public DialogKMLPath(Waypoint_Path_Gen wpg, GMAP gmap, TreeView treeview, double lat, double lon)
            _lat                = lat;
            _lon                = lon;
            _wpg                = wpg;
            _gmap               = gmap;
            _treeview           = treeview;
            _current_path_index = -1;
            _path               = new Models.Path();
            _wp = new WayPoints();


            // Fill POI combobox

            for (int i = 0; i < _wpg.POICount(); i++)

            // Generate EMpty Path

            _path.Add_Empty_Path(_wpg, _gmap, "Empty Path", "KML");
            _current_path_index = _wpg.PathCount() - 1;
        public DialogAddHelixPath(Waypoint_Path_Gen wpg, GMAP gmap, Path path, double lat, double lon)
            _wp   = new WayPoints();
            _wpg  = wpg;
            _gmap = gmap;
            _lat  = lat;
            _lon  = lon;


            if (path == null)
                _new_path     = true;
                _first_pass   = true;
                _path         = new Path();
                _path.visible = true;
                _build        = true;
                _new_path   = false;
                _first_pass = false;
                _build      = false;
                _path       = path;
                HelicalGUI gui = _path.helixgui;
                txtAddHelixPathName.Text =;
                _lat =;
                _lon = gui.lon;
                txtHelixStartAlt.Text    = Convert.ToString(gui.start_alt);
                txtHelixEndAlt.Text      = Convert.ToString(gui.end_alt);
                txtHelixStartRadius.Text = Convert.ToString(gui.start_rad);
                txtHelixEndRadius.Text   = Convert.ToString(gui.end_rad);
                txtHelixStartAngle.Text  = Convert.ToString(gui.start_angle);
                txtHelixSpan.Text        = Convert.ToString(gui.helix_span);
                txtHelixNumPoints.Text   = Convert.ToString(gui.num_points);
                chkHelicalHome.Checked   = gui.startend;
                chkHelixPOI.Checked      = gui.poimode;
                cmbHelixPOI.SelectedText = gui.poiname;
                _build         = true;
                _path.selected = false;


            //_current_path_index = _wpg.PathCount() - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _wpg.POICount(); i++)
        public DialogEditPOI(Waypoint_Path_Gen wpg, GMAP gmap, TreeView treeview, int poi_index)
            _wpg       = wpg;
            _gmap      = gmap;
            _treeview  = treeview;
            _poi_index = poi_index;
            POIPoints pnt;

            pnt                  = _wpg.POIPointAt(_poi_index);
            txtPOIName.Text      =;
            txtPOILatitude.Text  = Convert.ToString(;
            txtPOILongitude.Text = Convert.ToString(pnt.lon);
            txtPOIElevation.Text = Convert.ToString(pnt.elev);
            txtPOIAltitude.Text  = Convert.ToString(pnt.alt);
            txtPOICameraAlt.Text = Convert.ToString(pnt.cam_alt);
        // Add POI at this location

        private void btnAddPOI_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the POI Name

            string poi_name = txtAddPOIName.Text;

            if (poi_name == null | poi_name == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Enter a POI Name");

            // Make sure POI Name is Unique

            for (int i = 0; i < _wpg.POICount(); i++)
                POIPoints pnt = _wpg.POIPointAt(i);
                if (poi_name ==
                    MessageBox.Show("Name previously used, Enter a unique name");

            POIPoints poipoint = new POIPoints();

       = poi_name;
        = _lat;
            poipoint.lon      = _lon;
            poipoint.elev     = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddPOIElev.Text);
            poipoint.alt      = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddPOIAlt.Text);
            poipoint.cam_alt  = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddPOICamAlt.Text);
            poipoint.visible  = true;
            poipoint.selected = false;
        public dialogAddCircularPath(Waypoint_Path_Gen wpg, GMAP gmap, Options options, Path path, double lat, double lon)
            // Save arguments
            _wp      = new WayPoints();
            _wpg     = wpg;
            _gmap    = gmap;
            _options = options;
            _lat     = lat;
            _lon     = lon;

            // Initialize Dialog


            // Setup Dialog GUI

            txtDiaAddCircPathAlt.Text = Convert.ToString(_options.def_altitude);
            for (int i = 0; i < _wpg.POICount(); i++)

