        public WamapSettings Load()
            WamapSettings WamapSettings = new WamapSettings();
            XMLhelper     XML           = new XMLhelper(UserSettings);

            WamapSettings.Directory = XML.XMLReadFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, DirectoryKey);
            if (WamapSettings.Directory == "")
                WamapSettings.Directory = DefaultDirectory;
                XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, DirectoryKey, WamapSettings.Directory);

                WamapSettings.Underscore = Convert.ToBoolean(XML.XMLReadFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, UnderscoreKey).ToLower());
                WamapSettings.Underscore = true;
                XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, UnderscoreKey, WamapSettings.Underscore.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

                WamapSettings.Export = Convert.ToBoolean(XML.XMLReadFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, ExportKey).ToLower());
                WamapSettings.Export = false;
                XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, ExportKey, WamapSettings.Export.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

        public void Save(WamapSettings WamapSettings)
            XMLhelper XML = new XMLhelper(UserSettings);

            XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, DirectoryKey, WamapSettings.Directory);
            XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, ExportKey, WamapSettings.Export.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
            XML.XMLWriteFile(xmlWAMAPNodeNameLocation, UnderscoreKey, WamapSettings.Underscore.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
        public void Export(WamapSettings WamapSettings, UserSettings UserSettings, Courses myCourses)
            // IN: UserInfo  - user specific Options
            //     myCourses - contains the courses to export
            // Returns: Nothing - Events are raised to send status messages
            // DESCRIPTION
            //    This procedure exports to an WebAssign upload files
            bool DeleteFileError;

            // Verify that WebAssign is to be exported
            if (!WamapSettings.Export)

            // Create Directory if it does not exist
            if (!Directory.Exists(WamapSettings.Directory))

            // waUserNames contain a list of all WAMAP Usernames as they must
            // be unique
            // No header row
            // password,desired username,Lastname Firstname,4,5,6,email address
                foreach (Course C in myCourses)
                    // sbCourse - upload to WAMAP
                    // sbStudent - print and cut out for student
                    StringBuilder sbCourse  = new StringBuilder(2880); // 72 character per student * 40 students
                    StringBuilder sbStudent = new StringBuilder(2880); // 72 character per student * 40 students

                    string StrSEPERATOR_TYPE = ",";
                    string StrUserName       = "";

                    if (C.Export)
                        SendMessage(this, new Information("Exporting " + C.Name));

                        int StudentCount = C.Students.Length;  // this is a 1 dimensional array
                        for (int i = 0; i < StudentCount; i++)
                            Student S = C.Students[i];

                            StrUserName = StripIllegalCharacters(S.SID);

                            // Eliminate illegal character (-) from username and password
                            string StrWamapUserName = StripIllegalCharacters(StrUserName).ToLower();
                            string StrWamapPassword = StripIllegalCharacters(S.SID).ToLower();

                            // password,desired username,Lastname Firstname,section,5,6,email address
                            sbCourse.Append(StrWamapPassword + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                // 1-password
                            sbCourse.Append(StrWamapUserName.ToLower() + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);      // 2-desired username
                            sbCourse.Append(S.LastName + " " + S.FirstName + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);  // 3-Lastname Firstname
                            sbCourse.Append(C.ItemNumber + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                    // 4 - section code - class item number
                            sbCourse.Append(StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                                   // 5
                            sbCourse.Append(StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                                   // 6
                            sbCourse.Append(S.Email.ToLower() + "\r\n");                          // 7-email address

                            // create the student text file that contains the student name
                            // their username and the assigned password
                            // Example
                            //| BRISCOE, KERI        |
                            //| Username |  Password |
                            //| kbriscoe |  briscoe  |

                            int intUserNameHeader = 0;  // space if bigger than the UserNameUser
                            int intPasswordHeader = 0;  // space if bigger than the User's Password
                            int intUserNameUser   = 0;  // space if bigger than the UserNameUser Header
                            int intPasswordUser   = 0;  // space if bigger than the User's Password
                            int intSpacer         = 0;  // number of - in the seperator lines
                            int intFillnameSpacer = 0;  // spaces for full name

                            string StrUserNameHeader = "Username";
                            string StrPasswordHeader = "Password";
                            string StrFullName       = S.LastName + ", " + S.FirstName;

                            // Adjust the header/user spaces
                            if (StrUserNameHeader.Length > StrUserName.Length)
                                intUserNameHeader = 0;
                                intUserNameUser   = StrUserNameHeader.Length - StrWamapUserName.Length;
                                intUserNameHeader = StrWamapUserName.Length - StrUserNameHeader.Length;
                                intUserNameUser   = 0;

