// ----------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// /// </summary> void Connect() { ws = new WebSocket (WSAddress); ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log ("<color=lime>WebSocket Open</color>"); }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { lock (messageQueue.SyncRoot) { try { messageQueue.Enqueue (e.Data.ToString ()); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.Log (ex.ToString ()); } } //Debug.Log ("<color=cyan>WebSocket Message Type: " + e.Type + ", Data: " + e.Data + "</color>"); }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log ("<color=red>WebSocket Error Message: " + e.Message + "</color>"); }; ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log ("<color=orange>WebSocket Close</color>"); }; ws.Connect (); }
void Connect() { //接続 //ポートの指定はしなくても大丈夫だった。80で接続してるはず。 ws = new WebSocket(url); ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { //接続したら自分を制御用PCとしてサーバーに教える //SendSetPCMessage(); print("Connected"); }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { string s = e.Data; //Debug.Log (s); Dictionary<string, object> dict = Json.Deserialize (s) as Dictionary<string, object>; //Debug.Log (dict["power"].GetType() ); long val = (long)dict["power"]; //Debug.Log ("val="+val); toColor = GetColor(val/divBy); value = val/divBy; }; ws.Connect(); ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { print("Closed"); }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { print("Error : " + e.Message); }; }
/// <summary> /// Start the Birb Client. /// </summary> /// <returns>Nothing right now.</returns> IEnumerator Start() { gameStateManager = GetComponent<GameStateManager>(); Uri server = new Uri("ws://birb.herokuapp.com"); Uri localhost = new Uri("ws://localhost:5000"); socket = new WebSocket(server); callbacks = new Dictionary<BirbMessageCode, Callback>(); yield return StartCoroutine(socket.Connect()); int i = 0; // Testing //RunUnitTests(); while (true) { string reply = socket.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { Debug.Log("Received: " + reply); Process(reply); } if (socket.Error != null) { Debug.LogError("Error: " + socket.Error); break; } yield return 0; } socket.Close(); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start () { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); int i = 0; w.SendString(PackMessage("Hi there", i)); while (true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { Message msg = UnpackMessage (reply); Debug.Log ("Received: " + msg.msg + ", " + msg.no); w.SendString (PackMessage ("Hi there", i)); } if (w.error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: " + w.error); break; } ++i; yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
void InitWebSocket() { _ws = new WebSocket ("wss://echo.websocket.org/"); _ws.OnMessage += MessageCallback; _ws.OnError += ErrorCallback; _ws.Connect (); }
public void Connect() { if (SocketState == WebSocketState.Connecting || SocketState == WebSocketState.Closed) { _socket?.Connect(); } }
public void Play() { var uri = new Uri(Server + "?user="******"Something strange is happening on the server... Response:\n{0}", response); ShouldExit = true; } else { var boardString = response.Substring(ResponsePrefix.Length); var action = DoMove(new GameBoard(boardString)); socket.Send(action); } } } }
void Connect() { ws = new WebSocket("ws://socket.nappers.jp:8888"); // called when websocket messages come. ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { string s = e.Data; Debug.Log(string.Format( "Receive {0}",s)); messages.Add("> " + e.Data); if(messages.Count > 10){ messages.RemoveAt(0); } }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("OnError"); }; ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("OnClose"); }; ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("OnOpen"); }; ws.Connect(); Debug.Log("Connect to " + ws.Url); }
IEnumerator Start() { _game = gameObject.GetComponent<MainProxy>(); _state = ConnectionState.UNKNOWN; _socket = new WebSocket (new Uri ("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine (_socket.Connect ()); }
public void Connect(string playerName, string url) { PlayerName = playerName; if (Socket != null) Disconnect(); Socket = new WebSocket(new Uri(url)); StartCoroutine(Socket.Connect()); }
public void Connect(string host, int port) { if (Client != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Already called Connect."); } Client = new WebSocket($"ws://{host}:{port}{ServicePath}"); Client.OnMessage += Client_OnMessage; Client?.Connect(); }
public WebtestClient(string port) { client = new WebSocket(@"ws://" + port + "/Simulator"); client.Connect(); client.OnError += (sender, e) => Debug.Log("error: " + e.Message.ToString()); client.OnClose += (sender, e) => Debug.Log("client on closing"); }
public PongWebSockets(string WebSocketServerAddress) { //nf = new Notifier(); ws = new WebSocket(WebSocketServerAddress); ws.OnMessage += Ws_OnMessage; ws.OnOpen += Ws_OnOpen; ws.OnClose += Ws_OnClose; ws.OnError += Ws_OnError; ws.Connect(); }
void Connect() { ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888/"); // called when websocket messages come. ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { /* string s = e.Data; Debug.Log(string.Format( "Receive {0}",s)); messages.Add("> " + e.Data); if(messages.Count > 10){ messages.RemoveAt(0); } */ var jsonData = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(e.Data) as Dictionary<string,object>; string message = (string)jsonData["message"]; if(message == "returnform") { //get Map Data } else if(message == "requestcreateform") { //createMap } else if(message == "returnscore") { // rannkinnguitiran } else if(message == "sendposition") { //anotherUserPosition Debug.Log("a"); } else if(message == "setuserid") { SetUserID((string)jsonData["userID"]); } Debug.Log(message); }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("aa"); }; ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("Closing..."); }; ws.Connect(); Debug.Log("Connect to " + ws.Url); }
// https://github.com/sta/websocket-sharp void Start() { socket = new WebSocket("ws://literature.uncontext.com:80"); socket.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log ("socket Error: " + e.Message.ToString()); }; socket.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log ("socket message: " + e.Data); }; socket.Connect(); }
public void Reconnect(string WebSocketServerAddress) { ws.Close(); ws.OnMessage -= Ws_OnMessage; ws.OnOpen -= Ws_OnOpen; ws.OnClose -= Ws_OnClose; ws.OnError -= Ws_OnError; ws = new WebSocket(WebSocketServerAddress); ws.OnMessage += Ws_OnMessage; ws.OnOpen += Ws_OnOpen; ws.OnClose += Ws_OnClose; ws.OnError += Ws_OnError; ws.Connect(); }
private static void ListenToMtgox() { var ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + Dns.GetHostAddresses("websocket.mtgox.com").First().ToString() + ":80/mtgox", "*"); var observableWs = new ObservableWebsocket(ws); if (!ws.Connect()) { Console.WriteLine("Not connected"); Console.ReadLine(); } else { Console.Clear(); Connected(observableWs); ws.Close(); } }
private void BeginConnect() { try { DebugUtil.LogNormal <WsClientWithTimeout>(DebugLocation.Internal, "BeginConnect", "Connecting To WS Edge..."); _connection?.Connect(); if (_connection?.IsAlive == true) { _connected = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { _exception = ex; } }
void Connect() { ws = new WebSocket (WSAddress); ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { //Debug.Log ("WebSocket Open"); }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { //Debug.Log ("WebSocket Message Type: " + e.Type + ", Data: " + e.Data); }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { //Debug.Log ("WebSocket Error Message: " + e.Message); }; ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { //Debug.Log ("WebSocket Close"); }; ws.Connect (); }
//TODO: Make this async void SocketIOHandShake() { WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create("http://worldmanager.rutgers.edu:3003/socket.io/1"); wr.Method = "POST"; WebResponse res = wr.GetResponse (); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (res.GetResponseStream()); string responseString = sr.ReadToEnd (); sid = responseString.Substring (0, responseString.IndexOf (':')); Debug.Log(responseString); int heartbeat = Convert.ToInt32(responseString.Substring (responseString.IndexOf (':')+1, 2)); ws = new WebSocket ("ws://"+sid); ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { isAlive = true; Debug.Log ("Laputa says: " + e.Data); }; ws.OnError += (object sender, WebSocketSharp.ErrorEventArgs e) => Debug.LogError(e.Message); ws.Connect (); StartCoroutine ("SendHeartbeat", heartbeat); }
