public IAsyncAction SetVideoDeviceAsync(DtoMediaDevice device) { _videoDevice = device; var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; if (device != null) { settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.VideoDeviceSettings] = device.Id; ETWEventLogger.Instance.LogEvent("Video Device Selected", "name = " + device.Name, DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds().ToString()); var selectedVideoDevice = device.FromDto(); int preferredCaptureWidth = (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureWidth]; int preferredCaptureHeight = (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureHeight]; int preferredCaptureFrameRate = (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureFrameRate]; bool isCapabilityValid = false; if (selectedVideoDevice != null) { var getTask = selectedVideoDevice.GetVideoCaptureCapabilities().AsTask(); getTask.Wait(); var capabilities = getTask.Result; foreach (var capability in capabilities) { if (capability.FrameRate == preferredCaptureFrameRate && capability.Height == preferredCaptureHeight && capability.Width == preferredCaptureWidth) { isCapabilityValid = true; } } } if (!isCapabilityValid) { preferredCaptureWidth = 640; settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureWidth] = preferredCaptureWidth; preferredCaptureHeight = 480; settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureHeight] = preferredCaptureHeight; preferredCaptureFrameRate = 30; settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureFrameRate] = preferredCaptureFrameRate; } WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat(preferredCaptureWidth, preferredCaptureHeight, preferredCaptureFrameRate); } else { settings.Values.Remove(MediaSettingsIds.VideoDeviceSettings); } OnVideoDeviceSelectionChanged?.Invoke(); return(Task.CompletedTask.AsAsyncAction()); }
private void setWebRtcDeviceAndProfile() { new Org.WebRtc.MediaDevice( this.selectedDevice.Id, this.selectedDevice.Name)); var mrcEnabled = false; WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat( (int)this.selectedProfile.Width, (int)this.selectedProfile.Height, (int)this.selectedProfile.FrameRate, mrcEnabled ); }
async void Start() { CheapContainer.Register <ISignallingService, Signaller>(); CheapContainer.Register <IDispatcherProvider, DispatcherProvider>(); CheapContainer.Register <ITextureDetailsProvider, TextureDetailsProvider>(); var provider = CheapContainer.Resolve <ITextureDetailsProvider>(); provider.Details = this.TextureDetails; CheapContainer.Register <IMediaManager, MediaManager>(); CheapContainer.Register <IPeerManager, PeerManager>(); CheapContainer.Register <IConversationManager, ConversationManager>(); var conversationManager = CheapContainer.Resolve <IConversationManager>(); conversationManager.IsInitiator = this.IsInitiator; // TODO: not really found a good way of abstracting this but I think it has to be called. // Does it need moving into the Media Manager and linking to the widths/heights in there? // I think I ramped it down to 856? 896? some such. WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat(896, 504, 30); // TODO: This is here right now as it feels like a bunch of work gets marshalled // back (via Sync Context?) to this thread which then gums up the UI but we'd // like to understand better what that work is. Task.Run( async() => { await conversationManager.InitialiseAsync(this.HostName, this.remotePeerName); if (await conversationManager.ConnectToSignallingAsync(this.ServerIP, this.PortNumber, "H264", 90000)) { // We're good! } } ); }
public async Task Initialize(CoreDispatcher coreDispatcher) { if ( != null || this.mediaStream != null) { throw new Exception("Media lock is alreay initialized."); } var allowed = await WebRTC.RequestAccessForMediaCapture(); if (!allowed) { throw new Exception("Failed to access media for WebRtc..."); } WebRTC.Initialize(coreDispatcher); = Media.CreateMedia(); var videoDevice =; var capabilities = await videoDevice.GetVideoCaptureCapabilities(); var selectedFormat = capabilities .OrderBy(cap => cap.Width * cap.Height * cap.FrameRate) .FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedFormat != null) { WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat( (int)selectedFormat.Width, (int)selectedFormat.Height, (int)selectedFormat.FrameRate, selectedFormat.MrcEnabled ); } this.mediaStream = await; }
