public int WaypointInsert(WaypointRequest model, int addressId)
            int id = 0;

            DataProvider.ExecuteNonQuery(GetConnection, "dbo.Jobs_WaypointInsert"
                                         , inputParamMapper : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCollection)
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@JobId", model.JobId);
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@AddressId", addressId);
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@SuiteNo", model.SuiteNo);
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@ContactName", model.ContactName);
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@Phone", model.Phone);
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@SpecialInstructions", model.SpecialInstructions);
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@ServiceNote", model.ServiceNote);
                paramCollection.AddWithValue("@ExternalCustomerId", model.ExternalCustomerId);

                SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("@Id", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
                p.Direction    = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;

            }, returnParameters : delegate(SqlParameterCollection param)
                int.TryParse(param["@Id"].Value.ToString(), out id);
 public void WaypointUpdate(WaypointRequest model, int addressId)
     DataProvider.ExecuteNonQuery(GetConnection, "dbo.Jobs_WaypointsUpdate"
                                  , inputParamMapper : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCollection)
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@Id", model.Id);
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@JobId", model.JobId);
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@AddressId", addressId);
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@SuiteNo", model.SuiteNo);
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@ContactName", model.ContactName);
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@Phone", model.Phone);
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@SpecialInstructions", model.SpecialInstructions);
         paramCollection.AddWithValue("@ServiceNote", model.ServiceNote);
        public int SaveWaypoint(WaypointRequest model)
            // we call this so we can attach an AddressId to each Waypoint in WaypointInsert() or WaypointUpdate()
            int addressId = _AddressService.SaveWaypointAddress(model);

            if (model.Id == 0) // insert Waypoint
                int waypointId = _JobsWaypointService.WaypointInsert(model, addressId);

                List <int> PickupList = new List <int>();                  // every Waypoint has a list of items
                foreach (var items in model.JobWaypointItemsPickup)        //loops through all items in the model
                    int itemId = SaveItem(items, model.JobId, waypointId); // see comment directly above SaveItem() that explains why we needs this parameters passed in
                List <int> DropoffList = new List <int>();                 // every Waypoint has a list of items
                foreach (var items in model.JobWaypointItemsDropOff)       //loops through all items in the model
                    int itemId = SaveItem(items, model.JobId, waypointId); // see comment directly above SaveItem() that explains why we needs this parameters passed in

            else // update Waypoint
                _JobsWaypointService.WaypointUpdate(model, addressId);

                int waypointId = model.Id;                // we need this to be returned for the list of Waypoints

                List <int> PickupList = new List <int>(); // every Waypoint, even an updated one, needs a new list because we loop through each waypoint's items after inserting or updating a waypoint
                foreach (var items in model.JobWaypointItemsPickup)
                    int itemId = SaveItem(items, model.JobId, waypointId);
                List <int> DropoffList = new List <int>(); // every Waypoint, even an updated one, needs a new list because we loop through each waypoint's items after inserting or updating a waypoint
                foreach (var items in model.JobWaypointItemsDropOff)
                    int itemId = SaveItem(items, model.JobId, waypointId);

        public int SaveWaypointAddress(WaypointRequest model)
            var addressId = 0;

            AddressAddRequest newAddress = new AddressAddRequest();

            Address CurrentAddress = GetByExternalAddressId(model.Address.ExternalPlaceId);

            if (CurrentAddress == null)
                model.Address.Name = model.ContactName;

                addressId = Insert(model.Address);
                AddressUpdateRequest Address = new AddressUpdateRequest();

                Address.AddressId       = CurrentAddress.AddressId;
                Address.Name            = model.ContactName;
                Address.ExternalPlaceId = model.Address.ExternalPlaceId;
                Address.Line1           = model.Address.Line1;
                Address.City            = model.Address.City;
                Address.State           = model.Address.State;
                Address.ZipCode         = model.Address.ZipCode;

                if (model.Address.Latitude != null && model.Address.Latitude > 0)
                    Address.Latitude = model.Address.Latitude;
                if (model.Address.Longitude != null && model.Address.Longitude > 0)
                    Address.Longitude = model.Address.Longitude;

                addressId = CurrentAddress.AddressId;