//network public static void ConnectToServer() { Game.GameState = Game.GameStateType.ConnectedToServer; ws = new WebSocket("ws://", "echo-protocol"); //production: ws://ec2-54-227-104-51.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8080/ ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("connection with server opened"); if (ServerConnect != null) ServerConnect(); Loom.QueueOnMainThread(()=>{ ws.Send( JsonConvert.SerializeObject( new NetworkMsg(){ type = "connectRequest" }) ); }); }; ws.OnMessage += delegate(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) { NetworkMsg ms = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NetworkMsg>(e.Data); //Debug.Log("from: " + ms.id + " type: " + ms.type + " tata: " + ms.msg); if (ServerMsg != null) ServerMsg(ms); }; ws.OnError += delegate(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e) { Debug.Log("error: " + e.Message); if (ServerError!=null) ServerError(); }; ws.OnClose += delegate(object sender, CloseEventArgs e) { Debug.Log("connection closed: " + e.Data); if (ServerDisonnect!=null) ServerDisonnect(); }; ws.OnOpen+= delegate(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { }; #if DEBUG ws.Log.Level = LogLevel.TRACE; #endif ws.Connect(); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start () { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); w.SendString("UnityTest"); int i=0; while (true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { Debug.Log ("Received: "+reply); w.SendString("UnityTest " + i++); } if (w.Error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: "+w.Error); break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
void Connect() { ws = new WebSocket("wss://localhost:8888"); // called when websocket messages come. ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { string s = e.Data; //Debug.Log(string.Format( "Receive {0}",s)); msgQue.Add(e.Data); #if false messages.Add("> " + e.Data); if(messages.Count > 10){ messages.RemoveAt(0); } #endif }; ws.Connect(); Debug.Log("Connect to " + ws.Url); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { var ugly = UnityThreadHelper.Dispatcher; wssv = new WebSocketSharp.Server.WebSocketServer ("ws://localhost:7000/"); wssv.AddWebSocketService<Vis> ("/", () => new Vis () { IgnoreExtensions = true }); wssv.AddWebSocketService<Laputa> ( "/Laputa", () => new Laputa () { IgnoreExtensions = true }); ; wssv.Start (); Debug.Log ("Is listening: " + wssv.IsListening + " on port " + wssv.Port); ws = new WebSocket ("ws://localhost:7000/Laputa"); ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => Debug.Log ("Laputa says: " + e.Data); ws.Connect (); }
public WebSocketEndpoint() { var websocket = new WebSocket("ws://", "basic"); websocket.OnOpen += (sender, args) => { m_OpenEvent.Set(); return; }; websocket.OnClose += (sender, args) => { return; }; websocket.OnMessage += (sender, args) => { return; }; websocket.Connect(); m_OpenEvent.WaitOne(1000); websocket.Send("authenticate a b c"); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); w.SendString("Hi there"); int i = 0; while(true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if(reply != null) { Debug.Log("Received: " + reply); w.SendString("Hi there" + i++); } if(w.Error != null) { Debug.LogError("Error: " + w.Error); break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
IEnumerator Connecting() { var env = ConstantEnviroment.Instance; string uri = env.Network.GetAddress(env.Scene.GetPort(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name)); Debug.Log("[Connecting] IP=" + uri + " Group=" + MyPlayerController.Instance.Group); var socket = new WebSocket(new Uri(uri)); yield return StartCoroutine(socket.Connect()); JsonHash hash = new SyncStatus() { Group = MyPlayerController.Instance.Group, Status = NetworkStatus.Join }.ToHash(); socket.SendString(Json.Serialize(new JsonList() { hash })); while (true) { yield return null; var recv = socket.RecvString(); Retrieve(recv); while(_SynchronizedQueue.Count > 0) { Synchronized s = _SynchronizedQueue.Dequeue(); SyncStatus status = s as SyncStatus; if (status == null) continue; if (status.Status == NetworkStatus.Accept) { // サーバーと接続できた時 Synchronized.MyGroup = status.Group; // 自分のGroupを登録 Synchronized.MyId = status.ShortId; // 自分のIDを登録 MyPlayerController.Instance.SetID(status.Group, status.ShortId); _StartTime = status.Time; // 始まった時間 _WebSocket = socket; // ソケット登録 Debug.Log("[Connected] Group=" + status.Group + " ID=" + Synchronized.MyId + " Time=" + _StartTime); yield break; } } } }
public static void ConnectToWebSocket() { WebSocket mySocket = new WebSocket(); mySocket.OpenEvent += new OpenEventHandler((object sender, OpenEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("Open Event"); mySocket.Send("Hello, World"); }); mySocket.MessageEvent += new MessageEventHandler((object sender, MessageEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.Data); }); mySocket.CloseEvent += new CloseEventHandler((object sender, CloseEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("Close Event"); }); mySocket.Connect("ws://localhost:8001/echo"); //mySocket.Close(); }
public WsClient () { bool success = TestConnection(); if (success) { Debug.Log ("Server check ok"); string server = String.Format("wss://{0}:{1}/", ip, port ); using (conn = new WebSocket (server,"game")); conn.Connect (); conn.OnOpen += (sender, e) => conn.Send ("Server Connected"); conn.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("Websocket Error"); conn.Close (); }; conn.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("Websocket Close"); conn.Close (); }; } else { Debug.Log ("Server check failed"); return; } conn.SslConfiguration.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { // Do something to validate the server certificate. Debug.Log ("Cert: " + certificate); return true; // If the server certificate is valid. }; }
public void ConnectToStreamingServer() { if (MY_TOKEN == string.Empty) { Debug.LogError("Token cannot be empty when trying to connect to the server."); return; } var wsUrl = string.Format( "wss://{0}/model/{1}/predict-rt?token={2}&interim=true&user_id={3}", API_BASE, MODEL_ID, MY_TOKEN, "username"); m_ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl); m_ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket connected"); m_sttState = STT_State.Stopped; UIBinding.OnWSConnected(); }; m_ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { var message = JsonUtility.FromJson <ServerToClientMessage>(e.Data); switch (message.type) { case "ready": { var streamingStatus = JsonUtility.FromJson <StreamingServerStatus>(e.Data); UIBinding.OnConnectionResult(streamingStatus); } break; case "failure": { var streamingStatus = JsonUtility.FromJson <StreamingServerStatus>(e.Data); UIBinding.OnConnectionResult(streamingStatus); Debug.LogErrorFormat("Server ({0}) not ready.", streamingStatus.id); } break; case "intent": { var rtPrediction = JsonUtility.FromJson <RealTimePredictionResult>(e.Data); UIBinding.OnReceivedRealtimeResult(rtPrediction); } break; } }; m_ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.LogErrorFormat("WebSocket Error {0}", e.Message); UIBinding.OnWSError(e.Message); }; m_ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Closed"); UIBinding.OnWSDisconnected(); }; m_ws.Connect(); }
private RconWeb(string connectionString) { WebSocket = new WebSocket(connectionString); WebSocket.Connect(); }
// Use this for initialization IEnumerator Start() { WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://")); yield return StartCoroutine(w.Connect()); int i=0; while (true) { string reply = w.RecvString(); if (reply != null) { float newAccelerationTarget = parseAcceleration(reply); if(newAccelerationTarget > 0.1f){ accelerationTargetReached = false; accelerationTarget = 1.0f; } moveCharacter(); Debug.Log ("Received: "+reply); } if (w.Error != null) { Debug.LogError ("Error: "+w.Error); break; } yield return 0; } w.Close(); }
public void Connect(string username) { _name = username; _websocket.Connect(); }