            // See if new path

            if (path == null)
                _new_path   = true;
                _first_pass = true;
                _path       = new Path();
                //_current_path_index = -1;
                _path.visible  = true;
                _path.selected = false;
                double      altitude          = Convert.ToDouble(txtDiaAddCircPathAlt.Text);
                double      circle_radius     = Convert.ToDouble(txtDiaAddCircPathRadius.Text);
                double      start_angle       = Convert.ToDouble(txtCircStartAngle.Text);
                double      circle_span       = Convert.ToDouble(txtCircSpan.Text);
                int         circle_num_points = Convert.ToInt16(txtCircNumPoints.Text);
                bool        startend          = chkCircHome.Checked;
                CircularGUI gui = new CircularGUI();
                gui.CW          = startend;
              = txtDiaAddCircPathName.Text;
               = _lat;
                gui.lon         = _lon;
                gui.altitude    = altitude;
                gui.radius      = circle_radius;
                gui.numpoints   = circle_num_points;
                gui.fullcirc    = chkFullCircle.Checked;
                gui.start_angle = start_angle;
                gui.circ_span   = circle_span;
                gui.startend    = startend;
                gui.poimode     = chkCircPOI.Checked;
                gui.poiname     = cmbCircPOI.GetItemText(cmbCircPOI.SelectedItem);
                _path.circgui   = gui;
                _build         = false;
                _new_path      = false;
                _path          = path;
                _path.selected = false;
                _path.visible  = true;
                //_current_path_index =;
                CircularGUI gui = _path.circgui;
                txtDiaAddCircPathName.Text =;
                _lat =;
                _lon = gui.lon;
                txtDiaAddCircPathAlt.Text    = Convert.ToString(gui.altitude);
                txtDiaAddCircPathRadius.Text = Convert.ToString(gui.radius);
                txtCircNumPoints.Text        = Convert.ToString(gui.numpoints);
                chkFullCircle.Checked        = gui.fullcirc;
                txtCircStartAngle.Text       = Convert.ToString(gui.start_angle);
                txtCircSpan.Text             = Convert.ToString(gui.circ_span);
                chkCircHome.Checked          = gui.startend;
                chkCircPOI.Checked           = gui.poimode;
                int index = cmbCircPOI.Items.IndexOf(gui.poiname);
                cmbCircPOI.SelectedIndex = index;
                _first_pass = false;
                _build      = true;
        private void buildCircPath()
            if (!_build)

            // Get Parameters

            double lat_home          = _lat;
            double lon_home          = _lon;
            double lat_center        = _lat;
            double lon_center        = _lon;
            double altitude          = Convert.ToDouble(txtDiaAddCircPathAlt.Text);
            double circle_radius     = Convert.ToDouble(txtDiaAddCircPathRadius.Text);
            double start_angle       = Convert.ToDouble(txtCircStartAngle.Text);
            double circle_span       = Convert.ToDouble(txtCircSpan.Text);
            int    circle_num_points = Convert.ToInt16(txtCircNumPoints.Text);
            bool   startend          = chkCircHome.Checked;

            int[,] no_actions = new int[, ] {
                { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }
            int[,] actions = new int[, ] {
                { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }

            // Get Camera Location

            double lat_camera   = lat_center;
            double lon_camera   = lon_center;
            String cam_poi_name = cmbCircPOI.GetItemText(cmbCircPOI.SelectedItem);

            for (int i = 0; i < _wpg.POICount(); i++)
                POIPoints tmp_point = _wpg.POIPointAt(i);
                string    name      =;
                if (cam_poi_name == name)
                    lat_camera =;
                    lon_camera = tmp_point.lon;

            // Generate Full 360 degree circle

            LinkedList <WayPoints> new_list = new LinkedList <WayPoints>();
            int    gimblemode  = 0;
            double gimplepitch = -GPS.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan(altitude / circle_radius));
            double curvesize   = 0;
            double rotdir      = 0;

            if (startend)
                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, 0.0, curvesize, rotdir, 0, 0.0, no_actions);
            int    count   = 0;
            double heading = 0;
            double distance;
            double angle           = start_angle;
            double angle_increment = circle_span / (circle_num_points);
            bool   full_circle     = chkFullCircle.Checked;

            if (circle_span == 360.0)
                full_circle = true;
            double circ_lat;
            double circ_lon;
            double start_lat  = 0;
            double start_lon  = 0;
            double start_head = 0;

            if (full_circle)
                angle_increment = 360.0 / circle_num_points;
            if (radioCCW.Checked)
                angle_increment = -angle_increment;
            int num_points = circle_num_points;

            if (!full_circle)
                circ_lat = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, angle, circle_radius, Form1.Globals.gps_radius);
                circ_lon = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, circ_lat, angle, circle_radius, Form1.Globals.gps_radius);

                if (chkCircPOI.Checked)
                    heading     = GPS.GPS_Bearing(circ_lat, circ_lon, lat_camera, lon_camera);
                    distance    = GPS.GPS_Distance(circ_lat, circ_lon, lat_camera, lon_camera, Form1.Globals.gps_radius);
                    gimplepitch = -GPS.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan(altitude / distance));
                    gimblemode  = 2;
                    heading = GPS.Mod_Angle(angle + 90);
                    if (radioCCW.Checked)
                        heading = GPS.Mod_Angle(heading + 180.0);
                    gimplepitch = 0;
                    gimblemode  = 0;

                if (count == 0)
                    start_lat = circ_lat; start_lon = circ_lon; start_head = heading;

                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, circ_lat, circ_lon, altitude, heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimplepitch, actions);

                angle = angle + angle_increment;
            } while (count < num_points);

            if (full_circle)
                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, start_lat, start_lon, altitude, start_head, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimplepitch, actions);

            if (startend)
                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, 0.0, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, 0.0, no_actions);

