protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Procurement_CTableAdapters.VIEW_PO_INSP_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter insp = new Procurement_CTableAdapters.VIEW_PO_INSP_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter(); CheckBox cb; decimal mat_id; string insp_qty; decimal po_qty, rel_qty; try { foreach (GridDataItem item in itemsGrid.Items) { cb = ((CheckBox)item["checkCol"].FindControl("checkItems")); if (cb.Checked) { mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(item["MAT_CODE1"].Text, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); insp_qty = (item["BAL_QTY"].FindControl("BAL_QTYTextBox") as TextBox).Text; insp.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["RFI_ID"]), item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text, mat_id, decimal.Parse(insp_qty), null); } } Master.ShowMessage("Selected Items Added."); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowError(ex.Message); } finally { insp.Dispose(); itemsGrid.Rebind(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(txtAutoCompltMatList.Entries[0].Text, Decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); if (mat_id == -1) { Master.show_error("There are two materials with the same code! try to use the unique one."); return; } else if (mat_id == 0) { Master.show_error("Material Code not found!"); return; } VIEW_MATERIAL_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter items = new VIEW_MATERIAL_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter(); try { items.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["MAT_REQ_ID"]), mat_id, decimal.Parse(txtReqQty.Text), DateTime.Parse(txtReqDate.SelectedDate.ToString()), txtRqrdAtLocation.Text, txtRemarks.Text); Master.show_success(txtAutoCompltMatList.Entries[0].Text + " Saved!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.show_error(ex.Message); } finally { items.Dispose(); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Procurement_CTableAdapters.VIEW_PO_BATCH_PLAN_DTTableAdapter batch = new Procurement_CTableAdapters.VIEW_PO_BATCH_PLAN_DTTableAdapter(); CheckBox cb; decimal mat_id; string batch_qty; try { string po_id = WebTools.GetExpr("PO_ID", "PIP_PO_BATCH_PLAN", " WHERE BATCH_ID='" + Request.QueryString["BATCH_ID"] + "'"); foreach (GridDataItem item in itemsGrid.Items) { cb = ((CheckBox)item["checkCol"].FindControl("checkItems")); if (cb.Checked) { string po_item_id = WebTools.GetExpr("PO_ITEM_ID", "PIP_PO_DETAIL", " WHERE PO_ID='" + po_id + "' AND PO_ITEM='" + item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text + "'"); mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(item["MAT_CODE1"].Text, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); batch_qty = (item["BAL_QTY"].FindControl("BAL_QTYTextBox") as TextBox).Text; batch.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["BATCH_ID"]), decimal.Parse(po_item_id), decimal.Parse(batch_qty), null, decimal.Parse(po_id), mat_id, item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text); } } Master.ShowMessage("Selected Items Added."); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowError(ex.Message); } finally { // insp.Dispose(); itemsGrid.Rebind(); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(txtMatCode.Text, Decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); if (mat_id == -1) { Master.ShowWarn("There are two materials with the same code! try to use the unique one."); return; } else if (mat_id == 0) { Master.ShowWarn("Material Code not found!"); return; } string bal_qty = WebTools.GetExpr("BAL_QTY", "VIEW_TOTAL_PIPE_REM", "REM_ID=" + ddRemains.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (bal_qty.Trim() != "" && bal_qty.Trim() != "0") { decimal bal_qty_dec = decimal.Parse(bal_qty); if (bal_qty_dec < decimal.Parse(txtQty.Text)) { Master.ShowWarn("Remain Balance Qty is not enough!"); return; } } else { Master.ShowWarn("Remain Balance Qty is not enough!"); return; } VIEW_ADD_ISSUE_REMTableAdapter items = new VIEW_ADD_ISSUE_REMTableAdapter(); try { items.InsertQuery( decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["ADD_ISSUE_ID"]), decimal.Parse(ddRemains.SelectedValue), decimal.Parse(txtQty.Text), string.Empty); returnGridView.DataBind(); Master.ShowMessage("New item created successfully."); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowWarn(ex.Message); } finally { items.Dispose(); } }