void Start() { webSocket = new WebSocket(connectAddress); // コネクションを確立したときのハンドラ webSocket.OnOpen += (sender, eventArgs) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Opened"); }; // エラーが発生したときのハンドラ webSocket.OnError += (sender, eventArgs) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Error Message: " + eventArgs.Message); }; // コネクションを閉じたときのハンドラ webSocket.OnClose += (sender, eventArgs) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Closed"); }; // メッセージを受信したときのハンドラ webSocket.OnMessage += (sender, eventArgs) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Message: " + eventArgs.Data); var header = JsonUtility.FromJson <RPC.Header>(eventArgs.Data); switch (header.Method) { case "ping": { var pong = JsonUtility.FromJson <RPC.Ping>(eventArgs.Data); Debug.Log(pong.Payload.Message); break; } case "login_response": { var loginResponse = JsonUtility.FromJson <RPC.LoginResponse>(eventArgs.Data); MainThreadExecutor.Enqueue(() => OnLoginResponse(loginResponse.Payload)); break; } case "sync": { var syncMessage = JsonUtility.FromJson <RPC.Sync>(eventArgs.Data); MainThreadExecutor.Enqueue(() => OnSync(syncMessage.Payload)); break; } case "spawn": { var spawnResponse = JsonUtility.FromJson <RPC.Spawn>(eventArgs.Data); MainThreadExecutor.Enqueue(() => OnSpawn(spawnResponse.Payload)); break; } } }; webSocket.Connect(); Login(); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { client = new WebSocket($"ws://localhost:7777/Dsicord?name={userName}"); client.OnMessage += Client_OnMessage; client.Connect(); }
public static AjaxCallResult CommitStoryEdit(int storyId, int revisionId, string countryCode, int topicId, string headline, string body, string sources, string comment, int photoId) { try { AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture(); headline = Uri.UnescapeDataString(headline); headline = headline.Trim(); if (headline.EndsWith(".")) { headline = headline.TrimEnd('.'); } headline = headline.Replace(" : ", ": ").Replace(" ?", "?").Replace(" ", " "); headline = Uri.EscapeDataString(headline); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(countryCode)) { countryCode = "--"; } string uri = "ws://fwn-internal:15615/Editing?Notify=false&Auth=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(authData.Authority.ToEncryptedXml()); using ( var socketClient = new WebSocket(uri)) { socketClient.Connect(); if (storyId > 0) { Country country = null; if (countryCode != "--") { country = Country.FromCode(countryCode); } Story story = Story.FromIdentity(storyId); StoryEdit storyEdit = story.Edit(StoryEditType.Edit, authData.CurrentUser, Topic.FromIdentity(topicId), null, country, headline, body, sources.Replace(" ", " ").Trim(), comment, photoId); story = Story.FromIdentity(storyId); // reload string personString = "#" + authData.CurrentUser.Identity.ToString("N0"); if (authData.CurrentUser.Identity == story.CreatedByPersonId) { personString = "Author"; } JObject storyEditedNotify = new JObject(); storyEditedNotify["messageType"] = "StoryEdited"; storyEditedNotify["StoryId"] = story.Identity; storyEditedNotify["Headline"] = headline; storyEditedNotify["Body"] = body; storyEditedNotify["Sources"] = story.SourceLinksHtml; storyEditedNotify["TopicGeography"] = story.Topic.Name + ", " + story.GeographyName; socketClient.Send(storyEditedNotify.ToString()); socketClient.Ping(); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"AddStoryEdit\",\"EditTimestamp\":\"" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() + "\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StoryEditId\":\"" + storyEdit.Identity + "\",\"EditType\":\"Edit\",\"Comment\":\"" + comment.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\",\"PersonIdString\":\"" + personString + "\"}"); story.Unlock(authData.CurrentUser); } else { Story story = Story.Create(headline, body, Topic.FromIdentity(topicId), (countryCode == "--" ? 1 : -Country.FromCode(countryCode).Identity), sources, authData.CurrentUser); if (photoId > 0) { story.Photo = Photo.FromIdentity(photoId); } socketClient.Send("{\"serverRequest\":\"UpdateQueueCounts\"}"); socketClient.Ping(); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"StoryCreated\"}"); } socketClient.Ping(); socketClient.Close(); } return(new AjaxCallResult { Success = true }); } catch (Exception exception) { return(new AjaxCallResult { Success = false, DisplayMessage = "An exception was thrown [CommitStoryEdit]:<br/><br/>" + exception.ToString() }); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ws.Connect().Wait(); timer1.Enabled = true; }
public static void main() { log.Debug("D2MP starting..."); ourDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); var iconThread = new Thread(delegate() { using (icon = new ProcessIcon()) { icon.Display(); Application.Run(); } }); iconThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); iconThread.Start(); try { var steam = new SteamFinder(); var steamDir = steam.FindSteam(true); dotaDir = steam.FindDota(true); if (steamDir == null || dotaDir == null) { log.Fatal("Steam/dota was not found!"); return; } else { log.Debug("Steam found: " + steamDir); log.Debug("Dota found: " + dotaDir); } addonsDir = Path.Combine(dotaDir, "dota/addons/"); d2mpDir = Path.Combine(dotaDir, "dota/d2moddin/"); modDir = Path.Combine(addonsDir, "d2moddin"); if (!Directory.Exists(addonsDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(addonsDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(d2mpDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(d2mpDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(modDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modDir); } { var dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(d2mpDir); modNames = new string[dirs.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (var dir in dirs) { var modName = Path.GetFileName(dir); log.Debug("Found mod: " + modName + " detecting version..."); var infoPath = Path.Combine(d2mpDir, modName + "/addoninfo.txt"); string versionFile = ""; if (File.Exists(infoPath)) { versionFile = File.ReadAllText(infoPath); } var match = Regex.Match(versionFile, @"(addonversion)(\s+)(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\d+\.)?(\*|\d+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { string version = match.Groups.Cast <Group>() .ToList() .Skip(3) .Aggregate("", (current, part) => current + part.Value); log.Debug(modName + "=" + version); modNames[i] = modName + "=" + version; } else { log.Error("Can't find version info for mod: " + modName + ", not including"); modNames[i] = modName + "=?"; } i++; } } //Detect user var config = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(steamDir, @"config\config.vdf")); var matches = Regex.Matches(config, "\"\\d{17}\""); string steamid; List <string> steamids = new List <string>(); if (matches.Count > 0) { foreach (Match match in matches) { steamid = match.Value.Substring(1).Substring(0, match.Value.Length - 2); log.Debug("Steam ID detected: " + steamid); steamids.Add(steamid); } } else { log.Fatal("Could not detect steam ID."); return; } //Modify gameinfo.txt ModGameInfo(); log.Debug("Starting shutdown file watcher..."); string pathToShutdownFile = Path.Combine(ourDir, "d2mp.pid"); File.WriteAllText(pathToShutdownFile, "Delete this file to shutdown D2MP."); FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); watcher.Path = ourDir; watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName; watcher.Filter = "d2mp.pid"; watcher.Deleted += (sender, args) => { shutDown = true; }; watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; shutDown = false; int tryCount = 0; while (tryCount < 30 && !shutDown) { using (ws = new WebSocket(server)) { ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { log.Debug("server: " + e.Data); if (e.Data == "invalidid") { log.Debug("Invalid ID!"); shutDown = true; return; } if (e.Data == "close") { log.Debug("Shutting down due to server request."); shutDown = true; return; } if (e.Data == "uninstall") { log.Debug("Uninstalling due to server request..."); Uninstall(); shutDown = true; return; } var msgParts = e.Data.Split(':'); switch (msgParts[0]) { case "installmod": ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(InstallMod, msgParts); break; case "deletemod": ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(DeleteMod, msgParts); break; case "setmod": ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(SetMod, msgParts); break; case "dconnect": ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ConnectDota, msgParts); break; case "launchdota": ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(LaunchDota, msgParts); break; case "dspectate": ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(SpectateGame, msgParts); break; default: log.Error("Command not recognized: " + msgParts[0]); break; } }; ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => log.Debug("Connected"); ws.OnClose += (sender, args) => log.Debug("Disconnected"); ws.Connect(); tryCount++; if (!ws.IsAlive) { if (tryCount == 1) { icon.DisplayBubble("Disconnected, attempting to reconnect..."); } log.Debug("Can't connect to server, tries: " + tryCount); Thread.Sleep(500); continue; } if (tryCount > 1) { icon.DisplayBubble("Reconnected!"); } else { icon.DisplayBubble("Connected and ready to begin installing mods."); } try { var ver = File.ReadAllText( Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "version.txt")); log.Debug("sending version: " + ver); ws.Send("init:" + String.Join(",", steamids.ToArray(), 0, steamids.Count) + ":" + ver + ":" + String.Join(",", modNames)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug("Can't detect ID from version.txt, : " + ex); return; } tryCount = 0; while (ws.IsAlive && !shutDown) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Fatal("Overall error in the program: " + ex); } UnmodGameInfo(); Application.Exit(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { CamShell.transform.Rotate(0, 45, 0); EnemyShell.transform.Rotate(0, -135, 0); player = false; // ソケット // 家thunderbolt //ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); // 家wifi //ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); // 製図 //ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); // 工場2ex //ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); // 工場2pro //ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); // startシーンから ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + GetAdress.ip + ":3000"); ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Open"); }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log(" Data: " + e.Data); if (e.Data == "P") { camSet.transform.position = new Vector3(-45, 0, -45); EnemySet.transform.position = new Vector3(45, 0, 45); if (pj == false) { player = true; pj = true; } } if (e.Data == "A0") { moveX = -2f; } if (e.Data == "B0") { moveZ = -2f; } if (e.Data == "C0") { moveX = 2f; } if (e.Data == "D0") { moveZ = 2f; } if (e.Data == "A1") { moveX1 = -2f; } if (e.Data == "B1") { moveZ1 = -2f; } if (e.Data == "C1") { moveX1 = 2f; } if (e.Data == "D1") { moveZ1 = 2f; } // 回転 if (e.Data == "L0") { l0 = true; } if (e.Data == "R0") { r0 = true; } if (e.Data == "L1") { l1 = true; } if (e.Data == "R1") { r1 = true; } if (e.Data == "M0") { p0m = true; } if (e.Data == "M1") { p1m = true; } }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket could NOT be Opend"); SceneManager.LoadScene("start"); }; ws.Connect(); }
internal static async Task On_WS_Close(CloseEventArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("WebSocket Closed"); await WS.Connect(); }
public static async Task Start(Session session, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await Task.Delay(30000, cancellationToken); //delay running 30s ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var socketURL = session.LogicSettings.DataSharingDataUrl; using (var ws = new WebSocket(socketURL)) { ws.Log.Level = LogLevel.Fatal; ws.Log.Output = (logData, message) => { //silenly, no log exception message to screen that scare people :) }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { onSocketMessageRecieved(session, sender, e); }; ws.Connect(); while (true) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); try { if (retries == 5) { //failed to make connection to server times contiuing, temporary stop for 10 mins. session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent() { Message = "Couldn't establish the connection to necro socket server, Bot will re-connect after 10 mins" }); await Task.Delay(1 * 60 * 1000, cancellationToken); retries = 0; } if (events.Count > 0 && ws.ReadyState != WebSocketState.Open) { retries++; ws.Connect(); } while (ws.ReadyState == WebSocketState.Open) { //Logger.Write("Connected to necrobot data service."); retries = 0; lock (events) { processing.Clear(); processing.AddRange(events); } if (processing.Count > 0 && ws.IsAlive) { if (processing.Count == 1) { //serialize list will make data bigger, code ugly but save bandwidth and help socket process faster var data = Serialize(processing.First()); ws.Send($"42[\"pokemon\",{data}]"); } else { var data = Serialize(processing); ws.Send($"42[\"pokemons\",{data}]"); } } lock (events) { events.RemoveAll(x => processing.Any(t => t.EncounterId == x.EncounterId)); } await Task.Delay(POLLING_INTERVAL, cancellationToken); ws.Ping(); } } catch (IOException) { session.EventDispatcher.Send(new WarnEvent { Message = "Disconnect to necro socket. New connection will be established when service available..." }); } catch (Exception) { } finally { //everytime disconnected with server bot wil reconnect after 15 sec await Task.Delay(POLLING_INTERVAL, cancellationToken); } } } }
public async void Connect() { string result; try { var response = await RPC.Call <RPC.GetWSAddrParams, string>(options.RpcServerAddr, "getwsaddr", new RPC.GetWSAddrParams(Addr)); result = response.result; } catch (Exception e) { if (!shouldReconnect) { return; } Debug.WriteLine("RPC call failed: " + e); Reconnect(); return; } try { var url = "ws://" + result; ws = new WebSocket(url); ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { ws.Send(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new WebSocketRequest("setClient", Addr))); shouldReconnect = true; reconnectInterval = options.ReconnectIntervalMin; }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { try { if (e.IsBinary) { HandleMsg(e.RawData); return; } var msg = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <WebSocketResponse>(e.Data); if (msg.Error != WebSocketResponse.ErrCodes.Success) { if (msg.Action.Equals("setClient")) { ws.Close(); } return; } switch (msg.Action) { case "setClient": OnConnect?.Invoke(); break; case "updateSigChainBlockHash": break; default: Debug.WriteLine("Unknown msg type: " + msg.Action); break; } } catch (Exception t) { Debug.WriteLine(t); } }; ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.WriteLine("WebSocket unexpectedly closed: (" + e.Code + ") " + e.Reason); if (!shouldReconnect) { return; } Reconnect(); }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message + ": " + e.Exception); }; ws.Connect(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Create WebSocket failed: " + e); if (!shouldReconnect) { return; } Reconnect(); } }
void Connect() { webSocket = new WebSocket(Config.SERVER_HOST + ":" + Config.SERVER_PORT); webSocket.OnMessage += ParseMessage; webSocket.Connect(); }
public static AjaxCallResult LightStory(int storyId, int revisionId, string lightType, string comment) { AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture(); // TODO: Authorize Story story = Story.FromIdentity(storyId); try { // Begin by not confirming GREENLIGHTS unless the RevisionId is correct. Work from there. string encryptedAuth = authData.Authority.ToEncryptedXml(); encryptedAuth = Uri.EscapeDataString(encryptedAuth); string uri = "ws://fwn-internal:15615/Editing?Notify=false&Auth=" + encryptedAuth; using ( var socketClient = new WebSocket(uri)) { socketClient.Connect(); StoryEdit newEdit = null; string personString = "#" + authData.CurrentUser.Identity.ToString("N0"); if (authData.CurrentUser.Identity == story.CreatedByPersonId) { personString = "Author"; } switch (lightType.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "comment": newEdit = story.Edit(StoryEditType.Comment, authData.CurrentUser, comment); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"AddStoryEdit\",\"EditTimestamp\":\"" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() + "\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StoryEditId\":\"" + newEdit.Identity + "\",\"EditType\":\"Comment\",\"Comment\":\"" + comment.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\",\"PersonIdString\":\"" + personString + "\"}"); break; case "defer": story.Edit(StoryEditType.Defer, authData.CurrentUser); break; case "red": // Ignore revision, just redlight newEdit = story.Edit(StoryEditType.Redlight, authData.CurrentUser, comment); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"AddStoryEdit\",\"EditTimestamp\":\"" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() + "\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StoryEditId\":\"" + newEdit.Identity + "\",\"EditType\":\"Redlight\",\"Comment\":\"" + comment.