            // Save Path

            if (_new_path & _first_pass)
                string path_name = txtDiaAddCircPathName.Text;
                if (path_name == "")
                    path_name = "Untitled - Circular";
                _path.Add_Path(_wpg, _gmap, path_name, "Circular", new_list);
                _path       = _wpg.PathAt(_wpg.PathCount() - 1);
                _first_pass = false;
                //Models.Path newpath = _wpg.PathAt(_current_path_index);
                //newpath.visible = true;
                //newpath.selected = true;
                _path.waypoints = new_list;
                //_wpg.ChangePathWP(_path, new_list);
                //Models.Path path = _wpg.PathAt(_current_path_index);
                //_gmap.Add_gMapPath(path, false);
            _path.visible  = true;
            _path.selected = false;
        public DialogAddRectPath(Waypoint_Path_Gen wpg, GMAP gmap, Options options, Path path, double lat, double lon)
            _wp               = new WayPoints();
            _wpg              = wpg;
            _gmap             = gmap;
            _options          = options;
            _lat              = lat;
            _lon              = lon;
            _camera_angle_hor = _options.focal_angle_hor;
            _camera_angle_ver = _options.focal_angle_ver;
            //_overlap_width = over_wid;
            //_overlap_height = over_hgt;
            _overlap_width  = _options.hor_overlap_percent;
            _overlap_height = _options.ver_overlap_percent;
            _poly           = new Shape();


            // Fill POI combobox
            for (int i = 0; i < _wpg.POICount(); i++)

            // New or Redefine Path

            if (path == null)
                _new_path        = true;
                _first_pass      = true;
                _path            = new Path();
                _path.visible    = true;
                _path.selected   = false;
                _build           = true;
                txtPathAlt.Text  = Convert.ToString(_options.def_altitude);
                trkRectAlt.Value = Convert.ToInt16(_options.def_altitude);
                _new_path      = false;
                _path          = path;
                _path.selected = false;
                _current_intid = path.internal_id;
                RectanglarGUI gui = _path.rectanglegui;
                _build = false;
                txtRectPathName.Text  =;
                radioVideo.Checked    = Convert.ToBoolean(;
                chkRectHome.Checked   = Convert.ToBoolean(gui.startend);
                txtPathAlt.Text       = Convert.ToString(gui.altitude);
                txtGridRotation.Text  = Convert.ToString(gui.heading);
                txtGridLength.Text    = Convert.ToString(gui.length);
                txtGridWidth.Text     = Convert.ToString(gui.width);
                chkOnePass.Checked    = Convert.ToBoolean(gui.single);
                chkRectCamPOI.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(gui.poimode);
                int index = cmbRectCamPOI.Items.IndexOf(gui.poiname);
                cmbRectCamPOI.SelectedIndex = index;
                _build = true;
            _build = true;
        private void BuildRectPath()
            if (!_build)

            // Get center position

            double lat_home   = _lat;
            double lon_home   = _lon;
            double lat_center = _lat;
            double lon_center = _lon;
            string path_name  = txtRectPathName.Text;

 *          int poi_count = _wpg.POICount();
 *          POIPoints tmp_point;
 *          for (int i = 0; i < poi_count; i++)
 *          {
 *              tmp_point = _wpg.POIPointAt(i);
 *              string name =;
 *              if (home_name == name)
 *              {
 *                  lat_home =;
 *                  lon_home = tmp_point.lon;
 *              }
 *          }
            double lat_camera;
            double lon_camera;

            LinkedList <WayPoints> new_list = new LinkedList <WayPoints>();

            // Get Values from input Boxes

            _video = radioVideo.Checked;
            bool OnePass   = chkOnePass.Checked;
            bool startend  = chkRectHome.Checked;
            bool camerapoi = chkRectCamPOI.Checked;
            int  poi_count;

            if (camerapoi)
                string poi_name = cmbRectCamPOI.GetItemText(cmbRectCamPOI.SelectedItem);
                poi_count = _wpg.POICount();

                for (int i = 0; i < poi_count; i++)
                    POIPoints tmp_point = _wpg.POIPointAt(i);
                    string    name      =;
                    if (poi_name == name)
                        lat_camera =;
                        lon_camera = tmp_point.lon;

            double box_width  = Convert.ToDouble(txtGridLength.Text);
            double box_height = Convert.ToDouble(txtGridWidth.Text);
            double altitude   = Convert.ToDouble(txtPathAlt.Text);

            _camera_width  = (2 * (Math.Tan(GPS.DegreesToRadians(_camera_angle_hor / 2)) * altitude));
            _camera_height = (2 * (Math.Tan(GPS.DegreesToRadians(_camera_angle_ver / 2)) * altitude));

            if (!Form1.Globals.UnitsMetric)
                box_width      = FeetToMeters(box_width);
                box_height     = FeetToMeters(box_height);
                _camera_width  = FeetToMeters(_camera_width);
                _camera_height = FeetToMeters(_camera_height);
            //double box_rotate = Convert.ToDouble(txtGridRotation.Text);
            double box_rotate = Convert.ToDouble(txtGridRotation.Text) - 90.0;
            //double box_rotate = 0.0;

            double hor_overlap = _overlap_width / 100;
            double ver_overlap = _overlap_height / 100;

            double gps_radius = Form1.Globals.gps_radius;

            int[,] actions = new int[, ] {
                { 0, 2000 }, { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }
            int[,] no_actions = new int[, ] {
                { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }

            /* Start Calculating */

            double diagonal_length = Math.Sqrt((box_width / 2) * (box_width / 2) + (box_height / 2) * (box_height / 2));
            double diagonal_angle  = GPS.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan((box_width / 2) / (box_height / 2)));

            /* Calculate Top, Bottom, Left & Right Center Positions */

            double lat_top;
            double lon_top;
            double lat_bottom;
            double lon_bottom;
            double lat_left;
            double lon_left;
            double lat_right;
            double lon_right;

            lat_top = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 0, box_height / 2, gps_radius);
            lon_top = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, 0, box_height / 2, gps_radius);

            lat_bottom = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 180, box_height / 2, gps_radius);
            lon_bottom = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_bottom, 180, box_height / 2, gps_radius);

            lat_left = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 270, box_width / 2, gps_radius);
            lon_left = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_left, 270, box_width / 2, gps_radius);

            lat_right = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 90, box_width / 2, gps_radius);
            lon_right = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_right, 90, box_width / 2, gps_radius);

            /* Calculate 4 corner locations */

            double lat_top_left;
            double lon_top_left;
            double lat_bottom_left;
            double lon_bottom_left;
            double lat_top_right;
            double lon_top_right;
            double lat_bottom_right;
            double lon_bottom_right;

            double[,] polypnt = new double[4, 2];

            lat_top_left  = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, -diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            lon_top_left  = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, -diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            polypnt[0, 0] = lat_top_left;
            polypnt[0, 1] = lon_top_left;

            lat_top_right = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            lon_top_right = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            polypnt[1, 0] = lat_top_right;
            polypnt[1, 1] = lon_top_right;

            lat_bottom_right = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 180 - diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            lon_bottom_right = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, 180 - diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            polypnt[2, 0]    = lat_bottom_right;
            polypnt[2, 1]    = lon_bottom_right;

            lat_bottom_left = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 180 + diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            lon_bottom_left = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, 180 + diagonal_angle, diagonal_length, gps_radius);
            polypnt[3, 0]   = lat_bottom_left;
            polypnt[3, 1]   = lon_bottom_left;

            // Rotate Points

            double new_lat, new_lon;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                double rot_bearing  = GPS.GPS_Bearing(lat_center, lon_center, polypnt[i, 0], polypnt[i, 1]);
                double rot_distance = GPS.GPS_Distance(lat_center, lon_center, polypnt[i, 0], polypnt[i, 1], gps_radius);

                // Calculate a new location by increasing the bearing

                new_lat       = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, rot_bearing + box_rotate, rot_distance, gps_radius);
                new_lon       = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, new_lat, rot_bearing + box_rotate, rot_distance, gps_radius);
                polypnt[i, 0] = new_lat;
                polypnt[i, 1] = new_lon;

            // Generate Rectangle Polygon

      = "temp";
            _poly.visible = true;
            LinkedList <PolyPoint> shape_points = new LinkedList <PolyPoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
                PolyPoint newpnt = new PolyPoint();
       = polypnt[i, 0];
                newpnt.lon = polypnt[i, 1];
                newpnt.alt = 10;
            PolyPoint pnt = new PolyPoint();

   = polypnt[0, 0];
            pnt.lon = polypnt[0, 1];
            pnt.alt = 10;
            _poly.points = shape_points;

            // Get Direction Flags

            double drone_heading = 90.0;
            int    ver_dir_flag  = 1;

            if (radioUpLeft.Checked)
                ver_dir_flag = 1;
            if (radioUpRight.Checked)
                ver_dir_flag = 1; drone_heading = 270;
            if (radioLowLeft.Checked)
                ver_dir_flag = -1;
            if (radioLowRight.Checked)
                ver_dir_flag = -1; drone_heading = 270;

            // Grid Calculations

            double lat_next;
            double next_lon_start;
            double next_lon_end;
            double lon_tmp;
            double row_increment = _camera_width * (1.0 - hor_overlap);
            int    num_rows      = Convert.ToInt16(box_height / row_increment);

            box_rotate = 0.0;

            // Create Waypoints

            int    gimblemode  = 2;
            double gimblepitch = -90.0;
            double curvesize   = 0;
            double rotdir      = 0;

            if (OnePass | num_rows == 1)
                if (startend)
                    _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, no_actions);

                if (radioUpLeft.Checked | radioLowLeft.Checked)
                    _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_left, lon_left, lat_right, lon_right,
                                     altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                    _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_right, lon_right, lat_left, lon_left,
                                     altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);

                if (startend)
                    _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, no_actions);
                /* More than one row */

                if (num_rows == 2)
                    double offset            = row_increment;
                    double diagonal_length_2 = Math.Sqrt((box_width / 2) * (box_width / 2) + (offset / 2) * (offset / 2));
                    double diagonal_angle_2  = GPS.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan((box_width / 2) / (offset / 2)));

