public void Given_AWatchedAddress_When_ATransactionIsReceivedInABlock_ThenTransactionDataIsAddedToTheAddress()
            // Arrange.
            DataFolder dataFolder = CreateDataFolder(this);

            // Create the wallet to watch.
            WatchOnlyWallet wallet = this.CreateAndPersistAWatchOnlyWallet(dataFolder);

            // Create the address to watch.
            Script newScript  = BitcoinAddress.Create("mnSmvy2q4dFNKQF18EBsrZrS7WEy6CieEE", this.networkTestNet).ScriptPubKey;
            string newAddress = newScript.GetDestinationAddress(this.networkTestNet).ToString();

            // Create a transaction to be received.
            string      transactionHex = "010000000001010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff230384041200fe0eb3a959fe1af507000963676d696e6572343208000000000000000000ffffffff02155e8b09000000001976a9144bfe90c8e6c6352c034b3f57d50a9a6e77a62a0788ac0000000000000000266a24aa21a9ed0bc6e4bfe82e04a1c52e66b72b199c5124794dd8c3c368f6ab95a0ba6cde277d0120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
            Transaction transaction    = this.networkTestNet.CreateTransaction(transactionHex);
            Block       block          = this.networkTestNet.Consensus.ConsensusFactory.CreateBlock();


            // Act.
            var walletManager = new WatchOnlyWalletManager(DateTimeProvider.Default, this.LoggerFactory.Object, this.networkTestNet, dataFolder, this.signals);


            // Assert.
            WatchOnlyWallet returnedWallet = walletManager.GetWatchOnlyWallet();


            WatchedAddress addressInWallet = returnedWallet.WatchedAddresses[newScript.ToString()];


            WatchTransactionData transactionExpected = addressInWallet.Transactions.Single().Value;

            Assert.Equal(transactionHex, transactionExpected.Hex);
        public void Given_AnAddressIsPassed_When_WatchAddressIsCalled_ThenAnAddressIsAddedToTheWatchList()
            DataFolder      dataFolder = CreateDataFolder(this);
            WatchOnlyWallet wallet     = this.CreateAndPersistAWatchOnlyWallet(dataFolder);

            var walletManager = new WatchOnlyWalletManager(DateTimeProvider.Default, this.LoggerFactory.Object, this.networkTestNet, dataFolder, this.signals);


            // create the wallet
            Script newScript  = new Key().ScriptPubKey;
            string newAddress = newScript.GetDestinationAddress(this.networkTestNet).ToString();


            WatchOnlyWallet returnedWallet = walletManager.GetWatchOnlyWallet();

        public void Configure(string name,
                              string version,
      = name;
            this.version = version;

            // If no value is supplied, we will use the current time.
            if (!created.HasValue)
                created = this.dateTimeProvider.GetTimeOffset();

            var watchOnlyWallet = new WatchOnlyWallet
                Network      =,
                CoinType     = CoinType.Stratis,
                CreationTime = created.Value

            this.wallet = watchOnlyWallet;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void ProcessBlock(int height, Block block)
            // Check for any server registration transactions
            if (block.Transactions != null)
                foreach (Transaction tx in block.Transactions)
                    // Minor optimisation to disregard transactions that cannot be registrations
                    if (tx.Outputs.Count < 2)

                    // Check if the transaction has the Breeze registration marker output (literal text BREEZE_REGISTRATION_MARKER)
                    if (tx.Outputs[0].ScriptPubKey.ToHex().ToLower().Equals("6a1a425245455a455f524547495354524154494f4e5f4d41524b4552"))
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Received a new registration transaction: " + tx.GetHash());

                            RegistrationToken registrationToken = new RegistrationToken();

                            if (!registrationToken.Validate(
                                this.logger.LogDebug("Registration token failed validation");

                            MerkleBlock        merkleBlock        = new MerkleBlock(block, new uint256[] { tx.GetHash() });
                            RegistrationRecord registrationRecord = new RegistrationRecord(DateTime.Now, Guid.NewGuid(), tx.GetHash().ToString(), tx.ToHex(), registrationToken, merkleBlock.PartialMerkleTree, height);