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\",\"PersonIdString\":\"" + personString + "\"}"); if (GetStoryApprovalRating(story) < -3) { newEdit = story.Edit(StoryEditType.Rejected, authData.CurrentUser, "Below rejection threshold"); story.ChangeState(StoryState.Rejected); socketClient.Send("{\"serverRequest\":\"UpdateQueueCounts\"}"); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"AddStoryEdit\",\"EditTimestamp\":\"" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() + "\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StoryEditId\":\"" + newEdit.Identity + "\",\"EditType\":\"Rejected\",\"Comment\":\"Below rejection threshold\",\"PersonIdString\":\"" + personString + "\"}"); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"StoryStateChange\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StateChange\":\"StoryRejected\"}"); } break; case "green": if (story.TopicId == 8) { return(new AjaxCallResult { Success = false, DisplayMessage = "This is a DRAFT story. It cannot be greenlit until taken out of draft mode. Check for placeholders, then move it to a publication-grade topic before greenlighting." }); } if (story.RevisionCount > revisionId) { StoryEdits edits = story.Edits; for (int index = story.RevisionCount; index < edits.Count; index++) { if (edits[index].EditType == StoryEditType.Edit) { // The story was edited after being sent to client; concurrency error, order reload return(new AjaxCallResult() { Success = false, DisplayMessage = "Reload" }); } } } newEdit = story.Edit(StoryEditType.Greenlight, authData.CurrentUser, comment); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"AddStoryEdit\",\"EditTimestamp\":\"" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() + "\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StoryEditId\":\"" + newEdit.Identity + "\",\"EditType\":\"Greenlight\",\"Comment\":\"\",\"PersonIdString\":\"" + personString + "\"}"); if (GetStoryApprovalRating(story) > 2) // Three people { newEdit = story.Edit(StoryEditType.ToPublishQueue, authData.CurrentUser, "Moved to publication queue"); story.ChangeState(StoryState.PublicationQueue); socketClient.Send("{\"serverRequest\":\"UpdateQueueCounts\"}"); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"AddStoryEdit\",\"EditTimestamp\":\"" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() + "\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StoryEditId\":\"" + newEdit.Identity + "\",\"EditType\":\"ToPublishQueue\",\"Comment\":\"Moved to publication queue\",\"PersonIdString\":\"" + personString + "\"}"); socketClient.Send("{\"messageType\":\"StoryStateChange\",\"StoryId\":\"" + story.Identity + "\",\"StateChange\":\"ApprovedForPublishing\"}"); } break; default: return(new AjaxCallResult { Success = false, DisplayMessage = "Unknown lighting color in call" }); } socketClient.Ping(); // causes a small delay socketClient.Close(); } return(new AjaxCallResult { Success = true }); } catch (DatabaseConcurrencyException dbException) { return(new AjaxCallResult { Success = false, DisplayMessage = "Exception thrown:<br/><br/>" + dbException.ToString() }); } }
public void Connect() { if (!isConnected) { ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + IPAddress + ":" + Port + "/"); ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Opened."); isConnected = true; }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { OperationMessage data = JsonUtility.FromJson <OperationMessage>(e.Data); if (data.op == "publish") { SubscribeMessage msg = JsonUtility.FromJson <SubscribeMessage>(e.Data); foreach (SubscribeManager sm in subscribeManagers) { if (msg.topic == sm.Topic) { if (!sm.IsRunning) { sm.HandlerFunction(e.Data); } } } } else if (data.op == "service_response") { ServiceResponseMessage msg = JsonUtility.FromJson <ServiceResponseMessage>(e.Data); foreach (ServiceClientManager sc in serviceClientManagers) { if (msg.service == sc.service_name) { sc.ResponseFunction(e.Data); } } } else if (data.op == "call_service") { CallServiceMessage msg = JsonUtility.FromJson <CallServiceMessage>(e.Data); foreach (var ss in serviceServerManagers) { if (msg.service == ss.service) { ss.HandlerFunction(e.Data); } } } }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Error Message: " + e.Message); }; ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Closed."); isConnected = false; }; if (IsConnectable()) { ws.Connect(); } } }
// NOTE: All functions in this region are operating in a background thread, do NOT call any Unity functions! #if !NETFX_CORE private void SendMessages() { try { WebSocket ws = null; ws = new WebSocket(URL); if (Headers != null) { ws.CustomHeaders = Headers; } ws.OnOpen += OnWSOpen; ws.OnClose += OnWSClose; ws.OnError += OnWSError; ws.OnMessage += OnWSMessage; if (DisableSslVerification) { ws.SslConfiguration.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return(true); }; } else { ws.SslConfiguration.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = null; } #if NET_4_6 // Enable TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 if we are on .NET 4.x ws.SslConfiguration.EnabledSslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls12 | SslProtocols.Tls11 | SslProtocols.Tls | SslProtocols.None; #else // .NET 3.x does not support TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 ws.SslConfiguration.EnabledSslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls; #endif ws.Connect(); while (_connectionState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { _sendEvent.WaitOne(50); Message msg = null; lock (_sendQueue) { if (_sendQueue.Count > 0) { msg = _sendQueue.Dequeue(); } } while (msg != null) { if (msg is TextMessage) { ws.Send(((TextMessage)msg).Text); } else if (msg is BinaryMessage) { ws.Send(((BinaryMessage)msg).Data); } msg = null; lock (_sendQueue) { if (_sendQueue.Count > 0) { msg = _sendQueue.Dequeue(); } } } } ws.Close(); } catch (System.Exception e) { _connectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; Log.Error("WSConnector", "Caught WebSocket exception: {0}", e.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Connects to the WebSocket specified by <see cref="uri"/>, piping in all provided observables, and /// returning an observable collection of objects from the endpoint. /// </summary> /// <param name="uri"> /// The URI. /// </param> /// <param name="inputStreams"> /// The name-value collection of input streams to pipe to the endpoint. /// </param> /// <param name="serializerSettings"> /// The serializer Settings. /// </param> /// <param name="scheduler">The scheduler.</param> /// <typeparam name="T"> /// The underlying type returned by the endpoint. /// </typeparam> /// <returns> /// An observable collection of objects from the endpoint. /// </returns> public static IObservable <T> Create <T>( Uri uri, IDictionary <string, IObservable <object> > inputStreams = null, JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = null, IScheduler scheduler = null) { serializerSettings = serializerSettings ?? JsonConvert.DefaultSettings(); scheduler = scheduler ?? new TaskPoolScheduler(Task.Factory); return(Observable.Create <T>( incoming => { var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var exception = default(Exception); try { // Connect to the WebSocket and pipe all input streams into it. Action <string> onNext = next => { if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new OperationCanceledException("Cancellation requested."); } try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(next)) { return; } switch (next[0]) { case ResponseKind.Next: incoming.OnNext(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(next.Substring(1), serializerSettings)); break; case ResponseKind.Error: var error = next.Substring(1); exception = new WebStreamException(error); cancellation.Cancel(); break; case ResponseKind.Completed: cancellation.Cancel(); break; case ResponseKind.Final: incoming.OnNext(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(next.Substring(1), serializerSettings)); cancellation.Cancel(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = new WebStreamException("OnNext failed.", e); cancellation.Cancel(); } }; Action <Exception> onError = e => { if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new OperationCanceledException("Cancellation requested."); } exception = e; cancellation.Cancel(); }; Action onClosed = () => { if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new OperationCanceledException("Cancellation requested."); } cancellation.Cancel(); }; var socket = WebSocket.Connect(uri, cancellation.Token); var incomingSubscription = socket.Subscribe(onNext, onError, onClosed); cancellation.Token.Register( () => { // If we didn't cancel with an error, complete the incoming messages stream. if (exception == null) { if (cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) { incoming.OnError(new OperationCanceledException("Cancellation requested.")); } else { incoming.OnCompleted(); } } else { incoming.OnError(exception); } incomingSubscription.Dispose(); }); // Connect to the socket and subscribe to the 'outgoing' observable while the connection remains opened. SerializeOutgoingMessages(inputStreams, socket, serializerSettings, cancellation.Token, scheduler); } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; cancellation.Cancel(); throw; } // Return a disposable which will unwind everything. return Disposable.Create(cancellation.Cancel); }).ObserveOn(scheduler).SubscribeOn(scheduler)); }
