        public static void Fight(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button right, Button Left, Characters player)
            Location wellHouse = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[2], globalVar.weapons[7], 35, globalVar.enemies[0], 5, 30, 1, globalVar.npcs[6]);

            Inventory.addItem(wellHouse.getItem(), player);
            string desc = Logic.description.describeObj(6, 2, 17, 0, 3);


            pic.Image  = Image.FromFile("Lose.jpg");
            des.Text   = desc + "The moment has come, you must fight Pennywise. \n Do you have the courage and strength it takes to beat him?";
            right.Text = "Attack one last time";

            right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = false;;
            right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                // if coraje y fuerza suficiente ending winner
                // else ending lose
                courageChecker.checkCourage(pic, des, right, Left);
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                End5.Fight(pic, des, right, Left, player);
        public static void no(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button Right, Button Left, Characters player)
            Location bevHouse = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[5], globalVar.weapons[9], 50, globalVar.enemies[6], 50, 10, 0.5f, globalVar.npcs[5]);

            Inventory.addItem(bevHouse.getItem(), player);
            string desc = Logic.description.describeObj(3, 5, 19, 6, 5);


            pic.Image     = Image.FromFile("Bev3atc.png");
            des.Text      = desc + "He tries to slam you into the ground. What do you do?";
            Right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            Right.Text    = "Attack with a weapon";
            Left.Text     = "Escape";
            Right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                globalVar.courage += 1;
                player.attack(bevHouse.getEnemy(), player.ownedWeapons[0]);
                Inventory.removeItem(player.ownedWeapons[0], player);
                playerChoices.addToList("You attacked daddy.");
                Bev3.atck(pic, des, Right, Left);
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                Bev3.huir(pic, des, Right, Left, player);
                playerChoices.addToList("You escaped from daddy.");
        public static void Gor(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button right, Button Left, Characters player)
            Location wellHouse = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[2], globalVar.weapons[5], 40, globalVar.enemies[0], 70, 30, 1, globalVar.npcs[2]);

            Inventory.addItem(wellHouse.getItem(), player);
            string desc = Logic.description.describeObj(3, 2, 10, 0, 1);


            pic.Image = Image.FromFile("FGe.png");
            des.Text  = desc + "Pennywise dodges your attack and leaves. \n When you turn around, your realize that Georgie is \n there telling you:" +
                        " You've beaten Pennywise, and I never died.\n This is a happy moment for you. What do you do?";
            right.Text    = "Attack Georgie";
            Left.Text     = "Trust Georgie";
            right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                //Quitar vida IT
                globalVar.courage += 1;

                player.attack(wellHouse.getEnemy(), player.ownedWeapons[0]);
                Inventory.removeItem(player.ownedWeapons[0], player);
                End3.ATck(pic, des, right, Left, player);
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                Game_Over.GO(pic, des, right, Left);
        public static void Start(PictureBox pic, Label tit, Label des, Button right, Button Left, Characters player)
            player.Name = globalVar.characters[2];

            Location wellHouse = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[2], globalVar.weapons[1], 20, 0.1f, globalVar.npcs[1]);

            Inventory.addItem(wellHouse.getItem(), player);
            string desc = Logic.description.describeObj(2, 2, 11, 1);


            pic.Image     = Image.FromFile("Ed0.jpg");
            tit.Text      = "Eddie";
            des.Text      = desc + "While walking down the street, you feel a presence in the house \n next to you. What do you do?";
            right.Text    = "Observe the house";
            Left.Text     = "Keep walking";
            right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                Eddie1.See(pic, des, right, Left, player);
                playerChoices.addToList("You observed the house.");
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                Eddie1.Walk(pic, des, right, Left, player);
        public static void Bill(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button right, Button Left, Characters player)
            Location wellHouse = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[2], globalVar.weapons[4], 35, globalVar.enemies[0], 20, 30, 1, globalVar.npcs[6]);