                    lat_top_left = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, -diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);
                    lon_top_left = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, -diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);

                    lat_top_right = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);
                    lon_top_right = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);

                    lat_bottom_left = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 180 + diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);
                    lon_bottom_left = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, 180 + diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);

                    lat_bottom_right = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 180 - diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);
                    lon_bottom_right = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, lat_top, 180 - diagonal_angle_2 + box_rotate, diagonal_length_2, gps_radius);

                    if (startend)
                        _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, no_actions);
                    if (radioLowLeft.Checked)
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_bottom_left, lon_bottom_left, lat_bottom_right, lon_bottom_right,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_top_right, lon_top_right, lat_top_left, lon_top_left,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);

                    if (radioLowRight.Checked)
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_bottom_right, lon_bottom_right, lat_bottom_left, lon_bottom_left,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_top_left, lon_top_left, lat_top_right, lon_top_right,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);

                    if (radioUpLeft.Checked)
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_top_left, lon_top_left, lat_top_right, lon_top_right,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_bottom_right, lon_bottom_right, lat_bottom_left, lon_bottom_left,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);

                    if (radioUpRight.Checked)
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_top_right, lon_top_right, lat_top_left, lon_top_left,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                        _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_bottom_left, lon_bottom_left, lat_bottom_right, lon_bottom_right,
                                         altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);

                    if (startend)
                        _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, no_actions);
                    /* More than 2 rows */

                    double row_span = (num_rows - 1) * row_increment;
                    lat_top    = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 0 + box_rotate, row_span / 2, gps_radius);
                    lat_bottom = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, 180 + box_rotate, row_span / 2, gps_radius);
                    double degrees_per_foot = (lat_top - lat_bottom) / row_span;

                    if (startend)
                        _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, no_actions);

                    int row_count = 0;
                    next_lon_start = 0.0;
                    next_lon_end   = 0.0;
                    double lat_current = 0.0;

                        /* First Row */

                        if (row_count == 0)
                            if (radioLowLeft.Checked)
                                _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_bottom, lon_left, lat_bottom, lon_right,
                                                 altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                                lat_current    = lat_bottom;
                                next_lon_start = lon_right;
                                next_lon_end   = lon_left;
                            if (radioLowRight.Checked)
                                _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_bottom, lon_right, lat_bottom, lon_left,
                                                 altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                                lat_current    = lat_bottom;
                                next_lon_start = lon_left;
                                next_lon_end   = lon_right;
                            if (radioUpLeft.Checked)
                                _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_top, lon_left, lat_top, lon_right,
                                                 altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                                lat_current    = lat_top;
                                next_lon_start = lon_right;
                                next_lon_end   = lon_left;
                            if (radioUpRight.Checked)
                                _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_top, lon_right, lat_top, lon_left,
                                                 altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                                lat_current    = lat_top;
                                next_lon_start = lon_left;
                                next_lon_end   = lon_right;
                            /* Output 2nd, 3rd, etc. */

                            //lat_current = Globals.waypoints[Globals.waypoint_count - 1, 0];
                            lat_next = lat_current + (-ver_dir_flag * (degrees_per_foot * row_increment));
                            _wp.Add_Leg_List(new_list, lat_next, next_lon_start, lat_next, next_lon_end,
                                             altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions, _video, _camera_height, _overlap_height);
                            lon_tmp        = next_lon_start;
                            next_lon_start = next_lon_end;
                            next_lon_end   = lon_tmp;
                            lat_current    = lat_next;
                    } while (row_count < num_rows);

                    if (startend)
                        _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, altitude, drone_heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, no_actions);

            // Rotate WayPoints about Center

            int    count = 0;
            double lat, lon, alt, head, bearing, distance;
            double lat_first = lat_center;
            double lon_first = lon_center;
            LinkedListNode <WayPoints> node = new_list.First;
            //LinkedListNode<WayPoints> next_node = node.Next;
            LinkedListNode <WayPoints> save_node;

            //lat_first =;
            //lon_first = node.Value.lon;
            //alt_first = node.Value.alt;
            //head_first = node.Value.head;

            while (node != null)
                if (count != 0)
                    // Get Waypoint values

                    lat         =;
                    lon         = node.Value.lon;
                    alt         = node.Value.alt;
                    head        = node.Value.head;
                    gimblemode  = node.Value.gimblemode;
                    gimblepitch = node.Value.gimblepitch;
                    curvesize   = node.Value.curvesize;
                    rotdir      = node.Value.rotationdir;
                    actions     = node.Value.actions;
                    box_rotate  = Convert.ToDouble(txtGridRotation.Text) - 90.0;

                    // Calculate Bearing and distance from first waypoint

                    bearing  = GPS.GPS_Bearing(lat_first, lon_first, lat, lon);
                    distance = GPS.GPS_Distance(lat_first, lon_first, lat, lon, gps_radius);

                    // Calculate a new location by increasing the bearing

                    new_lat = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_first, lon_first, bearing + box_rotate, distance, gps_radius);
                    new_lon = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_first, lon_first, new_lat, bearing + box_rotate, distance, gps_radius);

