private void LoginUser()
            //if fore-color of a textBox is not black, that means the textbox
            //contains the placeholder text and user didn't enter any value
            string username = UsernameTextBox.ForeColor == Color.Black?
                              UsernameTextBox.Text : "";
            string password = PasswordTextBox.ForeColor == Color.Black?
                              PasswordTextBox.Text : "";

            if (username.Length < 1)
                ShowErrorMessage("Please enter username.");
            else if (password.Length < 1)
                ShowErrorMessage("Please enter password.");

            //disable all controls so that the user cannot
            //change anything until the login process ends

            //show progress bar
            string             status         = "Verifying your login credentials, please wait...";
            ProgressViewerForm progressViewer = new ProgressViewerForm(status);

            progressViewer.Location = new Point(this.Location.X + 70, this.Location.Y + 100);
            _progressViewerObject = progressViewer;

            //send web request to verify user's login credentials
            WebHandler webRequest = new WebHandler();

            webRequest.WebRequestSuccessEventHandler += OnLoginSuccess;
            webRequest.WebRequestFailedEventHandler  += OnLoginFailed;
            _webHandlerObject = webRequest;
            webRequest.AuthenticateUser(username, password);