the clean data table.
            int count = 1;

            foreach (var stock in Symbols)
                Console.WriteLine($"Downloading {stock} || {count} of {Symbols.Count}");
                download.ToDatabase(date, formatting, peregrine, transactions, web, uRIs, stock, Database);
            Console.WriteLine("I'm Done");
            //count = 1;
            //calls the list of stocks that have been data verified
            //List<string> CleanData = transactions.DatabaseSymbolListQuery(Database, stocks);
            //foreach (var stock in CleanData)
            //    Console.Clear();
            //    Console.WriteLine($"Doing Math {stock} || {count} of {CleanData.Count}");
            //    List<Results> results = MathPredictsTheFuture(download, macd, stochastic, transactions, indicators, stock);
            //    transactions.SaveToTableResult(Database, results); // saves the calculations to the Results table in the database
            //    count++;

            //// calls the stocks from the results list
            //List<PeregrineResults> todaysResults = transactions.DailyResultsQuery(peregrine.Database);
            //transactions.TruncateStockTable(database, peregrineresults); // clears the web results table. This table feeds the model for the ASP.Net interface.
            //transactions.SaveToTableWebResult(peregrine.Database, todaysResults);
            //Console.WriteLine("Peregrine Results Updated");
        private void DownloadTimer(DownloadEngine download, Formatting formatting, PeregrineOperation peregrine, MACD macd, Stochastic stochastic,
                                   TechnicalIndicators indicators, Transactions transactions, WebClient web, WebURIs uRIs, string Database, string downloadTime)
            var DailyTime = downloadTime;  //Time when method needs to be called

            var timeParts = DailyTime.Split(new char[1] {

            var dateNow = DateTime.Now;
            var date    = new DateTime(dateNow.Year, dateNow.Month, dateNow.Day,
                                       int.Parse(timeParts[0]), int.Parse(timeParts[1]), int.Parse(timeParts[2]));
            TimeSpan ts;

            if (date > dateNow)
                ts = date - dateNow;
                date = date.AddDays(1);
                ts   = date - dateNow;
            while (date != dateNow)
                Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for {downloadTime}");
                //waits certan time and run the code
                Task.Delay(ts).ContinueWith((x) => Download(date, download, formatting, peregrine, macd, stochastic, indicators, transactions, web, uRIs, Database));
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads daily historical stock data.
        /// </summary>
        public string HistoricalDataDownload(string stock, string startDate, WebClient web, WebURIs uRIs, DateTime date, PeregrineOperation peregrine, Transactions transactions)
            string endDate = date.ToShortDateString();

            string stockData = web.DownloadString(uRIs.WSJHistorical(stock, startDate, endDate)); // method call to retrieve the data

        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads a single stock, verifies contents. If there is valid data the data is saved to the data base
        /// and the table containing the Clean Data list is updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberDays"></param>
        /// <param name="stock"></param>
        public void ToDatabase(DateTime date, Formatting formatting, PeregrineOperation peregrine, Transactions transactions, WebClient web, WebURIs uRIs, string stock, string Database)
            string startDate = DateSelect(date, transactions, peregrine, stock); // customizes start date to the last date downloaded defaults with 100 days of data

            //int benchMark = tradingDays(startDate, web, uRIs, date); // number of rows that should be in a valid data set.

            string stockData = HistoricalDataDownload(stock, startDate, web, uRIs, date, peregrine, transactions); // downloads historical data as a string.
                                                                                                                   // int actualData = cleanData(stockData); // passes data to check the quantity of data.
            var DailyStockData = formatting.CSVFileParse(stockData, stock);


            transactions.SaveToCleanData(stock); // write clean list to Table