        public DataSet ListSCOs(String unpackDirectory, String ZipFileName, String ContentRepository)
            String lstrManifest = "";

            //string unpackDirectory = GetNewFolder(ContentRepository);
            using (ZipFile zip1 = ZipFile.Read(ZipFileName))
                foreach (ZipEntry e in zip1)
                    e.Extract(unpackDirectory, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);
                    if (e.FileName.EndsWith("IMSMANIFEST.XML", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        lstrManifest = Path.Combine(unpackDirectory, e.FileName);

                    // Copy the js files to the required destination on the web server
                    WebTool.CopyDirectory(ContentRepository + "/Scorm/v.X.4/", unpackDirectory);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // this.lblMessage.Text = ex.Message;
                    // this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                    new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(ex, Bdw.Application.Salt.Data.ErrorLevel.High, "UploadToolbookContent.aspx", "UploadContent", "dirNewContentDestination.Create()");
                    // return;

                if (!lstrManifest.Equals(""))
                    DataSet SCOs = GetSCOs(lstrManifest);

                    // tweak the html files here for the quiz stuff
                    tweakTitlePages(SCOs, unpackDirectory);

                    return(new DataSet());
        } // UploadToolBokkContent

        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles the uploading of data from the xml file to the sql server database
        /// </summary>
        private void UploadScormContent()
            int           intModuleID;               // The current Module ID
            int           intCourseID;               // The current Course ID
            Module        objModule;                 // Used to access the Module Details
            DataTable     dtbModule;                 // Datatable containing Module Details
            DirectoryInfo dirNewContentSource;       // Directory info about the source directory
            DirectoryInfo dirNewContentDestination;  // Directory info about the destination directory
            DirectoryInfo dirNewContentDestination2; // Directory info about the destination directory
            DirectoryInfo dirOldContentDestination;  // Directory info about the destination directory

            string strContentType;              // The content type, Quiz or a Lesson
            string strUploadType;               // The Upload Type, a correction or an update
            string strNewContentDestination;    //
            string strOldContentDestination;    //
            string strFilename = "";
            string strQFS      = "";

            // Retrieve the Module ID from the query string and Course ID from the database
            intModuleID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ModuleID"].ToString());

            // Get module details
            objModule   = new Module();
            dtbModule   = objModule.GetModule(intModuleID, UserContext.UserData.OrgID);
            intCourseID = int.Parse(dtbModule.Rows[0]["CourseID"].ToString());

            // Verify that the ASP.NET user has the necessary permission to the content
            // destination folder before beginning content upload
            string        strContentDestinationTest = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImportSCORMDestinationDirectory"] + "/Test";
            DirectoryInfo dirContentDestinationTest = new DirectoryInfo(WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strContentDestinationTest));

                // Try to create a test folder, will throw an IOException if insufficient permissions
                // Tidy up
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
            String LaunchPoint;

            // LaunchPoint = txtLocation.Text;
            //Code by joseph
            //if (LaunchPoint.Contains("launchpage.html"))
            //    string strContentDestinationNew = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImportSCORMDestinationDirectory"];// +"/AdaptiveFiles";
            //    DirectoryInfo dirContentDestination = new DirectoryInfo(WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strContentDestinationNew));

            //    strNewContentDestination = strContentDestinationNew + "/" + intCourseID + "/" + intModuleID.ToString();
            //    if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dirContentDestination + "\\" + intCourseID + "\\" + intModuleID))
            //    {

            //        System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dirContentDestination + "\\" + intCourseID + "\\" + intModuleID);
            //        string strContentDestination = dirContentDestination + "\\" + intCourseID + "\\" + intModuleID.ToString();
            //       //
            //        System.IO.File.Copy(strContentDestination, strNewContentDestination, true);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        string strContentDestination = dirContentDestination + "/" + intCourseID + "/" + intModuleID.ToString();
            //        //

            //    }
                // Create a directory info object for the specified path
                LaunchPoint         = txtLocation.Text;
                dirNewContentSource = dirContentDestinationTest;
                if (LaunchPoint.Contains("launchpage.html"))
                    LaunchPoint = LaunchPoint.Split('/')[0].ToString();
                    FileInfo LessonLaunchPoint = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("/General/") + "Scorm/Publishing/" + LaunchPoint);
                    strFilename         = "launchpage.html";
                    dirNewContentSource = new DirectoryInfo(LessonLaunchPoint.Directory.FullName + "/" + LaunchPoint.Split('/')[0].ToString());
                    LaunchPoint         = txtLocation.Text;
                    LaunchPoint = LaunchPoint.Substring(0, LaunchPoint.IndexOf("?"));
                    FileInfo LessonLaunchPoint = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("/General/") + "Scorm/Publishing/" + LaunchPoint);
                    strFilename         = LessonLaunchPoint.Name;
                    dirNewContentSource = new DirectoryInfo(LessonLaunchPoint.Directory.FullName);
                    LaunchPoint         = txtLocation.Text;
                strQFS      = LaunchPoint.Substring(LaunchPoint.IndexOf("?") + 5, LaunchPoint.Length - LaunchPoint.IndexOf("?") - 5);
                LaunchPoint = LaunchPoint.Substring(0, LaunchPoint.IndexOf("?"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