            Inventory.addItem(wellHouse.getItem(), player);
            string desc = Logic.description.describeObj(5, 2, 14, 0, 1);


            pic.Image     = Image.FromFile("FBill.jpg");
            des.Text      = desc + "OH NO! Pennywise has kidnapped Bill! \n Apparently, he'll let you all go if you let \n him take Bill. What do you do?";
            right.Text    = "Abandon Bill and save myself";
            Left.Text     = "Fight for Bill";
            right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                Game_Over.GO(pic, des, right, Left);
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                globalVar.courage += 1;
                player.attack(wellHouse.getEnemy(), player.ownedWeapons[0]);
                Inventory.removeItem(player.ownedWeapons[0], player);
                End5.Fight(pic, des, right, Left, player);
        public static void ATck(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button right, Button Left, Characters player)
            Location wellHouse = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[2], globalVar.weapons[6], 35, globalVar.enemies[0], 40, 30, 1, globalVar.npcs[6]);

            Inventory.addItem(wellHouse.getItem(), player);
            string desc = Logic.description.describeObj(4, 2, 15, 0, 6);


            pic.Image = Image.FromFile("FAt.jpg");
            des.Text  = desc + "You're lucky! Georgie was Pennywise all along. \n You attack and hurt him, and now \n" +
                        "is when the final battle begins. \n What do you do?";

            right.Text    = "Attack with weapon";
            Left.Text     = "Risk it all";
            right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                //Quitar vida IT
                player.attack(wellHouse.getEnemy(), player.ownedWeapons[0]);
                Inventory.removeItem(player.ownedWeapons[0], player);
                End4.Bill(pic, des, right, Left, player);
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                // Perder salud
                player.takeDamage(player, 20);
                End4.Bill(pic, des, right, Left, player);
        public static void startBen(PictureBox pic, Label tit, Label des, Button Right, Button Left, Characters player)
            player.Name = globalVar.characters[1];
            Location library = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[0], globalVar.weapons[8], 15, 0.5f, globalVar.npcs[6]);
            string   desc    = Logic.description.describeObj(1, 0, 18, 6);


            pic.Image     = Image.FromFile("Ben1.jpg");
            tit.Text      = "Ben";
            des.Text      = desc + "\nYou're in the library reading a history book. What do you do afterwards?";
            Right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            Right.Text    = "Steal the book";
            Left.Text     = "Keep reading the book";
            Right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                ABen.Ben1.Benglobo(pic, des, Right, Left, player);
                Objects.Inventory.addItem(library.getItem(), player);
                playerChoices.addToList("You stole the book.");
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                ABen.Ben1.Benglobo(pic, des, Right, Left, player);
                playerChoices.addToList("You read the book.");
        public static void AtBow(PictureBox pic, Label tit, Label des, Button right, Button Left, Characters player)
            Location wellHouse = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[2], globalVar.weapons[2], 30, globalVar.enemies[0], 110, 30, 1, globalVar.npcs[1]);

            Inventory.addItem(wellHouse.getItem(), player);
            string desc = Logic.description.describeObj(1, 2, 12, 0, 1);


            // if no tienes arma sera Game Over
            //pic.Image = Image.FromFile(@"\\Mac\Home\Desktop\Media\F1.jpg");
            pic.Image     = Image.FromFile("F2.jpg");
            des.Text      = desc + "You managed to beat Bowers. \n You keep going down the sewers and stumble upon \n the final boss PENNYWISE!\n Who has kidnapped Beverly! What do you do?";
            right.Text    = "Not help and run";
            Left.Text     = "Attack him";
            right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                Game_Over.GO(pic, des, right, Left);
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                // Coraje++
                globalVar.courage += 1;

                player.attack(wellHouse.getEnemy(), player.ownedWeapons[0]);
                Inventory.removeItem(player.ownedWeapons[0], player);
                End2.Gor(pic, des, right, Left, player);
        public static void Floot(PictureBox pic, Label des, Button right, Button Left, Characters player)
            Location synagogue = new WeapLoc(globalVar.locations[9], globalVar.weapons[10], 20, 0.5f, globalVar.npcs[3]);
            string   desc      = Logic.description.describeObj(0, 9, 20, 3);


            pic.Image     = Image.FromFile("Stan1.jpg");
            des.Text      = desc + "\nYou walk to the other room and see a painting and a flute in the floor. What do you do?";
            right.Text    = "Take the flute";
            Left.Text     = "Take the painting";
            right.Visible = true;
            Left.Visible  = true;
            right.Click  += (sender, args) =>
                Inventory.addItem(synagogue.getItem(), player);
                Stanley2.Dan(pic, des, right, Left, player);
            Left.Click += (sender, args) =>
                Stanley2.Dan(pic, des, right, Left, player);