// Connects to the websocket async public void FindMatch() { // waiting for messages await _websocket.Connect(); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string url = ""; bool connect = false; List <Machina.Action> actions = new List <Machina.Action>(); bool send = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref url)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref connect)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(2, actions)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(3, ref send)) { return; } List <string> instructions = new List <string>(); bool connectedResult; if (connect) { if (_ws == null || !_ws.IsAlive) { _ws = new WebSocket(url); _ws.Connect(); } connectedResult = _ws.IsAlive; if (!connectedResult) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Could not connect to Machina Bridge App"); return; } } else { if (_ws != null) { _ws.Close(); } connectedResult = _ws.IsAlive; } DA.SetData(0, connectedResult); if (send && connectedResult) { string ins = ""; foreach (Machina.Action a in actions) { // If attaching a tool, send the tool description first. // This is quick and dirty, a result of this component not taking the robot object as an input. // How coud this be improved...? Should tool creation be an action? if (a.type == Machina.ActionType.Attach) { ActionAttach aa = (ActionAttach)a; ins = aa.tool.ToInstruction(); instructions.Add(ins); _ws.Send(ins); } ins = a.ToInstruction(); instructions.Add(ins); _ws.Send(ins); } DA.SetData(1, "Sent!"); } else { DA.SetData(1, "Nothing sent"); } DA.SetDataList(2, instructions); }
void Start() { svs = new PlayerController[] { sv1, sv2, sv3, sv4 }; crs = new Crystal[] { cr1, cr2, cr3, cr4, cr5, cr6, cr7 }; d_cr = cr1; if (player_No <= 3) { me = svs[player_No]; spdImg.SetActive(false); atkImg.SetActive(false); } if (player_No != 0) { gun.SetActive(false); } if (player_No != 1) { chusya.SetActive(false); } pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); ws = new WebSocket("ws://" + ip + ":3000/"); //接続 ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Open"); }; //受信 ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { String[] data = e.Data.Split(','); //Debug.Log(data[0]); if (int.Parse(data[1]) <= 3)//sv { PlayerController sv = svs[int.Parse(data[1])]; if (data[0] == "run") { Vector3 re_move = new Vector3(float.Parse(data[2]), float.Parse(data[3]), float.Parse(data[4])); sv.re_move = re_move; } if (data[0] == "stop") { sv.stop_pos[0] = float.Parse(data[2]); sv.stop_pos[1] = float.Parse(data[3]); sv.stop_pos[2] = float.Parse(data[4]); sv.stop_check = true; sv.re_move = Vector3.zero; } if (data[0] == "jump") { sv.jump_check = true; } if (data[0] == "decoding") { sv.stop_pos[0] = float.Parse(data[2]); sv.stop_pos[1] = float.Parse(data[3]); sv.stop_pos[2] = float.Parse(data[4]); sv.stop_check = true; sv.decord_check = true; } if (data[0] == "deco_finish") { crs[int.Parse(data[2])].deco_check = true; } if (data[0] == "therapy") { sv.therapy_start = true; sv.thera_check = true; } if (data[0] == "thera_stop") { sv.thera_check = false; } if (data[0] == "rescue") { sv.res_check = true; } if (data[0] == "hit") { sv.hit_check = false; send_check = false; if (ht.item == "attack") { sv.hp -= 1; } sv.hp -= 1; sv.gui_check = true; ht.doya_check = true; } if (data[0] == "ju") { sv.ju_check = true; } } else {//ht if (data[0] == "run") { Vector3 re_move = new Vector3(float.Parse(data[2]), float.Parse(data[3]), float.Parse(data[4])); ht.re_move = re_move; } if (data[0] == "stop") { ht.stop_pos[0] = float.Parse(data[2]); ht.stop_pos[1] = float.Parse(data[3]); ht.stop_pos[2] = float.Parse(data[4]); ht.stop_check = true; ht.re_move = Vector3.zero; } if (data[0] == "atack") { ht.atack_motion = true; } if (data[0] == "mado") { ht.mado_check = true; } if (data[0] == "saku") { ht.saku_check = true; } if (data[0] == "item") { ht.item_id = int.Parse(data[2]); } } }; //エラー ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Error: " + e.Message); }; //通信終了 ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("WebSocket Close"); }; ws.Connect(); }
public void Reconnect() { webSocket.Connect(); }
void Connect() { ws = new WebSocket(ipaddress); ws.Connect(); }
public void Init() { string NonRoutableAddress = ""; string LocalHost = ""; #region Setup webserver WebSocketServer webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer($"ws://{NonRoutableAddress}:2946"); webSocketServer.AddWebSocketService <StaticDataServer>("/BSDataPuller/StaticData"); webSocketServer.AddWebSocketService <LiveDataServer>("/BSDataPuller/LiveData"); webSocketServer.Start(); #endregion #region Initialize webserver using (var ws = new WebSocket($"ws://{LocalHost}:2946/BSDataPuller/StaticData")) { while (!ws.IsAlive) { ws.Connect(); } ws.Close(); } using (var ws = new WebSocket($"ws://{LocalHost}:2946/BSDataPuller/LiveData")) { while (!ws.IsAlive) { ws.Connect(); } ws.Close(); } #endregion }
IEnumerator Start() { // get player GameObject player = GameObject.Find("FPSController"); // connect to server WebSocket w = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://localhost:8000")); yield return(StartCoroutine(w.Connect())); Debug.Log("CONNECTED TO WEBSOCKETS"); // generate random ID to have idea for each client (feels unsecure) System.Guid myGUID = System.Guid.NewGuid(); // wait for messages while (true) { // read message string message = w.RecvString(); // check if message is not empty if (message != null) { // Debug.Log("RECEIVED FROM WEBSOCKETS: " + reply); // deserialize recieved data Players data = JsonUtility.FromJson <Players>(message); // if number of players is not enough, create new ones if (data.players.Count > otherPlayers.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < data.players.Count - otherPlayers.Count; i++) { otherPlayers.Add(Instantiate(otherPlayerObject, data.players[otherPlayers.Count + i].position, Quaternion.identity)); } } // update players positions for (int i = 0; i < otherPlayers.Count; i++) { // using animation otherPlayers[i].transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(otherPlayers[i].transform.position, data.players[i].position, Time.deltaTime * 10F); // or without animation // otherPlayers[i].transform.position = data.players[i].position; } } // if connection error, break the loop if (w.error != null) { Debug.LogError("Error: " + w.error); break; } // check if player moved if (prevPosition != player.transform.position) { // send update if position had changed w.SendString(myGUID + "\t" + player.transform.position.x + "\t" + player.transform.position.y + "\t" + player.transform.position.z); prevPosition = player.transform.position; } yield return(0); } // if error, close connection w.Close(); }
public async void StartWebSocket() { WebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://cops-and-robert-server.herokuapp.com/ws/" + roomId); WebSocket.OnOpen += () => { Debug.Log("Connection open!"); }; WebSocket.OnError += (e) => { Debug.Log("Error! " + e); }; WebSocket.OnClose += (e) => { Debug.Log("Connection closed!"); Token = null; comms.enabled = false; locationPanel.SetActive(false); menuPanel.SetActive(true); Destroy(player); Destroy(Camera.main.gameObject); }; WebSocket.OnMessage += (bytes) => { string json = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); // Debug.Log(json); // foreach (string json in jsonHolder.Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("}{", "}|{").Split('|')) // foreach (string json in Regex.Replace(jsonHolder, "/(\r\n)|\n|\r/gm", "|").Split('|')) // foreach (string json in jsonHolder.Split('|')) // { if (!json.Contains("Data")) { PlayerPacket packet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PlayerPacket>(json); if (packet.Token.Equals(Token)) { return; } if (Token == null) { Token = packet.Token; IsServer = packet.IsServer; // username = packet.Username; SpawnPlayer(); } else { if (otherPlayers.TryGetValue(packet.Token, out OtherController oc)) { oc.UpdateTransform(packet); } else { GameObject obj = Instantiate(prefabOtherPlayer, new Vector3(packet.PosX, packet.PosY, packet.PosZ), Quaternion.Euler(packet.RotX, packet.RotY, packet.RotZ)); // obj.name = packet.Token; obj.GetComponent <VoiceController>().StartVoice(packet.Token); otherPlayers.Add(packet.Token, obj.GetComponent <OtherController>()); } } } else { VoicePacket packet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VoicePacket>(json); if (packet.IsServer) { ServerToken = packet.Token; } if (IsServer && !packet.IsServer && !packet.IsP2P) { Debug.Log("SERVER: " + packet.Token + " - " + packet.IsServer + " - " + packet.IsP2P + " - " + comms.IsNetworkInitialized); voiceHolderServer.Add(packet); } else if (packet.IsServer || packet.IsP2P) { Debug.Log("CLIENT: " + packet.Token + " - " + packet.IsServer + " - " + packet.IsP2P + " - " + comms.IsNetworkInitialized); voiceHolderClient.Add(packet); } else { Debug.Log("Unknown voice packet"); } } // } }; await WebSocket.Connect(); }