                    // Set new waypoint

                    WayPoints new_wp = new WayPoints();
                   = new_lat;
                    new_wp.lon         = new_lon;
                    new_wp.alt         = alt;
                    new_wp.head        = head + box_rotate;
                    new_wp.gimblemode  = gimblemode;
                    new_wp.gimblepitch = gimblepitch;
                    new_wp.curvesize   = curvesize;
                    new_wp.rotationdir = rotdir;
                    new_wp.actions     = actions;
                    save_node          = node;
                    new_list.AddBefore(node, new_wp);
                    node = node.Next;

            // Redo start and end points

            if (startend)
                WayPoints wp = new_list.First.Value;
       = lat_home;
                wp.lon = lon_home;
                wp = new_list.Last.Value;
       = lat_home;
                wp.lon = lon_home;

            // Save Path

            if (_new_path & _first_pass)
                path_name = txtRectPathName.Text;
                if (path_name == "")
                    path_name = "Untitled - Rectangular";
                _path.Add_Path(_wpg, _gmap, path_name, "Rectangular", new_list);
                Path newpath = _wpg.PathAt(_wpg.PathCount() - 1);
                _current_intid = newpath.internal_id;
                _first_pass    = false;
                _wpg.ChangePathWPIntId(_current_intid, new_list);
                //Models.Path path = _wpg.PathAt(_current_path_index);
                //_gmap.Add_gMapPath(path, false);

            _gmap.Add_gMapPoly(_poly, true);
        private void buildHelicalPath()
            if (!_build)

            bool   startend           = chkHelicalHome.Checked;
            double lat_home           = _lat;
            double lon_home           = _lon;
            double lat_center         = _lat;
            double lon_center         = _lon;
            double helix_start_alt    = Convert.ToDouble(txtHelixStartAlt.Text);
            double helix_end_alt      = Convert.ToDouble(txtHelixEndAlt.Text);
            double helix_start_radius = Convert.ToDouble(txtHelixStartRadius.Text);
            double helix_end_radius   = Convert.ToDouble(txtHelixEndRadius.Text);
            double helix_start_angle  = Convert.ToDouble(txtHelixStartAngle.Text);
            double helix_span         = Convert.ToDouble(txtHelixSpan.Text);
            int    helix_num_points   = Convert.ToInt16(txtHelixNumPoints.Text);

            int[,] no_actions = new int[, ] {
                { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }
            int[,] actions = new int[, ] {
                { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }

            double cw = 1.0;

            if (radioCCW.Checked)
                cw = -1.0;

            double lat_camera   = lat_center;
            double lon_camera   = lon_center;
            String cam_poi_name = cmbHelixPOI.GetItemText(cmbHelixPOI.SelectedItem);

            for (int i = 0; i < _wpg.POICount(); i++)
                POIPoints tmp_point = _wpg.POIPointAt(i);
                string    name      =;
                if (cam_poi_name == name)
                    lat_camera =;
                    lon_camera = tmp_point.lon;

            LinkedList <WayPoints> new_list = new LinkedList <WayPoints>();
            int    count           = 0;
            double angle           = helix_start_angle;
            double angle_increment = cw * helix_span / helix_num_points;
            double circ_lat;
            double circ_lon;
            //if (chkFullCircle.Checked) angle_increment = 360.0 / helix_num_points;
            //if (radioCCW.Checked) angle_increment = -angle_increment;
            double alt_diff = helix_end_alt - helix_start_alt;
            int    alt_dir;

            if (helix_start_alt > helix_end_alt)
                alt_dir = -1;
                alt_dir = 1;
            double alt_increment    = (helix_end_alt - helix_start_alt) / helix_num_points;
            double radius_increment = (helix_end_radius - helix_start_radius) / helix_num_points;
            double helix_radius;
            double helix_altitude;
            int    gimblemode  = 0;
            double gimplepitch = 0;
            double distance;
            double curvesize = 0;
            double rotdir    = 0;

            if (startend)
                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, helix_start_alt, 0.0, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimplepitch, no_actions);
                double heading = GPS.Mod_Angle(angle + 180.0);
                helix_radius   = helix_start_radius + (count * radius_increment);
                helix_altitude = helix_start_alt + (count * alt_increment);
                //norm_angle = 180.0*(angle / (helix_end_angle - helix_start_angle));
                //helix_altitude = helix_start_alt + (alt_diff * alt_dir * (1+Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(norm_angle)))/2);
                circ_lat = GPS.GPS_Lat_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, angle, helix_radius, Form1.Globals.gps_radius);
                circ_lon = GPS.GPS_Lon_BearDist(lat_center, lon_center, circ_lat, angle, helix_radius, Form1.Globals.gps_radius);

                if (chkHelixPOI.Checked)
                    heading     = GPS.GPS_Bearing(circ_lat, circ_lon, lat_camera, lon_camera);
                    distance    = GPS.GPS_Distance(circ_lat, circ_lon, lat_camera, lon_camera, Form1.Globals.gps_radius);
                    gimplepitch = -GPS.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan(helix_altitude / distance));
                    gimblemode  = 2;
                    heading = GPS.Mod_Angle(angle + 90);
                    if (radioCCW.Checked)
                        heading = GPS.Mod_Angle(heading + 180.0);