public override async void _play(JObject parameters) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogTrace, "symple:webrtc: _play"); // if there is an active stream, play it now if (this.activeStream != null) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: active stream is not null, shuld play it now (TODO)"); // = URL.createObjectURL(this.activeStream); //; this.setState("playing"); } else { // otherwise, wait until ICE to complete before setting the playing state // if we are the ICE initiator, then attempt to open the local video device and send the SDP offer to the peer if (this.initiator) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "symple:webrtc: initiating"); var videoCaptureDevices = GetMedia().GetVideoCaptureDevices(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "videoCaptureDevices:"); foreach (var dev in videoCaptureDevices) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "id = " + dev.Id + ", name = " + dev.Name + ", location = " + dev.Location); var capabilities = await dev.GetVideoCaptureCapabilities(); foreach (var capability in capabilities) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\t" + capability.FullDescription); } } int requestedWebRtcCameraIndex = parameters["requestedWebRtcCameraIndex"].ToObject <int>(); int usedWebRtcCameraIndex = requestedWebRtcCameraIndex; if (requestedWebRtcCameraIndex >= videoCaptureDevices.Count) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "NOTE: requested WebRTC camera index of " + requestedWebRtcCameraIndex + " is out of range of the number of available video capture devices (" + videoCaptureDevices.Count + "). Resetting to 0."); usedWebRtcCameraIndex = 0; } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "Selecting WebRTC camera with index " + usedWebRtcCameraIndex); var selectedVideoDevice = videoCaptureDevices[usedWebRtcCameraIndex]; Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "getting videoCaptureCapabilities"); var videoCaptureCapabilities = await selectedVideoDevice.GetVideoCaptureCapabilities(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "got videoCaptureCapabilities"); GetMedia().SelectVideoDevice(selectedVideoDevice); int requestedVideoWidth; if (parameters["requestedVideoWidth"] != null) { requestedVideoWidth = parameters["requestedVideoWidth"].ToObject <int>(); } else { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "requestedVideoWidth set to default"); requestedVideoWidth = 640; } int requestedVideoHeight; if (parameters["requestedVideoHeight"] != null) { requestedVideoHeight = parameters["requestedVideoHeight"].ToObject <int>(); } else { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "requestedVideoHeight set to default"); requestedVideoHeight = 480; } int numRequestedPixels = requestedVideoWidth * requestedVideoHeight; // We need to specify a preferred video capture format; it has to be one of the supported capabilities of the device. // We will choose the capability that is as close as possible to the requested resolution while also having the highest frame rate for that resolution; var chosenCapability = videoCaptureCapabilities[0]; foreach (var capability in videoCaptureCapabilities) { int numPixelsInThisCapability = (int)(capability.Width * capability.Height); int numPixelsInChosenCapability = (int)(chosenCapability.Width * chosenCapability.Height); long thisPixelDeltaFromRequested = Math.Abs(numPixelsInThisCapability - numRequestedPixels); long chosenPixelDeltaFromRequested = Math.Abs(numPixelsInChosenCapability - numRequestedPixels); if (thisPixelDeltaFromRequested < chosenPixelDeltaFromRequested) { chosenCapability = capability; } else if (thisPixelDeltaFromRequested == chosenPixelDeltaFromRequested && capability.FrameRate > chosenCapability.FrameRate) { chosenCapability = capability; } } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "chosenCapability:"); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tWidth: " + (int)chosenCapability.Width); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tHeight: " + (int)chosenCapability.Height); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tFrameRate: " + (int)chosenCapability.FrameRate); WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat((int)chosenCapability.Width, (int)chosenCapability.Height, (int)chosenCapability.FrameRate, chosenCapability.MrcEnabled); //Org.WebRtc.Media.SetDisplayOrientation(Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayOrientations.None); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: before getUserMedia"); if (_localStream == null) { _localStream = await GetMedia().GetUserMedia(this.userMediaConstraints); } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: after getUserMedia"); // play the local video stream and create the SDP offer this.pc.AddStream(_localStream); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "localStream: " + _localStream); var videoTracks = _localStream.GetVideoTracks(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "videoTracks