            // Check that the supplied path exists
            if (dirNewContentSource.Exists)
                // Construct the path on the web server where the new SCORM files will be placed
                strNewContentDestination  = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImportSCORMDestinationDirectory"].ToString();
                strNewContentDestination += "/" + intCourseID.ToString() + "/" + intModuleID.ToString();
                if (!LaunchPoint.Contains("launchpage.html"))
                    strNewContentDestination += "/" + "lesson";
                // Construct the path on the web server where the OLD SCORM files will be moved to (if they exist)
                strOldContentDestination  = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImportSCORMDestinationDirectory"].ToString();
                strOldContentDestination += "/Superseded/" + intCourseID.ToString() + "/" + intModuleID.ToString();

                if (!LaunchPoint.Contains("launchpage.html"))
                    strOldContentDestination += "/" + "lesson";
                strOldContentDestination = WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strOldContentDestination);

                //strNewContentDestination = txtLocation.Text;

                //strNewContentDestination = WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strNewContentDestination);

                // Ensure the destination directory on the web server exists
                dirNewContentDestination2 = new DirectoryInfo(WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strNewContentDestination));
                if (dirNewContentDestination2.Exists)
                    // Delete the contents of the current content destination folder
                        dirOldContentDestination = new DirectoryInfo(strOldContentDestination);
                        dirNewContentDestination2.MoveTo(strOldContentDestination + "/" + DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                        this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

                dirNewContentDestination = new DirectoryInfo(WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strNewContentDestination));
                // Copy the source Toolbook files into the destination directory
                    // Create the content destination folder

                    // Copy the Toolbook files to the required destination on the web server
                    WebTool.CopyDirectory(dirNewContentSource.FullName, dirNewContentDestination.FullName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                    new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(ex, Bdw.Application.Salt.Data.ErrorLevel.High, "UploadToolbookContent.aspx", "UploadContent", "dirNewContentDestination.Create()");

                    string contentdest;
                    if (LaunchPoint.Contains("launchpage.html"))
                        contentdest = strNewContentDestination + "/shared/" + strFilename;
                        contentdest = strNewContentDestination + "/" + strFilename;
                    using (StoredProcedure sp = new StoredProcedure("prcSCORMimport",
                                                                    //								  StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@intLessonID", SqlDbType.Int, intLessonID),
                                                                    StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@intModuleID", SqlDbType.Int, intModuleID),
                                                                    //								  StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@strToolbookID", SqlDbType.VarChar,50, strToolbookID),
                                                                    // StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@strToolLocation", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100, strNewContentDestination + "/" + strFilename),By Joseph
                                                                    StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@strToolLocation", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100, contentdest),
                                                                    StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@strQFSLocation", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100, strNewContentDestination + "/" + strQFS),
                                                                    //                                  StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@strToolLocation", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100, dirNewContentDestination.FullName + "/" + strFilename),
                                                                    StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@DatePublished", SqlDbType.DateTime, dirNewContentSource.LastWriteTime),
                                                                    StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@intUserID", SqlDbType.VarChar, 1000, UserContext.UserID),
                                                                    StoredProcedure.CreateInputParam("@SCORMsource", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100, LaunchPoint)
                catch (Exception)

                // Display a success message
                this.lblMessage.Text = ResourceManager.GetString("LessonUpload");

                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "SuccessMessage";
                this.lblMessage.Text     = String.Format(ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage5"), Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]);//"The specified physical path does not exist on " + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"];
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
        } // UploadScormContent
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles the uploading of data from the xml file to the sql server database
        /// </summary>
        private void UploadTBkContent()
            int            intModuleID;              // The current Module ID
            int            intCourseID;              // The current Course ID
            Module         objModule;                // Used to access the Module Details
            DataTable      dtbModule;                // Datatable containing Module Details
            DirectoryInfo  dirNewContentSource;      // Directory info about the source directory
            DirectoryInfo  dirNewContentDestination; // Directory info about the destination directory
            ImportToolbook objImport;                // Used to perform the actual import
            DataSet        dstImportResults;         // Dataset containing the import results
            string         strContentType;           // The content type, Quiz or a Lesson
            string         strUploadType;            // The Upload Type, a correction or an update
            string         strNewContentDestination; //