                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, circ_lat, circ_lon, helix_altitude, heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimplepitch, actions);

                angle = angle + angle_increment;
            } while (count <= helix_num_points);

            if (startend)
                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat_home, lon_home, helix_start_alt, 0.0, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimplepitch, no_actions);

            // Save Path

            if (_new_path & _first_pass)
                string path_name = txtAddHelixPathName.Text;
                if (path_name == "")
                    path_name = "Untitled - Helical";
                _path.Add_Path(_wpg, _gmap, path_name, "Helical", new_list);
                _path       = _wpg.PathAt(_wpg.PathCount() - 1);
                _first_pass = false;
                _path.waypoints = new_list;
                //_gmap.Add_gMapPath(_path, false);

             * if (_current_path_index != -1)
             * {
             *  _wpg.DeletePath(_wpg.PathAt(_current_path_index));
             * }
             * string path_name = txtAddHelixPathName.Text;
             * if (path_name == "") path_name = "Untitled - Helical";
             * _path.Add_Path(_wpg, _gmap, path_name, "Helical", new_list);
             * int index = _wpg.PathCount() - 1;
             * _current_path_index = index;
             * Models.Path path = _wpg.PathAt(index);
             * _path = path;
             * string exist_type = path.type;
             * bool exist_select = path.selected;
             * bool exist_visible = path.visible;
             * if (exist_type == "Helical")
             * {
             *  _wpg.ChangePathWP(index, new_list);
             *  string pathname =;
             *  int id =;
             *  string type = path.type;
             *  _gmap.Delete_gMapPath(path);
             *  Models.Path newpath = new Models.Path();
             * = pathname;
             * = id;
             *  newpath.type = type;
             *  newpath.selected = exist_select;
             *  newpath.visible = exist_visible;
             *  newpath.waypoints = new_list;
             *  _gmap.Add_gMapPath(path, false);
             * }

            //_wpg.ChangePathWP(index, new_list);
        private void BuildKMLPath()
            // Create Path

            if (_current_path_index != -1)

            string path_name = txtKMLName.Text;

            if (path_name == "")
                path_name = _kml_filename;

            LinkedList <WayPoints> wp_list = new LinkedList <WayPoints>();

            double lat, lon, alt;
            int    gimblemode  = 0;
            double gimblepitch = 0;
            double curvesize   = 0;
            double rotdir      = 0;

            int[,] actions = new int[, ] {
                { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 0 }

            LinkedList <WayPoints> new_list = new LinkedList <WayPoints>();

            /* Generate Waypoints for each coordinate */

            for (int i = 0; i < _kml_point_count; i++)
                lat = _kml_points[i, 0];
                lon = _kml_points[i, 1];
                alt = _kml_points[i, 2];
                double heading = 0.0;
                double poi_lat = 0;
                double poi_lon = 0;

                /* Calculate Heading for each Waypoint */
                if (chKLMPOI.Checked)
                    int poi_index = cmbKLMPOI.SelectedIndex;
                    if (poi_index == -1)
                        poi_lat = _lat;
                        poi_lon = _lon;
                        POIPoints tmp_point = _wpg.POIPointAt(poi_index);
                        poi_lat =;
                        poi_lon = tmp_point.lon;
                    heading    = GPS.GPS_Bearing(lat, lon, poi_lat, poi_lon);
                    gimblemode = 2;
                    double distance = GPS.GPS_Distance(lat, lon, poi_lat, poi_lon, Form1.Globals.gps_radius);
                    gimblepitch = -GPS.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan(alt / distance));
                    gimblemode  = 2;
                    if (i != _kml_point_count - 1)
                        double lat_next = _kml_points[i + 1, 0];
                        double lon_next = _kml_points[i + 1, 1];
                        heading = GPS.GPS_Bearing(lat, lon, lat_next, lon_next);
                _wp.Add_Waypoint_List(new_list, lat, lon, alt, heading, curvesize, rotdir, gimblemode, gimblepitch, actions);
                //dgvWaypoints.Rows.Add(Globals.waypoint_count + i+1, Convert.ToString(lat), Convert.ToString(lon), Convert.ToString(alt));

            _path.Add_Path(_wpg, _gmap, path_name, "KML", new_list);
            int index = _wpg.PathCount() - 1;

            _current_path_index = index;

            Models.Path path          = _wpg.PathAt(index);
            string      exist_type    = path.type;
            bool        exist_select  = path.selected;
            bool        exist_visible = path.visible;

            if (exist_type == "KML")
                _wpg.ChangePathWP(index, new_list);
                string pathname =;
                int    id       =;
                string type     = path.type;
                Models.Path newpath = new Models.Path();
            = pathname;
              = id;
                newpath.type      = type;
                newpath.selected  = exist_select;
                newpath.visible   = exist_visible;
                newpath.waypoints = new_list;
                _gmap.Add_gMapPath(path, false);