in localStream: "); foreach (var track in videoTracks) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, track.Id + ", enabled = " + track.Enabled + ", kind = " + track.Kind); } var audioTracks = _localStream.GetAudioTracks(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "audioTracks in localStream: "); foreach (var track in audioTracks) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, track.Id + ", enabled = " + track.Enabled + ", kind = " + track.Kind); } if (videoTracks.Count > 0) { //var source = GetMedia().CreateMediaSource(videoTracks[0], Symple.LocalMediaStreamId); // was valid for org.webrtc 1.54, not existing anymore //var source = GetMedia().CreateMediaStreamSource(Symple.LocalMediaStreamId); var source = GetMedia().CreateMediaStreamSource(videoTracks[0], "I420", Symple.LocalMediaStreamId); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.CreatedMediaSource, source); if (this.pc != null) { RTCSessionDescription desc = await this.pc.CreateOffer(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: offer: " + desc); this._onLocalSDP(desc); // store the active local stream this.activeStream = _localStream; } else { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogError, "peer connection was destroyed while trying to creat offer"); } } else { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogError, "ERROR: No video track found locally"); } } } }
public async void testStartVideoLocal() { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "basicTestVideo()"); if (!webrtcInitialized) { WebRTC.Initialize(null); // needed before calling any webrtc functions webrtcInitialized = true; } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "creating media"); if (_media == null) { _media = Media.CreateMedia(); _media.OnMediaDevicesChanged += (MediaDeviceType mediaType) => { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "OnMediaDevicesChanged(), mediaType = " + mediaType); }; } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "created media"); var videoCaptureDevices = _media.GetVideoCaptureDevices(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "num videoCaptureDevices: " + videoCaptureDevices.Count); var videoDevice = videoCaptureDevices[0]; Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "getting videoCaptureCapabilities"); var videoCaptureCapabilities = await videoDevice.GetVideoCaptureCapabilities(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "got videoCaptureCapabilities"); var chosenCapability = videoCaptureCapabilities[0]; Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "chosenCapability:"); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tWidth: " + (int)chosenCapability.Width); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tHeight: " + (int)chosenCapability.Height); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tFrameRate: " + (int)chosenCapability.FrameRate); WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat((int)chosenCapability.Width, (int)chosenCapability.Height, (int)chosenCapability.FrameRate); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "getting usermedia"); if (_localStream == null) { _localStream = await _media.GetUserMedia(new RTCMediaStreamConstraints { videoEnabled = true, audioEnabled = true }); } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "got usermedia"); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "localStream id: " + _localStream.Id); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "localStream Active?: " + _localStream.Active); var videoTracks = _localStream.GetVideoTracks(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "num videoTracks: " + videoTracks.Count); _selectedVideoTrack = videoTracks[0]; Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "selected video track id: " + _selectedVideoTrack.Id); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "selected video track suspended?: " + _selectedVideoTrack.Suspended); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "selected video track enabled?: " + _selectedVideoTrack.Enabled); var source = _media.CreateMediaSource(_selectedVideoTrack, Symple.LocalMediaStreamId); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "created mediasource"); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.CreatedMediaSource, source); }
