        internal string FtpNow(IHttpContext context)
                var data = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
                var json = WebUtility.UrlDecode(data);

                // Dead simple (dirty), there is only one setting at present!
                var includeGraphs = json.Contains("true");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cumulus.FtpHostname))
                    return("{\"result\":\"No FTP host defined\"}");

                if (cumulus.WebUpdating == 1)
                    cumulus.LogMessage("FTP Now: Warning, a previous web update is still in progress, first chance, skipping attempt");
                    return("{\"result\":\"A web update is already in progress\"}");

                if (cumulus.WebUpdating >= 2)
                    cumulus.LogMessage("FTP Now: Warning, a previous web update is still in progress, second chance, aborting connection");
                    if (cumulus.ftpThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)

                    // If enabled (re)generate the daily graph data files, and upload
                    if (includeGraphs && cumulus.IncludeGraphDataFiles)
                        cumulus.LogDebugMessage("FTP Now: Generating the daily graph data files");
                        cumulus.DailyGraphDataFilesNeedFTP = true;

                    cumulus.LogMessage("FTP Now: Trying new web update");
                    cumulus.WebUpdating = 1;
                    cumulus.ftpThread   = new Thread(cumulus.DoHTMLFiles)
                        IsBackground = true
                    return("{\"result\":\"An existing FTP process was aborted, and a new FTP process invoked\"}");

                // If enabled (re)generate the daily graph data files, and upload
                if (includeGraphs && cumulus.IncludeGraphDataFiles)
                    cumulus.LogDebugMessage("FTP Now: Generating the daily graph data files");
                    cumulus.DailyGraphDataFilesNeedFTP = true;

                cumulus.WebUpdating = 1;
                cumulus.ftpThread   = new Thread(cumulus.DoHTMLFiles)
                    IsBackground = true
                return("{\"result\":\"FTP process invoked\"}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                cumulus.LogMessage($"FTP Now: {ex.Message}");
                context.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                return($"{{\"result\":\"Error: {ex.Message}\"}}");