protected void txtMatCode_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { decimal mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(txtMatCode.Text, Decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); ddRemains.Items.Clear(); ddRemains.Items.Add(new ListItem("(Select Remain)", "-1")); if (mat_id == -1) { Master.ShowWarn("There are two materials with the same code! try to use the unique one."); } else if (mat_id == 0) { Master.ShowWarn("Material Code not found!"); } matIdField.Value = mat_id.ToString(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dsMaterialCTableAdapters.VIEW_ADP_SUBSTITUTE_DTTableAdapter substitu = new dsMaterialCTableAdapters.VIEW_ADP_SUBSTITUTE_DTTableAdapter(); string old_mat_id, old_mat_qty; old_mat_id = WebTools.GetExpr("MAT_ID", "PIP_BOM", "BOM_ID=" + ddBomItem.SelectedValue.ToString()); old_mat_qty = WebTools.GetExpr("NET_QTY", "PIP_BOM", "BOM_ID=" + ddBomItem.SelectedValue.ToString()); decimal new_mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(txtItemCode.Text, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); if (new_mat_id == 0) { Master.show_error("Material Not Found"); return; } try { substitu.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["REQ_ID"]), decimal.Parse(ddBomItem.SelectedValue.ToString()), decimal.Parse(old_mat_id), decimal.Parse(old_mat_qty), new_mat_id, decimal.Parse(txtNewQty.Text), txtRemarks.Text); string count = WebTools.CountExpr("1", "PIP_MAT_SUBSTITUTE_DETAIL", " WHERE BOM_ID=" + ddBomItem.SelectedValue.ToString()); //if (count == "1") //{ // //NEW ADDITION // string sql1 = "UPDATE PIP_BOM SET OLD_MAT_ID=" + old_mat_id + " WHERE BOM_ID=" + ddBomItem.SelectedValue.ToString(); // WebTools.exec_non_qry(sql1); //} string sql3 = "UPDATE PIP_BOM SET NET_QTY=" + txtNewQty.Text + " WHERE BOM_ID=" + ddBomItem.SelectedValue.ToString(); string sql2 = "UPDATE PIP_BOM SET MAT_ID=" + new_mat_id.ToString() + " WHERE BOM_ID=" + ddBomItem.SelectedValue.ToString(); WebTools.exec_non_qry(sql3); WebTools.exec_non_qry(sql2); Master.show_success("New Item Added."); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.show_error(ex.Message); return; } finally { substitu.Dispose(); } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(ddlMatCode.Text, Decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); if (mat_id == -1) { //Master.ShowWarn("There are two materials with the same code! try to use the unique one."); RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("There are two materials with the same code! try to use the unique one.", 400, 150, "Warning", ""); return; } else if (mat_id == 0) { // Master.ShowWarn("Material Code not found!"); RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("Material Code not found!", 400, 150, "Warning", ""); return; } VIEW_MATERIAL_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter items = new VIEW_MATERIAL_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter(); try { items.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["MAT_REQ_ID"]), decimal.Parse(txtMrItem.Text), mat_id, ddlHeatNo.SelectedValue, txtCabledrum.SelectedValue, decimal.Parse(txtReqQty.Text), txtReqDate.SelectedDate, txtRqrdAtLocation.Text, null, null, txtRemarks.Text, decimal.Parse(ddlPO.SelectedValue)); RadGrid1.DataBind(); //Master.ShowMessage(txtMatCode.Text + " Saved!"); RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("Material Added.", 400, 150, "Success", ""); decimal mr_item_no = WebTools.DMax("MR_ITEM_NO", "MATERIAL_REQUEST_DETAIL", " WHERE MAT_REQ_ID='" + Request.QueryString["MAT_REQ_ID"] + "'"); txtMrItem.Text = (mr_item_no + 1).ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Master.ShowWarn(ex.Message); RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("Access denied.", 400, 150, "Warning", ""); } finally { items.Dispose(); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Procurement_CTableAdapters.VIEW_PUNCHLIST_MASTER_DTTableAdapter punchlist_dt = new Procurement_CTableAdapters.VIEW_PUNCHLIST_MASTER_DTTableAdapter(); CheckBox cb; //decimal discipline; decimal mat_id; string punch_qty; try { foreach (GridDataItem item in itemsGrid.Items) { cb = ((CheckBox)item["checkCol"].FindControl("checkItems")); if (cb.Checked) { mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(item["MAT_CODE1"].Text, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); punch_qty = (item["PUNCH_QTY"].FindControl("PO_QTYTextBox") as TextBox).Text; string cat = (item["CAT"].FindControl("ddlCAT") as RadDropDownList).SelectedValue; string punch_desc = (item["Punch_Desc"].FindControl("txtPunchDesc") as TextBox).Text; punchlist_dt.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["PUNCH_ID"]), decimal.Parse(item["PO_ITEM_ID"].Text), cat, decimal.Parse(punch_qty), punch_desc, mat_id, (item["PUNCH_DATE"].FindControl("txtDate") as RadDatePicker).SelectedDate, null); } } Master.ShowMessage("Selected Items Added."); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowError(ex.Message); } finally { punchlist_dt.Dispose(); itemsGrid.Rebind(); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ////////////////////////////////// CheckBox cb; decimal mir_item = WebTools.DMax("MIR_ITEM_NUM", "VIEW_ADAPTER_MIR_DT", " WHERE MIR_ID=" + Request.QueryString["MIR_ID"]); foreach (GridDataItem item in itemsGrid.Items) { cb = ((CheckBox)item["checkCol"].FindControl("checkItems")); if (cb.Checked) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////// string tc_id = ""; /////////////////////////////////get values//////////////////////////////////// string po_item = item["PO_ITEM"].Text; string mat_code1 = item["MAT_CODE1"].Text; string rfi_id = WebTools.GetExpr("RFI_ID", "PRC_MAT_INSP", " MIR_ID= '" + Request.QueryString["MIR_ID"] + "'"); decimal mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(mat_code1, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); string tc_no = (item["MTC_NO"].FindControl("txtMTCNo") as TextBox).Text; string bal_mrir_qty = WebTools.GetExpr("BAL_MRIR_QTY", "VIEW_MRIR_BAL_FROM_RFI", " WHERE RFI_ID = '" + rfi_id + "' AND PO_ITEM='" + po_item + "' AND MAT_ID='" + mat_id + "'"); //string bal_mrir_qty = (item["BAL_MRIR_QTY"].FindControl("BAL_MRIR_QTYTextBox") as TextBox).Text; string receive_qty = item["INSP_QTY"].Text; string mrir_qty = item["MRIR_QTY"].Text; string cable_drum_no = (item["CABLE_DRUM_NO"].FindControl("ddlCableNo") as RadDropDownList).SelectedValue; string heat_no = (item["HEAT_NO"].FindControl("txtHeatNo") as TextBox).Text; string excess = (item["EXCESS"].FindControl("txtExcess") as TextBox).Text; string shortage = (item["SHORTAGE"].FindControl("txtShortage") as TextBox).Text; string damage = (item["DAMAGE"].FindControl("txtDamage") as TextBox).Text; string substore = (item["SUBSTORE"].FindControl("ddlsubstore") as RadDropDownList).SelectedValue; string paint_sys = (item["PAINT_SYS"].FindControl("txtPaintSys") as TextBox).Text; string pl_qty = (item["PL_QTY"].FindControl("txtPLQty") as TextBox).Text; string unit_wt = (item["UNIT_WT"].FindControl("txtUnitWt") as TextBox).Text; string remarks = (item["REMARKS"].FindControl("txtRemarks") as TextBox).Text; string sub_warehouse = (item["SUB_WAREHOUSE"].FindControl("txtSubWarehouse") as TextBox).Text; string line_no = (item["LINE_NO"].FindControl("txtLineNo") as TextBox).Text; string rack_no = (item["RACK_NO"].FindControl("txtRackNo") as TextBox).Text; string shelf_no = (item["SHELF_NO"].FindControl("txtShelfNo") as TextBox).Text; string pieces = (item["BAL_PIECES"].FindControl("BAL_PIECESTextBox") as TextBox).Text; if (pieces == "N/A" || pieces == "") { pieces = "0"; } ////////////////////////////////get values/////////////////////////////////////// tc_id = WebTools.GetExpr("TC_ID", "PIP_TEST_CARDS", " UPPER(TC_CODE) = '" + tc_no.ToUpper() + "'"); if (tc_id.Trim().Length == 0) { string po_id = WebTools.GetExpr("PO_ID", "PRC_MAT_INSP", " MIR_ID='" + Request.QueryString["MIR_ID"] + "'"); //Register New MTC Code. string sql = "INSERT INTO PIP_TEST_CARDS (PROJECT_ID, TC_CODE, PO_ID) VALUES ('" + Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString() + "', '" + tc_no.Trim().ToUpper() + "','" + po_id + "')"; WebTools.ExeSql(sql); //Get TC_ID for New MTC Code tc_id = WebTools.GetExpr("TC_ID", "PIP_TEST_CARDS", " UPPER(TC_CODE) = '" + tc_no.ToUpper() + "'"); } //string mat_id = WebTools.GetExpr("MAT_ID", "PIP_MAT_STOCK", " MAT_CODE1='" + mat_code1 + "'"); string itemid = WebTools.GetExpr("ITEM_ID", "PIP_MAT_STOCK", " MAT_ID= " + mat_id); if (decimal.Parse(bal_mrir_qty) > (decimal.Parse(receive_qty) - decimal.Parse(mrir_qty))) { RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("Accepted quantity cannot be more than Inspection qty. <br/>Please re-check and enter valid value.", 300, 150, "Warning", ""); return; } //decimal? substore_id = null; //string sub_store_id= WebTools.GetExpr("SUBSTORE_ID", "STORES_SUB", " STORE_L1= '" + substore+"'"); // if (sub_store_id.Trim().Length == 0) // { // RadWindowManager1.RadAlert("Enter Valid Sub Store", 300, 150, "Warning", ""); // return; // } string sql1 = ""; sql1 = "INSERT INTO PRC_MAT_INSP_DETAIL(MIR_ID, PO_ITEM, MIR_ITEM, MAT_ID, RCV_QTY, ACPT_QTY, HEAT_NO, PAINT_SYS, TC_ID, SUBSTORE_ID, REMARKS,CABLE_DRUM_NO, AS_PER_PL_QTY,SUB_WAREHOUSE,LINE_NO,RACK_NO,SHELF_NO,EXC_QTY,SH_QTY,DAMAG_QTY,PIECES) "; sql1 += "VALUES('" + Request.QueryString["MIR_ID"].ToString() + "', '" + po_item + "','" + (++mir_item) + "','" + mat_id + "','"; sql1 += bal_mrir_qty + "','" + bal_mrir_qty + "','" + heat_no + "','" + paint_sys + "','" + tc_id + "','" + substore + "','"; sql1 += remarks + "','" + cable_drum_no + "', '" + pl_qty + "','" + sub_warehouse + "','" + line_no + "','" + rack_no + "','" + shelf_no + "','" + excess + "','" + shortage + "','" + damage + "','" + pieces + "')"; // Master.show_success(sql1); WebTools.ExeSql(sql1); } } Master.ShowMessage("Selected Items Added."); itemsGrid.Rebind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowError("Please enter MTC No:" + ex.Message); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Procurement_BTableAdapters.VIEW_PO_IRN_DETAILTableAdapter irn = new Procurement_BTableAdapters.VIEW_PO_IRN_DETAILTableAdapter(); CheckBox cb; decimal mat_id; string insp_qty, rel_qty, pieces; decimal po_qty, released_qty; int count = 0; int success_cnt = 0; string err_po_item_no = ""; string po_id = WebTools.GetExpr("PO_ID", "PIP_PO_IRN", " WHERE IRN_ID = '" + Request.QueryString["IRN_ID"] + "'"); try { foreach (GridDataItem item in itemsGrid.Items) { cb = ((CheckBox)item["checkCol"].FindControl("checkItems")); if (cb.Checked) { //Label lbl1 = (Label)item.FindControl("PO_QTY"); // po_qty = decimal.Parse(lbl1.Text); //Label lbl2 = (Label)item.FindControl("REL_QTY"); //released_qty = decimal.Parse(lbl2.Text); mat_id = WebTools.GetMatId(item["MAT_CODE1"].Text, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())); string bal_qty_left = WebTools.GetExpr("BAL_REL_QTY", "VIEW_PO_IRN_BAL", " WHERE PO_ID = '" + decimal.Parse(po_id) + "' AND PO_ITEM_NO='" + item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text + "'"); insp_qty = (item["BAL_REL_QTY"].FindControl("BAL_REL_QTYTextBox") as TextBox).Text; rel_qty = (item["BAL_REL_QTY"].FindControl("BAL_REL_QTYTextBox") as TextBox).Text; pieces = (item["BAL_PIECES"].FindControl("BAL_PIECESTextBox") as TextBox).Text; if (pieces == "N/A") { pieces = "0"; } if (bal_qty_left == "" || bal_qty_left == string.Empty) { bal_qty_left = "0"; } if (rel_qty == "" || rel_qty == string.Empty) { rel_qty = "0"; } // ELECTRICAL==2 po_qty = decimal.Parse(WebTools.GetExpr("PO_QTY", "PIP_PO_DETAIL", " WHERE PO_ID = '" + decimal.Parse(po_id) + "' AND PO_ITEM='" + item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text + "'")); released_qty = WebTools.DSum("RELEASE_QTY", "PIP_PO_IRN_DETAIL", " WHERE PO_ID=" + decimal.Parse(po_id) + " AND PO_ITEM='" + item["PO_ITEM_NO"] + "'"); string discipline = WebTools.GetExpr("DISCIPLINE_ID", "PIP_PO", " WHERE PO_ID=" + decimal.Parse(po_id)); string chk_discipline = WebTools.GetExpr("DISCIPLINE_ID", "PIP_PO_DISCIPLINE", " WHERE DISCIPLINE_ID=" + discipline); if ((decimal.Parse(bal_qty_left) >= decimal.Parse(rel_qty) && decimal.Parse(rel_qty) > 0) || (chk_discipline != string.Empty)) { if (decimal.Parse(bal_qty_left) < decimal.Parse(rel_qty)) { err_po_item_no += item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text + " , "; } irn.