public IEnumerator ConnectToWebSocket_InThread(string controllerName) { Debug.Log("Connection to WebSocket"); //Show received message from server //websocketConnection = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://" + IPAdress + ":" + PortNumber + ControllerName)); websocketConnection = new WebSocket(new Uri("ws://" + IPAdress + ":" + PortNumber + controllerName)); yield return StartCoroutine(websocketConnection.Connect()); SendPackageToServer("CheckConnection"); //StartCoroutine(); while (true) { string answerMessage = websocketConnection.RecvString(); if (answerMessage != null) { yield return StartCoroutine(AnswerParser(answerMessage)); //Debug } if (websocketConnection.Error != null) { Debug.Log("Error: " + websocketConnection.Error); connectionManager.Callback_ServerConnect(false); //DisconnectFromWebSocket(); //ConnectToWebSocket(ControllerName); break; } yield return 0; } }
public IEnumerator StartConnect() { return(web_socket.Connect()); }
static void Run(IPAddress tvaddr, Int32 tvport, IPAddress controladdr, Int32 controlport) { string response = string.Empty; bool res = false; Response resp = null; var tvws = new StringBuilder(); tvws.Append("ws://"); tvws.Append(tvaddr.ToString()); tvws.Append(":"); tvws.Append(tvport.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(tvws.ToString()); using (var ws = new WebSocket(tvws.ToString())) { try { ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data.Contains("netinput.pointer.sock")) { response = e.Data.ToString(); res = true; } else if (e.Data.Contains("client-key")) { ws.Send("{\"type\":\"request\",\"id\":5,\"uri\":\"ssap://com.webos.service.networkinput/getPointerInputSocket\"}"); } else if (e.Data.Contains("denied")) { Console.WriteLine("Denied by user"); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } }; ws.Connect(); Task task = Task.Run(() => { ws.Connect(); }); if (!task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))) { Console.WriteLine("TimeOut: Connect"); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } ws.Send("{\"type\":\"register\",\"id\":1,\"payload\":{\"manifest\":{\"manifestVersion\":1,\"permissions\":[\"LAUNCH\",\"LAUNCH_WEBAPP\",\"APP_TO_APP\",\"CONTROL_AUDIO\",\"CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK\",\"CONTROL_POWER\",\"READ_INSTALLED_APPS\",\"CONTROL_DISPLAY\",\"CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK\",\"CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING\",\"CONTROL_INPUT_TV\",\"READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST\",\"READ_NETWORK_STATE\",\"READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST\",\"WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST\",\"CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT\",\"CONTROL_MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD\",\"READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL\",\"READ_RUNNING_APPS\"]}}}"); var cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => timeout(), cancelToken.Token); while (ws.IsAlive && !res) { ; } cancelToken.Cancel(false); resp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Response>(response); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } } using (var ws = new WebSocket(resp.payload.socketPath)) { ws.Connect(); using (var subSocket = new SubscriberSocket()) { var controlzmq = new StringBuilder(); controlzmq.Append("tcp://"); controlzmq.Append(controladdr.ToString()); controlzmq.Append(":"); controlzmq.Append(controlport.ToString()); subSocket.Options.ReceiveHighWatermark = 1000; subSocket.Connect(controlzmq.ToString()); subSocket.Subscribe("x"); float x = 0.0f; float y = 0.0f; float multi = 10.0f; int square_flag = 0; int traingle_flag = 0; while (true) { string messageTopicReceived = subSocket.ReceiveFrameString(); Console.WriteLine(messageTopicReceived); string messageReceived = subSocket.ReceiveFrameString(); Console.WriteLine(messageReceived); PsMove psmove = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PsMove>(messageReceived); var sb = new StringBuilder(); x = psmove.x; y = psmove.y; if (psmove.circle == 1) { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("type:button\n"); sb.Append("name:" + "LEFT" + "\n"); sb.Append("\n"); ws.Send(sb.ToString()); continue; } if (psmove.square == 1 && square_flag == 0) { square_flag = 1; sb.Append("type:button\n"); sb.Append("name:HOME\n"); sb.Append("\n"); ws.Send(sb.ToString()); } if (psmove.square == 0 && square_flag == 1) { square_flag = 0; } if (psmove.traingle == 1 && traingle_flag == 0) { traingle_flag = 1; sb.Append("type:click\n"); sb.Append("\n"); ws.Send(sb.ToString()); } if (psmove.traingle == 0 && traingle_flag == 1) { traingle_flag = 0; } sb.Append("type:move\n"); sb.Append("dx:" + psmove.z * multi * -1 + "\n"); sb.Append("dy:" + psmove.x * multi * -1 + "\n"); sb.Append("down:" + "0" + "\n"); sb.Append("\n"); ws.Send(sb.ToString()); } } } }
public WSMonitorada(Usuario user, ServerConfig config) { this.User = user; OneSignalApi = new OneSignalAPI(config.OneSignalToken, config.AppServer, config.OneSignalAppId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.BinanceAPIKey) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.BinanceAPISecret)) { timerKeepAlive.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15).TotalMilliseconds; timerKeepAlive.Elapsed += (object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) => { BinanceUserDataStream.KeepAlive(user.BinanceAPIKey, user.BinanceAPISecret); }; timerKeepAlive.Start(); // a cada 3 horas verifica se o cara possui ordem aberta se nao possuir desconecta ele closeconnection.Interval = TimeSpan.FromHours(1).TotalMilliseconds; closeconnection.Elapsed += (object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) => { using (var _OrdemRepo = new OrdemRepository()) { var ordensabertas = _OrdemRepo.OrdemsAbertas(User.Id); if (ordensabertas.Count == 0) { this.Dispose(true); } } }; closeconnection.Start(); var result = BinanceUserDataStream.GetListenKey(user.BinanceAPIKey, user.BinanceAPISecret); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var res = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var listenKey = (string)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(res).listenKey; ws = new WebSocket("wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/" + listenKey); //ws.Log.Level = LogLevel.Trace; //ws.Log.File = "C:\\LogConexao\\" + user.nome + ".txt"; //Para envio de ping ws.EmitOnPing = true; ws.OnOpen += (sender, e) => { }; ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { if (e.IsPing) { ws.Ping(); return; } var content = e.Data; var ws_Payload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(content); //if (ws_Payload.e != "outboundAccountInfo") //{ // Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (" + ws_Payload.e + ") Payloadobjeto => " + ws_Payload); //} using (var _OrdemRepo = new OrdemRepository()) { if ((string)ws_Payload.e == "executionReport") { //Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (ExecutionReport) => " + (string)ws_Payload.x + " => " + e.Data); //Ordem Executada if ((string)ws_Payload.x == "TRADE" && (string)ws_Payload.X == "FILLED") { string ordemID = (string)ws_Payload.c; var ordem = _OrdemRepo.EntradaByBinanceOrderID(ordemID); //tentar passar o id pra inteiro significa q a ordem foi gerada no meu sistema, o sisteman binance gera uma string #region OrderEntrada if (ordem != null && ordem.TipoOrdem_Id == 1) { Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (Ordem Entrada Executada) OrdemId => " + ordemID); using (var _OrderCommision = new OrdemComissionRepository()) { var Comission = new OrdemComission { Order_Id = ordem.Id, ComissionAmount = (decimal)ws_Payload.n, ComissionAsset = (string)ws_Payload.N, QtdExecutada = (decimal)ws_Payload.z, ValorExecutado = (decimal)ws_Payload.p }; _OrderCommision.Add(Comission); ordem.DataEntrada = DateTime.UtcNow; ordem.OrdemStatus_Id = 3; ordem.BinanceStatus_Id = 3; _OrdemRepo.Update(ordem); _OrdemRepo.AddReference(ordem, "OrdemStatus"); signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).EntradaRealizada(ordem); string LimitOrderID, StopOrderID; do { LimitOrderID = Helper.GenerateRandomOcoOrderID(10); } while (_OrdemRepo.IsValidOrderID(LimitOrderID)); do { StopOrderID = Helper.GenerateRandomOcoOrderID(10); } while (_OrdemRepo.IsValidOrderID(StopOrderID)); var listAssets = _OrderCommision.GetOrderComissions(ordem.Id); decimal SaldoQuantidade = Helper.ArredondarQuantidadeVenda(listAssets, ordem); var limitLoss = Helper.OcoStopLimitWithPercent(ordem.Chamada.Symbol_id, ordem.Chamada.PrecoLoss, 0.5m); var ocoReturn = BinanceRestApi.SendSaidaOco(user.BinanceAPIKey.Trim(), user.BinanceAPISecret.Trim(), ordem.Chamada.Symbol.symbol, SaldoQuantidade, ordem.Chamada.PrecoGain, ordem.Chamada.PrecoLoss, limitLoss, LimitOrderID, StopOrderID); if (ocoReturn.