// Build the skeleton wand object.
 private void build(string wandMode)
     numAttachmentSlots     = 2;
     attachments            = new StardewValley.Object[numAttachmentSlots];
     this.wandMode          = (wandMode.Equals(WandMode.Harvesting.ToString()) ? WandMode.Harvesting : WandMode.Planting);
     upgradeLevel           = 0;
     initialParentTileIndex = 21;
     currentParentTileIndex = initialParentTileIndex;
     indexOfMenuItemView    = 0;
     name        = "Skeleton Wand";
     description = loadDescription();
     stackable   = false;
     category    = -99;
        public void goToNextWandMode()
            switch (wandMode)
            case WandMode.Harvesting:
                wandMode = WandMode.Planting;
                Game1.showGlobalMessage("Wand mode set to Plant.");

            case WandMode.Planting:
                wandMode = WandMode.Harvesting;
                Game1.showGlobalMessage("Wand mode set to Harvest.");