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["IRN_ID"]), item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text, mat_id, decimal.Parse(rel_qty), decimal.Parse(insp_qty), decimal.Parse(po_id), decimal.Parse(pieces)); success_cnt++; } else { count++; err_po_item_no += item["PO_ITEM_NO"].Text + " , "; } } } string msg = ""; if (err_po_item_no.Length > 0) { msg += "Rel Qty greater than PO Qty for Po Item No : " + err_po_item_no + "<br/> "; } if (success_cnt > 0) { msg = "Selected Item(s) Imported, <br/> "; Master.ShowSuccess("Selected Item(s) Imported"); } else { Master.ShowWarn(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowError(ex.Message); } finally { irn.Dispose(); itemsGrid.Rebind(); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (itemsGrid.SelectedIndexes.Count == 0) { Master.ShowMessage("Select Material to Add."); return; } string mrr_no; string mat_code1; string acpt_qty; string presv_qty; string bal_to_presv; string mir_item_id; dsPreservationTableAdapters.VIEW_PRESERVATION_MAT_DETAILTableAdapter presv_item = new dsPreservationTableAdapters.VIEW_PRESERVATION_MAT_DETAILTableAdapter(); string sql = string.Empty; try { foreach (GridDataItem item in itemsGrid.SelectedItems) { mir_item_id = item["MIR_ITEM_ID"].Text; mat_code1 = item["MAT_CODE1"].Text; acpt_qty = item["ACPT_QTY"].Text; presv_qty = item["PRESV_QTY"].Text.Trim(); bal_to_presv = ((item["BAL_TO_PRESERV"].FindControl("BAL_TO_PRESERVLabel")) as RadTextBox).Text; if (decimal.Parse(acpt_qty) >= ((presv_qty.Trim() == "" ? 0 : decimal.Parse(presv_qty)) + decimal.Parse(bal_to_presv))) { presv_item.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString()), decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["PRESERV_ID"]), decimal.Parse(mir_item_id), WebTools.GetMatId(mat_code1, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())), decimal.Parse(bal_to_presv), null); } else { Master.ShowError("Preservation quantity cannot be more than Accepted qty."); } } Master.ShowSuccess("Selected Items added to Preservation"); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowError(ex.Message); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (itemsGrid.SelectedIndexes.Count == 0) { Master.ShowMessage("Select Material to Add."); return; } string mrr_no; string mat_code1; string rcv_qty; string insp_qty; string bal_to_insp; string rcv_item_id; dsMaterialETableAdapters.VIEW_MAT_INSP_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter rfi_item = new dsMaterialETableAdapters.VIEW_MAT_INSP_REQUEST_DTTableAdapter(); string sql = string.Empty; try { foreach (GridDataItem item in itemsGrid.SelectedItems) { mrr_no = item["MAT_RCV_NO"].Text; rcv_item_id = item["RCV_ITEM_ID"].Text; mat_code1 = item["MAT_CODE1"].Text; rcv_qty = item["RCV_QTY"].Text; insp_qty = item["INSP_QTY"].Text.Trim(); bal_to_insp = ((item["BAL_TO_INSP"].FindControl("BAL_TO_INSPLabel")) as RadTextBox).Text; string pieces = (item["BAL_TO_INSP_PIECES"].FindControl("BAL_TO_INSP_PIECESLabel") as RadTextBox).Text; if (pieces == "N/A" || pieces == "") { pieces = "0"; } if (decimal.Parse(rcv_qty) >= ((insp_qty.Trim() == "" ? 0 : decimal.Parse(insp_qty)) + decimal.Parse(bal_to_insp))) { rfi_item.InsertQuery(decimal.Parse(Request.QueryString["RFI_ID"]), WebTools.GetMatId(mat_code1, decimal.Parse(Session["PROJECT_ID"].ToString())), decimal.Parse(bal_to_insp), null, "XXX", null, decimal.Parse(rcv_item_id), decimal.Parse(pieces)); Master.ShowSuccess("Selected Items added to RFI"); } else { Master.ShowError("Inspection quantity cannot be more than received qty."); } } itemsGrid.Rebind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowError(ex.Message); } }