public override WeaponColors GetColors()
        // If there are no charging colors, there is no need
        // to check the charge level and return the right colors.
        if (chargeColors == null)

        // If fully charged, the right colors are decided based on Unity's timer.
        if (charge > 1.0f)
            if (chargeColors.Length >= 2)
                int          index  = Mathf.FloorToInt((Time.unscaledTime % 0.2f) * 15.0f);
                WeaponColors colors = chargeColors[1, index];
                if (owner)
                    switch (index)
                    case 0:
                        colors.colorDark    = owner.defaultColors.colorLight;
                        colors.colorOutline = owner.defaultColors.colorDark;

                    case 1:
                        colors.colorLight   = owner.defaultColors.colorDark;
                        colors.colorOutline = owner.defaultColors.colorLight;

                    case 2:
                        colors.colorOutline = owner.defaultColors.colorLight;
                        colors.colorLight   = owner.defaultColors.colorDark;
        // If semi charged, the right colors are decided based on Unity's timer.
        else if (charge > 0.3f)
            if (chargeColors.Length >= 1)
                int index = Mathf.FloorToInt((Time.unscaledTime % 0.3f) * 10.0f);
                return(chargeColors[0, index]);
        // If not charged, returns the default colors.
 // Each Player Weapon Data has a few variables by default,
 // which always need to be assigned. Each class can have
 // additional arguments in its constuctor, but these
 // will always need to be assigned.
 public Pl_WeaponData(Player _owner, string _menuName, WeaponColors _baseColors, WeaponColors[,] _chargeColors)
     // owner is the Player who is currently using a weapon.
     // In the WeaponList this will always be null, as it will
     // be assigned by the player themselves when they equip this weapon.
     owner = _owner;
     // baseColors are the Weapon Colors the player will use
     // when they are equiped with this weapon.
     // If the alpha of one of these colors is 0, the player
     // will use their default color instead.
     baseColors = _baseColors;
     // If the weapon can be charged, the colors the player will use
     // in each charge level can be assigned here.
     // If not, this can just be null instead.
     chargeColors = _chargeColors;
     // This is the name the weapon will show in the pause menu.
     // Try to keep it short!
     menuName = _menuName;
 public PlWpDt_RushJet(Player _owner, string _menuName, WeaponColors _baseColors, WeaponColors[,] _chargeColors) : base(_owner, _menuName, _baseColors, _chargeColors)
 public PlWpDt_BlackHoleBomb(Player _owner, string _menuName, WeaponColors _baseColors, WeaponColors[,] _chargeColors) : base(_owner, _menuName, _baseColors, _chargeColors)