public async Task <List <Responses.Watcher> > GetAllWatchers(string userId = null, string currencyId = null, string indicatorId = null)
            // Get user
            var user = await _userRepository.GetSingle(userId);

            // Check if it exists
            if (user == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(UserMessage.UserNotFound);

            // Get all watchers
            var userWatchers = await _watcherRepository.GetAll(WatcherExpression.WatcherFilter(userId, currencyId, indicatorId));

            // Get all default watchers
            var defaultWatchers = await _watcherRepository.GetAll(WatcherExpression.DefaultWatcher(currencyId, indicatorId));

            // Build with defaults
            userWatchers = WatcherBuilder.BuildWatchersWithDefaults(userWatchers, defaultWatchers);

            // Response
            var response = _mapper.Map <List <Responses.Watcher> >(userWatchers);

            // Return
        public static void BuildLines(List <Currency> currencies, List <Indicator> indicators, List <Watcher> watchers, List <DataPoint> lines, int dependencyLevel, int stopAt)
            foreach (var currency in currencies)
                foreach (var indicator in indicators)
                    if (indicator.DependencyLevel == dependencyLevel) // We set the consecutive ones
                        // Get latest line for this currency indicator pair
                        var line = lines.FirstOrDefault(LineExpression.Line(lines[0].Time, currency.CurrencyId, indicator.IndicatorId).Compile());
                        // Get all watchers for this currency indicator pair
                        var filteredWatchers = watchers.Where(WatcherExpression.WatcherFilter(null, currency.CurrencyId, indicator.IndicatorId).Compile()).ToList();
                        // Build
                        var value       = IndicatorBuilder.BuildValue(currency, indicator, lines);
                        var averageBuy  = IndicatorBuilder.BuildAverageBuy(filteredWatchers);
                        var averageSell = IndicatorBuilder.BuildAverageSell(filteredWatchers);
                        // Set
                        line?.Set(value, averageBuy, averageSell);

            // Do the same with the next level recursively
            if (dependencyLevel < stopAt)
                BuildLines(currencies, indicators, watchers, lines, dependencyLevel + 1, stopAt);
        public async Task <List <Responses.Watcher> > GetUserWatchers(string userId = null, string currencyId = null, string indicatorId = null)
            // Get user
            var user = await _mainDbContext.Users.FindAsync(userId);

            // Check if it exists
            if (user == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(UserMessage.UserNotFound);

            // Filter user watchers
            var userWatchers = await _mainDbContext.Watchers.Where(WatcherExpression.WatcherFilter(userId, currencyId, indicatorId)).ToListAsync();

            // Get all default watchers
            var defaultWatchers = await _mainDbContext.Watchers.Where(WatcherExpression.DefaultWatcher(currencyId, indicatorId)).ToListAsync();

            // Build with defaults
            userWatchers = WatcherBuilder.BuildWatchersWithDefaults(userWatchers, defaultWatchers);

            // Response
            var response = _mapper.Map <List <Responses.Watcher> >(userWatchers);

            // Return
        public static List <DataPoint> BuildLines(List <Currency> currencies, List <Indicator> indicators, List <Watcher> watchers)
            var lines  = new List <DataPoint>();
            var time   = DateTime.Now;
            var stopAt = indicators.Count > 0 ? indicators.Max(x => x.DependencyLevel) : 0;

            // We create the lines in the order that is given. We build the first level (DependencyLevel = 0) for now
            foreach (var currency in currencies)
                foreach (var indicator in indicators)
                    decimal?value       = null;
                    decimal?averageBuy  = null;
                    decimal?averageSell = null;

                    if (indicator.DependencyLevel == 0)
                        // Get all watchers for this currency indicator pair
                        var filteredWatchers = watchers.Where(WatcherExpression.WatcherFilter(null, currency.CurrencyId, indicator.IndicatorId).Compile()).ToList();
                        // Build
                        value       = IndicatorBuilder.BuildValue(currency, indicator);
                        averageBuy  = IndicatorBuilder.BuildAverageBuy(filteredWatchers);
                        averageSell = IndicatorBuilder.BuildAverageSell(filteredWatchers);

                    // Add
                    var dataPoint = new DataPoint(currency.CurrencyId, indicator.IndicatorId, indicator.IndicatorType, indicator.UserId, value, averageBuy, averageSell, true, time);

            // Now we build the deper levels
            if (stopAt > 0)
                BuildLines(currencies, indicators, watchers, lines, 1, stopAt);

            // Return