private void LoadRunPair(string fileOne, string fileTwo) { var rules = Rules.DefaultRules; var pproject = new Project(rules); pproject.ParserOptions.Instructions = false; pproject.ParserOptions.StatusLine = false; pproject.WarriorFiles.Add(fileOne); pproject.WarriorFiles.Add(fileTwo); var pr = new WarriorParser().Parse(pproject, wrappedConsole); if (!pr.Succesfull) { return; } var name1 = pproject.Warriors[0].Name; var name2 = pproject.Warriors[1].Name; name1 = name1.Substring(0, Math.Min(name1.Length, 20)); name2 = name2.Substring(0, Math.Min(name2.Length, 20)); Console.Write("Fighting {0} and {1} \r", name1, name2); new EngineSteps().Run(pproject, wrappedConsole); }
private static void RunServer([NotNull] IEnumerable <string> args) { var staticContentPath = GetStaticContentDir(); var settings = GetSettingsFile(args); var httpListenerPrefix = settings.HttpListenerPrefix; var warriorProgramParser = new WarriorParser(); var playersRepo = new PlayersRepo(new DirectoryInfo("../players"), warriorProgramParser); var gamesRepo = new CachingGamesRepo(new GamesRepo(new DirectoryInfo("../games"))); var sessionManager = new SessionManager("../sessions"); var gameServer = new GameServer(); var debuggerManager = new DebuggerManager(gameServer); var battleRunner = new BattleRunner(); var countdownProvider = new CountdownProvider(settings.ContestStartTimestamp, TimeSpan.FromHours(settings.ContestDurationInHours)); var arenaState = new ArenaState(playersRepo, gamesRepo, countdownProvider, settings.GodModeSecret, settings.GodAccessOnly, settings.SubmitIsAllowed, settings.EnableDeepNavigation); var tournamentRunner = new TournamentRunner(arenaState, battleRunner, settings.BattlesPerPair); var httpServer = new GameHttpServer(httpListenerPrefix, arenaState, sessionManager, debuggerManager, tournamentRunner, staticContentPath); Runtime.SetStopHandler(() => { log.InfoFormat("Stopping..."); httpServer.Stop(); tournamentRunner.Stop(); }); tournamentRunner.Start(); httpServer.Run(); log.InfoFormat("Listening on: {0}", httpListenerPrefix); if (!settings.ProductionMode) { Process.Start(httpServer.DefaultUrl); } httpServer.WaitForTermination(); tournamentRunner.WaitForTermination(); log.InfoFormat("Stopped"); }
public override void ExpandStatements(ExtendedWarrior warrior, WarriorParser parser, ref int currentAddress, int coreSize, bool evaluate) { foreach (Statement statement in Statements) { statement.ExpandStatements(warrior, parser, ref currentAddress, coreSize, evaluate); } }
public override int Evaluate(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { int l = left.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); int r = right.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); switch (operation) { case BinaryOperation.Plus: return l + r; case BinaryOperation.Minus: return l - r; case BinaryOperation.Multiply: return l * r; case BinaryOperation.Divide: if (r == 0) { parser.WriteError("Divide by zero during evaluation of " + ToString() + " at " + Location, Location); return 0; } return l / r; case BinaryOperation.Modulo: if (r == 0) { parser.WriteError("Divide by zero during evaluation of " + ToString() + " at " + Location, Location); return 0; } return l % r; case BinaryOperation.BinOr: return l | r; case BinaryOperation.BinXor: return l ^ r; case BinaryOperation.BinAnd: return l & r; case BinaryOperation.Shl: return l << r; case BinaryOperation.Shr: return l >> r; case BinaryOperation.Or: return ((l != 0) || (r != 0)) ? 1 : 0; case BinaryOperation.And: return ((l != 0) && (r != 0)) ? 1 : 0; case BinaryOperation.CompareGt: return (l > r) ? 1 : 0; case BinaryOperation.CompareGe: return (l >= r) ? 1 : 0; case BinaryOperation.CompareLe: return (l <= r) ? 1 : 0; case BinaryOperation.CompareLt: return (l < r) ? 1 : 0; case BinaryOperation.CompareEq: return (l == r) ? 1 : 0; case BinaryOperation.CompareNe: return (l != r) ? 1 : 0; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
public override int Evaluate(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { switch (operation) { case UnaryOperation.Negate: return 0 - sub.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); case UnaryOperation.Brackets: return sub.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
public override Mode GetMode(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { int l = left.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); Mode m = middle.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); Mode r = right.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); switch (operation) { case TernaryOperation.If: return (l != 0) ? m : r; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
public override int Evaluate(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { if (inEval) { parser.WriteError("Cyclic definition of function : " + name + " at " + Location, Location); return 0; } try { return EvaluateInternal(parser, currentAddress); } finally { inEval = false; } }
public override void ExpandStatements(ExtendedWarrior warrior, WarriorParser parser, ref int currentAddress, int coreSize, bool evaluate) { //set labels, except last which is EQU expression for (int l = 0; l < Labels.Count; l++) { LabelName label = Labels[l]; if (l == Labels.Count - 1) {//equ parser.variables[label.GetFullName(parser, currentAddress)] = expression; } else {//labels parser.variables[label.GetFullName(parser, currentAddress)] = new Address(currentAddress); } } return; }