            // Retrieve the Module ID from the query string and Course ID from the database
            intModuleID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ModuleID"].ToString());

            // Get module details
            objModule   = new Module();
            dtbModule   = objModule.GetModule(intModuleID, UserContext.UserData.OrgID);
            intCourseID = int.Parse(dtbModule.Rows[0]["CourseID"].ToString());

            // Verify that the ASP.NET user has the necessary permission to the content
            // destination folder before beginning content upload
            string        strContentDestinationTest = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImportToolBookDestinationDirectory"] + "/Test";
            DirectoryInfo dirContentDestinationTest = new DirectoryInfo(WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strContentDestinationTest));

                // Try to create a test folder, will throw an IOException if insufficient permissions
                // Tidy up
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

                // Create a directory info object for the specified path
                dirNewContentSource = new DirectoryInfo(txtLocation.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

            // Check that the supplied path exists
            if (dirNewContentSource.Exists)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

                // Create an ImportToolbook object to import the content in the XML file
                string strXMLFile = dirNewContentSource.FullName + @"\" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImportToolBookXMLFileName"].ToString();
                string strXSDFile = WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ToolBookXSD"]);
                objImport          = new ImportToolbook(strXMLFile, strXSDFile, ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["XMLNamespace"]);
                objImport.ModuleID = intModuleID;
                objImport.CourseID = intCourseID;
                objImport.UserID   = UserContext.UserID;

                // Preview the XML to determine the content and upload type
                    dstImportResults = objImport.Preview();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage1") + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                switch (dstImportResults.Tables.Count)
                case 2:
                    // XML file loaded successfully
                    strUploadType  = dstImportResults.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                    strContentType = dstImportResults.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString();

                case 1:
                    // Error condition - could be that a correction has been rejected
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage2") + " " + dstImportResults.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

                    // Unknown error condition
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage3");
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

                // Construct the path on the web server where the Toolbook files will be placed
                strNewContentDestination  = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImportToolBookDestinationDirectory"].ToString();
                strNewContentDestination += "/" + intCourseID.ToString() + "/" + intModuleID.ToString();
                strNewContentDestination += "/" + strContentType;

                // The import procedure just needs to the logical path, not the physical
                if (radInfoPath.Checked)
                    objImport.ToolbookLocation = strNewContentDestination + @"/default.aspx";
                if (radToolbook.Checked)
                    objImport.ToolbookLocation = strNewContentDestination + @"/ie4/index.html";

                strNewContentDestination = WebTool.MapToPhysicalPath(strNewContentDestination);

//check for qfs
                // If the upload is a lesson, verify that the Quick facts sheet is present
//                if ( (strContentType.ToUpper() == "LESSON") && (dirNewContentSource.GetFiles(m_strQuickFactSheetFile).Length == 0) )
//                {
//                    // The Quick facts sheet does not exist
//                    this.lblMessage.Text += "Error uploading new content: '" + dirNewContentSource.FullName + @"\" + m_strQuickFactSheetFile + "' does not exist";
//                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
//                    return;
//                }

                // Load the content into the database
                    dstImportResults = objImport.Load();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorHandler.ErrorLog el = new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(ex, ErrorLevel.High, "UploadToolBookContent.aspx.cs", "UploadContent", ex.Message);
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage4");//"Unknown error uploading new content.";
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                if (dstImportResults.Tables.Count != 2)
                    // Error condition
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage5");//"Error uploading new content.";
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

                // Ensure the destination directory on the web server exists
                dirNewContentDestination = new DirectoryInfo(strNewContentDestination);
                if (dirNewContentDestination.Exists)
                    // Delete the contents of the current content destination folder
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                        this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";

                // Copy the source Toolbook files into the destination directory
                    // Create the content destination folder

                    // Copy the Toolbook files to the required destination on the web server
                    WebTool.CopyDirectory(dirNewContentSource.FullName, dirNewContentDestination.FullName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.lblMessage.Text     = ex.Message;
                    this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
                    new ErrorHandler.ErrorLog(ex, Bdw.Application.Salt.Data.ErrorLevel.High, "UploadToolbookContent.aspx", "UploadContent", "dirNewContentDestination.Create()");

                // Display a success message
                switch (strContentType)
                case "quiz":
                    this.lblMessage.Text = ResourceManager.GetString("QuizUpload");

                case "lesson":
                    this.lblMessage.Text = ResourceManager.GetString("LessonUpload");
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "SuccessMessage";
                this.lblMessage.Text     = String.Format(ResourceManager.GetString("lblMessage5"), Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]);//"The specified physical path does not exist on " + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"];
                this.lblMessage.CssClass = "WarningMessage";
        } // UploadToolBokkContent