public override async void _play(JObject parameters) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogTrace, "symple:webrtc: _play"); // if there is an active stream, play it now if (this.activeStream != null) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: active stream is not null, shuld play it now (TODO)"); // = URL.createObjectURL(this.activeStream); //; this.setState("playing"); } else { // otherwise, wait until ICE to complete before setting the playing state // if we are the ICE initiator, then attempt to open the local video device and send the SDP offer to the peer if (this.initiator) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "symple:webrtc: initiating"); var videoCaptureDevices = GetMedia().GetVideoCaptureDevices(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "videoCaptureDevices:"); foreach (var dev in videoCaptureDevices) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "id = " + dev.Id + ", name = " + dev.Name + ", location = " + dev.Location); var capabilities = await dev.GetVideoCaptureCapabilities(); foreach (var capability in capabilities) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "\t" + capability.FullDescription); } } var videoDevice = videoCaptureDevices[0]; Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "getting videoCaptureCapabilities"); var videoCaptureCapabilities = await videoDevice.GetVideoCaptureCapabilities(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "got videoCaptureCapabilities"); GetMedia().SelectVideoDevice(videoCaptureDevices[0]); // We need to specify a preferred video capture format; it has to be one of the supported capabilities of the device. // We will choose the capability that has the lowest resolution and the highest frame rate for that resolution. var chosenCapability = videoCaptureCapabilities[0]; foreach (var capability in videoCaptureCapabilities) { if (capability.Width == 640 && capability.Height == 480) { // we'd prefer to just do 640x480 if possible chosenCapability = capability; break; } if ((capability.Width < chosenCapability.Width && capability.Height < chosenCapability.Height) || (capability.Width == chosenCapability.Width && capability.Height == chosenCapability.Height && capability.FrameRate > chosenCapability.FrameRate)) { chosenCapability = capability; } } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "chosenCapability:"); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tWidth: " + (int)chosenCapability.Width); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tHeight: " + (int)chosenCapability.Height); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "\tFrameRate: " + (int)chosenCapability.FrameRate); WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat((int)chosenCapability.Width, (int)chosenCapability.Height, (int)chosenCapability.FrameRate); //WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat(640, 480, 30); //Org.WebRtc.Media.SetDisplayOrientation(Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayOrientations.None); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: before getUserMedia"); if (_localStream == null) { _localStream = await GetMedia().GetUserMedia(new RTCMediaStreamConstraints { videoEnabled = true, audioEnabled = true }); } Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: after getUserMedia"); // play the local video stream and create the SDP offer this.pc.AddStream(_localStream); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: should play the local stream and create the SDP offer (TODO)"); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "localStream: " + _localStream); var videoTracks = _localStream.GetVideoTracks(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "videoTracks in localStream: "); foreach (var track in videoTracks) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, track.Id + ", enabled = " + track.Enabled + ", kind = " + track.Kind + ", suspended = " + track.Suspended); } var audioTracks = _localStream.GetAudioTracks(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, "audioTracks in localStream: "); foreach (var track in audioTracks) { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogInfo, track.Id + ", enabled = " + track.Enabled + ", kind = " + track.Kind); } if (videoTracks.Count > 0) { var source = GetMedia().CreateMediaSource(videoTracks[0], Symple.LocalMediaStreamId); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.CreatedMediaSource, source); if (this.pc != null) { RTCSessionDescription desc = await this.pc.CreateOffer(); Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogDebug, "symple:webrtc: offer: " + desc); this._onLocalSDP(desc); // store the active local stream this.activeStream = _localStream; } else { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogError, "peer connection was destroyed while trying to creat offer"); } } else { Messenger.Broadcast(SympleLog.LogError, "ERROR: No video track found locally"); } } } }