                            // Ignore protocol versions outside the accepted bounds
                            if ((registrationRecord.Record.ProtocolVersion < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION) ||
                                (registrationRecord.Record.ProtocolVersion > MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION))
                                this.logger.LogDebug("Registration protocol version out of bounds " + tx.GetHash());

                            // If there were other registrations for this server previously, remove them and add the new one

                            this.logger.LogDebug("Registration transaction for server collateral address: " + registrationRecord.Record.ServerId);
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Server Onion address: " + registrationRecord.Record.OnionAddress);
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Server configuration hash: " + registrationRecord.Record.ConfigurationHash);

                            // Add collateral address to watch only wallet so that any funding transactions can be detected
                        catch (Exception e)
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Failed to parse registration transaction, exception: " + e);

                WatchOnlyWallet watchOnlyWallet = this.watchOnlyWalletManager.GetWatchOnlyWallet();

                // TODO: Need to have 'current height' field in watch-only wallet so that we don't start rebalancing collateral balances before the latest block has been processed & incorporated

                // Perform watch-only wallet housekeeping - iterate through known servers
                foreach (RegistrationRecord record in this.registrationStore.GetAll())
                    Script scriptToCheck = BitcoinAddress.Create(record.Record.ServerId,;

                    this.logger.LogDebug("Recalculating collateral balance for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);

                    if (!watchOnlyWallet.WatchedAddresses.ContainsKey(scriptToCheck.ToString()))
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Server address missing from watch-only wallet. Deleting stored registrations for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);

                    Money serverCollateralBalance = this.watchOnlyWalletManager.GetRelativeBalance(scriptToCheck.ToString());

                    this.logger.LogDebug("Collateral balance for server " + record.Record.ServerId + " is " + serverCollateralBalance.ToString() + ", original registration height " + record.BlockReceived + ", current height " + height);

                    if ((serverCollateralBalance < MASTERNODE_COLLATERAL_THRESHOLD) && ((height - record.BlockReceived) > WINDOW_PERIOD_BLOCK_COUNT))
                        // Remove server registrations as funding has not been performed timeously,
                        // or funds have been removed from the collateral address subsequent to the
                        // registration being performed
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Insufficient collateral within window period for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Deleting registration records for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);

                        // TODO: Remove unneeded transactions from the watch-only wallet?
                        // TODO: Need to make the TumbleBitFeature change its server address if this is the address it was using

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void ProcessBlock(int height, Block block)
            // Check for any server registration transactions
            if (block.Transactions != null)
                foreach (Transaction tx in block.Transactions)
                    // Check if the transaction has the Breeze registration marker output (literal text BREEZE_REGISTRATION_MARKER)
                    if (tx.Outputs[0].ScriptPubKey.ToHex().ToLower() == "6a1a425245455a455f524547495354524154494f4e5f4d41524b4552")
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Received a new registration transaction: " + tx.GetHash());

                            RegistrationToken registrationToken = new RegistrationToken();

                            if (!registrationToken.Validate(

                            MerkleBlock        merkleBlock        = new MerkleBlock(block, new uint256[] { tx.GetHash() });
                            RegistrationRecord registrationRecord = new RegistrationRecord(DateTime.Now, Guid.NewGuid(), tx.GetHash().ToString(), tx.ToHex(), registrationToken, merkleBlock.PartialMerkleTree, height);

                            // Ignore protocol versions outside the accepted bounds
                            if (registrationRecord.Record.ProtocolVersion < MIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION)

                            if (registrationRecord.Record.ProtocolVersion > MAX_PROTOCOL_VERSION)

                            // If there were other registrations for this server previously, remove them and add the new one

                            this.logger.LogDebug("Registration transaction for server collateral address: " + registrationRecord.Record.ServerId);
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Server Onion address: " + registrationRecord.Record.OnionAddress);
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Server configuration hash: " + registrationRecord.Record.ConfigurationHash);

                        catch (Exception e)
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Failed to parse registration transaction " + tx.GetHash() + ", exception: " + e);

                WatchOnlyWallet watchOnlyWallet = this.watchOnlyWalletManager.GetWatchOnlyWallet();