public override Mode GetMode(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { string fullName = GetFullName(parser, currentAddress); if (parser.variables.ContainsKey(fullName)) { Expression ex = parser.variables[fullName]; if (ex == this) { parser.WriteError("Label not yet resolved: " + fullName + " at " + Location, Location); return 0; } return ex.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); } else { parser.WriteError("Label not defined: " + fullName + " at " + Location, Location); return 0; } }
public Game([NotNull] ProgramStartInfo[] programStartInfos) { this.programStartInfos = programStartInfos; var r = new RandomAllocator(Parameters.CoreSize, Parameters.MinWarriorsDistance); var parser = new WarriorParser(); var lastAddress = 0; warriors = new List <WarriorStartInfo>(); foreach (var psi in programStartInfos) { var warrior = parser.Parse(psi.Program); warriors.Add(new WarriorStartInfo( warrior, psi.StartAddress.HasValue ? (int)psi.StartAddress : r.NextLoadAddress(lastAddress, warrior.Length) )); lastAddress = warriors.Last().LoadAddress + warriors.Last().Warrior.Length; } Init(); }
public void Single() { var rules = Rules.DefaultRules; rules.WarriorsCount = 1; //var fileOne = Path.Combine(basePath, "maniacs/5/"); //var fileOne = Path.Combine(basePath, @"pycorewar\Koenigstuhl\94\"); var fileOne = Path.Combine(basePath, @""); var pproject = new Project(rules, fileOne); pproject.ParserOptions.Instructions = true; pproject.ParserOptions.StatusLine = false; var pr = new WarriorParser().Parse(pproject, wrappedConsole); if (pr.Succesfull) { new EngineSteps().Run(pproject, wrappedConsole); } }
public override int Evaluate(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return Original.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); }
public override Mode GetMode(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { Mode l = left.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); if (l != Mode.NULL) return l; return right.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); }
public int GetValue(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return Expression.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); }
public abstract Mode GetMode(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress);
public int Evaluate(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress, int coreSize) { int raw = Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); return Instruction.Wrap(raw, coreSize); }
public abstract int Evaluate(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress);
public int GetValue(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return(Expression.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress)); }
public override Mode GetMode(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return sub.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); }
public override int Evaluate(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return value; }
protected virtual int EvaluateInternal(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { string fullName = GetFullName(parser, currentAddress); if (parser.variables.ContainsKey(fullName)) { Expression ex = parser.variables[fullName]; if (ex == this) { parser.WriteError("Label not yet resolved: " + fullName + " at " + Location, Location); return 0; } return ex.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress); } else { parser.WriteError("Label not defined: " + fullName + " at " + Location, Location); return 0; } }
public override string GetFullName(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return name + parameter.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress).ToString("00"); }
public abstract void ExpandStatements(ExtendedWarrior warrior, WarriorParser parser, ref int currentAddress, int coreSize, bool evaluate);
public void SetUp() { parser = new WarriorParser(); }
public virtual string GetFullName(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return name; }
public override Mode GetMode(WarriorParser parser, int currentAddress) { return Mode.NULL; }
public override void ExpandStatements(ExtendedWarrior warrior, WarriorParser parser, ref int currentAddress, int coreSize, bool evaluate) { //set all labels foreach (LabelName label in Labels) { parser.variables[label.GetFullName(parser, currentAddress)] = new Address(currentAddress); } ExtendedInstruction instruction; if (!evaluate) { instruction = new ExtendedInstruction(Operation, Modifier, A.Mode, Int32.MinValue, B.Mode, Int32.MinValue); instruction.Address = currentAddress; warrior.Add(instruction); } else { instruction = (ExtendedInstruction)warrior.Instructions[currentAddress]; instruction.ValueA = Instruction.Mod(A.Expression.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress, coreSize), coreSize); instruction.ValueB = Instruction.Mod(B.Expression.Evaluate(parser, currentAddress, coreSize), coreSize); instruction.ExpressionA = A.Expression.ToString(); instruction.ExpressionB = B.Expression.ToString(); if (instruction.ModeA == Mode.NULL) { instruction.ModeA=A.Expression.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); } if (instruction.ModeA == Mode.NULL) { instruction.ModeA = Mode.Direct; } if (instruction.ModeB == Mode.NULL) { instruction.ModeB=B.Expression.GetMode(parser, currentAddress); } if (instruction.ModeB == Mode.NULL) { instruction.ModeB = Mode.Direct; } if (instruction.Modifier == Modifier.NULL) { instruction.Modifier = Instruction.DefaultModifier(instruction.Operation, instruction.ModeA, instruction.ModeB); } if (Comments != null) { instruction.Comment = Comments[Comments.Count - 1]; } else { instruction.Comment = ""; } instruction.OriginalInstruction = OriginalInstruction; if (Labels.Count > 0) { instruction.Label = Labels[Labels.Count - 1].GetFullName(parser, currentAddress); } else { instruction.Label = ""; } } currentAddress++; parser.variables["CURLINE"] = new Value(currentAddress); }