public async Task ConfigureRtcAsync() { var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; var videoDeviceId = string.Empty; if (settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.VideoDeviceSettings)) { videoDeviceId = (string)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.VideoDeviceSettings]; } var videoDevices = Media.GetVideoCaptureDevices(); var selectedVideoDevice = videoDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(videoDeviceId)); selectedVideoDevice = selectedVideoDevice ?? videoDevices.FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedVideoDevice != null) { Media.SelectVideoDevice(selectedVideoDevice); } if (settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.AudioDeviceSettings)) { var audioDeviceId = (string)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.AudioDeviceSettings]; var audioDevices = Media.GetAudioCaptureDevices(); var selectedAudioDevice = audioDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(audioDeviceId)); if (selectedAudioDevice == null) { settings.Values.Remove(MediaSettingsIds.AudioDeviceSettings); } Media.SelectAudioCaptureDevice(selectedAudioDevice); } else { Media.SelectAudioCaptureDevice(null); } if (settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.AudioPlayoutDeviceSettings)) { var audioPlayoutDeviceId = (string)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.AudioPlayoutDeviceSettings]; var audioPlayoutDevices = Media.GetAudioPlayoutDevices(); var selectedAudioPlayoutDevice = audioPlayoutDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(audioPlayoutDeviceId)); if (selectedAudioPlayoutDevice == null) { settings.Values.Remove(MediaSettingsIds.AudioPlayoutDeviceSettings); } Media.SelectAudioPlayoutDevice(selectedAudioPlayoutDevice); } else { Media.SelectAudioPlayoutDevice(null); } var videoCodecId = int.MinValue; if (settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.VideoCodecSettings)) { videoCodecId = (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.VideoCodecSettings]; } var videoCodecs = WebRTC.GetVideoCodecs(); var selectedVideoCodec = videoCodecs.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(videoCodecId)); await Hub.Instance.MediaSettingsChannel.SetVideoCodecAsync( (selectedVideoCodec ?? videoCodecs.FirstOrDefault()).ToDto()); var audioCodecId = int.MinValue; if (settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.AudioCodecSettings)) { audioCodecId = (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.AudioCodecSettings]; } var audioCodecs = WebRTC.GetAudioCodecs(); var selectedAudioCodec = audioCodecs.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(audioCodecId)); await Hub.Instance.MediaSettingsChannel.SetAudioCodecAsync( (selectedAudioCodec ?? audioCodecs.FirstOrDefault()).ToDto()); if (settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureWidth) && settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureHeight) && settings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureFrameRate)) { WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat( (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureWidth], (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureHeight], (int)settings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureFrameRate]); } }
/// <summary> /// On Win10 in a background task, WebRTC initialization has to be done /// when we have access to the resources. That's inside an active /// voip call. /// This function must be called after VoipCoordinator.StartVoipTask() /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void InitializeRTC() { if (Media == null) { WebRTC.Initialize(_dispatcher); Media = WebRTCMedia.CreateMedia(); WebRTCMedia.SetDisplayOrientation(_displayOrientation); // Uncomment the following line to enable WebRTC logging. // Logs are: // - Saved to local storage. Log folder location can be obtained using WebRTC.LogFolder() // - Sent over network if client is connected to TCP port 47003 //WebRTC.EnableLogging(LogLevel.LOGLVL_INFO); } if (DisplayOrientations.None != _displayOrientation) { WebRTCMedia.SetDisplayOrientation(_displayOrientation); } string videoDeviceId = string.Empty; if (_localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.VideoDeviceSettings)) { videoDeviceId = (string)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.VideoDeviceSettings]; } var videoDevices = Media.GetVideoCaptureDevices(); var selectedVideoDevice = videoDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(videoDeviceId)); selectedVideoDevice = selectedVideoDevice ?? videoDevices.FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedVideoDevice != null) { Media.SelectVideoDevice(selectedVideoDevice); } string audioDeviceId = string.Empty; if (_localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.AudioDeviceSettings)) { audioDeviceId = (string)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.AudioDeviceSettings]; } var audioDevices = Media.GetAudioCaptureDevices(); var selectedAudioDevice = audioDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(audioDeviceId)); selectedAudioDevice = selectedAudioDevice ?? audioDevices.FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedAudioDevice != null) { Media.SelectAudioDevice(selectedAudioDevice); } string audioPlayoutDeviceId = string.Empty; if (_localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.AudioPlayoutDeviceSettings)) { audioPlayoutDeviceId = (string)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.AudioPlayoutDeviceSettings]; } var audioPlayoutDevices = Media.GetAudioPlayoutDevices(); var selectedAudioPlayoutDevice = audioPlayoutDevices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id.Equals(audioPlayoutDeviceId)); selectedAudioPlayoutDevice = selectedAudioPlayoutDevice ?? audioPlayoutDevices.FirstOrDefault(); if (selectedAudioPlayoutDevice != null) { Media.SelectAudioPlayoutDevice(selectedAudioPlayoutDevice); } int videoCodecId = int.MinValue; if (_localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.VideoCodecSettings)) { videoCodecId = (int)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.VideoCodecSettings]; } var videoCodecs = WebRTC.GetVideoCodecs(); var selectedVideoCodec = videoCodecs.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(videoCodecId)); SetVideoCodec(DtoExtensions.ToDto(selectedVideoCodec ?? videoCodecs.FirstOrDefault())); int audioCodecId = int.MinValue; if (_localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.AudioCodecSettings)) { audioCodecId = (int)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.AudioCodecSettings]; } var audioCodecs = WebRTC.GetAudioCodecs(); var selectedAudioCodec = audioCodecs.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id.Equals(audioCodecId)); SetAudioCodec(DtoExtensions.ToDto(selectedAudioCodec ?? audioCodecs.FirstOrDefault())); if (_localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureWidth) && _localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureHeight) && _localSettings.Values.ContainsKey(MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureFrameRate)) { WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat((int)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureWidth], (int)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureHeight], (int)_localSettings.Values[MediaSettingsIds.PreferredVideoCaptureFrameRate]); } ResolutionHelper.ResolutionChanged += (id, width, height) => { if (id == LocalMediaStreamId) { LocalVideoRenderer.ResolutionChanged(width, height); } else if (id == PeerMediaStreamId) { RemoteVideoRenderer.ResolutionChanged(width, height); } }; FrameCounterHelper.FramesPerSecondChanged += (id, frameRate) => { if (id == LocalMediaStreamId) { LocalVideo_FrameRateUpdate(frameRate); } else if (id == PeerMediaStreamId) { RemoteVideo_FrameRateUpdate(frameRate); } }; }
/// <summary> /// The initializer for MainViewModel. /// </summary> /// <param name="uiDispatcher">The UI dispatcher.</param> public void Initialize(CoreDispatcher uiDispatcher) { WebRTC.Initialize(uiDispatcher); // For the HoloLens if (_isHoloLens) { WebRTC.SetPreferredVideoCaptureFormat(896, 504, 30); } // Pick the codec var videoCodecs = WebRTC.GetVideoCodecs(); foreach (var codec in videoCodecs) { if (codec.Name == "H264") { Conductor.Instance.VideoCodec = codec; break; } } // Pick the bitrate Conductor.Instance.VideoBitrate = 512; var settings = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; // A Peer is connected to the server event handler Conductor.Instance.Signaller.OnPeerConnected += (peerId, peerName) => { RunOnUiThread(() => { if (Peers == null) { Peers = new ObservableCollection <Peer>(); Conductor.Instance.Peers = Peers; } Peers.Add(new Peer { Id = peerId, Name = peerName }); }); }; // A Peer is disconnected from the server event handler Conductor.Instance.Signaller.OnPeerDisconnected += peerId => { RunOnUiThread(() => { var peerToRemove = Peers?.