                            if (StrPasswordHeader.Length > StrUserName.Length)
                                intPasswordHeader = 0;
                                intPasswordUser   = StrPasswordHeader.Length - StrWamapPassword.Length;
                                intPasswordHeader = StrWamapPassword.Length - StrPasswordHeader.Length;
                                intPasswordUser   = 0;

                            intSpacer = 10 + StrUserNameHeader.Length + intUserNameHeader +
                                        StrPasswordHeader.Length + intPasswordHeader;
                            string StrSpacer = new String('-', intSpacer);

                            if ((intSpacer - 3) > StrFullName.Length)
                                intFillnameSpacer = (intSpacer - StrFullName.Length) - 4;
                                intFillnameSpacer = 0;

                            sbStudent.Append(StrSpacer + "\r\n");
                            sbStudent.Append("| " + StrFullName + new String(' ', intFillnameSpacer) + " |" + "\r\n");
                            sbStudent.Append(StrSpacer + "\r\n");
                            sbStudent.Append("| " + StrUserNameHeader + new String(' ', intUserNameHeader)
                                             + " | " + StrPasswordHeader + new String(' ', intPasswordHeader)
                                             + " |" + "\r\n\r\n");

                            sbStudent.Append("| " + StrWamapUserName.ToLower() + new String(' ', intUserNameUser)
                                             + " | " + StrWamapPassword.ToLower() + new String(' ', intPasswordUser)
                                             + " |" + "\r\n");
                            sbStudent.Append(StrSpacer + "\r\n\r\n\r\n");

                        String[] DiskNames    = { C.DiskName(WamapSettings.Underscore) + ".txt", C.DiskName(WamapSettings.Underscore) + "_Students.txt" };
                        String[] FileContents = { sbCourse.ToString(), sbStudent.ToString() };

                        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)  // 1 = only export the rooster list - modified on 2014-04-04
                            FileInformation FE = new FileInformation("The file " + DiskNames[i] + " already exists.", WamapSettings.Directory, DiskNames[i]);
                            DeleteFileError = false;

                            // check to see if file exists
                            SendMessage(this, new Information("Preparing " + DiskNames[i] + "."));
                            if (File.Exists(FE.OldFileNameandPath))
                                SendMessage(this, new Information("File already exists."));
                                if (UserSettings.OverWriteAll)
                                        SendMessage(this, new Information("Attempting to replace."));
                                        DeleteFileError = true;
                                    FileExistsMessage(this, FE);
                                    UserSettings.OverWriteAll = FE.OverWriteAll;

                                    if (FE.CancelALLExport)
                                        SendMessage(this, new Information("Canceling WebAssign export."));
                                    if ((!FE.CancelExport) && (FE.OldFileNameandPath == FE.NewFileNameandPath))
                                            DeleteFileError = true;

                            if (FE.CancelExport)
                                SendMessage(this, new Information("User Canceled export for file."));
                            else if (DeleteFileError)
                                SendMessage(this, new Information("Unable to delete file!"));
                                    SendMessage(this, new Information("Writing file to disk."));
                                    File.WriteAllText(FE.NewFileNameandPath, FileContents[i]);
                                catch (Exception Ex)
                                    SendMessage(this, new Information("While trying to write " + FE.OldFileNameandPath + "An error occurred.\r\n" + Ex.Message));

                        if (WamapSettings.ExportWaitlist)
                            SendMessage(this, new Information("Exporting " + C.Name + " Waitlist Students"));

                            int WaitlistCount = C.Waitlist.Length;  // this is a 1 dimensional array
                            for (int i = 0; i < WaitlistCount; i++)
                                Student S = C.Waitlist[i];

                                StrUserName = StripIllegalCharacters(S.SID);

                                // Eliminate illegal character (-) from username and password
                                string StrWamapUserName = StripIllegalCharacters(StrUserName).ToLower();
                                string StrWamapPassword = StripIllegalCharacters(S.SID).ToLower();

                                // password,desired username,Lastname Firstname,section,5,6,email address
                                sbCourse.Append(StrWamapPassword + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                // 1-password
                                sbCourse.Append(StrWamapUserName.ToLower() + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);      // 2-desired username
                                sbCourse.Append(S.LastName + " " + S.FirstName + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);  // 3-Lastname Firstname
                                sbCourse.Append(C.ItemNumber + StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                    // 4 - section code - class item number
                                sbCourse.Append(StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                                   // 5
                                sbCourse.Append(StrSEPERATOR_TYPE);                                   // 6
                                sbCourse.Append(S.Email.ToLower() + "\r\n");                          // 7-email address

