 internal static SKBitmap WatermarkImage(SKBitmap original, ResizeParams resizeParams, WatermarkImageModel watermarkImage)
        public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
            var path = context.Request.Path;

            var rootPath = _env.WebRootPath ?? _env.ContentRootPath; //use web or content root path

            // hand to next middleware if we are not dealing with an image
            if (context.Request.Query.Count == 0 || !IsImagePath(path))
                await _req.Invoke(context);


            // hand to next middleware if we are dealing with an image but it doesn't have any usable resize querystring params
            var resizeParams = GetResizeParams(path, context.Request.Query);

            if (!resizeParams.hasParams)
                await _req.Invoke(context);

            var imageResizerJsonPath = Path.Combine(rootPath, "ImageResizerJson.json");

            // if json file doesn't exist we don't work with watermark
            if (File.Exists(imageResizerJsonPath))
                var watermarks = new WatermarksModel();

                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(imageResizerJsonPath))
                    string json = r.ReadToEnd();
                    watermarks = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WatermarksModel>(json);

                if (resizeParams.wmtext != 0)
                    if (watermarks.WatermarkTextList.Any())
                        watermarkText = watermarks.WatermarkTextList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == resizeParams.wmtext);
                if (resizeParams.wmimage != 0)
                    if (watermarks.WatermarkImageList.Any())
                        watermarkImage = watermarks.WatermarkImageList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == resizeParams.wmimage);

            // if we got this far, resize it
            _logger.LogInformation($"Resizing {path.Value} with params {resizeParams}");
            //update the path to deal with ";"
            var pathValue = path.Value;

            if (pathValue.Contains(";"))
                pathValue = pathValue.Split(';')[0];
            var provider  = new PhysicalFileProvider(rootPath);
            var imagePath = provider.GetFileInfo(pathValue).PhysicalPath;
            //// get the image location on disk
            //var imagePath = Path.Combine(
            //    rootPath.Replace("\\wwwroot", ""),
            //    path.Value.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));

            // check file lastwrite
            var lastWriteTimeUtc = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(imagePath);

            if (lastWriteTimeUtc.Year == 1601) // file doesn't exist, pass to next middleware
                await _req.Invoke(context);


            var imageData = GetImageData(imagePath, resizeParams, lastWriteTimeUtc);

            // write to stream
            context.Response.ContentType   = resizeParams.format == "png" ? "image/png" : "image/jpeg";
            context.Response.ContentLength = imageData.Size;
            await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(imageData.ToArray(), 0, (int)imageData.Size);

            // cleanup