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == peerId); if (peerToRemove != null) { Peers.Remove(peerToRemove); } }); }; // The user is Signed in to the server event handler Conductor.Instance.Signaller.OnSignedIn += () => { RunOnUiThread(() => { IsConnected = true; IsMicrophoneEnabled = true; IsCameraEnabled = true; IsConnecting = false; }); }; // Failed to connect to the server event handler Conductor.Instance.Signaller.OnServerConnectionFailure += () => { RunOnUiThread(async() => { IsConnecting = false; MessageDialog msgDialog = new MessageDialog("Failed to connect to server!"); await msgDialog.ShowAsync(); }); }; // The current user is disconnected from the server event handler Conductor.Instance.Signaller.OnDisconnected += () => { RunOnUiThread(() => { IsConnected = false; IsMicrophoneEnabled = false; IsCameraEnabled = false; IsDisconnecting = false; Peers?.Clear(); }); }; LoadSettings(); Connect(); // Event handlers for managing the media streams Conductor.Instance.OnAddRemoteStream += Conductor_OnAddRemoteStream; Conductor.Instance.OnRemoveRemoteStream += Conductor_OnRemoveRemoteStream; Conductor.Instance.OnAddLocalStream += Conductor_OnAddLocalStream; /** * // Connected to a peer event handler * Conductor.Instance.OnPeerConnectionCreated += () => * { * RunOnUiThread(() => * { * IsReadyToConnect = false; * IsConnectedToPeer = true; * if (SettingsButtonChecked) * { * // close settings screen if open * SettingsButtonChecked = false; * ScrollBarVisibilityType = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled; * } * IsReadyToDisconnect = false; * if (SettingsButtonChecked) * { * // close settings screen if open * SettingsButtonChecked = false; * ScrollBarVisibilityType = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled; * } * * // Make sure the screen is always active while on call * if (!_keepOnScreenRequested) * { * _keepScreenOnRequest.RequestActive(); * _keepOnScreenRequested = true; * } * * UpdateScrollBarVisibilityTypeHelper(); * }); * }; * * // Connection between the current user and a peer is closed event handler * Conductor.Instance.OnPeerConnectionClosed += () => * { * RunOnUiThread(() => * { * IsConnectedToPeer = false; * Conductor.Instance.Media.RemoveVideoTrackMediaElementPair(_peerVideoTrack); * //PeerVideo.Source = null; * * Conductor.Instance.Media.RemoveVideoTrackMediaElementPair(_selfVideoTrack); * //SelfVideo.Stop(); * //SelfVideo.ClearValue(MediaElement.SourceProperty); * //SelfVideo.Source = null; * * _peerVideoTrack = null; * _selfVideoTrack = null; * GC.Collect(); // Ensure all references are truly dropped. * IsMicrophoneEnabled = true; * IsCameraEnabled = true; * SelfVideoFps = PeerVideoFps = ""; * * // Make sure to allow the screen to be locked after the call * if (_keepOnScreenRequested) * { * _keepScreenOnRequest.RequestRelease(); * _keepOnScreenRequested = false; * } * UpdateScrollBarVisibilityTypeHelper(); * }); * }; * * // Ready to connect to the server event handler * Conductor.Instance.OnReadyToConnect += () => { RunOnUiThread(() => { IsReadyToConnect = true; }); }; * * // Initialize the Ice servers list * IceServers = new ObservableCollection<IceServer>(); * NewIceServer = new IceServer(); * * // Prepare to list supported audio codecs * AudioCodecs = new ObservableCollection<CodecInfo>(); * var audioCodecList = WebRTC.GetAudioCodecs(); * * // These are features added to existing codecs, they can't decode/encode real audio data so ignore them * string[] incompatibleAudioCodecs = new string[] { "CN32000", "CN16000", "CN8000", "red8000", "telephone-event8000" }; * * // Prepare to list supported video codecs * VideoCodecs = new ObservableCollection<CodecInfo>(); * * // Order the video codecs so that the stable VP8 is in front. * var videoCodecList = WebRTC.GetVideoCodecs().OrderBy(codec => * { * switch (codec.Name) * { * case "VP8": return 1; * case "VP9": return 2; * case "H264": return 3; * default: return 99; * } * }); * * // Load the supported audio/video information into the Settings controls * RunOnUiThread(() => * { * foreach (var audioCodec in audioCodecList) * { * if (!incompatibleAudioCodecs.Contains(audioCodec.Name + audioCodec.ClockRate)) * { * AudioCodecs.Add(audioCodec); * } * } * * if (AudioCodecs.Count > 0) * { * if (settings.Values["SelectedAudioCodecId"] != null) * { * * int id = Convert.ToInt32(settings.Values["SelectedAudioCodecId"]); * * foreach (var audioCodec in AudioCodecs) * { * * int audioCodecId = audioCodec.Id; * if (audioCodecId == id) * { * SelectedAudioCodec = audioCodec; * break; * } * } * } * if (SelectedAudioCodec == null) * { * SelectedAudioCodec = AudioCodecs.First(); * } * } * * foreach (var videoCodec in videoCodecList) * { * VideoCodecs.Add(videoCodec); * } * * if (VideoCodecs.Count > 0) * { * if (settings.Values["SelectedVideoCodecId"] != null) * { * * int id = Convert.ToInt32(settings.Values["SelectedVideoCodecId"]); * foreach (var videoCodec in VideoCodecs) * { * int videoCodecId = videoCodec.Id; * if (videoCodecId == id) * { * SelectedVideoCodec = videoCodec; * break; * } * } * } * if (SelectedVideoCodec == null) * { * SelectedVideoCodec = VideoCodecs.First(); * } * } * }); * LoadSettings(); * RunOnUiThread(() => * { * OnInitialized?.Invoke(); * });*/ }