                                // create the student text file that contains the student name
                                // their username and the assigned password
                                // Example
                                //| BRISCOE, KERI        |
                                //| Username |  Password |
                                //| kbriscoe |  briscoe  |

                                int intUserNameHeader = 0;  // space if bigger than the UserNameUser
                                int intPasswordHeader = 0;  // space if bigger than the User's Password
                                int intUserNameUser   = 0;  // space if bigger than the UserNameUser Header
                                int intPasswordUser   = 0;  // space if bigger than the User's Password
                                int intSpacer         = 0;  // number of - in the seperator lines
                                int intFillnameSpacer = 0;  // spaces for full name

                                string StrUserNameHeader = "Username";
                                string StrPasswordHeader = "Password";
                                string StrFullName       = S.LastName + ", " + S.FirstName;

                                // Adjust the header/user spaces
                                if (StrUserNameHeader.Length > StrUserName.Length)
                                    intUserNameHeader = 0;
                                    intUserNameUser   = StrUserNameHeader.Length - StrWamapUserName.Length;
                                    intUserNameHeader = StrWamapUserName.Length - StrUserNameHeader.Length;
                                    intUserNameUser   = 0;

                                if (StrPasswordHeader.Length > StrUserName.Length)
                                    intPasswordHeader = 0;
                                    intPasswordUser   = StrPasswordHeader.Length - StrWamapPassword.Length;
                                    intPasswordHeader = StrWamapPassword.Length - StrPasswordHeader.Length;
                                    intPasswordUser   = 0;

                                intSpacer = 10 + StrUserNameHeader.Length + intUserNameHeader +
                                            StrPasswordHeader.Length + intPasswordHeader;
                                string StrSpacer = new String('-', intSpacer);

                                if ((intSpacer - 3) > StrFullName.Length)
                                    intFillnameSpacer = (intSpacer - StrFullName.Length) - 4;
                                    intFillnameSpacer = 0;

                                sbStudent.Append(StrSpacer + "\r\n");
                                sbStudent.Append("| " + StrFullName + new String(' ', intFillnameSpacer) + " |" + "\r\n");
                                sbStudent.Append(StrSpacer + "\r\n");
                                sbStudent.Append("| " + StrUserNameHeader + new String(' ', intUserNameHeader)
                                                 + " | " + StrPasswordHeader + new String(' ', intPasswordHeader)
                                                 + " |" + "\r\n\r\n");

                                sbStudent.Append("| " + StrWamapUserName.ToLower() + new String(' ', intUserNameUser)
                                                 + " | " + StrWamapPassword.ToLower() + new String(' ', intPasswordUser)
                                                 + " |" + "\r\n");
                                sbStudent.Append(StrSpacer + "\r\n\r\n\r\n");

                            String[] DiskNamesWL    = { C.DiskName(WamapSettings.Underscore) + ".txt", C.DiskName(WamapSettings.Underscore) + "_Students.txt" };
                            String[] FileContentsWL = { sbCourse.ToString(), sbStudent.ToString() };

                            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)  // 1 = only export the rooster list - modified on 2014-04-04
                                FileInformation FE = new FileInformation("The file " + DiskNamesWL[i] + " already exists.", WamapSettings.Directory, DiskNamesWL[i]);
                                DeleteFileError = false;

                                // check to see if file exists
                                SendMessage(this, new Information("Preparing " + DiskNamesWL[i] + "."));
                                if (File.Exists(FE.OldFileNameandPath))
                                    SendMessage(this, new Information("File already exists."));
                                    if (UserSettings.OverWriteAll)
                                            SendMessage(this, new Information("Attempting to replace."));
                                            DeleteFileError = true;
                                        FileExistsMessage(this, FE);
                                        UserSettings.OverWriteAll = FE.OverWriteAll;

                                        if (FE.CancelALLExport)
                                            SendMessage(this, new Information("Canceling WebAssign export."));
                                        if ((!FE.CancelExport) && (FE.OldFileNameandPath == FE.NewFileNameandPath))
                                                DeleteFileError = true;

                                if (FE.CancelExport)
                                    SendMessage(this, new Information("User Canceled export for file."));
                                else if (DeleteFileError)
                                    SendMessage(this, new Information("Unable to delete file!"));
                                        SendMessage(this, new Information("Writing file to disk."));
                                        File.WriteAllText(FE.NewFileNameandPath, FileContentsWL[i]);
                                    catch (Exception Ex)
                                        SendMessage(this, new Information("While trying to write " + FE.OldFileNameandPath + "An error occurred.\r\n" + Ex.Message));
            catch (Exception Ex)
                SendMessage(this, new Information("An unexpected error occurred - " + Ex.Message));