                // TODO: Need to have 'current height' field in watch-only wallet so that we don't start rebalancing collateral balances before the latest block has been processed & incorporated
                // Perform watch-only wallet housekeeping - iterate through known servers
                HashSet <string> knownServers = new HashSet <string>();

                // TODO: This is very CPU intensive and slows down the initial sync.
                // TODO: Incorporate a cache of server balances and a dirty flag on transaction receipt to trigger rebalance?
                foreach (RegistrationRecord record in this.registrationStore.GetAll())
                    if (knownServers.Add(record.Record.ServerId))
                        this.logger.LogDebug("Calculating collateral balance for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);

                        //var addrToCheck = new WatchedAddress
                        //    Script = BitcoinAddress.Create(record.Record.ServerId,,
                        //    Address = record.Record.ServerId

                        var scriptToCheck = BitcoinAddress.Create(record.Record.ServerId,;

                        if (!watchOnlyWallet.WatchedAddresses.ContainsKey(scriptToCheck.ToString()))
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Server address missing from watch-only wallet. Deleting stored registrations for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);

                        // Initially the server's balance is zero
                        Money serverCollateralBalance = new Money(0);

                        // Need this for looking up other transactions in the watch-only wallet
                        TransactionData prevTransaction;

                        // TODO: Move balance evaluation logic into helper methods in watch-only wallet itself
                        // Now evaluate the watch-only balance for this server
                        foreach (string txId in watchOnlyWallet.WatchedAddresses[scriptToCheck.ToString()].Transactions.Keys)
                            TransactionData transaction = watchOnlyWallet.WatchedAddresses[scriptToCheck.ToString()].Transactions[txId];

                            // First check if the inputs contain the watched address
                            foreach (TxIn input in transaction.Transaction.Inputs)
                                // See if we have the previous transaction in our watch-only wallet.
                                watchOnlyWallet.WatchedAddresses[scriptToCheck.ToString()].Transactions.TryGetValue(input.PrevOut.Hash.ToString(), out prevTransaction);

                                // If it is null, it can't be related to one of the watched addresses (or it is the very first watched transaction)
                                if (prevTransaction == null)

                                if (prevTransaction.Transaction.Outputs[input.PrevOut.N].ScriptPubKey == scriptToCheck)
                                    // Input = funds are being paid out of the address in question

                                    // Computing the input value is a bit more complex than it looks, as the value is not directly stored
                                    // in a TxIn object. We need to check the output being spent by the input to get this information.
                                    // But even an OutPoint does not contain the Value - we need to check the other transactions in the
                                    // watch-only wallet to see if we have the prior transaction being referenced.

                                    // This does imply that the earliest transaction in the watch-only wallet (for this address) will not
                                    // have full previous transaction information stored. Therefore we can only reason about the address
                                    // balance after a given block height; any prior transactions are ignored.

                                    serverCollateralBalance -= prevTransaction.Transaction.Outputs[input.PrevOut.N].Value;

                            // Check if the outputs contain the watched address
                            foreach (var output in transaction.Transaction.Outputs)
                                //if (output.ScriptPubKey.GetScriptAddress( == record.Record.ServerId)
                                if (output.ScriptPubKey == scriptToCheck)
                                    // Output = funds are being paid into the address in question
                                    serverCollateralBalance += output.Value;

                        this.logger.LogDebug("Collateral balance for server " + record.Record.ServerId + " is " + serverCollateralBalance.ToString() + ", original registration height " + record.BlockReceived + " current height " + height);

                        // Ignore collateral requirements for protocol version 252, just in case
                        if ((serverCollateralBalance < MASTERNODE_COLLATERAL_THRESHOLD) && ((height - record.BlockReceived) > WINDOW_PERIOD_BLOCK_COUNT))
                            // Remove server registrations
                            this.logger.LogDebug("Insufficient collateral within window period for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);

                            this.logger.LogDebug("Deleting registration records for server: " + record.Record.ServerId);

                            // TODO: Remove unneeded transactions from the watch-only wallet?

                            // TODO: Need to make the TumbleBitFeature change its server address if this is the address it was using