            GMAPTree.Update_GMapTree(_wpg, _treeview);
        public void BuildgMap()
             * switch (index)
             * {
             *  case 0:
             *      _mapcontrol.MapProvider = global::GMap.NET.MapProviders.BingSatelliteMapProvider.Instance;
             *      break;
             *  case 1:
             *      _mapcontrol.MapProvider = global::GMap.NET.MapProviders.GoogleMapProvider.Instance;
             *      break;
             *  case 2:
             *      _mapcontrol.MapProvider = global::GMap.NET.MapProviders.GoogleTerrainMapProvider.Instance;
             *      break;
             *  case 3:
             *      _mapcontrol.MapProvider = global::GMap.NET.MapProviders.GoogleHybridMapProvider.Instance;
             *      break;
             *  case 4:
             *      _mapcontrol.MapProvider = global::GMap.NET.MapProviders.ArcGIS_Topo_US_2D_MapProvider.Instance;
             *      break;
             *  case 5:
             *      _mapcontrol.MapProvider = global::GMap.NET.MapProviders.GoogleSatelliteMapProvider.Instance;
             *      break;
             * }
             * global::GMap.NET.GMaps.Instance.Mode = global::GMap.NET.AccessMode.ServerOnly;
            //_mapcontrol.ShowCenter = false;
            _overmarkers = new GMapOverlay("markers");
            _overroutes  = new GMapOverlay("routes");
            _overpolys   = new GMapOverlay("polygons");

            _drone_image_notselected = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("drone.png", true);
            _drone_image_selected    = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("drone_selected.png", true);

            // Map POI

            int poicount = _wpg.POICount();

            for (int i = 0; i < poicount; i++)
                GMapMarker marker;
                POIPoints  pnt     = _wpg.POIPointAt(i);
                string     poiname =;
                if (i == 0)
                    _mapcontrol.Position = new global::GMap.NET.PointLatLng(, pnt.lon);
                if (pnt.selected)
                    marker = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(, pnt.lon), _poi_selected_image);
                    marker = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(, pnt.lon), _poi_image);

                //    GMarkerGoogleType.blue_pushpin);

                //marker.Size = new Size(32, 32);
                marker.Offset           = new Point(-16, -16);
                marker.ToolTipText      = poiname;
                marker.Tag              = poiname;
                marker.IsVisible        = pnt.visible;
                marker.IsHitTestVisible = true;

            // Map Path

            int pathcount = _wpg.PathCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < pathcount; i++)
                Path   path    = _wpg.PathAt(i);
                string name    =;
                bool   visible = path.visible;
                LinkedList <WayPoints> wplist = path.waypoints;
                int wpcount = wplist.Count;

                List <PointLatLng> points = new List <PointLatLng>();
                int count = 0;
                foreach (WayPoints wp in wplist)
                    bool selected = wp.selected;
                    points.Add(new PointLatLng(, wp.lon));
                    GMapMarker marker;

                    if (selected)
                        _drone_image = _drone_image_selected;
                        _drone_image = RotateImage(_drone_image_selected, wp.head);
                        marker       = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(, wp.lon), _drone_image);
                        _drone_image = _drone_image_notselected;
                        _drone_image = RotateImage(_drone_image_notselected, wp.head);
                        marker       = new GMarkerGoogle(new PointLatLng(, wp.lon), _drone_image);
                    //marker.Size = new Size(64,64);
                    marker.Position    = new PointLatLng(, wp.lon);
                    marker.Offset      = new Point(-16, -16);
                    marker.Tag         = Convert.ToString(i) + "." + Convert.ToString(count);
                    marker.IsVisible   = visible;
                    marker.ToolTipText = "WP(" + Convert.ToString(count) + ") - Alt:" + Convert.ToString(wp.alt);
                    wp.marker = marker;
                    GMAPWPMarker wpmarker = new GMAPWPMarker();
                    wpmarker.path     = i;
                    wpmarker.wp       = count;
                    wpmarker.marker   = marker;
                    wpmarker.selected = wp.selected;
                GMapRoute route = new GMapRoute(points, name);
                route.Stroke           = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2);
                route.Tag              = i;
                route.IsVisible        = visible;
                route.IsHitTestVisible = true;


            // Map Polygon

            int polycount = _wpg.ShapeCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < polycount; i++)
                Shape  polyshape = _wpg.ShapeAt(i);
                string name      =;
                bool   visible   = polyshape.visible;
                LinkedList <PolyPoint> wplist = polyshape.points;
                int wpcount = wplist.Count;

                List <PointLatLng> points = new List <PointLatLng>();
                foreach (PolyPoint wp in wplist)
                    points.Add(new PointLatLng(, wp.lon));
                GMapPolygon poly = new GMapPolygon(points, name);
                if (polyshape.selected)
                    poly.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
                    poly.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 1);
                poly.Fill      = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, Color.Yellow));
                poly.Tag       =;
                poly.IsVisible = visible;


            if (!Form1.Globals.Map_FirstDraw)
                _mapcontrol.Position        = Form1.Globals.map_center;
                Form1.Globals.Map_FirstDraw = false;
            _center = _mapcontrol.Position;