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var ocoRes = ocoReturn.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var ocoObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(ocoRes); var OcoOrder = new Ordem { DataCadastro = DateTime.UtcNow, Quantidade = SaldoQuantidade, Chamada_Id = ordem.Chamada_Id, Usuario_Id = user.Id, OrdemStatus_Id = 3, TipoOrdem_Id = 2, BinanceStatus_Id = 1, StopOrder_ID = StopOrderID, LimitOrder_ID = LimitOrderID, OcoOrderListId = (string)ocoObj.listClientOrderId, MainOrderID = ordem.Id }; _OrdemRepo.Add(OcoOrder); var resOco = ocoReturn.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (Ordem OCO Criada sucesso) OcoOrderListID => " + OcoOrder.OcoOrderListId); } else { var BinanceerrorObj = Helper.GetBinanceErrorObj(ocoReturn); Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (Erro ao Criar Ordem Oco) MainOrderID => " + ordem.Id + " => code => " + BinanceerrorObj.code + " => msg => " + BinanceerrorObj.msg + "/" + BinanceerrorObj.motivo); } } } #endregion #region VendaMercado else if (ordem != null && ordem.TipoOrdem_Id == 3) { var mainorder = _OrdemRepo.GetById((int)ordem.MainOrderID); mainorder.PrecoVendaMercado = (decimal)ws_Payload.L; mainorder.OrdemStatus_Id = 2; _OrdemRepo.Update(mainorder); } #endregion #region Order Oco else { //var OcoOrderId = (string)ws_Payload.c; ordem = _OrdemRepo.OcoOrderByBinanceOrderID(ordemID); if (ordem != null) { Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (Ordem OCO Executada) Stop_Or_Limit_ID => " + ordemID); var valorExecutado = ws_Payload.p; ordem.BinanceStatus_Id = 3; //status da order main tem que ser igual status da ultima ordem filha var mainOrder = _OrdemRepo.GetWith_Chamada_and_Symbol((int)ordem.MainOrderID); mainOrder.DataExecucao = DateTime.UtcNow; using (var _EdicaoAceitaRepo = new EdicaoAceitaRepository()) { var EdicaoAceita = _EdicaoAceitaRepo.AceitouEdicao(user.Id, mainOrder.Chamada_Id); if (EdicaoAceita == null) { if (valorExecutado >= ordem.Chamada.PrecoGain) { ordem.OrdemStatus_Id = 5; mainOrder.OrdemStatus_Id = 5; _OrdemRepo.Update(mainOrder); _OrdemRepo.Update(ordem); signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).GainRealizado(mainOrder); OneSignalApi.NotificarUsuario(user, mainOrder.Chamada.Symbol.symbol, NotificationType.Gain); } else if (valorExecutado <= ordem.Chamada.PrecoLoss) { ordem.OrdemStatus_Id = 6; mainOrder.OrdemStatus_Id = 6; _OrdemRepo.Update(mainOrder); _OrdemRepo.Update(ordem); signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).LossRealizado(mainOrder); OneSignalApi.NotificarUsuario(user, mainOrder.Chamada.Symbol.symbol, NotificationType.Loss); } } else { if (valorExecutado >= EdicaoAceita.ChamadaEditada.NewGain) { ordem.OrdemStatus_Id = 5; mainOrder.OrdemStatus_Id = 5; _OrdemRepo.Update(mainOrder); _OrdemRepo.Update(ordem); signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).GainRealizado(mainOrder); OneSignalApi.NotificarUsuario(user, mainOrder.Chamada.Symbol.symbol, NotificationType.Gain); } else if (valorExecutado <= EdicaoAceita.ChamadaEditada.NewLoss) { ordem.OrdemStatus_Id = 6; mainOrder.OrdemStatus_Id = 6; _OrdemRepo.Update(mainOrder); _OrdemRepo.Update(ordem); signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).LossRealizado(mainOrder); OneSignalApi.NotificarUsuario(user, mainOrder.Chamada.Symbol.symbol, NotificationType.Loss); } } } signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).RemoverEdicao(ordem.Chamada_Id); } } #endregion } //quando a ordem é quebrada em varios valores else if ((string)ws_Payload.x == "TRADE" && (string)ws_Payload.X == "PARTIALLY_FILLED") { string ordemID = (string)ws_Payload.c; var ordem = _OrdemRepo.EntradaByBinanceOrderID(ordemID); if (ordem != null && ordem.TipoOrdem_Id == 1) { using (var _OrderCommision = new OrdemComissionRepository()) { var Comission = new OrdemComission { Order_Id = ordem.Id, ComissionAmount = (decimal)ws_Payload.n, ComissionAsset = (string)ws_Payload.N, QtdExecutada = (decimal)ws_Payload.z, ValorExecutado = (decimal)ws_Payload.p }; _OrderCommision.Add(Comission); } } } //Ordem Expirada else if ((string)ws_Payload.x == "EXPIRED") { var orderId = (string)ws_Payload.c; var ordem = _OrdemRepo.EntradaByBinanceOrderID(orderId); if (ordem != null) { ordem.DataCancelamento = DateTime.UtcNow; ordem.BinanceStatus_Id = 7; ordem.OrdemStatus_Id = 7; _OrdemRepo.Update(ordem); signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).RejeitadaMercadoemFalta(ordem.Id); } } //Ordem Cancelada else if ((string)ws_Payload.x == "CANCELED") { var orderId = (string)ws_Payload.C; var mainOrder = _OrdemRepo.EntradaByBinanceOrderID(orderId); if (mainOrder != null && mainOrder.MotivoCancelamento_ID == null) { Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (Ordem Entrada Cancelada) OrderID => " + orderId); mainOrder.DataCancelamento = DateTime.UtcNow; mainOrder.BinanceStatus_Id = 4; mainOrder.OrdemStatus_Id = 4; mainOrder.MotivoCancelamento_ID = 1; _OrdemRepo.Update(mainOrder); signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).OrdemCancelada(mainOrder.MainOrderID == null ? mainOrder.Id : mainOrder.MainOrderID); } else { Logs.LogOrdem(user.Id + " (" + user.Email + ") => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " => Type (Ordem OCO Cancelada) Stop_Or_Limit_ID => " + orderId); var Ocoordem = _OrdemRepo.OcoOrderByBinanceOrderID(orderId); //venda a mercado if (Ocoordem != null && Ocoordem.MotivoCancelamento_ID == 2) { //A principio nao fazer nada } //Edicao Aceita else if (Ocoordem != null && Ocoordem.MotivoCancelamento_ID == 3) { //mainOrder = _OrdemRepo.GetById((int)Ocoordem.MainOrderID); //if (mainOrder != null && mainOrder.OrdemStatus_Id != 4) //{ // signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).OrdemCancelada(Ocoordem.MainOrderID == null ? mainOrder.Id : Ocoordem.MainOrderID); // mainOrder.OrdemStatus_Id = 4; // mainOrder.BinanceStatus_Id = 4; // mainOrder.DataCancelamento = DateTime.UtcNow; // _OrdemRepo.Update(mainOrder); //} } } } } //Atualiza saldo if ((string)ws_Payload.e == "outboundAccountPosition") { try { var listAssets = ws_Payload.B.ToObject <List <B> >(); var castedList = (List <B>)listAssets; var saldoBtc = castedList.Where(x => x.a == "BTC").FirstOrDefault().f; signalContext.Clients.User(user.Id.ToString()).AtualizarSaldo(saldoBtc.ToString("N8")); } catch (Exception) { } } } }; ws.OnError += (sender, e) => { Logs.LogConexao(user.Id + " (" + user.Nome + ") => OnError Event => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " Msg Erro => " + e.Message + " => inner exception => " + e.Exception.Message + " => stack trace => " + e.Exception.StackTrace); }; ws.OnClose += (sender, e) => { try { Logs.LogConexao(user.Id + " (" + user.Nome + ") => OnClose Event => " + DateTime.UtcNow + " code => " + e.Code + " motivo => " + e.Reason); var monitor = WSMonitor.Instancia; monitor.RemoveMonitor(User.Id); } catch { } }; ws.Connect(); } } }
void Connect(){ int id = (int)((1.0+Random.value)*0x10000); ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/websocket"); // called when websocket messages come. ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => { //JSONObjectで解析 JSONObject json = new JSONObject(e.Data); switch(json[0][0].str){ case "new_message": messages.Add(string.Format("> {0}:{1}",json[0][1]["data"]["name"].str, json[0][1]["data"]["body"].str)); if(messages.Count > 10){ messages.RemoveAt(0); } break; case "websocket_rails.ping": Debug.Log(string.Format("Send: [\"websocket_rails.pong\",{{\"id\":{0},\"data\":{{}}}}]", id)); ws.Send(string.Format("[\"websocket_rails.pong\",{{\"id\":{0},\"data\":{{}}}}]", id)); this.message = ""; break; } Debug.Log("Receive: " + e.Data); }; ws.Connect(); Debug.Log("Connect to: " + ws.Url); }